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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

FindMyFarms said:
Mk, Lk, and air tatsu. With some characters you can meaty ground tatsu cross up.

Ryu can also crossup w/ rh, but it's very character/position specific.

So how do you eat a fireball? Hold down MP+MK until it hits you, then dash?


Kadey said:
All the 50+ matches I've been in the last couple of days were literally Ryus and Akumas. 70% of the former and about 30% of the latter. No other character. The fun part was me using random select completely for the whole duration. I had fun despite getting badly beaten here and there with characters I never really use.
i love using random select. Wish I could play random select championship mode where both players go random! :D


good credit (by proxy)
FindMyFarms said:
Blanka is a bitch online. Just remember to jump back roundhouse if he gets predictable w/ point blank crossup attempts. Also, chances are the blankas you play online are flowcharting. Throwing one full screen fireball should be enough to bait them into either waste ex, or going for his df fierce slide at mid screen, which is REALLY unsafe and a free SRK punish.

I like to punish a blocked df fierce slide with cr. mk into tatsu (preferably EX).
Parallax Scroll said:

So how do you eat a fireball? Hold down MP+MK until it hits you, then dash?

Yeah, make sure you're inputting the dash while holding down mp + mk. After the dash starts you can let go.

Timedog said:
I like to punish a blocked df fierce slide with cr. mk into tatsu (preferably EX).

You sexy beast.


More questions! :)

1) Okay I get owned 100% of the time when they time a crossup on my wakeup... how do i block a crossup?? :(

2) As a sagat/ryu player, how the hell do i beat a decent zangief who's great at spacing and timing? i try to turtle and play keep away as long as i can but eventually he catches up to me :(
Timedog said:
Well unless it's srk into ultra, what's your reasoning for punishing with srk?

I've never actually tried punishing w/ non-ex tatsu out of fear that he'd still be in crouch position and i'd whiff. I know you can do cr. fp to lift him first, but that seems to whiff at certain distances. Srk punish just seems to be the habit I've built, haven't really thought about it.
YakiSOBA said:
More questions! :)

1) Okay I get owned 100% of the time when they time a crossup on my wakeup... how do i block a crossup?? :(

2) As a sagat/ryu player, how the hell do i beat a decent zangief who's great at spacing and timing? i try to turtle and play keep away as long as i can but eventually he catches up to me :(

1) Block in the opposite direction. Meaning if they're on the left while you're on the right, you'll be holding the stick left if they're going for a crossup as opposed to right.

2) If you're Sagat, just use st. rh A LOT while he's on the ground. Make sure you're ready to Tiger uppercut if he jumps, as you'll get a trade a lot of times which gives you a free f. rh. Throw tiger shots here and there, dont' get to sporadic though. Know that they'll be fishing for a green hand whiff to SPD or a ex green hand to get past fireballs, sometimes just wait at about just inside midscreen to see if they'll do it. If they do and you get a block, that's a free throw or uppercut punish for you.

Make sure you can combo into Sagat's ultras at all opportunities and you're execution is down. You wanna make him SCARED to come in.
YakiSOBA said:
More questions! :)

1) Okay I get owned 100% of the time when they time a crossup on my wakeup... how do i block a crossup?? :(

2) As a sagat/ryu player, how the hell do i beat a decent zangief who's great at spacing and timing? i try to turtle and play keep away as long as i can but eventually he catches up to me :(

1) Block the opposite way. If he's in front of you and jumps to your back side, block forward, or what was forward before he changed sides with the cross up.

2) This video could help you out

I've used this as my basis for beating good Zangiefs and I've done much better(even in losing efforts) now. Just don't screw up your air hurricanes, that is what has gotten me killed in many of my losses to good Giefs.


YakiSOBA said:
1) Okay I get owned 100% of the time when they time a crossup on my wakeup... how do i block a crossup?? :(
If you're knocked down and your oppoenent is close and jumps forward, he's probably going for the cross up so block in the opposite direction. FA dash away if you can, counter if you can. And if you're against Bison, prepare to be pissed. I swear that move is TOO ambiguous to the point that it totally does not look like it should've been a cross-up visually.


I finally got my arcade stick !!!! This game is 100 times better with one (well the tournament edition stick atleast)

It has improved my timing a bunch , I'm still rather scrubby but I was able to complete ryu's normal training challenge... kind of stumped with his second advanced stage though. I have no idea how to time the focus attack into the hard punch , I do it fast and it doesn't let me get the hard punch in, I do it slow and it knocks dan to the ground giving me no chance to hit him...

So , dejected I moved onto ken and promptly finished his 3rd basic/normal trial but got somewhat stumped midway through the 4th. The timing is just so damn precise on these moves, I gotta assume it's virtually impossible to do any of these combos without a stick.


good credit (by proxy)
FindMyFarms said:
I've never actually tried punishing w/ non-ex tatsu out of fear that he'd still be in crouch position and i'd whiff. I know you can do cr. fp to lift him first, but that seems to whiff at certain distances. Srk punish just seems to be the habit I've built, haven't really thought about it.

non-ex tatsu won't work if he hits you from the edge of his moves range--the point where it doesn't look like it's going to hit you and then he still moves a millimeter and you hear the blocked move sound--I think the cr. mk still hits but he can block the tatsu. It makes no sense, but doing a cr. mk will stand him up and allow the tatsu to hit. It also stands up cammy after a blocked cannon drill.
Timedog said:
non-ex tatsu won't work if he hits you from the edge of his moves range--the point where it doesn't look like it's going to hit you and then he still moves a millimeter and you hear the blocked move sound--I think the cr. mk still hits but he can block the tatsu. It makes no sense, but doing a cr. mk will stand him up and allow the tatsu to hit. It also stands up cammy after a blocked cannon drill.

Ahh that's cool, imma have to try that out.


Do any of you mash the buttons to get one move out?

I.e, sagat's tiger uppercut -> FADC -> f+hk -> Ultra, I push the hk button about 3 times just so I make sure it can hit. Anyone else do this?
Pachinko said:
I finally got my arcade stick !!!! This game is 100 times better with one (well the tournament edition stick atleast)

It has improved my timing a bunch , I'm still rather scrubby but I was able to complete ryu's normal training challenge... kind of stumped with his second advanced stage though. I have no idea how to time the focus attack into the hard punch , I do it fast and it doesn't let me get the hard punch in, I do it slow and it knocks dan to the ground giving me no chance to hit him...

So , dejected I moved onto ken and promptly finished his 3rd basic/normal trial but got somewhat stumped midway through the 4th. The timing is just so damn precise on these moves, I gotta assume it's virtually impossible to do any of these combos without a stick.
Don't tell that to MIMIC
He did every trial on a 360 pad, I was shocked!
_dementia said:
Don't tell that to MIMIC
He did every trial on a 360 pad, I was shocked!

Yeah seriously. There should be a pad achievement, kinda like how there was the lefty flip one for guitar hero. That man deserves it lol.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, just came home from a 48 hour SFIV-marathon...

I'm never playing this game again. Good night, gotta sleep 24+ hours now...


wait, so for crossup blocking...

say i get knocked down and im on the left.... as im waking up he jumps over me (so i will be on the right and he will be on the left), normally i would hold the right direction to block (as he's on the left) but because hes crossing me up i have to hold the direction towards the opponent (left) ??


Nope, if he's on the left in mid-air to cross up, you hold right to block. The animation will show you blocking from the left but your input will be you blocking from the right.
_dementia said:
nah, Ryu's super comes out in like 3 frames

Yeah the super comes out in 3 frames, and can be used to punish anything from blocked Blanka Balls, to sweeps. You also seem to have frame advantage on a blocked super. Happy days for Ryu.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Does'nt matter what im doing, I mash Ultra when ever i see Ryu do a Super/Ultra.

its always funny when the Fireball itself reaches me, literally inside Abel, while in my Ultra start animation:lol

Never too late to do it.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Does'nt matter what im doing, I mash Ultra when ever i see Ryu do a Super/Ultra.

its always funny when the Fireball itself reaches me, literally inside Abel, while in my Ultra start animation:lol

Never too late to do it.
I love ultra vs ultra moments. I had some Chun try to chip my Honda with her ultra while I was knocked down. Reversal ultra on wake up for the win.

On the other end of the spectrum, I tried to do Abel's ultra through a fireball thrown by eva01's Ken. I did it slightly too late, allowing him to get out his ultra which beats Abel's. Ken also beats Honda's ultra, learned that from an accidental ultra activation.
FindMyFarms said:
A ryu once did a point blank ultra against me, and I (also ryu) reversal ultra'd. Both ultras ended up whiffing somehow lol!

I was hoping to bait a jump in and buffer a demon, but I accidentally the whole input. He was across the screen, so he just did Ryu's Ultra. It was just the perfect distance and I floated right through the metsu-hadouken and grabbed him for the win. :lol


FindMyFarms said:
A ryu once did a point blank ultra against me, and I (also ryu) reversal ultra'd. Both ultras ended up whiffing somehow lol!

Easy to explain. Ryus Ultra has startup invulnerability. His Ultra missed you because you were invulnerable (having done reversal Ultra), and yours because he was invulnerable(doing Ultra).
prodystopian said:
I was hoping to bait a jump in and buffer a demon, but I accidentally the whole input. He was across the screen, so he just did Ryu's Ultra. It was just the perfect distance and I floated right through the metsu-hadouken and grabbed him for the win. :lol



LakeEarth said:
I did it slightly too late, allowing him to get out his ultra which beats Abel's.

I've beaten Kens Ultra with Abels. Unfortunately, I don't remember if I did it first or not. Pretty sure Ken did.


Leunam said:
I've beaten Kens Ultra with Abels. Unfortunately, I don't remember if I did it first or not. Pretty sure Ken did.
Might be an order thing, or a specific timing where Ken has invulnerability in his ultra.


Sup bros, 1st time posting in the thread; long time lurker.

Guys, I just plain suck hard at this game. Been awhile since I've had my TE stick, still having all kinds of trouble.. what a disaster :lol

About 2 nights ago, played a good 30 matches with a random person, only won 2.... haven't won a game since....

Anyone wanna hit me up on PSN, possibly teach me the ropes and basics - I make for a good punching bag too :lol

PSN: Lourio

Looking forward to finally playing with you guys.
Ken's ultra has 10 frames of startup/invulnerability I believe.

edit - You can add me (psn FindMyFarms) and I'll send you an invite to gafchat. That's a good way to meet players.


_dementia said:
Anyone have tips for an Abel player against Rufus? I really struggle in this matchup.
I just have general Rufus strats. Avoid jumping without sticking something out to avoid him connecting his air double kick, bait that EX Messiah when he has meter, fucking ATTACK when he doesn't have meter. It's hard for Abel because he has no anti-air to stop Rufus dive kicks.

Video of me at a local tourney in Los Angeles this past weekend (my first tourney ever). The above is a vid from the team tourney section. I was the first one to go up against the seth. ALMOST beat him with a perfect in the second round, but as you will see I completely choked and dropped the match. No fun at all.

Any tips on improvement would be helpful.
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