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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

FindMyFarms said:
Hey guys, this isn't really going to compare to SBO, but there's a Texas majors tournament that I'll be competing in tomorrow. A lot of the top TX players will be making appearances.

You can catch the live stream of SF4 starting at 3pm central through this website


After not getting a live stream for both SBO and the Shiozawa Cup, I'd watch any stream at this point even if it was a Grandparents of SF event.
I will warn that I can't turn on my PS3 at the moment and I'm not a Rufus player, so I might be wrong on that. I'm fairly certain that works, though.

I am uncertainly uncertain.
You guys were completely right about the EX messiah with Rufus. It cant really be abused so to speak, but it is an invaluable tool. When used right, it can turn a match in an instant, so can the EX snake strike.

Im lovin Rufus, such an odd ball character :^)


Rufus is sick nasty ~_~
ALso what do good rufus players do for jabs? Like... once u r up close face to face and want to interrupt his shit, I just spam cr.lp like a noob until he gets far enough to where i can jump away or watever

is there like a combo i can ? like cr.lightpunch cr.lightpunch cr.lightkick!!! ooo yea just gotta change it up :D
Installing SFIV on my PC (finally). I thought I'd have my modded TE stick (Akuma001 dual modding), but I guess I'll have to settle for the Fightpad. I'll probably go through with some of the trials again to reacquainted with timing and everything.

I don't have a GFW account, so I guess I'll make one once the game finally installs (unless I can use my 360 Live account, which would be cool).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Hitokage said:
Oh right, forgot to mention perfects. Well, they'll come on their own. IIRC, you need 1 for Akuma and 2 for Gouken.

It depends on the rounds, but with 1 round it was still only one perfect for Gouken as well. Then it needed atleast 3 ultras and atleast 5 first strikes and he'll show up.

Still LTTP on a lot of the stuff, I just finished the normal time attack today. I was worried about stage 14 since no specials = no lariat spam, but I managed through it with Akuma pretty easily.

The Trials on the other hand are damn hard...though I am on a 360 controller. I managed to do all of Cammy's normal ones(I'm trying to main her because I think she's fun to play) but damn some of these are really hard. I did the first 3 on everyone since they're pretty basic but I can't do Gen's second one. It says something like Gekiro, Gekiro(complete) but I do the followup and have no idea what the hell it's supposed to be doing, I can sometimes get 2-3 kicks out of it.
Rice-Eater said:
-Know your Ultra sets up. Ryu has plenty and you should keep a eye on the opportunity to use them, especially the corner stuff. I'll list them if you don't know them.
All I know of is shoryuken FADC, and I haven't done it yet, I've just read about it.

-a tactic I was using was pushing you away with jabs to set up a cross up. Watch out for those and try it yourself. It works in low level play, so you can get away with it quite a bit before running into people who know how to defend against it.
I'm gonna try that.


good credit (by proxy)
Spiderjericho said:
Installing SFIV on my PC (finally). I thought I'd have my modded TE stick (Akuma001 dual modding), but I guess I'll have to settle for the Fightpad. I'll probably go through with some of the trials again to reacquainted with timing and everything.

I don't have a GFW account, so I guess I'll make one once the game finally installs (unless I can use my 360 Live account, which would be cool).

Turtlesnatcher uses his 360 account
I messed with practice mode a little to see how I'm coming with the TE stick. Hadoukens were no problem from either side. I missed 1 or 2 out of like 100. Shoryukens are mostly fine facing right, but to the left they're a little uncomfortable. I tried a few different grips but haven't found a good way to do left Shoryukens yet. I'll try again tomorrow.
Parallax Scroll said:
All I know of is shoryuken FADC, and I haven't done it yet, I've just read about it.

Here are the practical ones.

LP SRK: Opponent has to be jumping at you. You have to hit it when Ryu has his arm extended up, if you hit a deep jump in with his fist still around his torso you won't have time to connect Ultra. I think I landed Ultra against you a couple times with this move. Fortunately for me you didn't do the same to me because you didn't know at the time.

SRK Trade: Any SRK works in this situation. If your opponent jumps at you and you do a SRK, and it trades with your opponent flying upwards and you momentarily stunned, you have enough time to fire up a Ultra to hit him before he hits the ground. I think I landed this on you as well if you were paying attention. It's hard to practice it in Training Mode. You just kind of have to learn to react to it when it happens.

Jumping MP: Pretty simple, hit your opponent while you and he are airborne and the MP will juggle them. The timing can be awkward so practice it a bit. Jumping MP doesn't have much priority though, so don't be surprised to see yourself lose the confrontation.

SRK into FADC: You already know about this one

EX Hado into FADC: Probably the most badass looking set up Ryu has, but not something I recommend you trying unless you have great execution and reflexes to be able to tell that you hit confirmed the EX hado first.

This can be used in the corner without FADC and you yourself don't have to be that close to your opponent. But you better buffer the hell out of the Ultra to get it out in time in case the EX Hado hits.

EX Hurricane kick. This is a corner only set up, your opponent must be practically right next to the wall for this to work. I think I landed it on you during our matches. Definitely Ryu's most damaging set up into Ultra.

This video explains it better, but since I took the time to write all that crap. It stays as a reminder of the effort I put in to help you which you should appreciate :p


I've used every one of these set ups except the EX Hado, I haven't even done that in the corner because I'll prefer to try the EX Tatsu instead. As bad ass as the EX Hado looks, it's too difficult for me and only the best will use it in game. Not guys like you and me, well unless you become really good at the game. These set ups have bailed me out of a lot of bad situations and allowed me to pull off some big comebacks. Know them and incorporate them into your game to get the most out of Ryu.

Speaking of Ultra set ups, I won a G2 championship today against a Honda. It went to the 3rd round, I was nearly dead with probably like 2% life and he had about 40 or so. I scored a knockdown and had full bars so I decided to use the EX SRK for its invincibility to avoid a trade which would kill me. I landed it and since EX SRK is a 2 hitter and sends your opponent higher into the air, I had plenty of time to see the hit confirm land Ultra, which I did and won. Definitely my most memorable championship.
Ouch, I installed the game on PC. And you guys were right. I was able to link it to krp1976.

I ran the benchmark twice. The first with v-sync and fixed frame rates and got an A plus 60 fps at 1920X1200.

I ran the game without fixed frame or v-sync and was able to get 147ish fps.

The Fightpad was plug and play. I don't really care for the new filters.

A bane on whoever created Sagat's fake kick. I couldn't do it in his trial. The turbo button wouldn't work on the Fightpad.

I'm not looking forward to unlocking everything again. This is the third time.

I played some G3 and was getting my butt kicked. My timing was off and I forgot matchups. I haven't played in more than a month, so my feelings aren't hurt.

Oh yeah, I'm using the box copy. Is there a way to avoid having the disk in the drive with securerom?


good credit (by proxy)
a good one with ryu in the corner is to do a wakeup fireball, then immediately do an EX fireball and if the fireball lands do ultra. Lots of people will try to jump or do a move after the first fireball and get hit with the EX, then you can ultra their ass.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Spiderjericho said:
I'm not looking forward to unlocking everything again. This is the third time.

Unlock everything in 10 seconds using a cheating program. You have to download a few things and it takes about 5 minutes to get everything ready, but you unlock every single character, color, title, and icon this way and there's no way for anybody to detect that you cheated (i.e. you won't get banned) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6km8-Vt59lc&fmt=35


nilbog21 said:
Rufus is sick nasty ~_~
ALso what do good rufus players do for jabs? Like... once u r up close face to face and want to interrupt his shit, I just spam cr.lp like a noob until he gets far enough to where i can jump away or watever

is there like a combo i can ? like cr.lightpunch cr.lightpunch cr.lightkick!!! ooo yea just gotta change it up :D

you can combo an ex tornado off of cr.lp.. but any more than one cr.lp and you'll need the last one to be a link. timing on that is a bit annoying.

you can also link a cr.lp into a target combo (standing lk->hk).. and toss in an ultra from there.
SnowWolf said:
Unlock everything in 10 seconds using a cheating program. You have to download a few things and it takes about 5 minutes to get everything ready, but you unlock every single character, color, title, and icon this way and there's no way for anybody to detect that you cheated (i.e. you won't get banned) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6km8-Vt59lc&fmt=35

Thanks. I love the game but I don't have the patience to play through survival, etc.
nilbog21 said:
Rufus is sick nasty ~_~
ALso what do good rufus players do for jabs? Like... once u r up close face to face and want to interrupt his shit, I just spam cr.lp like a noob until he gets far enough to where i can jump away or watever

is there like a combo i can ? like cr.lightpunch cr.lightpunch cr.lightkick!!! ooo yea just gotta change it up :D

c.lp c.lp c.lp EX Galactic Tornado. You can link up to 5 crouching jabs. The final jab into EX Tornado is a cancel though, so keep that in mind.

Great damage, and if they are in the corner, you can even land Space Opera Symphony off it.

Also, the target combo can be landed off triangle jumps and even cross up divekicks. Rufus is deadly anywhere on the screen, not just corners.
I've been using Ryu's FADC > Ultra combo recently to surprise my SF4 playing buddy, and thanks to the advice above I've been practicing SRK lp > Ultra today. Hoping to surprise him with a few more flashy backgrounds next time I play him.

Thanks to Rice Eater for those ultra setups, definitely gonna put them to use :D

I love this game, every time I think I've hit a glass ceiling I find out a few more tips and tricks which open up new possibilities for my playing technique (I'm a total noob as well, so there are probably a million new things I can learn!)
So SBO was won by a Viper/Rufus team.

That just makes me warm and fuzzy inside. My two favorite characters in the game, and the most fun to use IMO.

Dhalsim/Abel team in second, just goes to show how damn well balanced this game is. Good luck getting second with a mid tier team in 3rd Strike or Super Turbo.
I heard there was a sick Claw player there too. It also shows how the Japanese don't just gravitate to the upper tiers (Sagat, Ryu, Akuma, Boxer, etc).

It's so nice to be able to use all of the characters in the PC version.

I started to play challenge mode. I forgot about the links. Some of them I consider awkward like Ken's crouching light punch, crouching hard punch, SRK (just because of the down positions and having to use shortcuts).
black_vegeta said:
You want to play?

GT: GNizzle858
PS3, sorry

Rice-Eater said:
-I noticed you like to play defensive. Work on your zoning and SRK on reaction if that's how you like to play. I'm terrible at those two things, so I try to play the wake up mind game to deal damage.
I figured that defensive/zoning was a good way for me to start this game out. I want to build that into a solid foundation and then gradually ramp up the attacks and combos as I learn them. If I play more agressively at the start, that will involve some button mashing, and I think I'd be more likely to develop bad habits.

I would like to win more often in the meantime though. What's the easiest ultra setup if you're still kind of working on move/stick execution? jab SRK on a jumping opponent?
I forgot how laggy online matches got. I was playing championship mode (G3 baby) and I just felt so disconnected from my character.

I'm playing with my desktop that's wired into my router. Nothing is running in the background. I realize there is a big difference between the geography of the U.S. and Japan, but for the update, they really need to revise the netcode for countries bigger than the size of half of California (or whatever it is).

Also on a PC, the graphics don't look so hot. The textures seem eh.

Can PC folks play against 360 players? I see Turtlesnatcher and AZ Greg but I'm not sure they're gaming on PC or 360.
Spiderjericho said:
I forgot how laggy online matches got. I was playing championship mode (G3 baby) and I just felt so disconnected from my character.

I'm playing with my desktop that's wired into my router. Nothing is running in the background. I realize there is a big difference between the geography of the U.S. and Japan, but for the update, they really need to revise the netcode for countries bigger than the size of half of California (or whatever it is).

Also on a PC, the graphics don't look so hot. The textures seem eh.

Can PC folks play against 360 players? I see Turtlesnatcher and AZ Greg but I'm not sure they're gaming on PC or 360.
I've played a few laggy matches, but most of them have been fine so far. Then again I'm not playing at a level where I need precise timing yet, so maybe I just don't notice it.
Parallax Scroll said:
I've played a few laggy matches, but most of them have been fine so far. Then again I'm not playing at a level where I need precise timing yet, so maybe I just don't notice it.

What are you gaming on? If it's three bars or less, I can definitely detect it. The worst is when it becomes a slide show.

So far, the best performance has been on Live 360. But even it's not perfect.
Parallax Scroll said:
What's the easiest ultra setup if you're still kind of working on move/stick execution? jab SRK on a jumping opponent?

Well that would be the jumping MP or jab SRK, but you can't rely on either since they require your opponent to jump. If you're way behind the only one you can depend on is SRK->FADC because all the others are situational like they have to jump at you or be cornered. There is also the EX Hado->FADC, but that requires 3 bars and insane reaction time that most players just don't have.
FindMyFarms said:
Hey guys, this isn't really going to compare to SBO, but there's a Texas majors tournament that I'll be competing in tomorrow. A lot of the top TX players will be making appearances.

You can catch the live stream of SF4 starting at 3pm central through this website


I thought there was suppose to be a live stream today. Did I not get the memo?
I think one thing I need to get down near-perfect is being able to hit each of the 8 directions on this TE stick whenever I need to. Sometimes I'm a little off and get the wrong direction. Is there a game I could play on the stick that helps practice that? Like Space Channel 5 or some other rhythm game maybe?

I don't want to just hit directions over and over in practice mode, because that's boring. I'd rather be actually playing a game while I practice it.

Spiderjericho said:
What are you gaming on? If it's three bars or less, I can definitely detect it. The worst is when it becomes a slide show.

So far, the best performance has been on Live 360. But even it's not perfect.
PSN. I've played the whole spectrum, from all bars full down to flashing with zero bars. Most matches have been fine.

Rice-Eater said:
Well that would be the jumping MP or jab SRK, but you can't rely on either since they require your opponent to jump. If you're way behind the only one you can depend on is SRK->FADC because all the others are situational like they have to jump at you or be cornered. There is also the EX Hado->FADC, but that requires 3 bars and insane reaction time that most players just don't have.
So does any SRK work for FADC? Like can I combo HP or c.MK into the SRK first? What about using HP SRK on a jumping opponent?
There was a local tournament here in AZ (last week) that had some of AZ's best duke it out. Juicebox Abel (aka the guy who acts out his ultra) wins the whole thing. The most notable match is between him and Sabre (aka the guy who was on the wildcard team with sakura), where Juicebox sent sabre into the losers bracket.

Hopefully AZ Greg would be able to join next time to show them whats up with claw :).
Parallax Scroll said:
So does any SRK work for FADC? Like can I combo HP or c.MK into the SRK first? What about using HP SRK on a jumping opponent?

-Any SRK into FADC will work on a grounded opponent

-Yes you can combo into it, a lot of good players will use jabs and shorts to hit confirm before doing a SRK, FADC, Ultra.

-Any SRK into FADC will work on a airborne opponent. But the requirement is that you have to hit it when they're really deep into there jump in. So if Ryu leaves the ground then you can't cancel the SRK anymore.


With Ryu, meter management means a lot. Build meter whenever you can. If you're jumping away from someone, do a hurricane kick when you're about to land (or early if you're running away).

You need the ex-fbs and FADCs


Parallax Scroll said:

I'm watching that video, which gives tips on learning a stick. He mentions that square gate is good for charge characters, but that he prefers an octagonal gate for roll characters, so he has an octagonal. Anyone agree/disagree with his opinion?
I personally think a square gate is best for all options/characters but in the end it's all just based on preference.


he's Virgin Tight™
I am worn out, and I still try. I played like 10 Kens, and more Ryu's today. Got beaten twice by some bullshit Ken who definitely lacked skill but still beat me. The stick doesn't help either.

Guess... I am gonna stop playing this game =(. Was a wonderful time, but the horrible netcode, no lobbies, certain balance issues and the fact that everyone thinks they are cool because they use Ryu Ken or Sagat really kills me.


he's Virgin Tight™

Just shouting out Satyamdas, a GAF lurker haha. Has a great Dhalsim... I kinda messed up at the end and he won but w/e lol, was fun. Damn the stick though -_-

And the night I decide to just play SF4 a bit more I am doing extremely good with the stick. Figures -_-
Rice-Eater said:
I thought there was suppose to be a live stream today. Did I not get the memo?

prodystopian said:
I thought the same thing. FarmsIsFree is a dirty liar.

Yeah, the tourney is pretty ghetto in the equipment department. The live stream ending up not going through, sorry about that.

If you care about updates, I went 4-0 in my pool along with Andrew going 5-0. Top 16 starts in about an hour.
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