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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

FindMyFarms said:
It's only online though, cuz the lag throws off timing. That shit never flies in person.

That's why I only take 4-5 bar fights. If you do that you won't ever get frustrated. 3 bar and under fights, people are basically playing a different game.

MIMIC said:
"Darksydephil is a scrub part 2": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ9xDn0l88k&feature=related Hilarious :lol I especially love when he gets beaten by El Fuerte (while he is Zangief):

"Oh my God! [El Fuerte's Ultra] beats the lariat".

:lol Now THAT'S scrub talk =p

The DSP parody videos are both great.

I have played him in real life, and I in no way like to ridicule people or belittle them, and he was very respectful in real life (I even shook his hand after I won). But, those videos man, LOLOL.


Arpharmd B said:
That's why I only take 4-5 bar fights. If you do that you won't ever get frustrated. 3 bar and under fights, people are basically playing a different game.
I've had the worst lag ever in a match today and it was a 4 bar connection. Input lag up the ass. Could've been a lag spiker, but it sure didn't help him either. Laggy 4 bar connections are rare, thankfully, but they exist. :/
Arpharmd B said:
It was a 4 bar connection though (the bare minimum I accept). I can understand Shoryu spam is a big problem with laggy connections. Hence why these guys get so high ranked.
I like to think that not expecting someone to actually be that dimwitted also plays a part in them winning so often.


prodystopian said:
Chun was my main before I switched to Akuma. I still play her, though. Add me if you are on PSN (Prodystopian). If you are on Xbox, Relix mains Chun.

Chun's still my main and now that I have a TE I'm actually doing a lot better. I guess the HRAP 3 is too loose for me.


he's Virgin Tight™
MrMephistoX said:
Chun's still my main and now that I have a TE I'm actually doing a lot better. I guess the HRAP 3 is too loose for me.

I can't do a half-circle to the left (right-to-left) even if my life, literally, depended on it :lol Fucking hassan shou won't come out =P. At least I am almost entirely used to the stick.


Relix said:
I can't do a half-circle to the left (right-to-left) even if my life, literally, depended on it :lol Fucking hassan shou won't come out =P. At least I am almost entirely used to the stick.

Yo Relix, I'll add you the next time I go on. Which is probably around 12:00am et
So I just lined up $350 in MM's. That's probably pocket change for the NY/Cali players, but it's the most money I've ever had on the line in a videogame haha.


good credit (by proxy)
FindMyFarms said:
So I just lined up $350 in MM's. That's probably pocket change for the NY/Cali players, but it's the most money I've ever had on the line in a videogame haha.

badass, dog! get dat on video, my motherfucker!


Hitokage said:
The guy who made that vid is an idiot.


I really like how he shouts "oh my god, he is horrible" every time he eats a shoryuken.
The irony is almost absurd.

I have seen many people in my country who just could not get away with how good a tool shoryuken is. They see the flowcharts, they see some "random srk" hitting them, and they cant seem to look behind the whole event - and eventually they drop from the game.

This video, should it be parody or real, teaches only one thing to me: if you face a Ken, and you know his tools, and you are STILL careless, you will lose, and it will be your fault.

I commented on youtube too. I know, I am horrible : (


By the way, guys! What do you think about the Tekken 6 Hori Wireless Arcade Stick bundle, based on the information it is available on it?

Should I wait for that to get released and buy one, or should I start looking for a TE arcade stick (kinda rare in mid/eastern Europe to get one without awfully high prices)? The point has come where I totally see myself advancing into another level with the stick, but I can wait a few months if the Hori stuff will be good quality...
Man, Street Fighter 4 has brought out the players. My local scene from years ago is not only back, it has actually grown. 10 or so regulars in the Pittsburgh area. Awesome! Weekly meet-ups. My old 3rd Strike buddy that I haven't talked to in ages contacts me on Xbox live. We both have the same main Rufi. Great news.

And ATTN Pad Warriors: Sega Saturn controllers for PS3 are on Ebay and are super cheap. I just got a pair, brand new for 40$ shipped. They are in great abundance. For those that don't know, the Saturn pad is basically the TE stick of gamepads. The local scene uses PlayStation and I couldn't be happier, cause this means I can start using this bad boy again. Warning: They do not work on Xbox 360.
GalacticAE said:
I wanna party wit u, girl.

I'm in Albuquerque trick

Timedog said:
badass, dog! get dat on video, my motherfucker!

Fa sho. Forgot to mention that afterwards we're doing Dan mirror's $5 per match w/ $20 jackpots for anyone that lands super taunt -> ultra :lol

prodystopian said:
+1. When are they, Farms?

Probably in about 2 weeks. I'm goin up against an Abel, Tx's number 1 Dhalsim, and some Blanka player.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
We played. I won.
One round; he took all ten games.

Despite being 3 bars and across the country, I think the lag only affected me once.


Gotta get your combos down.. After the far standing RH just go for an uppercut. The c. shorts wernt doing diddly. :p
haunts said:

Gotta get your combos down.. After the far standing RH just go for an uppercut. The c. shorts wernt doing diddly. :p

Yea. I was trying to get cr. shortx2 or 3> lk tatsu, but it wasn't working. I started doing cr MK xx FB, but it was near the end.

I was too scared to throw many SRKs. Too much damage in that matchup. Thanks for the games. It was fun.
Won said:
Did I miss something? Why is everyone playing Sakura today? Weird stuff. Kinda scary.

She's actually a lot of fun to play. I just whore her FA and do cr hp to ex tatsu with a finish of choice. The rest is mindgames.

A lot of people were just overthinking my terrible technique I think :lol
Graham wolfe played at our arcade(PHILIPPINES) and it was weird as balls. Played a few games with him, and it seems like he's still getting the hang of SF4. He has only been playing for 2 months he says.

But yeah, it was cool as fuck to meet Graham wolf after watching him on the Evo 2009 stream, haha. It was also random as fuck, too.


So some guy on Live thought he was fweet (I haven't said that word in a while, lol) and demonstrated his 1337 Fuerte skills on me by RSFing me a couple of times. Max he did was 3? My ego was so on the line and I did my first 5-hit loop (plus a slide) in a match....on HIM :lol

I think he went 7-3 against me. His Dan was an absolute MONSTER. I don't play too many good Dans so I was pretty confused the whole match. Whatever. You live and you learn :) The guy had a really high-level Viper as well. Went 1-1 against his Viper.

Also, someone on my friend's list is a *cough* owchart-flay en-kay. And left after one match (after beating me). WTF.

I realize that I need to stop rushing things. I like to force the issue, even difficult match-ups. I have no frickin patience -_- But to me, if I die, I die. It's just a game, I guess.
Threi,good games. Sorry I had to go. My friend wanted to test out his Honda.

I was expecting more lag since we only had a 2-bar connection. It wasn't that laggy, but of course there is always some latency. Probably the lag affected more to you than me. My overhead smashes worked pretty well so maybe the lag was affecting a little bit on that.

Btw. any good tips against Honda's buttsmash wake-up game? My boxer got smashed way too much just because I didn't know how to handle this. I tried to FADC, headbutt, backdash, forward dash, but I just couldn't figure it out. FADC seemed to work best, but after I got away he was already doing another one.

Mr Jared

Pop On Arrival said:
Graham wolfe played at our arcade(PHILIPPINES) and it was weird as balls. Played a few games with him, and it seems like he's still getting the hang of SF4. He has only been playing for 2 months he says.

But yeah, it was cool as fuck to meet Graham wolf after watching him on the Evo 2009 stream, haha. It was also random as fuck, too.

Heh, yeah, Graham pretty much started SF4 a week or so before EVO. Last time I checked, he was making the transition from Sagat. Super cool guy, I met him for the first time at EVO where he borrowed my stick and then proceeded to totally dismantle Daigo in HD Remix. It was pretty brutal stuff.

You definitely don't want to play him in ST/HDR :lol
I'm looking for a good Rufus video resource. A place with tons of Rufus footage, high level only stuff. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Pop On Arrival said:
Graham wolfe played at our arcade(PHILIPPINES) and it was weird as balls. Played a few games with him, and it seems like he's still getting the hang of SF4. He has only been playing for 2 months he says.

But yeah, it was cool as fuck to meet Graham wolf after watching him on the Evo 2009 stream, haha. It was also random as fuck, too.

Wow that's all kinds of awesome haha. Can't wait to see him beast in 4.
bistromathics said:
i'm a trend-setter

Sweet combos the other day (my GT is rastex, I main Gouken).

I have to say though, I enjoy the Sakura matchup, I think it's in Gouken's favor :)
You're definitely better than me, but I was still able to eek out more wins.
Anti-air(jump back fp w/ chun)! You kept letting him jump in for free. Once you keep him grounded then work the footsies. Also not doing df + RH on any knocked down opponent w/ a DP is a good rule of thumb.
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