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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Mirimar said:
For anyone that's interested, someone finally posted the Team Let's Go Justin match where they get OCV'd by a sick Zangief player. If you're averse to French commentary, just turn off the sound, but he's actually quite good if you understand.

Part 1
Part 2

American pride getting in the way of victory.

Excellent Sim player just had to, just had to taunt because the Gief player did. What is this, 3rd grade? Way to throw away the match there.


Arpharmd B said:
Is that red cyclone vid on Youtube? That MP4 will not play for me, it's green screen with sound.

Yeah, it's there, I did a search for "Team Justin" or something and found it. That Zangief using either LP or MP to stuff Rufus over and over reminded me of Hugo's patty cake slap MP. Still don't get why they kept picking Rufus though.

Edit: beaten!


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
I just faced FOUR Honda's in a row- the entire G2 bracket. What are the odds? I hate facing honda too.
What has upped my wins considerably is to hang back until you see them walk forward. Their best anti-air option is gone and attacking is a bit more in your favor.
I watched that Team Justin video from SBO. That Zangief was hella good. His pokes were great. His comebacks against Arturo and the last match were clutch.

And Maxi, your Ken is great. You have a good pressure game and are good at predicting your opponents responses.

Good podcast Haunts.


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
That's basically what I did. I had a 45 second stand off with one of them.
Inch up, try to bait him, etc. It's not a fun match when they refuse to attack and you don't have a fireball. I understand though, I hate facing Honda's, and I main Honda :lol

At least I'm a Honda that's not afraid to walk forward.


Just had some pretty epic matches with Ysiadmihi. Too bad there were lag issues, so some of my moves didn't always execute how I wanted and it's probably the same for him too. All in all, it ended up about 50/50, but I won less with my C.Viper against his M.Bison & Cammy.

I found out that
1. Lag can be really annoying (inputting a special move and see a normal punch or kick come out... sigh moments)
2. Can't get used to the new sf4 fightpad fast enough. Had to switch to keyboard to even be a fighting chance.
3. C.Viper needs 'the perfect distance' before being really effective. This is the distance just far enough to avoid a grab. Apparently, I'm always on the winning side if the opponent tries to do something. However, Ysiadmihi ends up avoiding that distance in the later games so it seems the Viper rush is quite easily avoided by just jumping backwards and out of 'the zone'.
4. If the other player can change his fighting style it causes me to misread. If I misread too much I end up blocking when I think something is coming... and nothing is coming. So in the end I actually resemble someone turtling (blocking 70-80%). Kind of interesting, because the reason I chose C.Viper is because she can offensively defensive by avoiding lots of things by just attacking.
5. Using C.Viper's ultra to punish people coming in from the air is... pretty hard. And the punishment is always harsh.

GGs to Ysiadmihi and more practice for me with C.Viper. Still love her playstyle way more than any other character.


Hi fellas I recently got a stick and I'm adapting pretty well...but i cannot do a DRAGONPUNCH to save the life of me. this is crucial since i play rufus and i can rarely pull off my snakes wen i try.

tips ;[ ?


As someone who plays abel, I wish all the Zangiefs in the world got punched in the face for every single lariat or grab on innocent players

also, GFW: Jenga212

I like to think I've improved with my Abel, I'd love to fight any Gaffers.


Soneet said:
5. Using C.Viper's ultra to punish people coming in from the air is... pretty hard. And the punishment is always harsh.
That's why it's best combo'd or focus attack.

I love watching all the stuff great players do in videos FADC off thunderknuckle etc, but for simplicity, Viper can combo her Super and Ultra off some normals, I usually use jump HK as it can cross-up.


nilbog21 said:
Hi fellas I recently got a stick and I'm adapting pretty well...but i cannot do a DRAGONPUNCH to save the life of me. this is crucial since i play rufus and i can rarely pull off my snakes wen i try.

tips ;[ ?
DP motion shortcut is df,df.


Mirimar said:
For anyone that's interested, someone finally posted the Team Let's Go Justin match where they get OCV'd by a sick Zangief player. If you're averse to French commentary, just turn off the sound, but he's actually quite good if you understand.

Part 1
Part 2

My god.

If you understand french, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to watch these.

The commentator is incredibly funny.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
TimeKillr said:
My god.

If you understand french, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to watch these.

The commentator is incredibly funny.

seriously the best commentary in fighting game...ever.

specially the Gief vs Sagat part.:lol


facing a bright new dawn
did any gaffers go to game unicon? i feel horrible for missing it, i was so hyped to go. I've played with luckyd and nestor and asiantom and cp at game universe...they're on a totally different level than me so it felt kinda weird, but still fun.
FindMyFarms said:
watch out dood. ppl are good at adokets in g2, u better no how to fight that stuff

I can barely battle your adokets. I don't think I cn handle g2 stadukens.

Edit: Also pick Balrog next time so I can tear you up. :p
haunts said:
Yo for real if you see Yuuki tell him I said whats up...

Ya for sure, we're blazin up in a few haha. It's a pity he only plays 3s.

GalacticAE said:
I can barely battle your adokets. I don't think I cn handle g2 stadukens.

Edit: Also pick Balrog next time so I can tear you up. :p

Haha dude I hate using rog online :( Sagat/Ryu is so much easier :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
GalacticAE said:
cuz u can't headbutt ultra off it. duh.

I love how Balrog's with Ultra meter will keep randomly headbutting or trying to put up a combo where they can headbutt you. Hilarious really :lol They just don't know that if Balrog does that to Chun and she blocks as soon as she blocks she can ultra him... or EX Legs > Ultra, w/e works best for you. =D
bdizzle said:
Man are people purposely lagging during the final match or something? Yellow bars then as soon as I win the 1st round here comes the lag

That's what happens when you win the gaf team championship. Peeps come at ya.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So I've been thinking lately about coding a PHP web app that would automate online tournaments. Any interest in something like this?

It would work pretty easily for any online fighting game, not only SF4.
Lost Fragment said:
So I've been thinking lately about coding a PHP web app that would automate online tournaments. Any interest in something like this?

It would work pretty easily for any online fighting game, not only SF4.

Lost Fragment said:
So I've been thinking lately about coding a PHP web app that would automate online tournaments. Any interest in something like this?

It would work pretty easily for any online fighting game, not only SF4.

Sounds good.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
K. Should be nice for people to not have to spend so much time messing around with brackets and stuff.

In other news, I realized today that I can do Viper's hard trial 2 on reaction now. Heh.


Got to meet Ono today.


I recorded the majority of the panel which you can watch here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

And here's a summary if you don't want to sit through those.

Ono bio
-loved music and girls so started a band to get chicks
-studied architecture in university but thought that it wouldn't get him any chicks
-applied to Capcom since he felt he could be the center of attention while exploring his love of games
-first game he worked on was as a composer for Muscle Bomber/Slam Masters
-fisrt SF game he worked on was Alpha
-Alpha was being developed on CPS2 but Capcom had a glut of CPS1 boards so they had to use them
-guy working on sprites had the toughest job converting them to CPS1's 16 colour palette
-had 2 months to make Alpha, staff pretty much did not go home during that time
-worked on SF3 as music producer
-at the time of planning, they wanted to make the ultimate SF game (art, sound, game balance, graphics)
-since it was well received by fans and SF3 team thought it was the best, it took him 10 years to convince Capcom to make SF4
-66% of Capcom do not think it's a good idea to continue with Street Fighter (boo)

What does a producer do?
-the producer is the one who stands at the end and realises that they have to make money
-he is a game creator before being a producer so his number one concern is always what can he do to ensure fans will continue to play fighting games (he calls them "fighting tools")
-his approach to being a producer is creating games that players love

Any talk of patching/game balance?
-already did the championship mode earlier this spring which took up the last of the development budget - so no
-but rest assured, requests for patches have been heard by Capcom

Any plans for more Onimusha?
-asks the crowd whether there's still any interest in Onimusha, crowd reacts with meh, laughter ensues

Why did SF4 not use GGPO which Capcom acquired the rights to?
-Ono was interested in it but Capcom thought it was too process intensive so they didn't use it

Having worked on Alpha and SF3, are there any characters that you would have liked to see in SF4?
-brought in characters from Alpha since it was about time to bring them back in
-didn't bring characters from SF3 since there was so much time between 3 and 4, he felt that non-hardcore players maybe forgot about some of the characters/wouldn't enjoy playing all them
-asks crowd which of the SF3 cast they would like to see back (Ono laughs at the mention of Sean and Necro)

Why no Dee Jay / T.Hawk?
-difficult question to answer at this point in time...
-SF4 was supposed to be a reunion but T.Hawk and Dee Jay's invitations got lost in the mail

Why do you like fighting games?
-competition in general is so global - either you win or lose
-with street fights, it's skill against skill, one wins one loses, gives you a simplicity/satisfaction that let's you play over and over again and enjoy it

How do you come up with moves for your games?
-take the lowest ranked staff member, beat them up, whatever hurts them the most goes in the game

What would you like to see for the next revision of SF4?
-more SF3 characters

What are the chances of a Canadian fighter in the next game?
-Ono asks what makes a Canadian character? crowds responds with hockey
-if we were to put in a hockey player they'd have a weapon (stick) so probably more suited for Soul Calibur
-will consider a Canadian fighter and if one does make it he'll incorporate maple syrup and smoked salmon

During the development of SF4, did you ever doubt yourself on whether you could topple SF3?
-never at any point did he doubt himself since goal wasn't to make a game that was better than SF3
-wanted to bring back old feeling from SF2/Alpha where you love the game and want to play it forever and ever

Favourite street fighter character?
-favourite SF game is SF2 Championship Edition since you could beat Bison/Dictator with the then weak Honda
-showed him that SF games have depth and is not just about choosing the stongest character
-likes Dan
-usually plays with Ryu but his favourite is Dhalsim
-expresses disappointment with lack of Dhalsim cosplay at Fan Expo
Confirmed: Capcom does not like money

Confirmed just a second ago: Family members of Capcom employees will be kidnapped and the kidnappers will demand SF5 as ransom for there safe return.
Capcom would just send Sagat to f. rh the kidnappers

Also apologies to killasasa. The lag was def. on my end. Tried playing a game w/ someone that lives 10 minutes away and it felt like a slide show.


*goes to final in championship mode, gets auto disconnected as soon as I enter the room, loses progress*

Just happened. Fucking Capcom.

Got a new router, and wow, online is hella smooth.


DR2K said:
*goes to final in championship mode, gets auto disconnected as soon as I enter the room, loses progress*

Just happened. Fucking Capcom.

Got a new router, and wow, online is hella smooth.

what router you get? mine is bout to take a crap, get random drops
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