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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Falt said:
Any tips, tactics for Sakura in online play would be greatly appeciated. I've only been playing a few days but last night Championship mode made me it's bitch, 0 - 10. Still had fun and that's what counts!
Learn your links and cross-up setups. Being able to turn jabs into d.mk -> uppercut or d.fp -> EX hurricane kicks is needed to get any real damage going. Most XBL players won't block a EX hurricane kick -> dash -> jab -> dash under -> d.fp -> repeat set-up. At least whenever I do a fake cross-up it never works.

Kadey said:
I have so many cool wins with wake up Ultras. I think it should be common sense by now that if there is little life left and you're trying to cheese an ultra win after knocking an opponent down with a full ultra themselves, never to go for it. From my experiences, the second Ultra always out prioritizes the first.
Last night there were a lot of good players out there, yet I won 10 rounds because of dumb shotos trying to fireball me with ultra. Come on you're in G1, you should've learned this by now. And Ken's ultra seems to be the absolute best at countering other character's ultras.
Kadey said:
I have so many cool wins with wake up Ultras. I think it should be common sense by now that if there is little life left and you're trying to cheese an ultra win after knocking an opponent down with a full ultra themselves, never to go for it. From my experiences, the second Ultra always out prioritizes the first.
Usually yeah; but I learned the hard way that Dictator's Ultra outprioritizes Abel's even when Dictator performs his first.
LakeEarth said:
Last night someone had a similar epic fail against me. He's Ryu, I'm Abel. He's down to 50%, I'm almost dead, I'm getting hit in the corner until stun. Instead of just sweeping me, he decides to finish me with an ultra point blank...which somehow zooms RIGHT through me. I break out of stun, d.fp into ultra for the win :lol

Just out of curiosity, how exactly did the Ultra miss? I once did a SRK>FADC>Ultra on this Blanka but the SRK stunned him so the Ultra went right through him. It was panic time and I started mashing SRK like crazy since I didn't know who was going to recover first. It worked out for me this time since we recovered at almost the same time and he went for the slide while I go the SRK from the crazy down forward mashing.

Anyways, although it hardly happens anymore. I still fall for Abel's and Chun's wake up Ultra every once in a while. I'll just somehow forget, throw a fireball and then bam the Ultra animation starts and I'm like "damn it why am I so stupid AAGGGGHHHH".
Teknopathetic said:

5v5 tournament the day before SBO. Complete with an American team!

These teams should be tough:

2D God Kintaro
Mago (SG)
Nemo (CH)
Kindevu (RU)
Dashio (VI)
Kyokukendo (DIC)

Neko Punch
Nyan Shi (RY)
Misse (AK)
Iyo (DH)
Bonchan (SG)
Umehara (RY)

Justin Wong (BX)
Marn (VI)
Jangief (Za)
Ricky Ortiz (RU)
fLoE (SG)



CcrooK said:
It took me about 4 - 6 months to get decent with a stick when I first started using one. You just gotta get past the crutch stage of it. You'll get there. Just be patient.

You mean weeks, right? Or didn't you play that much? Cause there no way it takes that long to get decent.


Pandaman said:
i like saying 'sak attack', so its the only acceptable shortform.

sak attack....i like it.

i was playn a good amount of online yesterday night, and i found that i have no answer for a defensive Balrog.


Parallax Scroll said:
Maybe I should be asking this here instead of the arcade stick thread.

I've had SF4 a few days, and had the TE stick for two. I generally use a pad. I'm getting better with the stick, but the ball on the stick is a bit uncomfortable so far. I'm more used to American style bat sticks. Can that be modded on this stick very easily?

Yes. I just ordered the parts when I saw this mod on ArsTechnica (I believe...)

You will need:

Sanwa LB-30-N Joystick Bat Top
Sanwa Joystick Adapter


Rice-Eater said:
Just out of curiosity, how exactly did the Ultra miss? I once did a SRK>FADC>Ultra on this Blanka but the SRK stunned him so the Ultra went right through him. It was panic time and I started mashing SRK like crazy since I didn't know who was going to recover first. It worked out for me this time since we recovered at almost the same time and he went for the slide while I go the SRK from the crazy down forward mashing.

Anyways, although it hardly happens anymore. I still fall for Abel's and Chun's wake up Ultra every once in a while. I'll just somehow forget, throw a fireball and then bam the Ultra animation starts and I'm like "damn it why am I so stupid AAGGGGHHHH".
He started it too early and it just zoomed right through me, but I still should've caught the tail end of it. I know Rufus' stun animation has some frames of invulnerability, maybe there's a small window for Abel too.

GamerSoul said:
sak attack....i like it.

i was playn a good amount of online yesterday night, and i found that i have no answer for a defensive Balrog.
Bait that headbutt. If the guy is just crouching and not doing anything, inch up, but keep your defense up. Never jump when he's crouched. There's also no shame in standing on the other side of the screen and waiting for him to do something, but keep in mind he's probably charging his TAP for crazy damage.


I am curious about something, and I can't figure out how to do Ryu's airborn Tatsumaki Zankukyaku so that he travels across the screen a fair amount. I can go straight up to straight down, but I can't seem to figure out how to go across screen.

Halp :( ?


LakeEarth said:
Bait that headbutt. If the guy is just crouching and not doing anything, inch up, but keep your defense up. Never jump when he's crouched. There's also no shame in standing on the other side of the screen and waiting for him to do something, but keep in mind he's probably charging his TAP for crazy damage.

Seriously, that was my biggest mistake. Thanks for the advice.
After reading about these players experiences and seeing how they've done over there, I really don't see any US player or teams doing well outside of Justin Wong or the team he's in. Basically if Justin's team is going to win the 5 on 5, I think he'll have to take out at least 3 guys on his own against most of the Japanese comp. At SBO, he'd probably have to OCV in many matches to win the whole thing because I don't think Marn is quite up to his or top Japanese level of play yet.

Things may even out more in the coming years, but for now I only see Justin being able to compete against the best Japanese players. But myself and others could be in for a rude awakening when SBO is over, but for now I doubt that happening.
TommyT said:
I am curious about something, and I can't figure out how to do Ryu's airborn Tatsumaki Zankukyaku so that he travels across the screen a fair amount. I can go straight up to straight down, but I can't seem to figure out how to go across screen.

Halp :( ?

You need to do it as soon as you leave the ground (I think). If you do it half way through the jump, I don't think he flies across the screen.

edit: I've gotten so bad at this game. I can't even pull off the bnb's anymore.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
The SBO Teams ( got it @ the SRK thread)

A-1 Block - Emilio (KE) / Denpa (SG)
A-2 Block - Dosuintoka (RU) / Torimeshi (DH)

B-1 Block - Umeso (EH) / Dashio (VI)
B-2 Block - Itabashi Zangief (ZA) / Fudo (RY)
B-3 Block - Bon chan (SG) / Togawa (RY)
B-4 Block - Mago (SG) / Nemo (CH)
B-5 Block - Iyo (DH) / Shiro (AB)
B-6 Block - Gosho (RU) / Kyabetsu (VI)
B-7 Block - Mizoteru (BL) / Ichi (SG)
B-8 Block - Daigo (RY) / Nuki (CH)
B-9 Block - Akimo (HO) / Kirisuto (RU)
B-10 Block - Ojisan Boy (SG) / Tokido (AK)

C-1 Block - Yoshio (GU) / Ii Desu Kesu Bat (EH)
C-2 Block - Ii Hara (DH) / Shizuoka Saikyo (BL)
C-3 Block - Momochi (AK) / Kindevu (RU)

D-1 Block - E-toro (SG) / Hard M Yasuda (CH)
D-2 Block - Naiki (RU) / Kigunasu (SG)
D-3 Block - RF (SG) / Satsui no Hadou (AK)
D-4 Block - Umezono (BI) / Uryo (VI)
D-5 Block - Eita (AK) / Maeda Taison (BA)

E-1 Block - Hishou usagi (SG) / Noriyasu (AK)
E-2 Block - Kenpippi (AB) / HOT (BL)
E-3 Block - Chari (BL) / Kouji (ZA)

F-1 Block - Sutoraikusan (KE) / Aka me ryuu (RY)
F-2 Block - Yazu (GU) / Bean (SG)
F-3 Block - Rabo (AB) / Tecchan (RU)

Foreign Qualifiers:
PlanetZero Block - fubarduck (AK) / Jonlo (SG)
Stunfest Block - Justin Wong (BA) / Marn (RU)
Denjin Block - CaliPower (RY) / Combofiend (VI)
Korean Block - Laugh (RY) / Madana (ZA)
Taiwan Block - GamerBee (AK) / Gao Fu Bin (RU)


GamerSoul said:
Seriously, that was my biggest mistake. Thanks for the advice.
Exact same advice for Guile. It really helps to notice what your opponent is doing when facing off against charge characters. I usually don't move forward on Honda's until he walks forward a bit.
myDingling said:
SF4 GAF...it's been a while. I got banned :(

What I miss? Sagat is shit tier now, right?

Evo proved that Sagat is a terrible. The Mago proved that he can beat everyone with Sagat. The tiers are more clear now than ever.

Or not.
MoxManiac said:
Who is jangief?

That's Jan, a zangief player from Houston. He's more prominement in the Blaz Blue circuit as having the best Tager in the country, and in GG AC for qualifying in sbo, but he's really good at SF4 as well. Quick factoid, JWong came down to pzero qualifiers (the one fubar/jonlo won) but his team got ocv'd by Jan.

Also FUCK that 2d god team haha. That thing's loaded.
FindMyFarms said:
Also FUCK that 2d god team haha. That thing's loaded.

Neko Punch is also loaded, well they're top heavy at least with Iyo, Daigo, and Bonchan(Haunts praised him as the best Sagat he's seen so far). Nyan is quality Ryu but I've never heard of Misse before. This team along with 2D God are definitely the most stacked in this tournament with both having 3 guys in the top 16 in BP rankings.
No way Bonchan is the best. I'd say he's great but not at the top of the food chain. Either way, these matches should be fireworks. I'm interested in seeing Kokujin's continued development as well as seeing how that Virtua Fighter player performs.
So what is the likelihood of getting good SBO videos after this weekend? I'm guessing it won't be streamed and I know they release a DVD, so are quality vids going to be hard to find? How long does the DVD usually take to come out?
_dementia said:
You can buy a Sanwa LB-30N bat top + Adapter to screw on the JLF in the TE stick if you please.
Cool. Is it difficult? Do people tend to like the end result?

BitchTits said:
You guys having problems getting used to a stick: Have you NEVER used a stick for any length of time at all before, or just for this game?
I obviously use a stick when I'm at the arcade, but I've played fighters much, much more on a d-pad. I've bought a few sticks in the past for PS2 and Dreamcast, but they were much crappier than the TE and I would always go back to a gamepad after a while.

Someone mentioned learning the stick on another game you already know. Not a bad idea, but I think the only other fighter I have on PS3 is HD Remix, which I suck at.
That's just what Haunts said, I don't agree either since the results speak for themselves with Mago winning the whole thing and Ojisan still looking like a beast as well. As for Kokujin, I heard his SF4 main was Ryu and I've been waiting a long time to see it in action. He's good but he needs a lot more work to be competitive at the highest levels of SF4 like he was in 3rd Strike. I LOL'd a bit when he lost to some random online Ryu player who taunted his ass like crazy in the final round.
prodystopian said:
Evo proved that Sagat is a terrible. The Mago proved that he can beat everyone with Sagat. The tiers are more clear now than ever.

Or not.

I'd say that the American tiers and Japanese tiers are a smidgen different. Sagat is obviously top tier in Japan and there are several top level players who use him. In America, I can't name a top level Sagat from the top off my head except for Haunts or Joe.

In America, we're all about Boxer. Japan doesn't really have any players using him. Probably why Daigo got tripped up at Evo.

And from reading Haunts' comments, Akuma players like Momoichi, etc are using him at a higher level than Ed Ma, Sanford, etc.

And then the Japanese players don't use the console arcades, since they mostly play it in the arcades.

Also, when it comes to sticks. American arcades strictly used Happ/Il sticks up until they began importing them or the last few major fighting game releases. Most of the sticks on the market now are Japanese inspired and have a higher learning curve. I've played ST, TS, A1 - 3, KOF (until 2003), Samsho, Tekken, VF in the arcade and all used the Happ sticks in the 90s to early 2000.
TommyT said:
Yes. I just ordered the parts when I saw this mod on ArsTechnica (I believe...)

You will need:

Sanwa LB-30-N Joystick Bat Top
Sanwa Joystick Adapter
I think the bat will be better for me. Not sure about square or octagonal gate yet. I'm pretty much used to American style everything. Is square = Japanese and octagonal = American? I'm not used to clicky sticks either, but that part (hearing the click-click-click on a fireball motion) is pretty awesome.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
prodystopian said:
These teams should be tough:

2D God Kintaro
Mago (SG)
Nemo (CH)
Kindevu (RU)
Dashio (VI)
Kyokukendo (DIC)

Neko Punch
Nyan Shi (RY)
Misse (AK)
Iyo (DH)
Bonchan (SG)
Umehara (RY)

Justin Wong (BX)
Marn (VI)
Jangief (Za)
Ricky Ortiz (RU)
fLoE (SG)


Which character is BX? Is Wong going with Balrog again?

And Daigo & Iyo on the same team? I think we already know which team is gonna win already...

25 teams is a lot - especially to go down in one day, right before SBO too... hopefully there will be a stream, and hopefully I remember to be home to see it...
Spiderjericho said:
I'd say that the American tiers and Japanese tiers are a smidgen different.

I was absolutely joking. I think you are right, but that just means that the tiers are still being decided. I'm excited for SBO to see if anyone makes any characters stick out.


Felium Defensor
Damn. SBO is freaking packed with heavy hitters. Please tell me there will be a decent live stream.
Also, WTF is wrong with PSN?! Keeps kicking me out randomly and my drop percentage is now @ 3% thanks to it. I never drop a match no matter how bad the beating is. Shit is pissing me off. One thing I've noticed is that on average, PSN SF4 players are better/more skilled than 360 counterparts, but there are more active 360 players online.
Kaako said:
Damn. SBO is freaking packed with heavy hitters. Please tell me there will be a decent live stream.
Also, WTF is wrong with PSN?! Keeps kicking me out randomly and my drop percentage is now @ 3% thanks to it. I never drop a match no matter how bad the beating is. Shit is pissing me off. One thing I've noticed is that on average, PSN SF4 players are better/more skilled than 360 counterparts, but there are more active 360 players online.

-No SBO stream, but they'll gladly accept your money for the DVD if you want to give it. Eventually the matches will end up on the internet, but not live.

-PSN is kind of wonky. I've never purposely dropped a game as well but strange things happen. Sometimes I lose BP, sometimes my DC% goes up without a actual drop, and then the drop just happens randomly.

-As for PS3 players being better then 360 players, I think at low level play this is true. But it's only true because of the controller. I did a big write up about this yesterday which went completely ignored. But I stated how I had to play a lot more basic, but I was mowing down or playing competitive with players with BP ranging from 1500-3000.

Even certain match up types like Guile and Balrog who give me a lot of problems on PSN hardly gave me any trouble on 360 because they just couldn't execute as well. Again I blame this on the controller, which holds back the larger community of low level players. I don't mean to make it sound like I'm dissing these people, I myself am a low level player. I just seemed to have somewhat of a leg up on most of the XB Live guys I was facing though.


Also, less players means less games which means less points. So someone on XBL may have a higher GP just because they get more games per hour.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
_dementia said:
yeah, boxer

Ah, thanks...

Hopefully he's been practicing with him - he did real good with Balrog, but even Marn's Balrog at that Euro SBO qualifier where he carried Justin to victory was sooooo much better - in fact, it makes me wonder why Marn doesn't even use Balrog anymore, since that Balrog he displayed that tournament was perfect, probably the best I've seen - and he didn't even lose once that whole tourney...

And no live SBO is a damn shame really.


Felium Defensor
Rice-Eater said:
-No SBO stream, but they'll gladly accept your money for the DVD if you want to give it. Eventually the matches will end up on the internet, but not live.

-PSN is kind of wonky. I've never purposely dropped a game as well but strange things happen. Sometimes I lose BP, sometimes my DC% goes up without a actual drop, and then the drop just happens randomly.

-As for PS3 players being better then 360 players, I think at low level play this is true. But it's only true because of the controller. I did a big write up about this yesterday which went completely ignored. But I stated how I had to play a lot more basic, but I was mowing down or playing competitive with players with BP ranging from 1500-3000.

Even certain match up types like Guile and Balrog who give me a lot of problems on PSN hardly gave me any trouble on 360 because they just couldn't execute as well. Again I blame this on the controller, which holds back the larger community of low level players. I don't mean to make it sound like I'm dissing these people, I myself am a low level player. I just seemed to have somewhat of a leg up on most of the XB Live guys I was facing though.
Good to know I'm not the only one experiencing this. It sucked today cause I won a championship and at the end it gave me this stupid message that due to improper match conclusion or some shit, you have to start from the beginning again. I've seen that stupid message like 10 times already.

Also, I prefer the 360 pad to PS3 one for shotos in SF4 though. I can still do everything else fine, but I think that it's easier and faster for me with the 360 pad just for the diagonals. That being said, I'm still getting used to my TE stick and feel much more comfortable with it. One thing I need to get good @ is spacing and footsies. Farms butchered me with is Fei using crazy footsies and hit confirms. I can't do neither sufficiently right now but I will try to get better for sure.


hyperbolically metafictive
just beat a sim pretty soundly in 360 g2 -- only his gamertag was 'gootecks.' couldn't have actually been gootecks, right?


hyperbolically metafictive
just beat a dhalsim pretty soundly in 360 g2 -- only his gamertag was 'gootecks.' couldn't have actually been gootecks, right?
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