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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


_dementia said:
Forgive my noobishness, but isn't the Dive Kick one of the few things Falling Sky is actually good at countering?
I've never tried it. The only times I've used falling sky outside of combos (on purpose :p) are to grab empty jumps coming at me from the perfect angle. I've never tried it on dive kicks.


good credit (by proxy)
teching throws is pretty much bullshit even offline IMO.

you have 10 frames to tech a throw (correct me if this is wrong), which is 166 ms. The average human reaction time is around 200 ms. Add in having to reposition your hand over lk and lp and it's probably above 200 ms. You're probably not going to tech a throw on reaction unless you're god. Option select tech is even worse, you have 7 frames to tech with option select instead of 10.

I think it should be like a 13-14 frame tech window.
myDingling said:

Video of me at a local tourney in Los Angeles this past weekend (my first tourney ever). The above is a vid from the team tourney section. I was the first one to go up against the seth. ALMOST beat him with a perfect in the second round, but as you will see I completely choked and dropped the match. No fun at all.

Any tips on improvement would be helpful.

Number one thing that stuck to me is that you used her spin knuckle. You probably want to limit your usage of that move to "never." Most characters can punish it HARD on reaction.

Also, easy on the jumping. And definitely try to incorporate her cr. lk, cr. lp, cr. lk, drill hit confirm combo into your repetoire.

Overall not bad man. I've seen vids of OnlineTony and he's no slouch.
FindMyFarms said:
Number one thing that stuck to me is that you used her spin knuckle. You probably want to limit your usage of that move to "never." Most characters can punish it HARD on reaction.

Also, easy on the jumping. And definitely try to incorporate her cr. lk, cr. lp, cr. lk, drill hit confirm combo into your repetoire.

Overall not bad man. I've seen vids of OnlineTony and he's no slouch.

Thanks for the comments, FMF. I used spin knuckle twice, once to great effect (but really just luck) and the other I got massively pounded for it. I used to use it a lot more and have cut back some; need to figure out how to use it smarter...

Also, yeah I was jumping in like CRAZY. I also used an abnormal amount of EX hooligans. I think I just treat the Seth matchup like Sim on crack (especially since most people online seem to play it that way) but I have to learn the matchup as well and respect all his tools.

I finally got cammy's link combo down pretty reliably and I used against other matchups in the tourney but I just borked it with Seth.

You're only PSN right FMF?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
_dementia said:
Forgive my noobishness, but isn't the Dive Kick one of the few things Falling Sky is actually good at countering?

-if the Dive Kick is deep you can TT after block, jump back mk or fp, FA if worst come to worst.

-i try not to jump too much unless he does.

-i use lk Sean Kick carefully to control his rushdowns

its an almost bad almost bad match up.
Got to G2 on my pc. Not a huge accomplishment by any means, but here are my thoughts.

Played about 250 matches with Honda. By far my best character. His lack of anti air and dealing with crossups has hurt me though, so I've been looking for a new character.

I tried Dhalsim, who was my main before. I'm just not good enough with him yet though. I can perfect flow chart Kens one round, and then lose to them brutally the next two rounds. A character like Honda is just easy to use at lesser comp levels because no one can trade hits with him, yet everyone tries to.

Enter Balrog. He seems to have more tools then Honda, and is pretty mcuh an anti shoto? I've been watching Gooteks (sp?) Balrogs basic tutorials. At G2 on pc, the level isn't that high, but people have fairly basic, decent games with crossups. Balrog seems to have some trouble with it, but his anti air is Godly and ex-back dash is supposedly decnet enough to get him out of trouble.

Anyway, I'm loving Rog.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
-if the Dive Kick is deep you can TT after block, jump back mk or fp, FA if worst come to worst.

-i try not to jump too much unless he does.

-i use lk Sean Kick carefully to control his rushdowns

its an almost bad almost bad match up.

If your able (lol pun) to TT in response to a dive kick it's because the rufus player poorly spaced and mistimed it. I wouldn't rely on it as a counter.


Biff Hardbody said:
Got to G2 on my pc. Not a huge accomplishment by any means, but here are my thoughts.

Played about 250 matches with Honda. By far my best character. His lack of anti air and dealing with crossups has hurt me though, so I've been looking for a new character.

I tried Dhalsim, who was my main before. I'm just not good enough with him yet though. I can perfect flow chart Kens one round, and then lose to them brutally the next two rounds. A character like Honda is just easy to use at lesser comp levels because no one can trade hits with him, yet everyone tries to.

Enter Balrog. He seems to have more tools then Honda, and is pretty mcuh an anti shoto? I've been watching Gooteks (sp?) Balrogs basic tutorials. At G2 on pc, the level isn't that high, but people have fairly basic, decent games with crossups. Balrog seems to have some trouble with it, but his anti air is Godly and ex-back dash is supposedly decnet enough to get him out of trouble.

Anyway, I'm loving Rog.

I'm also a G2 Boxer character and yes, learning how to get out of cross up situations is the biggest key to taking Rog to the next level. The trick is to stay just out of cross-up range when trading and mixing up Strong HB, EX-Rush and simple BD on wake-up. Once you get this down you will be able to take out most Shotos no problem. Nice to see the Barlog army getting stronger.


good credit (by proxy)
Biff Hardbody said:
Got to G2 on my pc. Not a huge accomplishment by any means, but here are my thoughts.

Played about 250 matches with Honda. By far my best character. His lack of anti air and dealing with crossups has hurt me though, so I've been looking for a new character.

I tried Dhalsim, who was my main before. I'm just not good enough with him yet though. I can perfect flow chart Kens one round, and then lose to them brutally the next two rounds. A character like Honda is just easy to use at lesser comp levels because no one can trade hits with him, yet everyone tries to.

Enter Balrog. He seems to have more tools then Honda, and is pretty mcuh an anti shoto? I've been watching Gooteks (sp?) Balrogs basic tutorials. At G2 on pc, the level isn't that high, but people have fairly basic, decent games with crossups. Balrog seems to have some trouble with it, but his anti air is Godly and ex-back dash is supposedly decnet enough to get him out of trouble.

Anyway, I'm loving Rog.

I usually get owned when Honda players use EX headbutt at the last second as an anti-air.
jacobs34 said:
I'm also a G2 Boxer character and yes, learning how to get out of cross up situations is the biggest key to taking Rog to the next level. The trick is to stay just out of cross-up range when trading and mixing up Strong HB, EX-Rush and simple BD on wake-up. Once you get this down you will be able to take out most Shotos no problem. Nice to see the Barlog army getting stronger.

Awesome, thank you vey much.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
as far as I can tell honda has one of the best anti air in the game if he has bar, it's the 'fuck you you can't hit me' headbutt.


good credit (by proxy)
I haven't played too much honda but I think reversal ex headbutt or maybe it was reversal ex sumo splash also gets out of cross ups.
catfish said:
as far as I can tell honda has one of the best anti air in the game if he has bar, it's the 'fuck you you can't hit me' headbutt.

At least you can cross him up, unlike other characters like Zangief, Blanka, or Chun with meter. I can't fucking stand how after scoring a knockdown you pretty much have to leave them alone and let them up because of the difficulty in attacking them on wake up.

Especially Blanka, I see him get up and I go for a crouching MK(and cancel into hado if it hits or its blocked) and it completely whiffs. He seems to be a special case like he has a delayed wakeup because I can connect c. MK with everybody else when you see them get up on there feet.


Timedog said:
teching throws is pretty much bullshit even offline IMO.

you have 10 frames to tech a throw (correct me if this is wrong), which is 166 ms. The average human reaction time is around 200 ms. Add in having to reposition your hand over lk and lp and it's probably above 200 ms. You're probably not going to tech a throw on reaction unless you're god. Option select tech is even worse, you have 7 frames to tech with option select instead of 10.

I think it should be like a 13-14 frame tech window.

That's why you predict it instead of reacting.


Everything is moe to me
me (ken) vs findmyfarms (dan), the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny:

me (sak) vs findmyfarms (vip):

me (sak) vs. findmyfarms (rog):

me (sak) vs. findmyfarms (rog):

- i really need to combo off of crouching medium kicks and i get waaaaaay to jump happy if i come back from a street fighter break. also, FmF's viper wrecked me in 4 other unrecorded matches, so i just assume he was rusty. that said, i've tried a stick and holy crap links become easymode. i'll be picking one up in september. also a copy of blazblue if i can find one. yay me. or rather, yay student loans buying video game stuff!
That coward FMF didn't use Dan against me. He feared my curly Metsu.

BTW, anybody want to play right now? I'm not on, but I'll get on if there is anybody out there who wants some games. I'm nothing special so get ready for wake up SRK's, jab spamming, and desperate mashing in tight situations.


Rice-Eater said:
That coward FMF didn't use Dan against me. He feared my curly Metsu.

BTW, anybody want to play right now? I'm not on, but I'll get on if there is anybody out there who wants some games. I'm nothing special so get ready for wake up SRK's, jab spamming, and desperate mashing in tight situations.

what system?

xbl gt: GamerSoul09


Everything is moe to me
GamerSoul said:
OH meh Gawd that Balrog wrecked your Sak in that last vid. I'm glad i'm not the only one who does. You have a good Sakura though.
i'm usually okay vs balrogs[in my bracket] too, he brought the pain on a whole new level.
plus its not fair, GAF punishes me for using wakeup moves but fmf wrecks me for not using them. ;_;
Sorry for not mentioning it earlier, I'm on PSN, name is Rice_Eater483.

By the way, is it possible to use a save file on SF4? I can't for the life of me do Sakura's 1st hard trial. That earns you the "Rice for the Win" title. It goes perfect with my name but I can't freaking link 3 normals together and then pull off a DP motion. WTF were they thinking when they made it the 1st hard trial? Ryu's 5th hard trial is a cake walk compared to that. I WANT MY TITLE DAMN IT :(


Timedog said:
he's psn if he's playing FMF.

I'll add you. I'm xbl = chickeny dinner

Cool, wanna play right now? First to like 6 or something.:lol If i can even get a win.

I'll add you now.

Pandaman said:
i'm usually okay vs balrogs[in my bracket] too, he brought the pain on a whole new level.
plus its not fair, GAF punishes me for using wakeup moves but fmf wrecks me for not using them. ;_;

I never use them to for some reason. Yeah, that would be one of those "wtf I'm supposed to do against this" moments for me.
GGs to Galactic today and FMF last night. Thanks for the tips last night FMF, I'm getting a little better with them I think, but I am still in that "overthinking" stage. It's having a better effect on my Guile right now than Cammy, her's are a little harder to use IMO. I'm probably not that used to them from jumping in so much :lol

Any tips you got for me as well Galactic? I'll take all the input I can get. I want to get better for a tourney this weekend (4th won't cut it). I know I had some crummy FA attempts only to eat Ultras :lol, but anything else you got I'll try to learn from.


Get ready for a huge noob question:

I was watching some Daigo vids and now I'm training with Ryu and I have a question. When you SRK to ultra, do you need to FADC? I ask this because I have seen people SRK to ultra with Ken and not FADC, but I am assuming this is exclusive to him. Also, does it matter if the SRK is with a L, M, or H punch? or does it have to be an EX SRK? Thanks.


Everything is moe to me
GamerSoul said:
I never use them to for some reason. Yeah, that would be one of those "wtf I'm supposed to do against this" moments for me.
to illustrate my point, i just beat a g2-e sagat and a g2-D balrog after walking away in the third round to answer the door. -.- gaf beats on you hard, but the training is amazing when you go back to your championship level.
Dynamic3 said:
Get ready for a huge noob question:

I was watching some Daigo vids and now I'm training with Ryu and I have a question. When you SRK to ultra, do you need to FADC? I ask this because I have seen people SRK to ultra with Ken and not FADC, but I am assuming this is exclusive to him. Also, does it matter if the SRK is with a L, M, or H punch? or does it have to be an EX SRK? Thanks.

Yes, with both RYU and KEN you haveto FADC after an SRK to Ultra. Only Ryu can use a LP SRK as a anti-air then ultra without having to FADC.

No, it doesn't matter what SRK you use for the ultra setup. You can use either one, L, M, H, EX punch. I would recommend when SRK'ing, use L M H instead of EX. EX SRK will take away 1 full bar and you're going to need those bars to FADC (it takes 2 full bars).

Hope this helps mang!


black_vegeta said:
Yes, with both RYU and KEN you haveto FADC after an SRK to Ultra. Only Ryu can use a LP SRK as a anti-air then ultra without having to FADC.

No, it doesn't matter what SRK you use for the ultra setup. You can use either one, L, M, H, EX punch. I would recommend when SRK'ing, use L M H instead of EX. EX SRK will take away 1 full bar and you're going to need those bars to FADC (it takes 2 full bars).

Hope this helps mang!

Ah, thanks! I swear I have seen people SRK-special/ultra with Ken super fast with no FADC though, maybe I'm just crazy.

I do have another question though, related to the SRK motion. I read that a shortcut is DF-D-DF, but it doesn't work for me, rather F-DF-F does oddly. Thoughts?


good credit (by proxy)
gg's gamersoul.

You should work on blocking when you see me do a jump-in, I got a lot of damage on unblocked jump-ins. Also if you are getting up off the ground 90% of the time you should block low, this will keep you safe from most attacks. There are overhead attacks where you NEED to block high to block them, but more times than not people don't use these. You got me with a couple pretty sweet combos there. I couldn't really display any combo ability cause i'm new to arcade stick. You did a good job of not jumping in too much against a ryu. I'd just work more on your blocking skills and learn when it's safe to punish.


Dynamic3 said:
Ah, thanks! I swear I have seen people SRK-special/ultra with Ken super fast with no FADC though, maybe I'm just crazy.

I do have another question though, related to the SRK motion. I read that a shortcut is DF-D-DF, but it doesn't work for me, rather F-DF-F does oddly. Thoughts?
SRK motion is F,D,DF and the shortcut is DFx2.
Pandaman said:
me (ken) vs findmyfarms (dan), the ultimate battle of ultimate destiny:


Rice-Eater said:
That coward FMF didn't use Dan against me. He feared my curly Metsu.

Next time we're on, your Ryu, my Dan, to the curly death!

Killa Sasa said:
GGs to Galactic today and FMF last night. Thanks for the tips last night FMF, I'm getting a little better with them I think, but I am still in that "overthinking" stage. It's having a better effect on my Guile right now than Cammy, her's are a little harder to use IMO. I'm probably not that used to them from jumping in so much :lol

Yeah man, it takes a really long time to get a grasp of footsies. I'm still in the beginner phase in that regard as well. Just make sure you're practicing in offline local matches too, since whiff punishing w/ lag can be quite a biatch.


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BitchTits said:
SRK motion is F,D,DF and the shortcut is DFx2.

the shortcut is so unreliable. I'll go into training and it'll show the exact same input but one time a shoryu will come out, another time it won't. Makes me feel insane. df, d, df ALWAYS seems to work though.


Kadey said:
Go to training mode, infinite super and just repeatedly do c.mk, fireball, fadc, dash in, repeat.
Just try walking forward a few frames and then fireballing. For me an SRK always comes out unless I take a noticeable pause and let my stick go to neutral.
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