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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Setec Astronomer
bistromathics said:
the internet is the internet is the internet...GAF just has more filters in place to try and maintain a sensible community.
Well, not so much "try", but we do have more filters!
black_vegeta said:
No sir, I don't check the Gaffer join dates.

Regarding the "09'er" to "Junior," in some cases yes...but nowhere near abused/used as on the SRK forums. Every page, it's guaranteed someone is making a 09'er remark.

I'm ParryAll at SRK, I've been a member for 5 years and yes, we are all dicks there. Me included.

When I read a grumpy text I'm going to start being like, damn these grumpy old 00ers.

Anyway. Use SRK as a resource for knowledge, the people there are unforgiving and the overall vibe is very hateful.


facing a bright new dawn
Hitokage said:
Well, not so much "try", but we do have more filters
I added the "try" in afterwords for modesty's sake; couldn't show the high-horse of GAF I was riding on right after ranting about internet stereotypes.

black_vegeta said:
except the forums for lower tier characters are terrrible! i still dont understand how placeholder threads get and stay stickied over there. and OPs never update!

i honestly dont run into the seedy parts of town you guys are talkin about, though; i stick to character specific where people are tryin to help each other understand.


HiResDes said:
I really didn't like the attitude of some of the no names who feel as though they can talk a bunch of shit just because they post on a site with good players on it...Gfaqs seems like they are just trying to generate a fun, challenging tournament for themselves, and really doesn't deserve the backlash they've received from SRKers...

Elitist pricks will be elitist pricks. What can you do.

Edit: wait, even "known" players are putting them down? That's some high level asshole play right there. And they ain't learn it in Japan.


Alligator F*ck House
bob_arctor said:
Elitist pricks will be elitist pricks. What can you do.

There's a large majority on SRK that flame, brag and post nonsense revolved around the belief that they are skilled. It's more like fabricated elitism.

I only really post in a section of the forum dedicated to a lower tiered character, so the elated douchbaggery isn't as apparent.


Arpharmd B said:
Use SRK as a resource for knowledge, the people there are unforgiving and the overall vibe is very hateful.
Actually, from what I've seen from lurking is that either they're extremely helpful guys who're willing to put time and effort towards helping people learn and get better with characters and the game as a whole, while the other half are just really really spiteful people.


I wish my connection didn't suck. I can no beast Hardest bots. This shit is getting stupid. I need to play REAL people. I might head over to Jersey City this weekend and play with some SRK peeps.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Lost Fragment said:
Competing in tournies automatically makes you a somebody now I guess?

And yeah, I think I played him last night too.

No, competing in tournaments gives people tangible proof that you're making a concerted effort to get better at the game. Most people on SRK don't go to tournies though, so...
gutter_trash said:
I hate the over-use of the N word at SRK, like WTF do teens today all talk like this with themselves calltemselves N* this N* that? you can get your face punched in for using the N word over here.

Ninja please. As someone who has posted there for at least 7 years (and probably lurked since the get go), I guess the "appearance" is there a lot of blacks on the forum. Doesn't excuse the use of the N bomb, but in some regions, that word is used as extensively as you (I'm looking at New Yawk and the South). Like I hear Sabin, Yep (sp), Justin and others say it.

And the videos were hilarious. I like the Claw mod.

I decided to switch out sticks and am now using the Madcatz SE (SE for Seimitsu). It seems to handle a little better than the EX2. I just wish it only had the six face buttons on the face.

Also RE: the PC. It is hella laggy. I have a Q6600, 6GB of Ram and a 4890 and locally, the game maintains 60fps, 4X AA, High Self Shadow, etc. But certain Live -ers are just ugh.

I might head back to console once the ridiculous slide show is done on my new TV.


Spiderjericho said:
Ninja please. As someone who has posted there for at least 7 years (and probably lurked since the get go), I guess the "appearance" is there a lot of blacks on the forum. Doesn't excuse the use of the N bomb, but in some regions, that word is used as extensively as you (I'm looking at New Yawk and the South). Like I hear Sabin, Yep (sp), Justin and others say it.

And the videos were hilarious. I like the Claw mod.

I decided to switch out sticks and am now using the Madcatz SE (SE for Seimitsu). It seems to handle a little better than the EX2. I just wish it only had the six face buttons on the face.

Also RE: the PC. It is hella laggy. I have a Q6600, 6GB of Ram and a 4890 and locally, the game maintains 60fps, 4X AA, High Self Shadow, etc. But certain Live -ers are just ugh.

I might head back to console once the ridiculous slide show is done on my new TV.

We minorities love your fightan gaemz :D *raises fist*

Everyone I know who is into fighting games are either black or Asian. Some are hispanic, and very few are white. Funny huh.
-PXG- said:
We minorities love your fightan gaemz :D *raises fist*

Everyone I know who is into fighting games are either black or Asian. Some are hispanic, and very few are white. Funny huh.

When you look at the "famous" faces, it does appear that they are black, hispanic or Asian. Marn, Wong, Sabin, Gootecks, Combofiend, Mike Ross, Ed Ma, Alex Valle, John Choi...

The white man is too busy making money to bother with these dem video games.
Oichi said:
No, competing in tournaments gives people tangible proof that you're making a concerted effort to get better at the game. Most people on SRK don't go to tournies though, so...


Like I said, he says he competes in Dallas tournies but I've never seen or heard of the guy. And I know just about everyone here haha.


Spiderjericho said:
When you look at the "famous" faces, it does appear that they are black, hispanic or Asian. Marn, Wong, Sabin, Gootecks, Combofiend, Mike Ross, Ed Ma, Alex Valle, John Choi...

The white man is too busy making money to bother with these dem video games.


That, or he sucks and don't got the skills we do ;)


Spiderjericho said:
When you look at the "famous" faces, it does appear that they are black, hispanic or Asian. Marn, Wong, Sabin, Gootecks, Combofiend, Mike Ross, Ed Ma, Alex Valle, John Choi...

The white man is too busy making money to bother with these dem video games.

White folks are too busy playing halo and looking like boy bands to bother with fightars.


good credit (by proxy)
Jesus I love when the inputs say I did the motion for a move perfectly and it doesn't come out. I'm trying to do 100 fireballs in a row from each side every day. Do I count that as a miss and start from #1 again? I was at like 60. This happens a lot with ultra too. Fuck this.


Timedog said:
Jesus I love when the inputs say I did the motion for a move perfectly and it doesn't come out. I'm trying to do 100 fireballs in a row from each side every day. Do I count that as a miss and start from #1 again? I was at like 60. This happens a lot with ultra too. Fuck this.

And I thought I made SFIV into my day job :lol


bob_arctor said:
Elitist pricks will be elitist pricks. What can you do.

Edit: wait, even "known" players are putting them down? That's some high level asshole play right there. And they ain't learn it in Japan.
Tbh a lot of the people in this thread come off as elitist pricks to people who just want to ask basic questions.


-PXG- said:
We minorities love your fightan gaemz :D *raises fist*

Everyone I know who is into fighting games are either black or Asian. Some are hispanic, and very few are white. Funny huh.

Yeah, I'm Puerto Rican, my best friend and only fellow fighting game fanatic, is black. 'Course we grew up together in the South Bronx so I think demographics had something to do with it. :D


Acid08 said:
Tbh a lot of the people in this thread come off as elitist pricks to people who just want to ask basic questions.

Damn scrub. meaning to tell me you don't know Akuma's bnb Kara Plink FADC to Ultra combo? Pfffft.


Acid08 said:
Tbh a lot of the people in this thread come off as elitist pricks to people who just want to ask basic questions.

Really? Turtle's dope with the advice, same with Farms. Haunts is mad chill. LakeEarth is always dope. Haven't really seen people being all high and mighty here to be honest. Oichi pissed me off for a hot second when I was talking daigo/wong but that was like one in a million. Serious, peeps here will give you tips and talk strats no problem.


bob_arctor said:
Really? Turtle's dope with the advice, same with Farms. Haunts is mad chill. LakeEarth is always dope. Haven't really seen people being all high and mighty here to be honest. Oichi pissed me off for a hot second when I was talking daigo/wong but that was like one in a million. Serious, peeps here will give you tips and talk strats no problem.
I once asked if anyone had a good Ken guide on here and everyone was just like "LOLZ HE'S SO LOW TIER, YOU'RE FUCKIN DUMB." Sorry guys, I do fucking love fighting games and I love playing them with my friends but I don't care about the tournament tiers.


Acid08 said:
I once asked if anyone had a good Ken guide on here and everyone was just like "LOLZ HE'S SO LOW TIER, YOU'RE FUCKIN DUMB." Sorry guys, I do fucking love fighting games and I love playing them with my friends but I don't care about the tournament tiers.

Well, sorry to hear that. But there's a badass Ken user that posts here, Maxmillian if I remember correctly. Pm him if you can. And eventually switch to Gen as I can talk about him all day!


bob_arctor said:
Well, sorry to hear that. But there's a badass Ken user that posts here, Maxmillian if I remember correctly. Pm him if you can. And eventually switch to Gen as I can talk about him all day!
I've since stopped maining as Ken. I'm not a huge fan of his Supers and Ultras now that I've been playing more. I mostly play as Gouken, Akuma, and Cammy. I still have a special place in my heart for Ken though.


good credit (by proxy)
Eva01 is super good with ken and very tricky. I have some tricks of my own for next time I meet that cross up fest though.


Timedog said:
Eva01 is super good with ken and very tricky. I have some tricks of my own for next time I meet that cross up fest though.
I really want to see a mirror match between him and Max for the GAF Ken championship. I played a 10 match set with eva01 and I won one of them. Only Saqs could take him down in the GAF tourney.


good credit (by proxy)
LakeEarth said:
I really want to see a mirror match between him and Max for the GAF Ken championship. I played a 10 match set with eva01 and I won one of them. Only Saqs could take him down in the GAF tourney.
He crosses me up constantly, and turns it into a guessing game of whether he's gonna finish his block string or kara throw. I figured out that a late ryu cr mk beats all kens jump ins. If lag isn't bad I'll make him eat 20% on each cross up. Too bad I still can't fadc ulta :(
Timedog said:
He crosses me up constantly, and turns it into a guessing game of whether he's gonna finish his block string or kara throw. I figured out that a late ryu cr mk beats all kens jump ins. If lag isn't bad I'll make him eat 20% on each cross up. Too bad I still can't fadc ulta :(

Remember you can waggle out anti crossup srk's if it's an attempt while your knocked down. mash df and db until you wakeup then press a punch (usually fp.)

Can I enter gaf ken fighter 4 tourney?

BTW, next thing I run, do you guys wanna do a tourney or ranbat?


good credit (by proxy)
I do that online and it never fucking hits. Even when I piano. I vote for ranbat. Even though Im not even sure what that is. A series of tournaments? Does it stand for ranked battle?


The problem with youtube videos is that they (presumably) don't help you with the controller timing. :( I can see the symbols, and I can see the combo results maybe, but knowing how to do it is a different matter.

For instance, I'm trying to at least learn Guile's moves, since he seems like a simple character. I'm currently trying the keyboard (I switch back and forth between that and 360 pad). I'm trying to hold down-left for like four seconds, then let go and hit rapidly down-right, down-left, up-right (hitting kick simultaneously with the up-right press). That seems to sometimes do a double-flash kick if the enemy is on my right.

The problem is, sometimes I can do it three times in a row, sometimes it takes me forever to do it. I've tried different fingers, etc. Does anyone have suggestions for doing the motion, or figuring out the timing etc.?

And likewise with the combo, say one of the simple combos: crouching medium-punch, followed by double flash kick. I apparently managed to do it once or twice to beat the challenge, but I can't seem to repeat it now. I can sometimes do a flash kick if I wait until the neutral stance again, but obviously I need to find the right timing block to initiate it otherwise (once I learn to do it reliably).

I have noticed that when combos involve air moves, the air moves can be slower in sequence, and you need to wait until the player actually hits the ground (dust cloud) until you initiate ground sequences...and those ground sequences apparently need to be really fast.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Ryus who think they're masking who they're picking by moving the character select thing around like a manic monkey are funny. 90% of the time if someone does that, they pick Ryu.


GAF, I am so embarrassed.

I watch streams of tournaments, I read this thread like nothing else, I have done almost all the Hard Trials, etcetc. I've played others online at times and have a decent time and hold my own playing people far better than I am.

My little brother can beat me cleanly. WTF. My Abel can't touch his Balrog. And I'm getting so pissed off :( The sweep is so fast, the dash punches so safe, the mixup of low/high upper. THAT HEADBUTT THAT FUCKING HEADBUTT gets me every time. And that's just easy Ultra's. THOSE JABS THOSE DAMN JABS beat everything I throw at him - including tornado throws. Apparently EX Headbutt beats EX TT too. His pokes outrange, outprioritise, and outdamage anything Abel has.

...I just feel so demoralised :( My Abel can rip apart all his other characters, but can't touch his Balrog at all.

Is the matchup really that bad or do I need more experience in the matchup?

Help me, GAF!


Bacon of Hope
unreon said:
GAF, I am so embarrassed.

I watch streams of tournaments, I read this thread like nothing else, I have done almost all the Hard Trials, etcetc. I've played others online at times and have a decent time and hold my own playing people far better than I am.

My little brother can beat me cleanly. WTF. My Abel can't touch his Balrog. And I'm getting so pissed off :( The sweep is so fast, the dash punches so safe, the mixup of low/high upper. THAT HEADBUTT THAT FUCKING HEADBUTT gets me every time. And that's just easy Ultra's. THOSE JABS THOSE DAMN JABS beat everything I throw at him - including tornado throws. Apparently EX Headbutt beats EX TT too. His pokes outrange, outprioritise, and outdamage anything Abel has.

...I just feel so demoralised :( My Abel can rip apart all his other characters, but can't touch his Balrog at all.

Is the matchup really that bad or do I need more experience in the matchup?

Help me, GAF!

If he is throwing excessive sweeps or dash punches simply hit him with a level 2 or 3 Focus Attack.

Generally speaking its best to just block low and look for throws. The overhead is so slow you should be able to block it on reaction.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
cross balrog up LOTS.

abels got that annoyingly easy to land crossup kick to launch elbow -> ultra that I ALWAYS fall for. :( Do that to balrog and stay away from those shitty jabs
LakeEarth said:
All the cheaters pick Dhalsim. He's so cheap :lol
No way dude, Dan disagrees. He does complain about Akuma however:



good credit (by proxy)
I played some dude on srk today and he didn't win a match with his main but he demolished me with balrog. I can't punish anything that he does except headbutt and rare was a headbutt that wasn't hit confirmed. Dude was safe all day every day. I have no clue what to do. Should I throw out random pokes to try and stuff his shit daigo vs wong style? The only round I won I had to stuff his ultra with a perfectly timed jab to escape death.


good credit (by proxy)
haunts said:
thats the spirit!!
Loved the last podcast. That guy had a weird voice that sounded like mine. I was listening to it on earbuds and I thought it was the voice in my head. I liked his stories about kuroda.


Timedog said:
I played some dude on srk today and he didn't win a match with his main but he demolished me with balrog. I can't punish anything that he does except headbutt and rare was a headbutt that wasn't hit confirmed. Dude was safe all day every day. I have no clue what to do. Should I throw out random pokes to try and stuff his shit daigo vs wong style? The only round I won I had to stuff his ultra with a perfectly timed jab to escape death.

Yeah. Really, really hate Boxer. Ugh. He seems to own Abel as well from what matches I've seen and from my own experience. As Gen I throw out standing FP (ppp style) to beat his straight dash. That may work for a bit till they get wise. Otherwise I just try to keep moving, hopefully baiting a headbut, and cross up when I can. But yeah, hate him. Mostly defensive, annoying block strings, strong as hell and those fucking crouching jabs. Ugh.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
anybody want to play a crappy blanka/honda/bison/abel? :(

I live in europe if that makes any difference.

Bored as heck atm and have a tough time finding someone who is at a similar skilllvl and not 10x better ;(
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