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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Hitokage said:
Steam chat is soo much better than GfW messaging. shift+tab type type type enter shift+tab play

I concur.

You have to send an invite out and type in the names manually. Thank god for steam.

Hitokage doesn't play a bad Chun Li. ;)


Setec Astronomer
Davidion said:
You have to send an invite out and type in the names manually. Thank god for steam.
Just hit Home, go to your friends list, click on the name, then click on Send Message, then type it out, then hit send. See? Easy.

I fucking hate how if I hit Home to respond to a "So-and-so is Online" message, I can't back out from that panel to the main menu without exiting the GfW bar entirely first.
Those were amazing matches between Alex Valle and Max. For not being his main, Alex played very well with Gouken. He knew all the pokes, combos and strategies. And Max is awesome with the links, kara throws and pressure.

Also, enjoyed the Yipes/Sanford battle.

Hopefully, I get my dual mod back in the mail tomorrow and I can play a couple matches on GFW.

The screenshots Micvlad took looked beautiful, btw.


Gr1mLock said:
is it just me or does his throw have more startup frames or a bigger
tech window then everyone elses?
They should do considering he can Ultra off a throw.

Flowchart Gouken = Fireball, Fireball, Fireball, I HAZ ULTRA??!!! THROW! THROW! THROW!

LakeEarth said:
Nice Vega, that cross-up move kept getting me.
What's this about a Vega cross-up?
LOL at me, I just tried using this program to unlock all characters and other stuff. It worked, I saved it and exited the game. When I came back I see that I've lost everything. Once I went online I gained back several things like icons and titles that are unlocked by online play plus by GP and BP, but extra characters and stuff through the challenge mode are all gone.

So anybody want to tell me how I can do this or are you going to act stuck up and tell me how I should do everything myself :p
Rice-Eater said:
LOL at me, I just tried using this program to unlock all characters and other stuff. It worked, I saved it and exited the game. When I came back I see that I've lost everything. Once I went online I gained back several things like icons and titles that are unlocked by online play plus by GP and BP, but extra characters and stuff through the challenge mode are all gone.

So anybody want to tell me how I can do this or are you going to act stuck up and tell me how I should do everything myself :p

Odd you are running into issues.

Just unlock then let the game save itself .. I never really did anything special.

Anyways my SF4 PC stats. Ive been playing PC more then XB360 (I honestly havent touched my XB360 SF4 in like a month.)

I'm G1 in both 360 and PC. I hit G1 on PC like a month ago when only like 30 people were G1.. Still its slow. I havent even gone through 1 championship in G1 because its so hard to find people. Ive been on the same championship for like ever.

I think I'm nearing 625-650 play time hours on both 360 and PC. Non-afk legit hours to boot. :)




My very outdated XB360 stats.. I know I'm near 500 hours at least on that..

Oh man, did this guy have a bone to pick with me or what? Received these after I beat him in the first and second round of the same tournament:


Me: This my cue to complain about your aerial fireball shenanigans?




Me: According to you, "A MECHANICAL IMBECIL".


Me: Let's spam air fireballs! And mash jab! And mash teleport!


Me: And here I thought you couldn't do anything else with Akuma.


Me: Go to bed, then.


Me: Figures, seeing how easily you get aggitated.


Me: OK.


*got that one after winning against him for the third time now*
Me: Throwing air fireballs 90% of the time is the key to success in your view then?


Me: Are they still scrubs if you lose?


Me: You're still losing though.



Literally the first player I fought after making it to G1. Pleasant. Cheesy run-away Akuma too. Also had the tendency to bash the crap out of his jab button whenever I got close and hardly changing his approach even when he had a noticeable health disadvantage.


BitchTits said:
What's this about a Vega cross-up?
The EX version of the wall jump into that armor-break spike/spear move, I don't know it's official name. Can be blocked on reaction, but being a little slow plus tack on a bit of lag and it's a really small window. I remember Yeb doing a similar cross-up with Gen's EX wall jumpkick.
Relix said:

Really, I was gonna PM you a month card but then I saw the code had been scratched... my sister gave the code to a friend. Sorry, maybe next time =(
Thanks. I thought about it and SFIV was the only game I played on XBL. I don't think it's worth another $40 investment or whatever when I should be playing locally or going to the arcade to level-up anyway! And at any rate, my friend let me borrow the PS3 version so I can play that online if I so wish.
MoxManiac said:
Bison's standing roundhouse

F U and your bison standing roundhouse galactic! :mad:

I'm pretty sure I tried the standing RH before and it didn't work but I'll give it another shot.

Any rufus players wanna give me some practice. xbl sir long meat. wont be home for about 8 hours tho, Im at work :(


he's Virgin Tight™
_dementia said:
Thanks. I thought about it and SFIV was the only game I played on XBL. I don't think it's worth another $40 investment or whatever when I should be playing locally or going to the arcade to level-up anyway! And at any rate, my friend let me borrow the PS3 version so I can play that online if I so wish.

SF is worth the LE, the TE stick, and years of online play paid beforehand!!!

~Devil Trigger~ said:
yea, most people have PPP and KKK to one button for Ultras
And for EX attacks. And for fierce sweeps (like random Thumb-Li's for example).

Kind of a dumb move by Capcom that PPP / KKK can be used for more than just Ultra's, teleports, lariats et cetera. Makes it that much easier to mash out other types of moves.

Oichi said:
I've never had anyone ragequit on me... and all i play is ranked and championship mode. :/
Just spam Honda's buttslam and you're bound to get results!

TimeKillr said:
Dude, if you want more vids of you playing, I could record matches with you (when I'm feeling better anyway - right now I'm pretty sick).

It'd help me with the matchup too! :)
But I never see you online! That, and I don't remember how good or bad the lag was on our end.

Spiderjericho said:
The screenshots Micvlad took looked beautiful, btw.
Well, I've resized those screenshots to decrease their filesize, so some of the additional details were lost. Game looks really crisp and a lot better in full-screen though, not to mention that it runs smoother than the console versions if your PC can handle it. The game no longer slows down to a crawl if you unleash Dhalsim's Ultra and Super at the same time, for instance.

Furthermore: if only it was logistically possible for the PC version to become the de facto tourney version, since the console versions have no distinct benefit over the PC port offline as far as I know. Wishful thinking and very unlikely to actually happen in reality, but it would be nice nonetheless... Not to mention less time consuming for tournament organizers to record some footage, at least in theory.


facing a bright new dawn
bdizzle said:
I'm pretty sure I tried the standing RH before and it didn't work but I'll give it another shot.

Any rufus players wanna give me some practice. xbl sir long meat. wont be home for about 8 hours tho, Im at work :(
you made me rage the other day. i was a little fucked up, but goddamn your bison was upsetting me.
FindMyFarms said:
When I say use Gouken I mean using him as their main character. I mean Sanford used Cammy in Evo for like 3 matches, but the other 30 or so he used Akuma, which makes him an Akuma user in my eyes. And every important match in WCWZ Valle used Ryu, not Gouken. Top players have always messed around w/ console characters randomly, but I've never seen one actually USE Gouken.

I main Gouken, but I'm not very good :/


What's the deal with the points system in Ranked? Sometimes when I beat someone and they -1 I gain +2 or even +3 (usually I just +1 though).

Is there anything done in the match to get that extra point?! :lol
I like how this screenshot turned out:


BitchTits said:
What's the deal with the points system in Ranked? Sometimes when I beat someone and they -1 I gain +2 or even +3 (usually I just +1 though).

Is there anything done in the match to get that extra point?! :lol
How many points the system awards you depends on how much GP your opponent has gathered. If the opposing player has considerably less points then you, you'll only get that little.
bistromathics said:
you made me rage the other day. i was a little fucked up, but goddamn your bison was upsetting me.

man you don't even understand how much work i've been putting in practicing combos, links, and various shenanigans. i practiced the cr. 3x jab short + scissor kick fadc, 3x jab short + scissor kick fadc, 3x jab short + scissor kick combo for hours. I can get it about 30% of the time tho. Plus I've been working on the mental aspects of my game. Reading the other persons offense (something I don't do enough) and cracking my opponents defense. I've leveled up quite a bit over the weeks. The last 2 days I went like 40-3. Weren't the best players on the planet, but I'm getting better at being consistent in my game.

Hit me up next time you on. your sakura used to piss me the fuck off lol


loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey said:
Three out of four of my 360s are not working. And the last one has a ethernet port that is fried.


That's what you get :p


I see you're avoiding a battle with me.... nice.


good credit (by proxy)
Seriously fuck capcoms shitty Input bullshit. When I do the motion for ultra perfectly and it doesn't come out I pretty much freak out. Then I'll do it wrong and there'll be like an up in the inputs and it still comes out. It's impossible to have flawless execution in this game. Pure bullshit Ono.


thanks for the laugh
Hitokage said:
Steam chat is soo much better than GfW messaging. shift+tab type type type enter shift+tab play

i learned this within 8 seconds of first having to use that dastardly piece of hateware.

swooshy, laggy animations and a convoluted tiering of weird sub menus just to access basic features do not a good overlay make.


facing a bright new dawn
bdizzle said:
man you don't even understand how much work i've been putting in practicing combos, links, and various shenanigans. i practiced the cr. 3x jab short + scissor kick fadc, 3x jab short + scissor kick fadc, 3x jab short + scissor kick combo for hours. I can get it about 30% of the time tho. Plus I've been working on the mental aspects of my game. Reading the other persons offense (something I don't do enough) and cracking my opponents defense. I've leveled up quite a bit over the weeks. The last 2 days I went like 40-3. Weren't the best players on the planet, but I'm getting better at being consistent in my game.

Hit me up next time you on. your sakura used to piss me the fuck off lol


Seriously, take away my crossup w/ sak and I got nothing. When I know a pussy akuma is gonna tp away on wakeup i casually stroll over and throw his ass. But with bison, even when I knew you were gonna tp on wakeup there was nothin i could do ;_;

Maybe a dash in cr. mk XX fierce shoryu...

I wanted to work on my ken, but you kept goin bison. Show some mercy once in a while ;_;

edit: also, I think ur doin good to mix up bisons rushdown scissorkick blockstring with his purple-swirl afterwards. The norm seems to be follow up with cr. lk and repeat, but sakura's cr. lk XX fierce shoryu makes the bisons using that flowchart technique cry.


MicVlaD said:
How many points the system awards you depends on how much GP your opponent has gathered. If the opposing player has considerably less points then you, you'll only get that little.
Mmmmm. I thought it took the same amount from the loser as it gives the winner though?

These are situations where the loser is losing 1 point, but I am gaining 2 or 3.


I wish they would change the input for Vega/Balrog's flip kick, charging db -> forward can sometimes come out as u/f and vice versa. I seem to remember it being a DP motion in one game (may have imagined this).
Ok, I have another issue with my PC version. I can't unlock Gouken and Seth. I did everything I was suppose to, hell I even made sure I had 3 perfects and Ultra finishes just to be sure. I've fought Gouken 3 times now and have not unlocked him yet, what give?

Oh and I believe I played a few GAF'ers, but I'm not familiar with there names. Maybe you guys are just lurkers or you have a different name on here, but good games guys.


MicVlaD said:
But I never see you online! That, and I don't remember how good or bad the lag was on our end.

I know, I know. Work's been crazy and I don't have a LOT of time to play, but we could still arrange something. :)

iirc the lag was fine, strangely.


facing a bright new dawn
Rice-Eater said:
Ok, I have another issue with my PC version. I can't unlock Gouken and Seth. I did everything I was suppose to, hell I even made sure I had 3 perfects and Ultra finishes just to be sure. I've fought Gouken 3 times now and have not unlocked him yet, what give?

:lol welcome to february

IIRC, enough people complained capcom released exactly what you have to do. i remember when i was trying to figure out how the hell to unlock gouken/akuma reading people saying they fought, but didnt unlock gouken. i do not remember what the problem was, though :\


Rice-Eater said:
Ok, I have another issue with my PC version. I can't unlock Gouken and Seth. I did everything I was suppose to, hell I even made sure I had 3 perfects and Ultra finishes just to be sure. I've fought Gouken 3 times now and have not unlocked him yet, what give?

Oh and I believe I played a few GAF'ers, but I'm not familiar with there names. Maybe you guys are just lurkers or you have a different name on here, but good games guys.

Did you use any kind of unlocker (for icons and titles)? That may interfere with unlocking things the normal way.

I had no issues unlocking characters so I guess I can't help outside of that : /


Rice-Eater said:
Ok, I have another issue with my PC version. I can't unlock Gouken and Seth. I did everything I was suppose to, hell I even made sure I had 3 perfects and Ultra finishes just to be sure. I've fought Gouken 3 times now and have not unlocked him yet, what give?

Oh and I believe I played a few GAF'ers, but I'm not familiar with there names. Maybe you guys are just lurkers or you have a different name on here, but good games guys.

a. Clear game with Gouki (Akuma)
b. Watch an ending movie (don't need to finish it)
c. Start a new game
f. Choose a character with whom you've beaten the game.
e. Face Gouken
+ No continues or rounds lost
+ At least 1/2/3/4 perfects (*)
+ At least 3/5/7/9 Super/Ultra finishes (*)
+ At least 5/10/15/20 First Attacks (*)
f. Defeat him

These represent requirements when on 1/3/5/7 round matches.

Beat the game with everyone including Gouki and Gouken.
ArjanN said:
a. Clear game with Gouki (Akuma)
b. Watch an ending movie (don't need to finish it)
c. Start a new game
f. Choose a character with whom you've beaten the game.
e. Face Gouken
+ No continues or rounds lost
+ At least 1/2/3/4 perfects (*)
+ At least 3/5/7/9 Super/Ultra finishes (*)
+ At least 5/10/15/20 First Attacks (*)
f. Defeat him

These represent requirements when on 1/3/5/7 round matches.

Beat the game with everyone including Gouki and Gouken.

Thanks a lot man, I completely forgot that you had to beat the game with Akuma first. I read all kinds of suggestions with so many different answers you had to finish in a certain order.


Started practicing using TKCS in actual combos. I can do it 100% of the time when facing left but barely at all when facing right :lol

Oh well, I guess it's essential to doing well with Cammy so I'm going to be spending a lot of time in training mode.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I played like a million Vipers last night. Did a wormhole swallow me up and transport me to an alternate dimension when I wasn't looking?

Obama's still the president, right?


Ok, so I've been ignoring this game and been playing HD remix instead. Now that I have live, I might bite. Any pointers/general stats to start with? Please remember that I will be using the horrible 360 dpad...

Thanks in advance!


Lost Fragment said:
I played like a million Vipers last night. Did a wormhole swallow me up and transport me to an alternate dimension when I wasn't looking?

Obama's still the president, right?
I've been seeing an upswing in Fuerte's as well. I ran into one two championship mode finals in a row. One of them was really smart and had a GP score of like 50k.


gutabo said:
Ok, so I've been ignoring this game and been playing HD remix instead. Now that I have live, I might bite. Any pointers/general stats to start with? Please remember that I will be using the horrible 360 dpad...

Thanks in advance!
Pick up a charge type character rather than shotos otherwise it's a pain in the ass to play with 360 pad. Charge moves are much easier to pull out with 360 sticks, at least for me. I have been using 360 pad since launch and had no problem making it to G1.
_Xenon_ said:
Pick up a charge type character rather than shotos otherwise it's a pain in the ass to play with 360 pad. Charge moves are much easier to pull out with 360 sticks, at least for me. I have been using 360 pad since launch and had no problem making it to G1.

Don't listen to this man, join the Shoto army. We are looking for a few good men. Just remember, forward down forward high punch. That's all you need to know to own.


_Xenon_ said:
Pick up a charge type character rather than shotos otherwise it's a pain in the ass to play with 360 pad. Charge moves are much easier to pull out with 360 sticks, at least for me. I have been using 360 pad since launch and had no problem making it to G1.
That's not true for me, I used mostly honda on remix with almost no problems, and I did that because I couldn't do the fireball/dp motions consistently on the 360 dpad. Still, it was far from good.
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