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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Wow, I hate when your playing a player match and you beat your opponent a couple of times and then he beats you one match and then decides to boot you just because he beat you that one time. It really pisses me off.


:lol @ gen cross-ups. Awesome stuff. I love the old man, even with my recent Abel binge. I've tried maining 3 other characters and he's the only one that clicked for me, despite his inherent learning curve. And yeah, I ain't ever gonna pull off his insane 20-30 hit combos but just his mind-fuck style really appeals to me. Btw, was he actually a stronger character in Alpha 2? Think I read somewhere that he had great chains in that game.

In closing, all the recent SF4 players in this thread owe it to themselves to get a taste of the cross-up madness. Seriously! Gen's not as obtuse as you might think! :D


_dementia said:
Bison's crossup is meaner :(
My most hated cross-up. Sure Gen's is quick, but at least it LOOKS like a cross up when it hits you. In the history of SF has there been a cross-up that has looked so little like one as Bison's does?
BitchTits said:
IMO that design is boring. Some of the other designs were good, but that's just a generic bald black character in a Gi.

Wow...Ken's alternate costume (which was taken from Allen). And Capcom designs in a generic manner.

And Jared, I'll look up your username in the online thread.
Teknopathetic said:
Bison's crossup is so ambiguous that even I don't know if it's going to cross up when I do it.

That thing is so annoying, every time I get hit by it I'm thinking "but, but he was too far away to get to my backside :(".

black_vegeta said:
Samehere, but I must include it in my arsenal of Bison-fication.

Oh so you're a Bison player? Well shit as another Ryu player I'd spam jumping MP against you to. It's not nearly as annoying as runaway Bison's who just want to spam stomps and devils reverse.
Rice-Eater said:
That thing is so annoying, every time I get hit by it I'm thinking "but, but he was too far away to get to my backside :(".

Oh so you're a Bison player? Well shit as another Ryu player I'd spam jumping MP against you to. It's not nearly as annoying as runaway Bison's who just want to spam stomps and devils reverse.

TimeDog, did that when I played him...MP spammage up the ass! Even when I was nowhere near him. :lol

Later on during the rounds, I avoided it the best I could.

QCF Punch

Neo Member
Teknopathetic said:
Bison's crossup is so ambiguous that even I don't know if it's going to cross up when I do it.

Haha this. I main Bison and have missed several combos because i didn't know if i'd have charge when i landed.

Honestly though, I thing the fact that Gen has multiple crossups in both stances and they are all effective gives him the edge. That convo is fuckin EPIC though lol.


good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
TimeDog, did that when I played him...MP spammage up the ass! Even when I was nowhere near him. :lol

Later on during the rounds, I avoided it the best I could.

How do I know you're not going to air teleport across the screen directly into my j. mp during the recovery frames? jump back mp ftw.

Spam moar lk scissor kick cr. lk hk scissor kick n00b.


As would I, reminds me of Khushnood Butt from GAROU. I would have loved to see something like that, or even the design similar to Sean.

Kushnood Butt is based on an real-life black karate master who fought a bear.


Pandaman said:
"i use to use her when i started playing and i am slowly drifting back to her someone did a reset combo on me today took of 75 percent health and they performed it on me in a match and im not a scrub i got 9000gb but you do ex tatsumaki dash light punch resest then dash under them quickly and crouch strong punch ex tatsu ultra
the dash to the other side catches people off gaurd since it happens so fast it is supper good. =D "

Love it. On the note of Sakura resets, though.. You won't be hitting anyone that knows how to block (i.e. any former marvel player) with those. Sabre has gotten scrapped by me whenever I run into him. One of those things where if you've seen it once, you just won't get hit by it. Ever.
hitsugi said:
Love it. On the note of Sakura resets, though.. You won't be hitting anyone that knows how to block (i.e. any former marvel player) with those. Sabre has gotten scrapped by me whenever I run into him. One of those things where if you've seen it once, you just won't get hit by it. Ever.

Unless its Gootecks.


good credit (by proxy)
Depending on the distance ryu jumping mp is a good move. The distance it's useful is from right next to your opponent to the opposent side of the screen. In this range it's one of the best moves.


good credit (by proxy)
haunts said:
Yo! Whats up people, thanks for keeping the thread alive in my absence.

I just got back from Japan and posted up some pics, videos and all my thoughts from the Shiozawa Cup and SBO so check it out..



>:0 you deleted me from your XBL list punk

edit: also ryu's jumping mp is also useful as a crossup. So the range it's useful is full screen to right behind your opponent.


Bacon of Hope
Timedog said:

>:0 you deleted me from your XBL list punk

lol sorry, it always fills up so I have to drop people... add me again if ya want..
haunts said:
lol sorry, it always fills up so I have to drop people... add me again if ya want..

Welcome back Haunts!

May I add you on my friends list if you don't mind again (you dropped me before after a week :/ )?

My GT: Gnizzle858


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Bacon of Hope
seriously its nothing personal if i drop you from my friends list, and in all honesty i have a hard time remember who is who on the list. lol.

hit me up anytime for games tho if you see me on. :D
haunts said:
seriously its nothing personal if i drop you from my friends list, and in all honesty i have a hard time remember who is who on the list. lol.

hit me up anytime for games tho if you see me on. :D

It's all good mang.

I owe you big time for the ass whooping you gave me months ago!!! :p


Everything is moe to me
hitsugi said:
Love it. On the note of Sakura resets, though.. You won't be hitting anyone that knows how to block (i.e. any former marvel player) with those. Sabre has gotten scrapped by me whenever I run into him. One of those things where if you've seen it once, you just won't get hit by it. Ever.
yep, sakura's all about surprise.

'course if you do hit it once, you knock off 60% of their life and stun them, if something that easy and that damaging was a 50/50 guessing game, sakura would be instant A-teir. xD


Sakura's cross-ups work 90% of the time online, a benefit of picking a rarely played character. Because of this, fake crossups never work :lol


good credit (by proxy)
for bison's crossup with ryu:

if he's inside of cr. mk range, it's gonna cross up.

if he looks like he's gonna come down right on top of your character, once it hits his character model will shift over to your backside so the move will cross up.

You can also walk forward and dragon punch them or walk forward and standing fp them, but these trade unless you're really quick.

I think one of the best ways to get around even guessing is to duck and throw a slighly late cr. mk. the cr. mk makes it so that ryu's hitboxes change and the crossup doesn't connect and you can combo his ass.


Everything is moe to me
LakeEarth said:
Sakura's cross-ups work 90% of the time online, a benefit of picking a rarely played character. Because of this, fake crossups never work :lol
well yeah, if you use a glitch like crossing under offline, you'd get punched in the face.

or so i'm frequently told online.


Is GODSGARDEN a local tournament that went on in Japan as well, around the same time as SBO or is it part of the same event? Saw a bunch of these high level match videos being posted.
TKD(elf) vs Umehara(ryu)
Has about 9 new videos up if you're interested in watching.


Pandaman said:
well yeah, if you use a glitch like crossing under offline, you'd get punched in the face.

or so i'm frequently told online.
Yeah right, Sakura is already bottom tier. Without her cross-up mixups she can't do any real damage. Her fight against Zangief is stupid, she has no range, can't get in and if she does she can't do any damage.


good credit (by proxy)
Mirimar said:
Is GODSGARDEN a local tournament that went on in Japan as well, around the same time as SBO or is it part of the same event? Saw a bunch of these high level match videos being posted.
TKD(elf) vs Umehara(ryu)
Has about 9 new videos up if you're interested in watching.

That's me on the left at the start of the video. You can hear someone yell "C'mon Chickeny!!!"

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
i just beat 5 Zangiefs today

5 poking, spinning, splashing, wake up jumping, cross-up attempting, 13,000p, G2-A Giefs...

i congradulated myself


Bacon of Hope
Mirimar said:
Is GODSGARDEN a local tournament that went on in Japan as well, around the same time as SBO or is it part of the same event? Saw a bunch of these high level match videos being posted.
TKD(elf) vs Umehara(ryu)
Has about 9 new videos up if you're interested in watching.

It's a tournament that is thrown by KSK who is a guy who owns an arcade out there. Its not part of SBO, just an event that showcases top level players in Japan.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
haunts' latest blog entry is up: http://www.iplaywinner.com/news/2009/8/20/grindin-japan-shiozawa-cup-super-battle-opera.html

For instance, IronFist and I were talking about how a lot of Sagats in Tokyo were using combos and set ups we already knew about but figured would be impractical in actual matches.

Fucking THAT right there. Every time someone in this thread or on SRK posts that something is impractical and it's not worth the practice, I always wanna reply with "and that's why the Japanese are better" :p

btw haunts you are FREE NOW COME BACK PLZKTHX

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