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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


No Q? ;_;

If this list is true, Dudley is my new main. Or something, seriously I love Abel too much, I'd constantly be switching between the both of them.

The other characters? We'll see how they play.


Leunam said:
Kensk, did you get banned?
No but I'm pretty sure my special friend might be getting a stern talking to.

The special message was... very incriminating however. I'm probably not doing this person any favors so my lips are now sealed.

Edit: I'm not speaking for 2 weeks, I think.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
1. makoto
2. ibuki
3. alex
4. Q
5. Oro
6. Urien
7. Twelve
8. Adon
9. new
10. new

this list is not disputable .-. , no need for sean, dudley hugo or any other char


TimeKillr said:

If she's in, she's my new main. No question about it, even if she's Rose/Dan tier.
Pretty much. Strange that the only 3 characters that I use in 3rd strike are the ones listed. I hope is true, no complains from my part :_).
God's Beard said:
Bullshit. No Q, no sale. No Yun, either? He's Mr.3rd Strike!
Yeah. Unless the "new" characters are "Q without the mask" and Yun and Yang's Father (Lee from SF1's son), no fuckin' sale.

Who am I kidding

I will buy it an main Ibuki.
Corky said:
:'( but what about balrog

gutter trash


If they include Makoto though (and I would guess Ibuki) it's going to be weird, unless they massively shift the storyline forward.

Isn't SF4's timeline between SF2 and SF3? Makoto and Ibuki are very young in SF3, so what would that make them?


TimeKillr said:
If they include Makoto though (and I would guess Ibuki) it's going to be weird, unless they massively shift the storyline forward.

Isn't SF4's timeline between SF2 and SF3? Makoto and Ibuki are very young in SF3, so what would that make them?


Never doubt Japan.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Really though, who gives a shit about the storyline?

3S characters in SFIV = Capcom has my money.
TimeKillr said:
If they include Makoto though (and I would guess Ibuki) it's going to be weird, unless they massively shift the storyline forward.

Isn't SF4's timeline between SF2 and SF3? Makoto and Ibuki are very young in SF3, so what would that make them?
ono played blazblue and concluded his game didn't have enough lolis


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
TimeKillr said:
If they include Makoto though (and I would guess Ibuki) it's going to be weird, unless they massively shift the storyline forward.

Isn't SF4's timeline between SF2 and SF3? Makoto and Ibuki are very young in SF3, so what would that make them?

When story is given even the slightest weight in fighting games I cry, but when certain characters cant be in certain games or you cant have certain characters in the same game I die a little inside...


Alligator F*ck House
_dementia said:

gutter trash

Not gonna lie, I played 3s for almost 9 years. The first few years I didn't understand what Dudley was saying during one of his intros...I interpreted it as...

"Let's fuck like gentlemen"

Later found out fuck=fight, but I think the earlier is funnier :lol


If Dudley's in, his rose taunt had better still do damage. There is nothing more satisfying in gaming than beating your opponent with a chip damage rose.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Im gettin all hot n bothered with this 3S chars in a new SFIV talk...I kinda wish I didnt hear anything so I cant be potentially
most certainly
dissapointed. :(

Its fun to want things!!

Yun/Yang (make em p/k select i dont care)
and toss in some good alpha/sf1 chars.
This is getting more and more interesting! Can't wait for TGS now, I'm losing it!

LeMaximilian said:
Not gonna lie, I played 3s for almost 9 years. The first few years I didn't understand what Dudley was saying during one of his intros...I interpreted it as...

"Let's fuck like gentlemen"



As in "Heathcliff"
Ugh, Be honest. I don't think I am looking forward for those characters from Final Fight (or was it Fatal Fight)

I prefer to see Hugo and Karin to replace first two and keep Cody. >_>

However, I can't judge until I see the movies of those new characters in action at tgs before I jump to the gun.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Whoooooo boy.

I'm not the one to get hyped when there are no concrete facts, but there seems to be a lot signs pointing to this being true...

I'm gonna calmly sit this out, but I gotta say that if this DOES come to light, with those very characters (and dear Capcom, a lobby with spectators, and possibly letting you save matches freely, but mostly the lobbies please) and boost some characters up, it'll launch the game to legendary status in my eyes...

I mean, I love the game to death, and it's probably the best balanced Street Fighter out, but no lobbies when your own own outsourcing partners have done it three times now with your own games is unacceptable...

And DOA4 was the total package (and then some, thanks Itagaki!) four years ago as a launch game so they really have no excuse now in 2009...
Skilotonn said:
Whoooooo boy.

I'm not the one to get hyped when there are no concrete facts, but there seems to be a lot signs pointing to this being true...

I'm gonna calmly sit this out, but I gotta say that if this DOES come to light, with those very characters (and dear Capcom, a lobby with spectators, and possibly letting you save matches freely, but mostly the lobbies please) and boost some characters up, it'll launch the game to legendary status in my eyes...

I mean, I love the game to death, and it's probably the best balanced Street Fighter out, but no lobbies when your own own outsourcing partners have done it three times now with your own games is unacceptable...

And DOA4 was the total package (and then some, thanks Itagaki!) four years ago as a launch game so they really have no excuse now in 2009...

A hundred times, this, Capcom. Especially about DOA4. What makes SF so powahful it can't handle what a 2005 game did (and pretty damn well for that matter)?

Also, no knife-chucking assholes named Cody please.
MoxManiac said:
(in response to spider)

If Capcom wants to sell SF4 dash as a new retail game which is possible, they will need a hell of a lot more than 4 new characters.

Hey spider, you give up on SF4? Haven't seen you on PSN since forever!

Didn't have a tv for more than a month. Have one again but been playing the PC version here and there. Still love the game but work and life kind of are the priority. I'm going to enter the Miami tourney on Oct. 3. I'm probably going to get peaced out pretty early.

I just got that new SF artbook. It's beautiful. I hope they use a new illustrator for the next SFIV iteration. They have so many great artists to choose from.

And please...chop off two characters and give me better netcode. I'm in the middle of the desert for god's sake.
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