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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Bacon of Hope
Its been 3 days and I havent played online.. are you guys proud of mee????

IN FACT... im going to the ARCADE... later today.. for LOCAL PLAY.. :p


Bacon of Hope
in somewhat related news, I was playing local matches the other day, and all my frame traps were working.. c.lk, c.mp, c.lp xx tiggggaaaaaa u mad. :D
haunts said:
Its been 3 days and I havent played online.. are you guys proud of mee????

IN FACT... im going to the ARCADE... later today.. for LOCAL PLAY.. :p

Buktooth would be proud of you. And on a completely noobish note, I had no idea he used to hail from Nor Cal.

TimeKillr said:
Yeah far RH with Akuma is a pain to deal with with Abel.
Yah I agree, there's no reason at all akuma should be able to rh -> st. jab -> rh loop on Abel, it doesn't make sense to me in a balancing sense or with regards to hit boxes. Against Sagat I understand, since he's friggin tall. But how can akuma rh loop abel but not Gief? wtf lol

LeMaximilian said:
Championship Mode Run from 8/26, got me 5th place overall on the CP Xbox live leaderboards.
Pro Ken tips (since you know, I taught Ed ma:lol :lol )

You probably know this alread but if you trade w/ strong SRK, you can dash forward and do another. Also close st. mk has high priority, comes out fast, and STANDS crouching opponents. St. mk to cr. mk is a really easy link which gives you free tatsu. Very easy to hit confirm.

_dementia said:
PSNers, my flowchart Abel will grace you all soon enough :)
Should be up and running by tomorrow night.

We welcome you with open f. rh's Also Tues/Thurs is the only day I am available to do ranbats, unless people are willing to do them on Mondays at 10 30 pm central

On a side note, a finals match of mine got uploaded the other day in championship mode. My C. Viper was on a new level of scrubbiness:lol. How do I view it again?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I miss arcades so so so much :(

FindMyFarms said:
Why tk feint? You can just SJC it. I like using cr. mk though since you don't have to get into spam jab territory, and the xup is a little more ambiguous. That shit's guaranteed online. It gets my lagtactics seal of approval :lol

I think the feint just makes it more mindfucky.

But yeah, I usually only use mp when I'm already up close or after a j.hk that I think they're gonna block because it comes out faster. I'll use mk otherwise.


Alligator F*ck House
catfish said:
can you give a dummy rundown on how to get your setup to capture? Are you playing PC or xbox? Hope it's for xbox, but regardless can you post what you purchased?

Playing on 360. Here's what I purchased for HD capturing, very easy to use... http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Got mine from Amazon for about $200, with a 25 foot USB 2.0 cable to reach the computer across the room. It's odd that it only uses USB 2.0 and not firewire, but whatever.

Thanks for the comps doods! Was able to edit together last nights championship run before I went to sleep...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_BJ64aV0 Last match had some pretty chunky bits of lag.
LeMaximilian said:
Playing on 360. Here's what I purchased for HD capturing, very easy to use... http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Got mine from Amazon for about $200, with a 25 foot USB 2.0 cable to reach the computer across the room. It's odd that it only uses USB 2.0 and not firewire, but whatever.

Was able to edit together last nights championship run before I went to sleep...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_BJ64aV0 Last match had some pretty chunky bits of lag.

I think I'm gonna get this. Thanks!

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
LeMaximilian said:
Playing on 360. Here's what I purchased for HD capturing, very easy to use... http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Got mine from Amazon for about $200, with a 25 foot USB 2.0 cable to reach the computer across the room. It's odd that it only uses USB 2.0 and not firewire, but whatever.

Thanks for the comps doods! Was able to edit together last nights championship run before I went to sleep...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_BJ64aV0 Last match had some pretty chunky bits of lag.

Good shit.

And hah, I recognize that TreesAreDying dude. I beat him pretty badly once and now he kicks me out every time I join his games :lol


LeMaximilian said:
I'm trying to get something like this going. I always hated the video record screen youtube jazz, so I invested in some HD capture equipment a couple weeks ago. Fair warning, it's going to mostly be Ken stuff. So if your into low-tier characters trying to be high tier, this could be your thing, lol.

Championship Mode Run from 8/26, got me 5th place overall on the CP Xbox live leaderboards.


Nice Ken run.


TimeKillr said:
Yeah far RH with Akuma is a pain to deal with with Abel.

Thankfully most Akumas try to chain it afterwards (even on block!) so ex TT is your friend there! I haven't seen many Akumas do far RH -> SRK so you're usually safe.
I usually use EX CoD as this avoids whiffing the throw, and allows for an FADC into d.fp into ultra if you have that much meter. Akuma's almost always follow up with a d.mk after the standing roundhouse is blocked.


Alligator F*ck House
Lost Fragment said:
In other news, someone uploaded a random championship mode match of mine on YouTube. 'course it would be one where I scrubbed out :lol

Meh, a bad match is just a bad match. SF4 is different from many SF's before it, where you make two....take that back...one bad decision, the momentum is totally changed and the games over. It's not as unforgiving as something like ST, but it's definitely up there :lol

Do you live anywhere near the West Coast? If so we could try getting in some matches sometime if the connections good. SoCal here.
LeMaximilian said:
Meh, a bad match is just a bad match. SF4 is different from many SF's before it, where you make two....take that back...one bad decision, the momentum is totally changed and the games over. It's not as unforgiving as something like ST, but it's definitely up there :lol

Do you live anywhere near the West Coast? If so we could try getting in some matches sometime if the connections good. SoCal here.

I'm In San Diego Maximilian. I would love to get in some matches with your beastly Ken.
I'll probably get wrecked :-(

Your gamertag is Maxilmilian right?
LeMaximilian said:
I'm trying to get something like this going. I always hated the video record screen youtube jazz, so I invested in some HD capture equipment a couple weeks ago. Fair warning, it's going to mostly be Ken stuff. So if your into low-tier characters trying to be high tier, this could be your thing, lol.

Championship Mode Run from 8/26, got me 5th place overall on the CP Xbox live leaderboards.


Nice run. Your link combo into EX Hurricane is beautiful to watch, you have that shit down solid. I find it funny the Sagat in the first match seemed to give you the most trouble. Fuckin' broken ass character /end Sagat-bashing.\

Damn, I miss championship and playing online. I've been without internet at home for a couple weeks now but will be getting it again soon...


Alligator F*ck House
black_vegeta said:
I'm In San Diego Maximilian. I would love to get in some matches with your beastly Ken.
I'll probably get wrecked :-(

Your gamertag is Maxilmilian right?

Awesome, should have some really smooth games then. XBL: Maximilian dood

myDingling said:
Damn, I miss championship and playing online. I've been without internet at home for a couple weeks now but will be getting it again soon...

Holy crap that sucks. I'm just getting back into it too, been playing to much COD4 waiting for the new one to come out :lol


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
bdizzle said:
Ill send you a req when i get home. xbl sir long meat. right now im maining bison and thanks to max's videos learning ken. also play abel, ryu, noobrog, and the occasional sucky dan/viper combo.

Edit Max I sent you a friend req. I have a strong feeling my dan can outclass your ken!

awesome man, added you as a friend, i should point out i live in sweden but that shouldnt be that much of a problem, latencywise that is...hopefully...

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
LeMaximilian said:
Meh, a bad match is just a bad match. SF4 is different from many SF's before it, where you make two....take that back...one bad decision, the momentum is totally changed and the games over. It's not as unforgiving as something like ST, but it's definitely up there :lol

Do you live anywhere near the West Coast? If so we could try getting in some matches sometime if the connections good. SoCal here.

Nah, I'm all the way in Louisville.

I ran into you a few times in championship mode a while back and for some reason I remember the connection being pretty good though, but I might be confusing you with a different really good Ken player. So we could try it and see how it goes sometime if you like.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
So I finally got back from a month-long vacation and back into Street Fighter IV on the TE stick again, and boy did I forget everything all over again... sigh.

Ended up only winning half my matches against one of my good friends, and there were so many matches where the match was mine for the taking, and my execution screwed it up and cost me the match - so annoying...

I gotta seriously get to practicing again to get good with this stick as I permanently abandoned pad play forever, and will never go back to it even though it was where I was for all of my fight gaming life till this year...

LeMaximilian said:
Playing on 360. Here's what I purchased for HD capturing, very easy to use... http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Got mine from Amazon for about $200, with a 25 foot USB 2.0 cable to reach the computer across the room. It's odd that it only uses USB 2.0 and not firewire, but whatever.

Thanks for the comps doods! Was able to edit together last nights championship run before I went to sleep...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_BJ64aV0 Last match had some pretty chunky bits of lag.

You got a real nice Ken there I gotta say man - and about the capture equipment, I've had my eye on a Hauppage HD for more than a year now, and there's really just two things that are keeping me from biting on one:

1) I'm living in Europe now, and I've read how they were planning on bringing a European model, but I haven't seen a thing about it yet, so the electricity thing is somewhat of a problem otherwise, and then also there's the fact that I'd probably have to import.

2) I game on a CRT, via VGA - and if I were to finally get an Hauppage HD, I'd have to get a composite to VGA adapter, which may or may not need to have an additional adapter for the audio - not such a huge problem, but it's in the way I guess...

It's mostly been problem 1 that's my main problem though - and I've really been wanting to capture all of my gameplay sessions whether it be Street Fighter IV, Gears 2, Halo 3, or even single player stuff - and it's just that stuff that's keeping me back - I think I'll actually sit and do some serious searching to see if I can get this figured out once and for all...


LeMaximilian said:
Playing on 360. Here's what I purchased for HD capturing, very easy to use... http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Got mine from Amazon for about $200, with a 25 foot USB 2.0 cable to reach the computer across the room. It's odd that it only uses USB 2.0 and not firewire, but whatever.

Thanks for the comps doods! Was able to edit together last nights championship run before I went to sleep...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_BJ64aV0 Last match had some pretty chunky bits of lag.

Pretty much the same setup as mine (except mine is close to my PC. heh)

I used it to capture our weekly tourney here - and it's freaky beautiful.

Do you mess around with the quality settings or just keep it as it is?

And what do you edit it with? It was a chore to edit it at first until I figured out 2 things:

1- You can upload .TS directly to YouTube
2- You can easily cut and remux a .TS with tsMuxeR (awesome little program!)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Corky said:
awesome man, added you as a friend, i should point out i live in sweden but that shouldnt be that much of a problem, latencywise that is...hopefully...

oh a euro!

I'm in Holland, gt: armedcatfish if you want to scrap it out with an average bison.
Going to play online on windows live tonight but this time record some matches, i'm sure you lot will get a laugh from my scrubby play style :lol


That first match was weird, its a really good Abel that keeps punishing whiffed fierce SRKs with a CoD combo, when FP TT or d.fp -> falling sky do significantly more damage.
Corky said:
awesome man, added you as a friend, i should point out i live in sweden but that shouldnt be that much of a problem, latencywise that is...hopefully...

I think MicVlad lives in Sweden and we've played a lot online and the match is still reletively smooth. I'll be home in about 45min.

God I need to practice my links more and work on hit confirming w/o thinking. itd make my game a million times better.


Are Vega/Balrog's DP moves (remove mask/claw) useful at all or are they just taunts?

I remember a short while back there was a post about Rose's LP Soul Reflect having a negligible effect on the power of her fireballs and wondered if Vegas moves did the same kind of thing?

I use the claw throw one fairly often, just to be a dick really, but I do kind of look at it like it's part of his personality, much the way folks view Dan and taunting.


bdizzle said:
I think MicVlad lives in Sweden and we've played a lot online and the match is still reletively smooth. I'll be home in about 45min.
Seriously? I've played him so many times with rarely a problem. That's impressive.

And I'm pretty sure Vega's dropping his equipment is just some stupid move. Does it build any meter?


Theres a counter that dictates when your claw/mask will come off. After a certain number of hits taken, you'll lose either one. Removing the claw/mask resets that timer. Probably not worth using meter to remove the mask, though.


Well, my Xbox has been sent off due to its 2nd 3RROD. When it returns I really want to play against almost everyone who is still posting here.

Damn Xbox :(


Leunam said:
Theres a counter that dictates when your claw/mask will come off. After a certain number of hits taken, you'll lose either one. Removing the claw/mask resets that timer. Probably not worth using meter to remove the mask, though.
Mmmm I know they come off after a certain amount of blocked hits, but I wondered if removing them yourself had any effect, no matter how small on his damage taken or given. As if a punch was more powerful than a slash, but removing the mask upped his damage intake. Am I over thinking it? I just thought it seemed logical.


BitchTits said:
Mmmm I know they come off after a certain amount of blocked hits, but I wondered if removing them yourself had any effect, no matter how small on his damage taken or given. As if a punch was more powerful than a slash, but removing the mask upped his damage intake. Am I over thinking it? I just thought it seemed logical.

Well yeah, it does have an effect, it resets the counter.

_dementia said:
What does the EX version of equipment removal do for that matter?

Removes the mask instead of the claw.


Fucking Vega's. I just can't beat these guys (playing as Akuma).

bdizzle said:
I think MicVlad lives in Sweden and we've played a lot online and the match is still reletively smooth.
No, he's from Belgium.


BitchTits said:
I remember a short while back there was a post about Rose's LP Soul Reflect having a negligible effect on the power of her fireballs and wondered if Vegas moves did the same kind of thing?
Roses LP Reflect (absorb) ups her next FB damage by +4 per FB aborbed up to 7 FBs. It also applies to her EX FBs and Super with the damage increase per FB being 8 & 15 respectively.

AZ Greg

BitchTits said:
Mmmm I know they come off after a certain amount of blocked hits, but I wondered if removing them yourself had any effect, no matter how small on his damage taken or given. As if a punch was more powerful than a slash, but removing the mask upped his damage intake. Am I over thinking it? I just thought it seemed logical.

Removing the claw is only useful to reset the hit counter. When the mask is removed you both take and deal a little more damage. Both also work to taunt and enrage opponents! :D :lol


PhatSaqs said:
Roses LP Reflect (absorb) ups her next FB damage by +4 per FB aborbed up to 7 FBs. It also applies to her EX FBs and Super with the damage increase per FB being 8 & 15 respectively.
This seems so negligible as to not worth bothering with, is it? I wish since they created this aspect to the move that it had a noticible effect.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I've been wanting to play some really good online with a like minded/same levelish player (or someone willing to go easy). The online system for random ranked/player matches is crap i swear.
I'mm.. i don't know, intermediate at best. Playing mostly Ken (i know i know). Basically i'm a typical casual SF player :lol
Any takers?


bdizzle said:
I think MicVlad lives in Sweden and we've played a lot online and the match is still reletively smooth. I'll be home in about 45min.

God I need to practice my links more and work on hit confirming w/o thinking. itd make my game a million times better.

MicVlaD lives in Belgium, iirc. I remember because I asked him if he spoke french and he doesn't. :)


Right, so I don't play Ryu/Ken/Shotos whatsoever but...

Just how fucking potent is SRK? I played this one dude who seemed to whip em out EVERY SINGLE TIME in the middle of a combo. Now I realize I may have left him space to do it or something, but this dude would pull one off every single time whereas pretty much every Ryu I've ever played couldn't do it consistently.

blah, blah, blah yeah I know how to punish SRKs but I seem to play magical shoto pixies or something that can spam it like a motherfucker in the most silly situations.
Jenga said:
Right, so I don't play Ryu/Ken/Shotos whatsoever but...

Just how fucking potent is SRK? I played this one dude who seemed to whip em out EVERY SINGLE TIME in the middle of a combo. Now I realize I may have left him space to do it or something, but this dude would pull one off every single time whereas pretty much every Ryu I've ever played couldn't do it consistently.

blah, blah, blah yeah I know how to punish SRKs but I seem to play magical shoto pixies or something that can spam it like a motherfucker in the most silly situations.

Yeah if someone's getting SRK happy just stop your strings and wait for a whiff then punish accordingly.
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