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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

I'm so SF4 hungry right now, PS3 has been dead over a week now and I was over at my cousins place and started playing on his 360. I spent over 2 hours on that thing. Instead of chilling, he just left me alone and started watching TV LOL. I'm not planning on getting another console until Nov/Dec so I might just double dip on the PC version despite the lackluster feedback.


he's Virgin Tight™
Anyone wants some SF matches with me? Usually is a 3 bar connection... I am still rusty... I main a pretty damn nice Chun Li IMO... still getting used to the TE....hmm.... I want intense matches =P


Relix said:
Anyone wants some SF matches with me? Usually is a 3 bar connection... I am still rusty... I main a pretty damn nice Chun Li IMO... still getting used to the TE....hmm.... I want intense matches =P
sure, i will send you a friend request
Got the PC version for $20 from the steam sale, unless I am playing my Friends who are close by the Lag is FUCKING ridiculous, and some morons have shitty system and force the game to run on high settings the match is a 16 frames/sec match...............sheeeeesh.
UC1 said:
It does actually mention steam on the official SF4 blog! That's weird.
Capcom doesn't know their own games, confirmed.

Nemesis121 said:
Got the PC version for $20 from the steam sale, unless I am playing my Friends who are close by the Lag is FUCKING ridiculous, and some morons have shitty system and force the game to run on high settings the match is a 16 frames/sec match...............sheeeeesh.
If you're suffering from this in the Championship Mode, then it seems it gets better once you get into G2 (you start in G3). I haven't had run into as many players like that once I grinded my way to the next division.
Walk-up and throw is still ever so popular online I see. Just had a Ryu walk up to me from the opposite side of the screen, only to grab me once he was in range. Not a fancy shmancy Shoryuken combo, but a mere throw. Once that fails to work the second time around, it's time for another highly confusing set-up: empty jump-in 'n throw!

Feels like an insult whenever someone actually does that.
I've been having a good run with the G1 tournaments lately. At some point I was 29 wins and 29 runner ups, but now I've won about 15 without any runner-up positions. Of course I've lost some 3rd match and semi-finals. Soon I'm at G1-C!

Anyways what is wrong with these idiots who try to play with 1 and 2 bar connections. Tonight I had a lot of dudes who tried to play with shitty connections and I had to boot them. Then they took it personally and started joining and disconnecting from my lobby and fooling around. I just can't understand that.


he's Virgin Tight™
MicVlaD said:
Walk-up and throw is still ever so popular online I see. Just had a Ryu walk up to me from the opposite side of the screen, only to grab me once he was in range. Not a fancy shmancy Shoryuken combo, but a mere throw. Once that fails to work the second time around, it's time for another highly confusing set-up: empty jump-in 'n throw!

Feels like an insult whenever someone actually does that.

:lol :lol :lol

BTW I saw your replay. Pretty nice match, the Ultra-Super combo is always sick. Just won two G1 tournaments... but damn am I truly burnt out. Shotos are tiresome and Sagats are annoying =(. Every once in a while there's a truly great match though.
oldschoolpinball said:
i really really suck at this game

:lol :lol :lol :lol

That makes two of us!
I only play with Sakura and is next to impossible to win with her against shotos and Sagat if the other player knows what he's doing. It seems they always have higher priority. :p

But what do I know... The last fighter I played seriously was the original Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast. XDD

Still, even with all the losing, I still get a lot of enjoyment out of this game.


Rocky_Balboa said:
Anyways what is wrong with these idiots who try to play with 1 and 2 bar connections. Tonight I had a lot of dudes who tried to play with shitty connections and I had to boot them. Then they took it personally and started joining and disconnecting from my lobby and fooling around. I just can't understand that.

Griefing is fun!
MicVlaD said:
Walk-up and throw is still ever so popular online I see. Just had a Ryu walk up to me from the opposite side of the screen, only to grab me once he was in range. Not a fancy shmancy Shoryuken combo, but a mere throw. Once that fails to work the second time around, it's time for another highly confusing set-up: empty jump-in 'n throw!

Feels like an insult whenever someone actually does that.

I love seeing walk up throws in high level play. Daigo did it to Justin a few times in a row and it was timed so perfectly. Daigo hardly used throws at all, up to that point and then just did a few walk up throws to toss him.


Interestingly, my friend could send me a SFIV gameplay invite from the 360 to my GFW game, but it doesn't work. I guess crossplay isn't supported then?

On a plus note I seem to be getting slightly better. I've learned how to block a little bit, and how to bounce back off the ground when hit. I hate AI viper and her constant ultras though. :lol


There is so much lag with this game online.

It wasn't so bad before. I got back into playing this after about a month of playing other games, and for some reason - 5 bars, 0 bars, 3 bards, whatever - it's all pure laggy shit.

Fuck you Capcom.

PS: Is there something wrong? Like, should I delete my 360 HDD cache, or install the game to my harddrive or something... (I took it off because I was running out of room)
jabipun said:
There is so much lag with this game online.

It wasn't so bad before. I got back into playing this after about a month of playing other games, and for some reason - 5 bars, 0 bars, 3 bards, whatever - it's all pure laggy shit.

Fuck you Capcom.

PS: Is there something wrong? Like, should I delete my 360 HDD cache, or install the game to my harddrive or something... (I took it off because I was running out of room)

Some days are like that.

Some days, great connections. Other days, I'm forced to settle for 3 bar laggy connections. I think it's an East coast/West coast thing and depending on what time you play it's more popular on one of the two coasts.
Played a few games on 360 Live for the first time in more than a month. I just played one championship run (G2). I got my clock cleaned by a boxer. I then played a second run and managed to beat a Sagat, Boxer, Abel and Akuma. The Abel R'Kelly'd me the first round, as I was completely taken aback by his offense and shenanigans. The Akuma lost by luck.

I'd really like to get more player matches in. Now that I'm back on console, hopefully I can get that. The game is awesome. Now I'm going to be taken for a ride...


facing a bright new dawn
Picked this up for ps3, although the stuff for my dual PCB stick mod hasn't arrived yet. Good god is it hard to play this with a controller >_<

How does the GAF-list stuff work on psn...does everyone just add each other to their friends lists?
bistromathics said:
Picked this up for ps3, although the stuff for my dual PCB stick mod hasn't arrived yet. Good god is it hard to play this with a controller >_<

How does the GAF-list stuff work on psn...does everyone just add each other to their friends lists?

Just befriend someone who has access to GAFchat, and they'll invite you to the chat room. You can add me: krp1976.

GalacticAE, Timekllr, Findmyfarms, bdizzle, Moxmaniac are people I know for sure are on there (but if you look in the online subforum, just look for either the gafchat tourney thread or the normal SFIV).

And the lag seems more endurable on 360 than GFW.
Blizzard said:
Interestingly, my friend could send me a SFIV gameplay invite from the 360 to my GFW game, but it doesn't work. I guess crossplay isn't supported then?

On a plus note I seem to be getting slightly better. I've learned how to block a little bit, and how to bounce back off the ground when hit. I hate AI viper and her constant ultras though. :lol
SF4 pc will give you an entire new set of achievements compared to the 360 version, this is a sign that cross play is not included. Games like LP colonies will share the same LP logo on your gamertag because you can play console users.

Another example is fallout 3 pc, it's a completely new set of achievements compared to the 360 version so you can have two fallout 3's on your gamertag.


After playing for months I think I finally got a hold of things, except for anti-air as Abel, making those count sucks online, you have to know the hit boxes/distances well to pull that off consistently. Still hate playing players that jump around like crazy, but I find that being patient and letting them do their silly jumping works to an extent.

I find that I can't beat players that have basically one pattern, jump in, do blockstring, then either walk up and grab, or do crossover/jump in/safe special attack once out of blockstring range, repeat ad nauseum. There's very little variation, but their damn pokes keep me so much in blockstun I can't find myself doing squat even after I get a distance again and approach. Even EX TT can't come out before they poke me out of range from their jump hit blockstun to poke blockstuns. I know it could be lag, but is this supposed to be how it works? Charge characters like Balrog, Dictator, and Guile are the main culprit for me. Some shotos do this to me too. However well I block and tech, I feel like I'm trapped in a loop unable to get out until the game is over.

*Punches the monitor*
Another 10 games lost (at least it was Player match) to a Ryu that basically did just that. I backed away from his jumps? Keep jumping until he can hit me, and random tatsus that catch me off guard. Finished his blockstring? Random shoryuken because I'll probably try to attack him, if one hits? There comes a super/ultra. These people can combo alright, including all those fancy fadcs on the corner, blocking doesn't help your stun gauge filling up either, one sucessful long combo and you're done.

I wish Abel had a dp. ;(
Timedog said:
What's your 360 gt spiderjericho? I don't think I've played you.

krp1976 (same for all platforms)

And I wish there was a synergy between GFW and Live. I'm at G2 on Live but only G3 on GFW. I'd also like to be able to use the costumes I purchased. There's no way I'm going to buy them a second time.
Had one of my Xboxes sent to MS to repair and my second one is now defective before the first one came back. Now I can't play anything and least of all SF4. Ugh.
Totakeke said:

Best solution is pick another character :p You might want to try short rolling when they'll jumping in, it's probably the easiest way to get out of blockstrings and safe specials and it can end up giving you a chance to step kick. Alternatively his best anti-air attacks are his crouching fierce punch which you can combo from (will take a while to learn when/how to use it) and his jumping fierce punch which will pretty much guarantee a hit if they don't see it coming.

You have the option to tech or go through tornado throws so they shouldn't be too much of the issue. If you want to go with a "reversal" attack I think you'll be better off with an EX CoD as it seems to hit more consistently for me than his EX tornado. It's pretty much made for going through missed crouching forward kicks from shoto's which block strings usually end with and can by FADCed into you ultra.

Still a hell of a lot of using Abel is about luck and reading your opponent given he's got no solid options on wake-ups whilst being a rush-down character. So you're always going to be taking some losses if you're against people who know what they're doing.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Totakeke said:
You should probably roll more. Rolling too much is not good for your health as you can get swept and thrown, but rolling past charge characters makes them lose their load (you can also cross them up, but against characters like Balrog it might get a little dangerous given the blasted headbutt). CoD is usually better for breaking out of block strings, since it has better range and armor (on EX), you can also get fancy and FADC the first hit and do whatever (forward mk shenanigans is always a favorite).

I hate Abel's AA. You can use cr.fp, cr.mk or j.fp, but they're all very situational and require a fuck-ton of concentration to pull off (for me at least).

If there's anything that would make Abel much more satisfying to play as it would be some added armor on more of his Ex moves. The falling sky EX would be valuable against tatsu spam for instance (I always get hit when I try to grab out of a tatsu ;_;).


I haven't been playing this game seriously for a while now, but I'm hoping for some good news on a sequel or something at TGS this year. Where else could they go with this 2.5D stuff? Would you guys want a third strike kind of game in this style? I personally want an updated version of this fighting engine with more characters.


Spirit of Jazz said:
Best solution is pick another character :p You might want to try short rolling when they'll jumping in, it's probably the easiest way to get out of blockstrings and safe specials and it can end up giving you a chance to step kick. Alternatively his best anti-air attacks are his crouching fierce punch which you can combo from (will take a while to learn when/how to use it) and his jumping fierce punch which will pretty much guarantee a hit if they don't see it coming.

You have the option to tech or go through tornado throws so they shouldn't be too much of the issue. If you want to go with a "reversal" attack I think you'll be better off with an EX CoD as it seems to hit more consistently for me than his EX tornado. It's pretty much made for going through missed crouching forward kicks from shoto's which block strings usually end with and can by FADCed into you ultra.

Still a hell of a lot of using Abel is about luck and reading your opponent given he's got no solid options on wake-ups whilst being a rush-down character. So you're always going to be taking some losses if you're against people who know what they're doing.

I've used Abel too much that me playing other characters makes it even worse. ;p

Is it actually possible to TT in response to their tick throws? I keep trying it but it only seems to work in rare instances.

In those matches I find Abel's anti-air being too slow as the main issue. They jump in, I block their block strings, then jump back with a fierce punch, and they start to jump in again before I land, I have no time to do c.fierce as it takes too long to come out and c.forward doesn't work for close distances. A roll seems to just reset the whole loop with them doing a block string again. Dash forward in response to their jump is sketchy too as sometimes I get crossup instead with their kick hitting my back shoulder. Well the worse thing is that if you miss an anti-air, they get a free combo on you. ;/

As for ex CoD against their c.forward, I'll have to try or time that. Every instance I tried to retaliate their block strings seem to have me meet up with their rising fist into my face. I hate how it seems like they're not even reacting to my moves, they just repeat their variation of combos endlessly while ignoring me and that pretty much wins them the matches. I punish their srk once, twice, thinking they'll learn the third time, but no, they srk again and hits me with an ultra. I even had one match where I did three falling sky before they jumped just to screw around and it worked each time because they're predictable to an extent, they'll only do certain moves on certain range and you can pretty much bet on it. Either that or they're just too good. Meh.

I guess I do need to get that fadc to ultra execution down as every hit counts too much, hate how I often miss the fadc -> c.fierce part and losing the combo.

Brobzoid said:
If there's anything that would make Abel much more satisfying to play as it would be some added armor on more of his Ex moves. The falling sky EX would be valuable against tatsu spam for instance (I always get hit when I try to grab out of a tatsu ;_;).

That's another thing I forget to mention, those blasted air tatsus. That's the other thing messing up my anti-air. I hate how I always can't react the difference between an air forward or air tatsu and eating their combo. Again, Abel slow anti-air becomes the issue here, you have to predict to anti-air, but damn air tatsus would screw you over easily. What's a good way to punish one if you know they're going to air tatsu to land behind you anyway?

Oh, I tried it in practice and could get the timing to falling sky ground tatsus somewhat, I found it's better if you grab them right after they go pass you, but generally I find it too unreliable so I just do c.forward. It's little damage and you can't combo it into more, but it's reliable enough to stop them from spamming it.


Totakeke said:
I find that I can't beat players that have basically one pattern, jump in, do blockstring, then either walk up and grab, or do crossover/jump in/safe special attack once out of blockstring range, repeat ad nauseum.

Ah, advanced flowchart style! Come to the dark side and play Gief; he completely negates that nonsense.


TT is great for screwing up tick throws. When in a block string, I tend to spam EX TT for holes in the string (like Zangief with SPD), but switch to normal TT when I expect a tick throw. Learn TT ranges and use them because it is his best tool.

EDIT - and I dont even bother anti-air with Abel against shotos because their air kicks have better priority than all of them. If you get the spacing right, antiair d.mk into short or forward roll mixup can work. And if you are ever under heavy pressure, EX roll is your friend.

Ohh, if you face anyone who loves to SRK holes in block string, bait it. Jab punch once and block, punish on the way down (remember, d.fp into falling sky is his most damaging combo, but if it is a jab SRK, stick to a d.mp to medium CoD combo, it will hit before they can SRK again). Once you know you stopped that crap, jab 2-3 times into f.mk, dash forward and mixup. Abel has a great pressure game.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Totakeke said:
After playing for months I think I finally got a hold of things, except for anti-air as Abel, making those count sucks online, you have to know the hit boxes/distances well to pull that off consistently. Still hate playing players that jump around like crazy, but I find that being patient and letting them do their silly jumping works to an extent.

I find that I can't beat players that have basically one pattern, jump in, do blockstring, then either walk up and grab, or do crossover/jump in/safe special attack once out of blockstring range, repeat ad nauseum. There's very little variation, but their damn pokes keep me so much in blockstun I can't find myself doing squat even after I get a distance again and approach. Even EX TT can't come out before they poke me out of range from their jump hit blockstun to poke blockstuns. I know it could be lag, but is this supposed to be how it works? Charge characters like Balrog, Dictator, and Guile are the main culprit for me. Some shotos do this to me too. However well I block and tech, I feel like I'm trapped in a loop unable to get out until the game is over.

*Punches the monitor*
Another 10 games lost (at least it was Player match) to a Ryu that basically did just that. I backed away from his jumps? Keep jumping until he can hit me, and random tatsus that catch me off guard. Finished his blockstring? Random shoryuken because I'll probably try to attack him, if one hits? There comes a super/ultra. These people can combo alright, including all those fancy fadcs on the corner, blocking doesn't help your stun gauge filling up either, one sucessful long combo and you're done.

I wish Abel had a dp. ;(

You HAVE to live with the fact that Abel does'nt have a "OMG Troublz wat do i do SHOORYUKEN!!" or a Jesus Kick. Make em play a ground game cuz on the ground Abel can be even with everybody.

With jump-in my answers -
lk Roll > Falling sky works kidda like a upside down crossup, this works on Hurrican kicks too, practice it, see your yourself. in my experience this is hharder to land on high verticle jumpers like Chun, Bison, Blanka and low Quick jumpers like Gen, Balrog, Vega. I recommend that on shotos.
neutral jump HK - not the best thing in the world but it works, work on the timing.
Jump back FP - beats/trades with crossups, good damage.
Roll away to safety - if you down think you can do anything on reaction Roll far away(mk Roll at least). Some shotos will get frustrated that you're getting away alot and they WILL try to catch you with a Hadouken on recover, Let them eat Ultra:D
Block > back dash - i dont do this alot cuz Abel's back dash is not the best in the game.
lk Wheel kick - dont spam it, but you can control spacing with this, if you telegraph a jump-in Wheel kick em down

basically dont let em run a a jump-in game. There's no one answers for Abel, do everything, dont be predictable but give em alot to think about.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
You HAVE to live with the fact that Abel does'nt have a "OMG Troublz wat do i do SHOORYUKEN!!" or a Jesus Kick. Make em play a ground game cuz on the ground Abel can be even with everybody.

With jump-in my answers -
lk Roll > Falling sky works kidda like a upside down crossup, this works on Hurrican kicks too, practice it, see your yourself. in my experience this is hharder to land on high verticle jumpers like Chun, Bison, Blanka and low Quick jumpers like Gen, Balrog, Vega. I recommend that on shotos.
neutral jump HK - not the best thing in the world but it works, work on the timing.
Jump back FP - beats/trades with crossups, good damage.
Roll away to safety - if you down think you can do anything on reaction Roll far away(mk Roll at least). Some shotos will get frustrated that you're getting away alot and they WILL try to catch you with a Hadouken on recover, Let them eat Ultra:D
Block > back dash - i dont do this alot cuz Abel's back dash is not the best in the game.
lk Wheel kick - dont spam it, but you can control spacing with this, if you telegraph a jump-in Wheel kick em down

basically dont let em run a a jump-in game. There's no one answers for Abel, do everything, dont be predictable but give em alot to think about.

Well, problem is still the speed. I'll have to try roll to falling sky, i've done it numerous times on accident before but not sure on how well it actually works or how fast you can do it. I never had much luck with the neutral jumps as anti-air, it could be the timing I need to work on. Jump back FP is great but it's only answer to deep jump ins and you have to do it early. Roll away... well it is what it is. Back dash, I actually did a couple back dash last few games when they started to chain and it seemed to work somewhat on stopping their flowchart. Lk wheel kick, again, have to do early.

And again, a simple air tatsu instead of air forward... you can imagine what happens.

That's only shotos still, Bison has his air jump thing, Balrog just charges forward before he does the whole shebang, Guile... just seems to be my Achilles heel for some weird reason. Lemme stop ranting. ;p
Something's wrong with my head:
LakeEarth said:
MicVlad is just so offensive for a Dhalsim, I can see people getting pissed off.
Except against Zangiefs, which results into:



Nobody wants to chill with yoga. :[

chriskun said:
any videos of McVlad playing??? I started out with dhalsim but now im a Honda/Gen user. I dabble in dhalsim sometimes though and it seems that I can't fool people with the instant teleport bnb stuff anymore, they just jab me out of it.
Mostly older video's from months ago; one vs Saqs where I blew it in the third round and several others where I was still learning. Also messed around a bit with an El Fuerte player some time back.


LakeEarth said:
MicVlad is just so offensive for a Dhalsim, I can see people getting pissed off.
any videos of McVlad playing??? I started out with dhalsim but now im a Honda/Gen user. I dabble in dhalsim sometimes though and it seems that I can't fool people with the instant teleport bnb stuff anymore, they just jab me out of it.
Silly droppers, only time I get that is when I am winning by a large margin, I guess they think that their chances of fighting back are too silly, and just quit.

Best thing about the pc version though is you can screen capture the quitters :lol


Felium Defensor
Jumping on PSN for a while. Would love to play a gaffer; just don't expect a real challenge if you're really good. :lol
PSN: Kaako


Man i wish I get more ragequitters. People just stop playing and give me the win instead of quitting. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. :(


he's Virgin Tight™
Won said:
Man i wish I get more ragequitters. People just stop playing and give me the win instead of quitting. LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. :(

When people ragequit on me I feel like I am the best SF player on the world. yeaaaah
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