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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


haunts said:
I havent played anyone cept C. Viper and SAGET in this game.
I can't believe that you didn't at least go a few matches with other characters just to feel them out. Besides this is advice for a lower tier player who might not be able to just look at a character and go "that's for me".
haunts said:
I havent played anyone cept C. Viper and SAGET in this game.
Ken, Sagat and Akuma are the regulars I see, I always play Dan because I am not very good plus it feels great to win with him :lol Just been playing online again after all these weeks and man am I rusty, being toasted by ken scrubs easier then normal.


Owensboro said:
Welp, consider me in the game ladies and gents. I bought a TE stick last week and have been catching up on all the fighting goodness I've been missing since the SNES era. I still have no idea who to pick as a main, but know I don't want to use one of the "fireballing" characters. I've always wanted to play Balrog since SF2 (since I was convinced he was a terrible character ["he can't kick? LOL"]) and have been reading up on how to play him, but have been absolutely horrible at execution. I was able to finally complete his Stage 4 Normal Training combo thing, but only after about 40 minutes of beating my head against it. I just need to get the button press timing down and I think I'll be OK.

I'd offer to play some people online, but I'm downright horrible at this game right now. As in: I'm getting beat on story mode with difficulty set to easy (well, on the last 2 or so matches). Also, Seth is a megalopenis. Seriously, his AI after that first KO is driving me insane.

Anyone got any good tips on how to skill up? I've been thinking of just hitting training mode until I can reliably do those combos without thinking, or doing the "50 of X move left, 50 of X move right" until I don't have to actively think about them.

Im in the same spot and Im getting to the point that I'll sell/trade-in the game. It just isn't for me I guess. I had a break from it and just a moment ago tried again. After an hour on Bison's Arcade mode against Seth I just turned the game off and took it back to shelf.


Bacon of Hope
I lied. I played everyone many times but Sagat is the best and C. Viper is the sexiest.. I use Ryu sometimes too just cause I love low forward into ex fireball fadc into ultraaaaaa!!


Balrog and Rufus are the easiest characters to play.
I played a few games last night on Live G3. I won a few championships but I don't have the time to grind to G2.

More and more, I'm getting frustrated with the lag during online play. The game really feels like you're playing a tank.

I ran into a good Rose. I faced him twice. Both of them were close calls but I managed to win. Everytime I jumped at him, he'd slide and throw me. His footsies were pretty good. He'd throw out standing forward, roundhouse, low forward and the slide. It was pretty frustrating. I can only imagine what it would be like to play Saqs.

I'm playing SFIV on PC and it ran perfectly for a few days. Now when I start it up, it literally runs in slow motion. My rig ran it fine at maxed settings before, but now it seems to be an issue.

When I change framerate from variable to fixed, it mostly stays at 60, but seems really...I guess jerky? Like some animations are just being skipped.

Anyone know of a solution to this?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


ShockingAlberto said:

I'm playing SFIV on PC and it ran perfectly for a few days. Now when I start it up, it literally runs in slow motion. My rig ran it fine at maxed settings before, but now it seems to be an issue.

When I change framerate from variable to fixed, it mostly stays at 60, but seems really...I guess jerky? Like some animations are just being skipped.

Anyone know of a solution to this?
Weird. If you're playing online, it could be due to lag, but it sounds like you get this all the time?


Spiderjericho said:
I played a few games last night on Live G3. I won a few championships but I don't have the time to grind to G2.

More and more, I'm getting frustrated with the lag during online play. The game really feels like you're playing a tank.

I ran into a good Rose. I faced him twice. Both of them were close calls but I managed to win. Everytime I jumped at him, he'd slide and throw me. His footsies were pretty good. He'd throw out standing forward, roundhouse, low forward and the slide. It was pretty frustrating. I can only imagine what it would be like to play Saqs.
Dude, punish that! If someone does the same thing every time during a certain sequence of events, think about what will beat it, and then set it up for the situation to happen again. Dash back and punish the throw whiff, or anything that your character has that would beat a throw.

Saqs will sometimes throw under the situation, sometimes dash back, sometimes some other crap. I lose lots of life because I tend to jump forward after certain sequences, and it's a habit I'm trying to break.
Leunam said:
GGs to FindMyFarms. Taught me a few things about what I should and should not do.

So many close calls. :/

Yeah GG's man! Did you know what was going on? It's good to take a step back after a session and figure everything out.
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah GG's man! Did you know what was going on? It's good to take a step back after a session and figure everything out.

yo, I took what I learned from our matches....and I played a lot better and more confident later that night. Holding my ground, I managed to rattle and dismantle my opponents pretty quickly. Granted, they are scrubby random online players, but they used tactics that usually frustrates me (ie, turtle, runaways, ie) and I managed to seize control and the momentum of the match from the outset. I still need a lot of work but it's a good start.

anyway, just got Batman guys. I guess I will put down SFIV for a day or two. Hopefully, I won't be too rusty when I start playing it again this weekend.


FindMyFarms said:
Yeah GG's man! Did you know what was going on? It's good to take a step back after a session and figure everything out.

Well it was the last batch of games I was going to play and I'd been playing all day, but yes, I got a good idea of what I need to work on that isn't execution based.


UC1 said:
Are you sure? I just set CPU to all block and from every range, it either crosses up or whiffs. Pretty sure it doesn't hit from the front at all.

I was going to say "110% sure" since I've seen it myself on countless occasions, but I decided to look it up to be sure. You may be right. Apparently even though it hits as a cross-up, sometimes Chun-Li will land in front of the opponent anyway. So it looks as though it hit from the front (because that's where she lands) but in actuality it didn't. Maybe someone else can say for sure if it can hit from the front or not?

edit: Oh shit apparently this had already been posted :/


_dementia said:
also, Alex should be in SFIV :(
Ever notice Alex is quite similar to Honda? Charge character with a command grab with great range, stomping move, hits hard, takes lots of damage. Alex just has a better dash and Honda has hands (and of course, different normals).
Almost finalized details for Absolute Battle, a SouthWest majors!


SRK link


GalacticAE and Ivylicious are flying in just for the event, gonna be sick!

Haunts, if any of the norcal crew is free around the time, yall should come in. We can see how our Tx sagats hang w/ the west coast boys (our best one is crow, you should play him!) I think Buk is tryin to get Choi and Ricky to come down, reunion from their cvs2 days ya know?

For SURE we'll get a live stream on this one haha. Pre-party is for sure as well, Imma have to grab that Sandra chick from the westcoast warzone one :lol
x d a t x: they need to make his crossup an ultra instead of a normal move
WWGenius: if you pause it at the right time...right before he crosses up, he teleports to their back and pokes them so they will turn around
x d a t x: pausing doesnt work on gen's crossup
x d a t x: it still happens
x d a t x: that shit does not stop lol
x d a t x: gen's crossup has more priority than the president of the united states
WWGenius: you actually have to get level 5 pentagon clearance to attempt to block it
WWGenius: one time, Gen tried to cross himself up...the period after that is what is known as the Ice Age
WWGenius: if gen crosses up in a forest and no one is there to fail at blocking it...does it make a noise?


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
Haunts, if any of the norcal crew is free around the time, yall should come in. We can see how our Tx sagats hang w/ the west coast boys (our best one is crow, you should play him!) I think Buk is tryin to get Choi and Ricky to come down, reunion from their cvs2 days ya know?

For SURE we'll get a live stream on this one haha. Pre-party is for sure as well, Imma have to grab that Sandra chick from the westcoast warzone one :lol

I hate Sagat mirror matches but i may come anyway. lol


Junior Member
FindMyFarms said:
x d a t x: they need to make his crossup an ultra instead of a normal move
WWGenius: if you pause it at the right time...right before he crosses up, he teleports to their back and pokes them so they will turn around
x d a t x: pausing doesnt work on gen's crossup
x d a t x: it still happens
x d a t x: that shit does not stop lol
x d a t x: gen's crossup has more priority than the president of the united states
WWGenius: you actually have to get level 5 pentagon clearance to attempt to block it
WWGenius: one time, Gen tried to cross himself up...the period after that is what is known as the Ice Age
WWGenius: if gen crosses up in a forest and no one is there to fail at blocking it...does it make a noise?

Gen's jumping MK cross up? I had no idea it was that devastating. Noone ever plays with him online.


Hitokage said:
I can't imagine many play Gen at all considering his two separate movesets.
There are some great Gen's out there, but most will crumple if you zone to avoid getting crossed up. Most Gen's have the same gameplan, poke, poke, get in close, go for cross-up, score knockdown, crossup into hands/throw mixup. If throw, crossup into hands/throw mixup. If hands, poke poke, go for cross up. If they're in trouble, they then jump back and try to do his charge flying kicks in hopes to land one into ultra.
Dascu said:
The thread in the online meetup section isn't very crowded, so I'm posting here to ask if anyone else is playing on PC. My gamer tag's Dascu, feel free to add me.

I added you as a friend. My gamer tag is krp1976.

And Lake, I see what you're saying. I think my biggest problem was the footsies. I haven't really played that much lately, so getting I'm trying rebuild my foundation. He was definitely the best comp I saw so far on PC Live. Though I'm sure there are a lot better players online (especially since I'm in G3).


LakeEarth said:
There are some great Gen's out there, but most will crumple if you zone to avoid getting crossed up. Most Gen's have the same gameplan, poke, poke, get in close, go for cross-up, score knockdown, crossup into hands/throw mixup. If throw, crossup into hands/throw mixup. If hands, poke poke, go for cross up. If they're in trouble, they then jump back and try to do his charge flying kicks in hopes to land one into ultra.

The amount of cross-ups I go for is entirely predicated on how my opponent reacts to the first couple--so you can really fall into bad habits because there are many people out there still completely lost on how to avoid or block it properly. My main focus though is to establish mk to force jump-ins and then go from there. Against shotos I try never to jump unless I know I have advantage. And many Gens I've seen seem to forget his ex roll goes through fireballs. Oh yeah, I go for resets off his ppp super wayyy too much--another instance of playing people that dont know the old man. I'm outta practice with him lately though, been focusing on Abel for a while now. Those 2, some Sakura and have also been messing with Rose.
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