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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Timedog said:
oh shit, you're gnizzle858? I thought that was some random from SRK that added me on XBL. I'll play you soon, man.

I have some other dude with 858 in his gamertag. Is that some crew or area code or something?

LOL Yup, that be me mang!

858 is an area code in San Diego, CA

What's your GT again, Chickeny Dinner? :lol
Kadey said:
I swear I can do everything easily but that.
Yeah...I had it for a while but I kept fucking up after. I think I'm doing it way too slow because most of the time a kick only comes out when I try the QCB motion.


good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
LOL Yup, that be me mang!

858 is an area code in San Diego, CA

What's your GT again, Chickeny Dinner? :lol

yes, brother. gotta get dat chicken.

kitzkozan said:
SRK can be great to new members,if they can make their research and keep their mouths shut. :lol

SRK is both fantastic and inane,since it's a weird mix of crazy elitists,pricks,normal and cool folks,scrubs/newbies.

Newbies are usually trashed by the elitists,but some of them are actually quite cool and accepted by the SRK community.

Best thing as a newbie is lurking in the character specific threads. :D Posting in fighting game general or general SF IV is asking for being neg bombed. :lol

I remember randomly playing a couple of people I saw make elitist comments and they weren't even that great. I think I won against one of them, and barely lost against another. This was back when I was at least competant at SF4 though.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
SBO First Round Result

:( Teams USA

1st round winners: (Edit: filling out results)


のりやす飛翔兎 - E-1 Block - Hishou usagi (SG) / Noriyasu (AK)
ウメヌキ - B-8 Block - Daigo (RY) / Nuki (CH)
生ダシ - B-1 Block - Umeso (EH) / Dashio (VI)
ヨシヲイーデスケツバット - C-1 Block - Yoshio (GU) / Ii Desu Kesu Bat (EH)

伊予志郎 - B-5 Block - Iyo (DH) / Shiro (AB)
RF殺意の波動 - D-3 Block - RF (SG) / Satsui no Hadou (AK)
八頭ビーン - F-2 Block - Yazu (GU) / Bean (SG)
I原静岡最強 - C-2 Block - Ii Hara (DH) / Shizuoka Saikyo (BL)

誠ダン - ???
キャベツごしょ - B-6 Block - Gosho (RU) / Kyabetsu (VI)
トガワボンちゃん - B-3 Block - Bon chan (SG) / Togawa (RY)
ももち金デヴ - C-3 Block - Momochi (AK) / Kindevu (RU)

ミゾテルイチ - B-7 Block - Mizoteru (BL) / Ichi (SG)
えいた太尊 - D-5 Block - Eita (AK) / Maeda Taison (BA)
マゴネモ - B-4 Block - Mago (SG) / Nemo (CH)
ナイキキグナス - D-2 Block - Naiki (RU) / Kigunasu (SG)

from SRK thread


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
LTTP on this but fuck seth, damn. Just beat him on Hardest to get Gouken and that was so annoying, he beat me when I did the requirements, I beat him afterwards and fought Akuma because I think I was short a single first attack, then I finally did it the third time. Arg.
Papercuts said:
LTTP on this but fuck seth, damn. Just beat him on Hardest to get Gouken and that was so annoying, he beat me when I did the requirements, I beat him afterwards and fought Akuma because I think I was short a single first attack, then I finally did it the third time. Arg.
you could save a ton of time by picking Zangief and spamming lariat. AI doesn't know how to respond
also, 30 second rounds and 1 round matches are a godsend

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
prodystopian said:
How did they do? Is it single elim? If not, did they win any at all?

SBO is 2 Man Teams

D-2 Block - Naiki (RU) / Kigunasu (SG)
Stunfest Block - Justin Wong (BA) / Marn (RU)

B-7 Block - Mizoteru (BL) / Ichi (SG)
Denjin Block - CaliPower (RY) / Combofiend (VI)

Uryo's team is out too
Will there be a Live Stream for SVB? I mean all the cool tournaments are doing it nowadays. You wouldn't want people to think England doesn't have cool tournaments and people now do you?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Round 2

Daigo (RY) / Nuki (CH) defeated Hishou usagi (SG) / Noriyasu (AK)
Umeso (EH) / Dashio (VI) defeated Yoshio (GU) / Ii Desu Kesu Bat (EH)

Iyo (DH) / Shiro (AB) defeated RF (SG) / Satsui no Hadou (AK)
Yazu (GU) / Bean (SG) defeated Ii Hara (DH) / Shizuoka Saikyo (BL)

Gosho (RU) / Kyabetsu (VI) defeated Makoto (VE) / Dan (RY)
Bon chan (SG) / Togawa (RY) defeated Momochi (AK) / Kindevu (RU)

Eita (AK) / Maeda Taison (BA) defeated Mizoteru (BL) / Ichi (SG)
Mago (SG) / Nemo (CH) defeated Naiki (RU) / Kigunasu (SG)

Top 8

Umeso (EH) / Dashio (VI) defeated Daigo (RY) / Nuki (CH)

Iyo (DH) / Shiro (AB) defeated Yazu (GU) / Bean (SG)

Gosho (RU) / Kyabetsu (VI) defeated Bon chan (SG) / Togawa (RY)

Mago (SG) / Nemo (CH) defeated Eita (AK) / Maeda Taison (BA)

Top 4

Umeso (EH) / Dashio (VI)
Iyo (DH) / Shiro (AB)

Gosho (RU) / Kyabetsu (VI)
Mago (SG) / Nemo (CH)
Man, the US is just not on the same level as Japan when it comes to SF4.

Even Daigo said at an EVO interview that he believes that the US and Japan are on the same level...truthfully, he knows that Japan can wax that ass when they need to.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
black_vegeta said:
Man, the US is just not on the same level as Japan when it comes to SF4.

Even Daigo said at an EVO interview that he believes that the US and Japan are on the same level...truthfully, he knows that Japan can waxed that ass when they need to.

they all need to come to EVO10

maybe we have a better chance winning home games:lol


good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
Man, the US is just not on the same level as Japan when it comes to SF4.

Even Daigo said at an EVO interview that he believes that the US and Japan are on the same level...truthfully, he knows that Japan can wax that ass when they need to.

I wouldn't take anything Daigo says seriously. He claimed that Japan was full of amazing Balrog players. He sucks up because he knows he has tons of fans here.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Was the US team losing due to a restart in SBO or that tournament before SBO? I'm confused.

Last night was the Shiozawa Cup, it's like a pre-SBO tourney (similar how Devastion was before EVO). They apparently got screwed over in that tourney.

At SBO, they just got that ass beat. All American teams eliminated in the first round.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Damn it Daigo, you should have went with another partner - of course I'm just saying this because I don't know who that guy is...

And even before scrolling down to the finals, when I saw the top 4, I knew who the final teams would be, and I'd guess that everyone else would too...

Iyo & Shiro are going to take it for sure - those two are like scientists in this game, even though Mago is an animal - Nemo's good, but it's Chun-Li so I dunno...


Setec Astronomer
Papercuts said:
LTTP on this but fuck seth, damn. Just beat him on Hardest to get Gouken and that was so annoying, he beat me when I did the requirements, I beat him afterwards and fought Akuma because I think I was short a single first attack, then I finally did it the third time. Arg.
You can unlock every character playing on Easiest.

I used Bison to slide spam with the occasional ultra KO to meet the requirements for Gouken.


Skilotonn said:
Damn it Daigo, you should have went with another partner - of course I'm just saying this because I don't know who that guy is...
Nuki is arguably the best 3rd Strike Chun player. But I dunno how good his SF4 game is.
The Final Four for SBO won't play for another 4 hours.

I'm rooting for Iyo/Shiro because I can't stand Mago's crybaby self...yoga fire that ass Iyo!!!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Hitokage said:
You can unlock every character playing on Easiest.

I used Bison to slide spam with the occasional ultra KO to meet the requirement.

Yeah, but it's an Achievement/Trophy to do it on Hardest - took me one try to get it on the third day or so, after I figured out the characteristics of all of the characters by unlocking everyone first...


black_vegeta said:
Man, the US is just not on the same level as Japan when it comes to SF4.

Even Daigo said at an EVO interview that he believes that the US and Japan are on the same level...truthfully, he knows that Japan can wax that ass when they need to.

Time to check out SRK,should be some drama tonight thanks to the US teams been destroyed. :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
LakeEarth said:
Nuki is arguably the best 3rd Strike Chun player. But I dunno how good his SF4 game is.

Ah okay - hopefully we get some vids soon to see how he handled SFIV, wonder if he lost due to timing differences like Valle did against Wong...
Skilotonn said:
Damn it Daigo, you should have went with another partner - of course I'm just saying this because I don't know who that guy is...

You've never heard of Nuki? The guy is one of the most decorated Evo players ever with several top 8 finishes across many games and is a 3 time 3rd Strike champ. He's also in the top 10 in overall BP right now in Japan.

Daigo had a great partner, but this is SBO. Only the best are there and with only one set per round per player, you don't get the chance to adapt. You just have to win in your first try or you're eliminated if your teammate can't bail you out.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Especially since they've been talking about how the US is almost on Japan's level for months.

They just talk out of their ass. Especially the *cough*east coast*cough* players...Wong/Arturo, I'm looking at you!

Mr Jared

black_vegeta said:
They just talk out of their ass. Especially the *cough*east coast*cough* players...Wong/Arturo, I'm looking at you!

Okay, seriously, what's up with the junior scrubs talking trash their skills (or lack of) can't cash?

Close your mouth, son.
kitzkozan said:
Time to check out SRK,should be some drama tonight thanks to the US teams been destroyed. :lol

Some of those guys are really in denial over there. I don't think the gap is that wide like 3S, but there is a gap and they like to talk as if America's best is on par with the best in Japanese. I remember some guy saying "America brought it at Evo". Two Japanese guys participated and both made top 8 with one winning the whole thing is how America showed Japan what's up?

SBO isn't really the best measuring stick since it's single elimination. But America has to prove there on par or better when it counts in tournaments like these instead of just saying it. If a bunch of top Japanese guys come to EVO next year, and dominate the top 8 with one winning the whole thing then that should solidify things. That's what US players have to prevent if they want the same recognition as the Japanese.


Mrs. Harvey
I've been saying for a long time now that despite how impressive our guys are, Japan is still far ahead. Seeing a bunch of videos on SFdojo and heresay gives me reason to believe so. Even "casual" gamers are above average at SF over there.
Mr Jared said:
Okay, seriously, what's up with the junior scrubs talking trash their skills (or lack of) can't cash?

Close your mouth, son.

Don't let the junior status fool you mang!

I may be decent at SF4, but I don't say I'm at the level as (fill in the name) when I sure in the hell know I'm not.

I think I make a valid point Jared.
Hey Mr. Jared, no disrespect, but with all the hubbub about making fighting games into a competitive sport, why is it that non pro players cannot comment on events, just like the average Joe Six Pack?

I've been playing SF since day one (have almost every console release and can remember the magic day in 91 when I went to Nathan's in Yonkers, NY and saw SF2) and thrown a ton of quarters at it. I'm not going to lie and say I'm a great player. I'm aiight. I've played at CTF and can probably only hold my own/beat maybe 65 to 70 % in the thread (FMF, Q, Caj, Fubar, Haunts, Saqs, Yeb, Galactic and a few others are the exceptions), but it doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game and the sport.

With the explosion of popularity, thanks mainly to SF (and to an extent by SC4, T6, KOFXII, Blaz Blue, etc), a lot of people are beginning to understand concepts, strategies, etc. They might not have the execution to play at a high level or know who all the big names is...

but all of that 09er ish on SRK is tired. You want your community to grow but then disrespect the people who influx in. Makes sense.

My girl can't play, but I'm not going to call her an 09er. As we saw with SFIV, peeps like Young Legend and others can come out of nowhere and become serious threats.
I just had the opportunity of playing a first to 5 with Phatsaqs. He scraped me 5-2 :lol

The thing that really jumped out at me was the SPEED. I was happy to take a couple off of ya in all honesty :D But that was the fastest I've seen a character played, seriously. Rose covered a lot of ground really quick. Saw through most of my moves pretty quick too. Now I know to fear Soul Spiral :lol

Hopefully I can fare better next time.


Mr Jared said:
Okay, seriously, what's up with the junior scrubs talking trash their skills (or lack of) can't cash?

Close your mouth, son.

Black_Vegeta doesn't really have anything to prove . I've played him and he's no Justin/Arturo ;) but he's never claimed to be either.

That being said, the US was there to prove their claim that they are close to the same level as in Japan. They didn't. Better luck next year. Hopefully we'll see some videos up soon so we can actually gauge how close their loses were.
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