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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Timedog said:
Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that CminusWarrior sent me 3 long ass messages complaining about Ryu after we played a few weeks ago. I'm assuming he had to send 3 because he used up the text limit on messages on xbl. He kept talking about how Ryu is "easy mode" and how Ken is much better cause you know you played with honor if you win with him, or something like that. It was pretty brilliant.

We need pics, immediately.


Brobzoid said:
With Abel is it possible to combo: cr.FP canceled into COD FACD into cr.FP and end with the 'air grab'? If so, is it worth the extra effort to do the first cr.FP? Is it stupid to end with an EX throw due to scaling?

'cus I was trying to do that in training and I'm gonna have to practice a big deal before I get that shit down to a science and if I end up finding it useless/more hassle than it's worth I might cry.

EX Falling Sky is useless outside of a VERY specific combo (2nd hit c.FP as anti-air -> FP CoD -> EX FS).

Abel's upper body is hit invincible when doing the EX FS but the invincibility is VERY short.

IIRC, EX FS does the same damage as FP FS, so there's no reason to use EX.

And yes, cr.fp -> CoD -> FACD -> cr.fp -> FS works. but you're almost always better off doing a s.FP -> CoD instead in that combo. The first hit comes out MUCH faster (4 frames of startup instead of 7. Keep in mind that his crouching jabs are at 5 frames, and you'll see how freaky fast s.FP is). It's also -4 on block instead of -6, leaving you a lot less open. At -6, you're VERY open to counterattacks. At -4, only 3 frame jabs can counter hit you (or some specials with very low startup). At -7, a LOT of stuff can hit you :)
Arpharmd B said:
I don't think Rufus or Abel are generic. I love them both. Though I really dig the punk Rufus concept.

El Fuerte though, just looks like a weird circus clown + chef + lucha libre. No idea what they were smoking on that one.

He looks like other generic characters like R.Mika. There is definitely a stark difference in design philosophies at Capcom. You have the old style of generic, primary colored characters with a dash of wacky (E.Honda, Blanka, Dhalsim, SFA3 Cody, Fuerte, R.Mika, etc). Then there is a edgy, stylish characters (Remy, Dante, Karin, C.Viper, Remy, etc).

It's like SNK is somehow slowly infiltrating Capcom designs.


Ravager61 said:
God, I'm starting to hate playing online. I think I keep running into people in G3 who have obviously started new PSN accounts so they can beat on new players.

Also, I'm sick of getting flame messages from people who beat me. Who the fuck beats someone they've never met and then sends them a message gloating about it?

It's like Halo 3 all over again :lol Shit is SOOOO annoying.
I played a little bit online. Before my break, I was grinding it out in G2. I didn't have problems making it to championships or top 3.

Now (playing on PC and a month a half later), I just feel off.

One of the reasons is I've been using a stick. At first I was using a SE (with Seimitsu parts), but I got my dual modded TE today (Sanwa), so I began having to adjust to timing and execution again.

Are any of you playing on PC? I guess I'll go look in the online thread to get some gamer tags.


good credit (by proxy)
I just checked my xbox.com account and his messages aren't there! They're saved for a month, right? There's no way that was a month ago!
Rice-Eater said:
So Timedog spams jumping MP, at what level is he playing at?

He plays average, currently like any other typical Ryu. Boy was he spamming the shit out of that jump MP though.

He got me 4 - 6 though. I didn't catch on to some of his routine setups until late...then he left.
black_vegeta said:
He plays average, currently like any other typical Ryu. Boy was he spamming the shit out of that jump MP though.

He got me 4 - 6 though. I didn't catch on to some of his routine setups until late...then he left.

That last line was actually a joke reference to Triforce from the Evo stream if you watched it. As for Timedog, he's got nothing on my Ryu. I spam tick throws and cross ups like it's nobody's business. And even if my cross ups are working, I'll combine the two anyways for extra cheapness.


good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
He plays average, currently like any other typical Ryu. Boy was he spamming the shit out of that jump MP though.

He got me 4 - 6 though. I didn't catch on to some of his routine setups until late...then he left.

LOL, I could have taken another 2 of those 4 had I been able to execute on stick correctly when we were both down to nothing. At one point it was like 5-2, but I let you have your little comeback. I have a final tomorrow mang, I see you around.


Ravager61 said:
Also, I'm sick of getting flame messages from people who beat me. Who the fuck beats someone they've never met and then sends them a message gloating about it?
Ask for a rematch. 9 times out of 10 they won't. These are the ones that boot you from player lobby as soon as they win a match.

I faced an Akuma last night in Ranked who caught me off gaurd the first round and got me dizzy - He taunts a few times then finishes me off. It felt awesome to win the next two rounds, finishing off the match with Gen's j.MK, c.LK, PPP super into full Gekiro kick. :D


Wow. I just watched a bunch of darksydephil's YouTube videos and am left wondering: why would anyone, IRL, want to actively associate with this fat douche? I watched his "Friend Request Ridicule" videos and couldn't believe that he was insulting the people who find him funny and entertaining; it's basically his FAN MAIL.

Is being incredibly arrogant and annoying his shtick or is that just how he comes across (while he thinks he's being funny/clever)?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
MIMIC said:
Wow. I just watched a bunch of darksydephil's YouTube videos and am left wondering: why would anyone, IRL, want to actively associate with this fat douche? I watched his "Friend Request Ridicule" videos and couldn't believe that he was insulting the people who find him funny and entertaining; it's basically his FAN MAIL.

Is being incredibly arrogant and annoying his shtick or is that just how he comes across (while he thinks he's being funny/clever)?

He says, and I quote, "It's a character, I'm playing up for the camera" but we've had some interesting evidence posted in this thread that points to him being a whiny fucktard off-camera too.
I vaguely recall haunts saying Castlevania Judgement was an okay game. I don't know if he was serious or not.
Morbid curiosity... I think I'm going to pick it up.


_dementia said:
okay, I just played with training mode

cr.HP xx CoD does 207 damage
cr.HP xx CoD FADC, cr.HP -> FS does 296 damage.

If you have the meter for it and no Ultra, uh do it.
Although I wouldn't combo cr.hp into CoD, if you can COD to FADC into cr.HP->falling sky consistantly, do it. I'm still only successful 25% of the time online so I usually don't risk it except for ultra.

Speaking of which, do you get more hitstun for the first hit of fierce COD or are they all the same? Because after a blocked jab SRK, you get a free d.mp -> medium COD and I always wondered if it was the same or harder with medium COD.

EDIT - a brief look at the frames makes it seem like there's no difference on hitstun. Must just be in my head then.
LakeEarth said:
Although I wouldn't combo cr.hp into CoD
Why not? If I'm given ample time to punish, like say, after a whiffed SRK, I always do it because it does more damage than low strong into CoD.
if you can COD to FADC into cr.HP->falling sky consistantly, do it. I'm still only successful 25% of the time online so I usually don't risk it except for ultra.
As far as Ultra goes, I don't bother because cr.FP -> Ultra actually does more damage than cr.FP xx CoD FADC -> Ultra.

Speaking of which, do you get more hitstun for the first hit of fierce COD or are they all the same? Because after a blocked jab SRK, you get a free d.mp -> medium COD and I always wondered if it was the same or harder with medium COD.
This is a really good question. Hard Trial 3 dictates Jab CoD after the low strong, and I always have more success with the FADC cr.HP followup after Jab CoD. Maybe TimeKillr knows? Perhaps hitstun remains the same but recovery frames are different?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
cheers timekillr/dementia/lakeearth. Falling Sky EX looks much cooler than the regular one though :(

Is there any reason to use his super though? It seems that FADC'ing the COD is quite a strong suit and you get ultra meter coming out the ass in most matches, so there really doesn't seem to be that big of an incentive - or am I missing something?


Okay. Why did the people at Capcom think that a fat american rocker was cooler to have in their game than this guy?
Brobzoid said:
cheers timekillr/dementia/lakeearth. Falling Sky EX looks much cooler than the regular one though :(

Is there any reason to use his super though? It seems that FADC'ing the COD is quite a strong suit and you get ultra meter coming out the ass in most matches, so there really doesn't seem to be that big of an incentive - or am I missing something?
Most high-level players don't bother with it from what I've seen. The meter appearsed better used for EX rolling out of bad situations, EX CoD for that armored combo, and FADCs.
Abel's super is very comboable though, and even combos from standing close jab.
And cr.FP, lk Marseilles roll, Heartless is a super flashy way to finish a match :).
Timedog said:
LOL, I could have taken another 2 of those 4 had I been able to execute on stick correctly when we were both down to nothing. At one point it was like 5-2, but I let you have your little comeback. I have a final tomorrow mang, I see you around.

Sure sure sure...I felt I finally was starting give you a run for your money and you left. I was like, this mofo better not leave!

GG's though, I had fun. I got that jumping MP Ryu next time! :p


_dementia said:
Most high-level players don't bother with it from what I've seen. The meter appearsed better used for EX rolling out of bad situations, EX CoD for that armored combo, and FADCs.
Abel's super is very comboable though, and even combos from standing close jab.
And cr.FP, lk Marseilles roll, Heartless is a super flashy way to finish a match :).

I use it whenever I can finish a match with it, or if it'll give me a huge advantage.

Best way to combo into it for maximum damage is off a s.FP, on the 2nd hit. It's the only move that'll combo from that. :)

If you only do a s.FP, the damage scaling doesn't kick in since the s.FP counts as a single hit, and the super does a lot of damage.


decon said:
Okay. Why did the people at Capcom think that a fat american rocker was cooler to have in their game than this guy?
IMO that design is boring. Some of the other designs were good, but that's just a generic bald black character in a Gi.
2 guys talking about Gen's crossup

Ryuwinz : yeah his crossup was stupid
Ryuwinz : you can be on a different stage and it still hits you
Genius : yeah no shit
Genius : one time, i got crossed up on the character select screen
Ryuwinz : i was on vacation one time having a beer and i some how got crossed up
Genius : i was playing HDR with chris dat
Genius : got crossed by gen
Genius : wtf
Ryuwinz : one time it was the year 1480 and i wasn't born yet... lost a quarter of my life to a crossup
Genius : i heard hitler got crossed up to end ww2
Ryuwinz : one time MLK was giving a speech and he said "I have a dre...(got crossed up)"
Ryuwinz : one time i got sucked into a black hole, and by black hole i obviously mean infinite gen crossup loop
Genius : "Ask not what your country can--(crossed)"
Genius : "one small step for man...one giant--"
Genius : gen was actually the first man on the moon
Genius : most people dont know that
Ryuwinz : that bomb floating over hiroshima in the 40s was actually gen jumping out of an airplane about to land a cross
Genius : gen crossed the berlin wall cause he got bored
Genius : you know the immaculate conception, right?
Genius : that was actually gen's first crossup ever


So instead of Chuck Norris facts it's Gen Crossup facts. I can roll with that.

Outerspace exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet as Gen's crossups.
BitchTits said:
IMO that design is boring. Some of the other designs were good, but that's just a generic bald black character in a Gi.
QFT. I think there needs to be better representation in games like this, but I find generic representations just as bad as stereotypical ones. Lose the Gi and don some SNK-ish outfit and make him Viper's partner in Crime, whom secretly trained with Blanka and we got ourselves a winner.
The Abominable Snowman said:
QFT. I think there needs to be better representation in games like this, but I find generic representations just as bad as stereotypical ones. Lose the Gi and don some SNK-ish outfit and make him Viper's partner in Crime, whom secretly trained with Blanka and we got ourselves a winner.
Why does he have to be a criminal?
The Abominable Snowman said:
QFT. I think there needs to be better representation in games like this, but I find generic representations just as bad as stereotypical ones. Lose the Gi and don some SNK-ish outfit and make him Viper's partner in good deeds, whom secretly trained with Blanka and we got ourselves a winner.

The Abominable Snowman said:
We always have to remember that we gotta make it a faithful representation. Just having the skin color doesn't really cut it.

joking. im black. its cool, man

That was a quick edit you did there sir.


Ravager61 said:
God, I'm starting to hate playing online. I think I keep running into people in G3 who have obviously started new PSN accounts so they can beat on new players.

I just ran through G3 this past week, and I lost to three different people in a final match who were at 1gp, and a fourth guy who only had 2gp. I started to wonder the same thing, since that ended up accounting about 10% of my final matches. One of those guys was easily the best player I played throughout G3--a perfect Ryu.


good credit (by proxy)
Rubashov said:
I just ran through G3 this past week, and I lost to three different people in a final match who were at 1gp, and a fourth guy who only had 2gp. I started to wonder the same thing, since that ended up accounting about 10% of my final matches. One of those guys was easily the best player I played throughout G3--a perfect Ryu.

I did that once with a 48 hour XBL card when I first got my stick. That was fun.
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