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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

QCF Punch

Neo Member
FindMyFarms said:
Interesting SBO results. Single elimination format always gives surprises.

On SRK, don't really frequent the main forum, but the regional boards are great for meeting local players and keeping in touch with the community.

Pretty much this. Then maybe lurking or posting every once in a while in the character threads. In my experience, people there are pretty helpful.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Anyone got an updated version of Arcadia tier list?
_dementia said:
Beating arcade mode

Can I beat it on Very Easy or does it have to be normal mode and above?

When I unlocked some of the characters playing very easy, the voices for the characters I beat arcade mode with didn't unlock.

Dude Abides

So I picked this up not having played an SF game since SF2 on the SNES. W/r/t to combos/cancelling, is it essentially a matter of entering the input for the second, third, fourth, etc. move as quickly as you can before the animation of the prior move ends? That seems to be the most effective, but I'm wondering if there's ever a time where you should wait a beat before entering subsequent moves in a combo.

Also, in arcade mode, are the "rival fights" supposed to be a lot harder than the others? I am playing Ryu on Easy (having already beat it on very easy), and I can beat everyone without too much difficulty until I reach Sagat, who pretty much smacks me down with ease.

While I am having a lot of fun with the game, I have two small gripes about arcade mode: (1) you should have to beat all of the unlocked characters before fighting Seth; (2) you should fight each opponent on their particular unique stage. That was how SF2 was and the way SF4 gives you a random sub-set of arcade opponents and stages is taking the edge off my nostalgia. I liked fighting all the characters on their "home turf" and it feels more epic if you have to fight through everyone rather than just a few opponents.
Dude Abides said:
So I picked this up not having played an SF game since SF2 on the SNES. W/r/t to combos/cancelling, is it essentially a matter of entering the input for the second, third, fourth, etc. move as quickly as you can before the animation of the prior move ends? That seems to be the most effective, but I'm wondering if there's ever a time where you should wait a beat before entering subsequent moves in a combo.

Some moves are as you describe. They are said to be canceled into one another (Ryu's, cr. MK into hado), others need to be linked (timing specific) e.g. Sagat's cr. lk, cr. lk.


marn said:
LOL, son, we play the game 100% seriously and 100% for fun too. If I'm taunting, what effect does it have on my damage? What effect does it have while they're stunned? Okay, they'll get mad, so what. They'll get salty, so what. If they're gonna get mad AFTER I taunt them and play better, why the fuck didn't they play better from the beginning, all I did was fucking make them get to their full potential then which I want. If I beat them and they just go up and go, "Yo son, you didn't taunt so I didn't play seriously". All you dickriders and fucking dumb fucks who sit behind your computer screens all day will make up some shit either way. You're a fucking moron.

If I taunted and then I lost THAT ROUND I TAUNTED IN, I'd completely understand your stupid pointless point, but I didn't, so fuck off. You're a disgraceful piece of shit for talking like you know shit like YOUR opinion means anything or means that we should listen to what YOU think. Fuck your fucking dumb ass society rules bullshit. Continue to sit in your mother's basement and fucking type on the internet scrub. You act like you could've done any better.

And another thing, we sent our best and we lost, SO FUCKING WHAT. YOU THINK YOU COULD DO BETTER? PROVE THAT SHIT. ALL YOU FUCKS WHO TALK SHIT, PROVE YOU CAN DO ANY BETTER, BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT ALL YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING SCRUBS WHO'LL NEVER DO ANYTHING. AT LEAST DUDES WHO BACK ME UP OR FUCKING TALK TRY TO DO SHIT, GO TO TOURNAMENTS, TRY TO COMPETE. ALL YOU OTHER FUCKS PLAY ONLINE AND THINK YOU'RE THE SHIT. ALL YOU OTHER FUCKS TYPE ONLINE AND THINK YOU'RE THE SHIT. If you think you can beat Justin fucking Wong, back it up, I'll fucking fly you out to NY just to see you beat that dude, if you lose give me my plane ticket I bought for you back and $500 for wasting my time with you fucks just like I do responding to dumb ass posts like this.



Haha what a prick. He might as well ask "think you can forsake the semblance of normal life and pour hours and hours and hours into this like some preteen gymnastics prodigy!?"

Why no, Mr. Awesome Street Fighter, I can't.


Any zangiefs on PSN want to play vs my sagat/ryu, i need more experience in this matchup... my psn is imlou just add me im usually on :)


Setec Astronomer
black_vegeta said:
Yes, I believe that is true. I have yet to unlock him and doubt I ever will.
Again, if you just want to unlock either Akuma or Gouken, it's really easy.

Set Arcade to 1 Round on Easiest, pick a character with a slide move like M. Bison. Slide to knock the AI down. Start another slide just before they wake up and they won't block the hit. They fall down again, repeat, repeat, repeat. Psycho Crusher spam timed to hit on wakeup works too. Lariat spam with Zangief works especially well too as mentioned. Kill everyone without losing once, Akuma will appear after Seth, beat him, unlocked.

Beat Arcade mode as Akuma, again, Easiest w/ 1 Round. Cheese as you will.

Go back to Bison. Get in at least 3 Ultra KOs(the AI won't block the attempt so don't worry about setting it up) while not losing once. Gouken will appear, beat him, unlocked.


black_vegeta said:
Can I beat it on Very Easy or does it have to be normal mode and above?

When I unlocked some of the characters playing very easy, the voices for the characters I beat arcade mode with didn't unlock.
You can unlock everything on very easy. The first time you beat arcade mode the voices for all characters are unlocked, you don't have to do it on a character by character basis.


Hitokage said:
Oh right, forgot to mention perfects. Well, they'll come on their own. IIRC, you need 1 for Akuma and 2 for Gouken.
I think you also need a certain number of strike firsts for unlocking Gouken if I'm not mistaken but those should come on their own as well.
Stalfos said:
You can unlock everything on very easy. The first time you beat arcade mode the voices for all characters are unlocked, you don't have to do it on a character by character basis.

I'll be damned.

Thanks for the info peoples.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Marns is just angry

they coming off a tough lost so, whatever

However I DO agree that there's nothing wrong with taunting a dizzy opponent, its part of the game, we do play SF for fun, partly why watching these fights are fun.
Taunts are fun times.

I remembered dizzied a Fuerte online the other day, taunted and TTed afterward for the win. The next round he RSFed, and once he got me dizzy, he taunted in retaliation. He ended up winning. Oh man, sometimes taunting really doesn't give me the desired effect :(

When fooling around with friends locally, taunting is sometimes more important than winning. Like, sometimes I'd Shoryu -> FADC -> Taunt, just to troll.
Anyone have some tips on playing face the right of the screen with a stick for a beginner? I suck at doing QCF on the right and QCB on the left. :lol


Aljosa said:
Anyone have some tips on playing face the right of the screen with a stick for a beginner? I suck at doing QCF on the right and QCB on the left. :lol
I'm in the same boat as you (Even after putting in a decent amount of time). Noticed this today, which I'm going to check out when I get back into this soon.

Seems mostly the basics, but those are the things that often get overlooked.


Aljosa said:
Anyone have some tips on playing face the right of the screen with a stick for a beginner? I suck at doing QCF on the right and QCB on the left. :lol
I guess what I'd do is go into training and just practice executions on the right side of the screen. I don't think there's anyway around other than practice.


Mrs. Harvey
When I first got my PS3 TE stick, I had trouble doing stuff on the left. But I have 360 ones now and I can do stuff easily on both side. I'm guessing there's something wrong with my PS3 one.
No45 said:
I'm in the same boat as you (Even after putting in a decent amount of time). Noticed this today, which I'm going to check out when I get back into this soon.

Seems mostly the basics, but those are the things that often get overlooked.
Yeah, I saw that and it really helped me in holding the stick properly. I'm only really having trouble with ex. Seismo -> HJC > Burning Kick on that one side, but I get it 7/10 times on the other. I think I'm doing it too slow or something because I have down it easily without the ex. Seismo at the beginning. I guess all I can do is keep practising.


I tried something that I've never attempted before: wake-up backdash. I got hit in the middle of the dash. I thought the dash frames were invincible. What gives? :(
profit said:
The stick, the buttons still work fine.
I fought one match, after the match it went back to the xbox live screen, and suddenly the stick didnt respond anymore.

Make sure the thing isn't on right stick config. That happened to me once.
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