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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I don't really know what to say about those 3s-sfiv-sprites...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GFAQs versus SRK :lol :lol
Deadpool is win. Some of these are cheesy because of having to work with the models but some are incredible.

And how about 2ch vs. SRK vs. Gamefaqs vs. Gaf!!

I'm willing to represent GAF!! And we have Yeb!! Wait...I was a member of SRK first...and Haunts posts on SRK. NOOOOO!!!


Anyone install the PC version on multiple machines? Any problems with GFWLive? I assume your BP/GP would be different on both machines, since it seems to be stored locally.

Thinking of starting up an alt character at work
nigga......i need to get the pc version asap man

SecretBonusPoint said:
Holy shit @ Seth/Krang:


and Seth/Iron Man:


I had no idea such amazing re-skinning had taken place already.[/QUOTE]

holy shit he actually has krang in his tummy :lol :lol :lol

fuck why cant console owners be able to do this lol
ShinAmano said:
All the skins make me want to but the PC version...too bad my pc would fuck it up...wish i could import them onto 360 :(
360 would not be at all likely, but at least PS3 has precedence with UTIII supporting user-made skins on that platform.


Damn, some things in this game are just broken. I'm practicing mk hazanshou, lk, lk, ex legs, ex sbk, ultra with Chun in the corner, and it works perfectly... on Ryu. I tried it on Sagat, and the second lk after the hazanshou whiffs like 90% of the time, halting the combo. wtf?
Looks like the flames died down between SRK and Gamefaqs, as the eventual discussion about lag reared its head.

I really hope they fix the netcode. I understand no GGPO. But Blazblue has kind of given people hope to what good netplay is like.

And the Iron Man and Kang skins are pretty sweet.


Oichi said:
Gamefaqs has challenged SRK to a tournament................... :lol


Best post in that thread:

ArcaneMantis said:
Who said that the Gamefaqs players thought they were tight? It's just a challenge for a fun online game of SF4... does SRK really take the game so seriously as to not play a fun little rinky dink online tourney?

Is SRK too cool for school or somethin? It's just fun. Why talk shit? Either accept the challenge and get 8 people to play gamefaqs or sit here and look like a puss who can't play a little fun online thing because it might hurt your ego if you fucked up and lost.

Not trying to offend any SRK posters here at GAF, but ligthen the fuck up and have some fun.:lol
Spiderjericho said:
Looks like the flames died down between SRK and Gamefaqs, as the eventual discussion about lag reared its head.

I really hope they fix the netcode. I understand no GGPO. But Blazblue has kind of given people hope to what good netplay is like.

And the Iron Man and Kang skins are pretty sweet.
It's so absurd Capcom went out of their way to license GGPO and end up not even using it for SFIV.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
The Chun-Li Cat Woman mod is hot - definitely one of the best ones I've seen so far...

Krang and Iron Man are creative, but are all stretched out which ruins it for me honestly...

And those 2D sprites for SFIV characters are niiiiiiiice - especially the Fuerte one!

Last night was a much better night for me with SFIV on the TE stick - execution still cost me a few wins, but overall it was a good evening...
LosDaddie said:
Not trying to offend any SRK posters here at GAF, but ligthen the fuck up and have some fun.:lol
Speaking of lightening up:


Not someone from SRK.
Dude was a Blanka player, and I spammed short kick to interrupt his electricity. Apparently wasn't pleased with that.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
:lol :lol :lol :lol
That Mista Klutch guy (in the gfaqs vs srk thread) says he's from Dallas and competes in tournies, but I've never seen or heard of the guy. Either he's full of it or goes two and out every tourney lol.

Also GG's to Timekillr. Quick word of advice vs. Viper, if she knocks you down, 9 out of 10 times it's better to NOT tech. Quick getups usually set you up for her BK shennanigans most of the time.


MicVlaD said:
Speaking of lightening up:


[spoiler]Not someone from SRK.[/spoiler] Dude was a Blanka player, and I spammed short kick to interrupt his electricity. Apparently wasn't pleased with that.[/QUOTE]

But he is right, you play way too much. Get a life, man!


Aljosa said:
GFaqs vs. SRK? Oh gawd. :lol
I really didn't like the attitude of some of the no names who feel as though they can talk a bunch of shit just because they post on a site with good players on it...Gfaqs seems like they are just trying to generate a fun, challenging tournament for themselves, and really doesn't deserve the backlash they've received from SRKers...
HiResDes said:
I really didn't like the attitude of some of the no names who feel as though they can talk a bunch of shit just because they post on a site with good players on it...Gfaqs seems like they are just trying to generate a fun, challenging tournament for themselves, and really doesn't deserve the backlash they've received from SRKers...

Agreed, if it was just trouble finding players to participate that's one thing. But the amount of cockiness from most is kind of sickening. Even known players are coming in to put down the idea of this tournament. I mean honestly, why not. If nobody is interested then fine, but no need to go there and put those guys down when they came in with friendly intentions and have been polite the whole time.


Sabre did have some good points later on though.
That no good would come of it .

Interesting idea though and it would be kinda fun to watch :D

and seriously whats up with the no names bashing gamefaqs acting like they're fight game gods...


facing a bright new dawn
bdizzle said:
nigga......i need to get the pc version asap man
the online might make you weep. i use sf4 pc for practice when i'm too lazy to go to the living room. it sure does look nice, but online matches are mostly laggy...and i'm not talkin about the delay-of-input style lag, i mean the 15-frames-per-second style lag :'(

edit: actually the pc version was totally worth it. it's where i got the source for my avatar :p


bistromathics said:
the online might make you weep. i use sf4 pc for practice when i'm too lazy to go to the living room. it sure does look nice, but online matches are mostly laggy...and i'm not talkin about the delay-of-input style lag, i mean the 15-frames-per-second style lag :'(

edit: actually the pc version was totally worth it. it's where i got the source for my avatar :p

I honestly don't run into many matches where the game runs in slo-mo. I have way more issues with REAL lag from opponents rather than people with slow PCs that have no business playing the game in the first place.
toneroni said:
Sabre did have some good points later on though.
That no good would come of it .

Interesting idea though and it would be kinda fun to watch :D

and seriously whats up with the no names bashing gamefaqs acting like they're fight game gods...

The whole mentality at SRK is "we're fighting game elistest!"

It's even sad when they're fighting agmonst themselves about their SRK join date. "stfu 09'er" type nonsense.

That's why I just lurk there...
black_vegeta said:
The whole mentality at SRK is "we're fighting game elistest!"

It's even sad when they're fighting agmonst themselves about their SRK join date. "stfu 09'er" type nonsense.

That's why I just lurk there...
I hate the over-use of the N word at SRK, like WTF do teens today all talk like this with themselves calltemselves N* this N* that? you can get your face punched in for using the N word over here.


Ysiadmihi said:
I honestly don't run into many matches where the game runs in slo-mo. I have way more issues with REAL lag from opponents rather than people with slow PCs that have no business playing the game in the first place.
Conscider yourself lucky. I keep bumping into people that are in slowmotion mode every goddamn final! After the last match I played, I just send the guy a message saying: good games; but just one question... how can you play like that? Wouldnt it help turning your settings down a bit?

Dont know if it sounds hate-mail'ish, but I just dont get how you can constantly play like that.


profit said:
Conscider yourself lucky. I keep bumping into people that are in slowmotion mode every goddamn final! After the last match I played, I just send the guy a message saying: good games; but just one question... how can you play like that? Wouldnt it help turning your settings down a bit?

Dont know if it sounds hate-mail'ish, but I just dont get how you can constantly play like that.

I have run into a few people like that (I just quit the game during a semi-final against a Ken earlier because of the slo-mo), but it rarely, RARELY happens to me.

It's too bad the game doesn't force you to run the benchmark tool and limit you to certain settings each time you change hardware so you can't slow people up online. They could always patch it in I guess, but I don't see it happening.


FindMyFarms said:
That Mista Klutch guy (in the gfaqs vs srk thread) says he's from Dallas and competes in tournies, but I've never seen or heard of the guy. Either he's full of it or goes two and out every tourney lol.

Played him last night.. think we had a 3 or 4 bar connection. Either way, nothing special; a Gouken player that couldn't deal with wake up shenanigans


facing a bright new dawn
is that what's causing the slideshow lag? because my opponent's pc is physically slow? i didn't know that...i guess i will stop blaming capcom when i rant about pc sf4 lag from now on. seriously though it is probably 3/5 matches that run like that. basically i have 1 irl friend w/ sf4 pc and 1 internet friend w/ good connection. if PC is all you've got then go for it (sf4 is a great game), but if it weren't for the avatar, i'd regret double dipping.

i've actually been considering going for the hat trick and picking up the ps3 version. i'm in G1 now on 360 and i kinda liked the climb up the ladder. i loved beating the people who, you just know, think they are hot shit. i also miss the occasional stick-smashing, glass-breaking anguish of losing to shoryu-happy kens.

I find it harder to get into decent connection matches (3 bars is the norm), and i'm getting tired of fighting G1 ryus and akumas.

black_vegeta said:
It's even sad when they're fighting agmonst themselves about their SRK join date. "stfu 09'er" type nonsense.
you mean you dont check join dates for gaffers? i'm not gonna hate on someone for joining later than me, but the concept of doing something "before it was cool" is not really exclusive to SRK. Replace "09'er" with "junior". Notice anything?

black_vegeta said:
The whole mentality at SRK is "we're fighting game elistest!"
goddamn dude i just reread your post. it would be brilliantly funny if you were being facetious, but i get the feeling you're not.

....just checked your join date :lol
not like i'm so much better


profit said:
Conscider yourself lucky. I keep bumping into people that are in slowmotion mode every goddamn final! After the last match I played, I just send the guy a message saying: good games; but just one question... how can you play like that? Wouldnt it help turning your settings down a bit?

Dont know if it sounds hate-mail'ish, but I just dont get how you can constantly play like that.

It surprises me again and again what incredible low standards some people have. Just finished my first CP finale on the PC and it was probably the worst match I ever played. But my opponent insisted to rejoin and after kicking him several times he actually asked me, if I'm scared......like he didn't notice that the game ran with 5 fps..... o_O

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Won said:
But my opponent insisted to rejoin and after kicking him several times he actually asked me, if I'm scared......like he didn't notice that the game ran with 5 fps..... o_O

I've been getting that a lot lately on XBL :lol

It's like yeah, it's that I'm scared, and not that our connection is laggy as fuck + I play Viper.


bistromathics said:
is that what's causing the slideshow lag? because my opponent's pc is physically slow? i didn't know that...i guess i will stop blaming capcom when i rant about pc sf4 lag from now on.

If it's happening constantly, chances are it's something on your end, maybe even not hardware related. What are your specs?


facing a bright new dawn
Ysiadmihi said:
If it's happening constantly, chances are it's something on your end, maybe even not hardware related. What are your specs?

radeon 4800
core 2 duo 3.16 GHz
4g RAM
64 bit windows 7 (but also played on xp and 32 bit windows 7)

game runs flawlessly in single player and against select online people. unless its a network setting i dont think its on my end

you mean you dont check join dates for gaffers? i'm not gonna hate on someone for joining later than me, but the concept of doing something "before it was cool" is not really exclusive to SRK. Replace "09'er" with "junior". Notice anything?


goddamn dude i just reread your post. it would be brilliantly funny if you were being facetions, but i get the feeling you're not.

No sir, I don't check the Gaffer join dates.

Regarding the "09'er" to "Junior," in some cases yes...but nowhere near abused/used as on the SRK forums. Every page, it's guaranteed someone is making a 09'er remark.


facing a bright new dawn
black_vegeta said:
No sir, I don't check the Gaffer join dates.

Regarding the "09'er" to "Junior," in some cases yes...but nowhere near abused/used as on the SRK forums. Every page, it's guaranteed someone is making a 09'er remark.
the internet is the internet is the internet...GAF just has more filters in place to try and maintain a sensible community.

anywayyyyyy...so how 'bout that street fighter 4, guyz?
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