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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Ok...so I am working my way through the challenges and I have 3 that get me every time can i get a little help:

First - Guile (4th normal set) - Jump fierce kick - m.punch - flash kick - super

I can get the first three moves, but cant figure out the super part (i can get the super on its own).

Second - Dhalsim (3rd or 4th set normal) - m.kick - yoga flame

No clue why this is so hard...what is the deal.

Third - Gouken (3rd or 4th set normal) - h.kick - super

Like Dhalsim I can't figure this one out any hints?



Guile's is a cancel, so for flash kick -> super it's:

charge down back, then up forward kick, and right away go back to down back then up forward kick. Fast enough so that the flash kick will just come out as you cancel into the super (you hit the second kick for the super just as the flash kick hits)

It just says medium kick, but with Dhalsim's trials it's usually the BACK medium kick version cancelled into super. Back kick, and do the flame, and press punch just as the medium back kick hits. This motion does give some people trouble, but keep at it and it should come out.

Gouken's kick is 2 hits, cancel into super after the first hit.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I want to get the normal trials finished off soon, haven't tried in a while but I remember there is a trial for dhalsim, something like

HK,Yoga Flame.

It just doesn't come out no matter what timing I try. Anyone know whatI'm talking about?


Second - Dhalsim (3rd or 4th set normal) - m.kick - yoga flame

No clue why this is so hard...what is the deal.

YES THATS THE ONE. it just doesn't feel like a combo at all... edit 2 I can see I suffered badly from not reading before posting this...


ShinAmano said:
Third - Gouken (3rd or 4th set normal) - h.kick - super

Like Dhalsim I can't figure this one out any hints?

That one gave me nightmares. The way I did it was buffering the first QCF before the HK hits and do the other one as soon as it hits.

It should look something like QCF -> HK -> QCF -> PUNCH (it must be done before the second hit of the HK).

Hope it helps, I think it's the same deal with Dhalsim.


Honda you say? Why not, I'll give him a try when I get home today. I hate the fact that I'm "giving up" on a character but I think I have no choice here :lol .

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Owensboro said:
Honda you say? Why not, I'll give him a try when I get home today. I hate the fact that I'm "giving up" on a character but I think I have no choice here :lol .
Blanka is also another good beginner character. At higher levels people can stop him quite effectively, at lower levels, people have no idea what to do when his ultra goes off anywhere near them :lol.

he has nice tricks as well. A lot of people have trouble against blanka, he's impossible to cross up as well nearly due to electricity.

I've started to use a little bit of Honda, I like him as I play charge characters mainly, but I don't really understand his buttslam move, when is that thing safe to use?


catfish said:
I've started to use a little bit of Honda, I like him as I play charge characters mainly, but I don't really understand his buttslam move, when is that thing safe to use?
When it hits. I usually don't use it too often, especially anyone with an SRK. Or sometimes I'll just send out a brief barrage of them as a mixup.

EDIT - if you do a buttslam immediately after a buttslam, it sometimes works if they try to throw it.

And you can always come back to Sakura. She's got lots of good to her, but her bad makes it difficult to win. I still haven't won a G1 tourney with her yet.
Lost Fragment said:
Yeah, Viper's 3rd hard trial is brutal. Try practicing cancelling c.mp and c.fp and getting those down first if you can, 'cause that c.lp -> ultra is a 1-frame cancel and you've gotta do it perfect to get it to come out.

The good thing about Viper's 3rd hard trial is that her 4th and 5th ones are ridiculously easy in comparison.
There's a easier way of doing Vipers Hard trial 3. When you land your 5LK and about to 2LP. Instead 3LP into(You have to do this vey fast)a counter clockwise SPD motion to PPP. But stop it at 2 instead of doing the whole motion. So, it looks like this *Numeric Keypad Notation* 36987412+PPP. Practice with LP to get a hang of it. There's a thread on SRK that discuss the technique I mention.


Everything is moe to me
Diablohead said:
It's just xbox live, install and play on live (but not cross playing with 360 users for SFIV)
so.. do i have to pay a subscription?

Owensboro said:
Thanks for the kind words. I expected to lose a lot when I finally started playing this game, but I never expected to have so much trouble winning even one round. I think my main problems at this point are:

1) I'm addicted to special moves. I've decided to try maining Sakura and I find myself constantly just blocking and trying to do specials. I need to get it into my head that not only are there 6 attack buttons, but that they can chain together in good ways. I have no idea how to do this.
2) I can't do a throw for the life of me. I know the command for it I just can't judge the distance / don't know when a throw will actually connect.
3) I don't know how to punish anything, or even basic tactics to fight common moves. I must have fought 8 flowchart kens yesterday, and just couldn't react fast enough to do anything.

After my epic loss string I spent an hour in Challenge mode yesterday getting move links down trying to get some of them ingrained in muscle memory, but even with that I can't remember once in those loses where I actually got a (jump-in)heavy punch on an opponent (the opening to most of Sakura's combos).

I'm going to go watch a ton more videos I guess.
im a bad sakura too! xbox or psn?

whats with people saying sakura has low health? she has 950. >_>
I myself am going through the normal trials. For some reason Fei Long's c.lp, qcf punches are pissing me off. I'll get the first punch in but fail to get the other 2.

Oh and Guile's flash kick cancel > super flash kick seems ridiculous. Any tips on how to accomplish this feat??
loving that highlights vid

and it's nice to see how their hands work a bit there. We see tons of match videos, but I wish more people also record what their crazy hands are doing.
Lost Fragment said:
Yeah, Viper's 3rd hard trial is brutal. Try practicing cancelling c.mp and c.fp and getting those down first if you can, 'cause that c.lp -> ultra is a 1-frame cancel and you've gotta do it perfect to get it to come out.

The good thing about Viper's 3rd hard trial is that her 4th and 5th ones are ridiculously easy in comparison.
It's crazy man. I was playing around in training mode and managed to get c.lp -> HJC -> Burst Time only two times. Her 3rd trial is ridiculous. I can do the first and second almost on command now. :(


Owensboro said:
Honda you say? Why not, I'll give him a try when I get home today. I hate the fact that I'm "giving up" on a character but I think I have no choice here :lol .
I don't think honda is gonna be a very good choice for you, especially since you are going to mostly be playing against sagats and ryus nowadays. Honda requires alot of waiting and strategy, so if you are impatient i would not recommend using him. I think Blanka might be a better character for you.


~Devil Trigger~ said:

I don't understand why there are like 3 rufus vs gief matches there. Surely Marn, Justin, and Ricky O. didn't all pick rufus...? Seemed like that guy could've won just using standing jab in every round, if he wanted to. Is there some of the first round of matches mixed in there or something? I'll have to check out the SRK thread when I get home.

I wish I started playing this game online from the getgo. Championship mode has been loads of fun, if difficult. I've been playing Chun Li, and I knew things were gonna get rough once I reached the opponents who were too smart to jump in on me during wake-up 5 times a match. Ex SBK is like crack. Finding ways to win without that easy damage is just gonna make me better though.

PSN id is Rubashov, if anyone wants to play some Chun sometime.
Pandaman said:
so.. do i have to pay a subscription?

im a bad sakura too! xbox or psn?

whats with people saying sakura has low health? she has 950. >_>

Online XBL gaming on the pc is FREE :D so no money needs to be spent, you can even just make an offline profile if you don't want achievements.


Is that red cyclone vid on Youtube? That MP4 will not play for me, it's green screen with sound.

And that Honda skin is awesome. The possibilities with skin modding are completely insane. I had no idea you can completely change the geometry of a character. This will open a ton of doors.


Arpharmd B said:
Is that red cyclone vid on Youtube? That MP4 will not play for me, it's green screen with sound.

And that Honda skin is awesome. The possibilities with skin modding are completely insane. I had no idea you can completely change the geometry of a character. This will open a ton of doors.
get vlc media player...plays almost anything
Arpharmd B said:
And that Honda skin is awesome. The possibilities with skin modding are completely insane. I had no idea you can completely change the geometry of a character. This will open a ton of doors.
Once the animations/hitbox barriers are broken, SF4 PC will turn into 3D M.U.G.E.N., for better or worse :lol
Pandaman said:
[if someone could explain what this games for windows shite is]
It means the game uses the Games for Windows Live infrastructure for online play. It looks and works exactly like XBL, with the same friends list and achievements and everything. Except inviting friends into matches doesn't work, so...

Pandaman said:
so.. do i have to pay a subscription?
No it's completely free


Huzzah! I finally won an online match with E.Honda! You guys were right, the low stamina on Sakura was crippling me from learning because I was dieing so quickly. I won a lot more single matches this time but each time just barely. Strangely, I lost to a buuuunch of Ryus and Kens, but beat a Gouken. I just quit out and left on a high note.

chriskun said:
I don't think honda is gonna be a very good choice for you, especially since you are going to mostly be playing against sagats and ryus nowadays. Honda requires alot of waiting and strategy, so if you are impatient i would not recommend using him. I think Blanka might be a better character for you.

You know, ever since the SFII days I've wanted to play Blanka but because my mom was giving me quarters I never wanted to lose to learn him. Now's the time! I'll give him a try :D .


Everything is moe to me
Owensboro said:
Huzzah! I finally won an online match with E.Honda! You guys were right, the low stamina on Sakura was crippling me from learning because I was dieing so quickly. I won a lot more single matches this time but each time just barely. Strangely, I lost to a buuuunch of Ryus and Kens, but beat a Gouken. I just quit out and left on a high note.

You know, ever since the SFII days I've wanted to play Blanka but because my mom was giving me quarters I never wanted to lose to learn him. Now's the time! I'll give him a try :D .
can you play now? i want to try my sak against ya. :p

im pandacraft on psn, you already friended me but you probably didnt know who i was. -.-
just popping in the thread, i'm practicing with my Fightstick and if and one wants to to practice/mentor me, feel free too. my PSN ID is in my profile.

btw: i'm trying to main Viper & ELF if that matters, my ryu is on the backburner as well. :D
Had some fun tonight, actually won a few ranked and dipped into player matches, it's been a while since I played them. Went up against some good people still but one dude who I think was akuma dropped out, DROPPED OUT on a player match :lol well it gave me a giggle.

Just unlocked all types of medal, horrah for double time out win because the other guy turtles.

Oh yeah and someone gave me a rude message about doing lots of jabs, what else should I do take punches from you instead? I was boxer.


Setec Astronomer
Metal Gear?! said:
It means the game uses the Games for Windows Live infrastructure for online play. It looks and works exactly like XBL, with the same friends list and achievements and everything. Except inviting friends into matches doesn't work, so...
You gotta create a match first before you can invite.


Mrs. Harvey
I got really bored one day and did a 99+ combo with Akuma in training. Basically, have infinite bar, do c.mk into fireball, FADC, repeat. It took like 4 minutes and god did my hands hurt afterwards. :lol




Everything is moe to me
GG's owens, i really did have to go! the matches were fun! [womenfolk stole my tv]

you were doing a great job of timing my fireballs and anti airing me. not bad considering you were at a huge tier disadvantage. [Sakura is SS tier]


Pandaman said:
GG's owens, i really did have to go! the matches were fun! [womenfolk stole my tv]

you were doing a great job of timing my fireballs and anti airing me. not bad considering you were at a huge tier disadvantage. [Sakura is SS tier]

Hah, honestly I kept falling for your stupid neutral jump into high kick. If I had just been smart enough to punish that, I might have won one round... (he beat me ..what... 8-0?)

Good game man. I'll play you anytime!


For anyone that's interested, someone finally posted the Team Let's Go Justin match where they get OCV'd by a sick Zangief player. If you're averse to French commentary, just turn off the sound, but he's actually quite good if you understand.

Part 1
Part 2
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