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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FindMyFarms said:
You have to play Cammy like Rufus. Her dive kicks have a tad bit more startup but give you better frame advantage. Once you get in close, use TK strike mixups. No one's going to sit there and eat chip damage and/or get thrown all day. Also Cammy gets mad ambiguous crossup setups off forward throw. Camping against cammy is NOT something you want to do when she's played right.

I'm still not sure how to go about this with some characters though (mainly ones with a shoryuken type attack). The second I close in I get smacked unless I'm able to bait them into giving me an opening.
I really hate Cammy's Cannon Spike, I think that thing has more priority then any other anti air move with the exception of the EX versions. It beats Ryu's DP all the when I challenge it, plus when I try for a cross up, it's always auto corrected and smacks me.


I've only had maybe one legitimate online victory (and thankfully only one super slow-motion lag match). So of course I've had like 30 losses in my brief career of wrist-pain.

But despite the losses, one of the most enjoyable experiences if when I lose to Dan ultra finishes. The guy just looks so happy, I can't be mad at him! ^.^

qcf x2

"tiers don't matter. the better PLAYER will always win."

"better player" is subjective. What's not subjective is the following:
Sagat mostly gets flack for having high damage, high health, and high range. The only thing he can't do is walk, but he can fly knee first just about anywhere.
He gets flack for good reason. His damage output is really crazy when you consider the fact he can juggle like a marvel character.
(Sup Saqs? How's that Rose doing?)

Firstly, saying the better player will always win is just not true. I've lost to scrubs and I'm sure you have as well. My record is not 1,000 - 0. Second, as far as tiers don't matter, that's fine. The piece of paper/spreadsheet with stats doesn't dictate who will win a given match. But it does provide clues.

The top tier of any Street Fighter is there for a reason. It isn't random or luck. They aren't there solely because the most famous players decided to make said characters popular. It's because they provide the best opportunity for victory.

The most change that happens on a tier list does so within the first few months of the game's release, once people find ways around certain things (Zangief, for example), or in the case of a game with more depth to it, it may take a bit longer. But SF4 by and large has been figured out for a while now by the top players, and you're not gonna see any of the console characters at the top of the tier list for SF4. Ever.
Ysiadmihi said:
I'm still not sure how to go about this with some characters though (mainly ones with a shoryuken type attack). The second I close in I get smacked unless I'm able to bait them into giving me an opening.

If you're talking about SRK spammers that mash it between ever block string, just bait it out. If you're asking how to approach with a cannon strike you have to do the TK strike up close, don't just jump and try to do it.

Ambiguous crossups and/or meaty strikes can be done off her forward throw, and off her RH spiral arrow. Most people make the mistake of using the st. fp xx Cannon Spike on a crumpled opponent or on a connected jumpin. The better combo to use is st. fp xx rh spiral arrow since you land right next to a knocked down opponent and you get the setup. Using the cannon spike finisher not only places you further away from the opponent after it connects, but you don't get a setup.

edit -

@qcf x 2 - I don't think Cammy will ever be S tier, but I think she sits at the top of B tier (right below Ryu/Akuma/Gief, hangs with dictator/boxer/chun.) One HUGE thing she has is even matchups with the top 4.


Rice-Eater said:
I really hate Cammy's Cannon Spike, I think that thing has more priority then any other anti air move with the exception of the EX versions. It beats Ryu's DP all the when I challenge it, plus when I try for a cross up, it's always auto corrected and smacks me.

Actually, the one thing I've always hated about using it is that it always seems to randomly pick which direction it's going to go :lol That's probably me just not know when exactly to use it against a crossup though.


bdizzle said:
I understand they win more, but that doesn't mean they're broken or need to fixed. It's like JWong, he uses abel, rufus, and balrog and still beats the majority of players he runs across because he's the better player (probably the best in the us). Even if you nerf sagat, that's not going to stop the top tier of players from dominating the game no matter who they pick. It's not going to stop the sagat players from migrating to the next character, dominating with them, then have everyone scream, ryu needs to be nerfed, gief needs to be nerfed, akuma needs to be nerfed, etc.

Once you get to the point where players are closer to skill, tiers start to matter. Top players pick top tier for a reason. Nerfing Sagat(and a few others) would make it a lot more fair for the rest of the cast. There are tools certain characters should just not have. Akuma being able to get out any situation for free is retarded. Sagat's safe tiger knee, standing FK should not be there, Ryu shouldn't have a million ways to tag his ultra on you, nor should he be able to mash srk and capitalize on even the slightest mistake, Zangief's lariats are self explanatory, there are some things that need to be looked over and retuned.


I wouldn't say Akuma can get away for free. This is true for slower characters, but if your opponent teleports away every time on wakeup, prepare for that and punish, just like you would a constantly backflipping Vega. I have saved a replay where I activate Abel's ultra and catch Bison teleporting backwards on wakeup. Risky because its easy to do it too early/late, but he teleported EVERY time so I was pretty confident of landing it.


_dementia said:
Yeah, I like the shittalking in the rival matches in arcade mode. The same concept is present it some other games. I don't mind it in Blazblue, but a lot of people do :/

People dislike it? Boo. A smirk crosses my face every time Rachel says 'Bow before me, Ragna!'


bistromathics said:
main a low tier character and see whats up.

edit: but yea, play style is more important than tier ranking
Eh, I play Guile a lot now, he's pretty playable, it's just really hard to stay consistent against Zangief and Sagat, but I can usually beat a lot of Gief/Sag players (mostly because those are the two characters I know the most about). I'm going to switch to Guile or
in the next game, assuming neither of them are below mid-tier.

Guile is a really good character to learn if you need to understand fundamentals too, because that's all he has, and their really good. If you can't maintain a solid ground game for 2/3 matches with him, you still got some learning to do.

Edit: For the record, I play tournament caliber players in NYC area. I'm pretty close to the highest level of play you can get in the USA.
What system do you play on kensk? Id really like to play a tourny level player, just to see where I stand(rather, how far down the ladder I am).

I main Rufus, and Im fairly terrible btw as far as competition goes.


I play 360 but I pretty much never play online unless it's 4 bar connection (or the person I'm playing is good enough competition to warrant 3 bar, very rarely). I really really dislike the netcode in this game.
abstract alien said:
What system do you play on kensk? Id really like to play a tourny level player, just to see where I stand(rather, how far down the ladder I am).

I main Rufus, and Im fairly terrible btw as far as competition goes.

Well you should have just said so because......

.....FMF, Haunts, Max, Saqs(and a few other) are over there ---->
kensk said:
I play 360 but I pretty much never play online unless it's 4 bar connection (or the person I'm playing is good enough competition to warrant 3 bar, very rarely). I really really dislike the netcode in this game.
Darn, I got ps3, my connection is stellar though. Thank goodness, because if it wasn't, my scrubby rufus would be God awful rufus.
Rice-Eater said:
Well you should have just said so because......

.....FMF, Haunts, Max, Saqs(and a few other) are over there ---->
Nice....psn: xenoetry
Ill be on later tonight if you guys want to get a few in.
I'd like to play you, I'm decent so that can't be too bad. Problem is that my PS3 is busted, now I'm on PC. Oh Capcom why must you divide the GAF SF4 community like that, WHY?
Rice-Eater said:
I'd like to play you, I'm decent so that can't be too bad. Problem is that my PS3 is busted, now I'm on PC. Oh Capcom why must you divide the GAF SF4 community like that, WHY?
Darn :^/
My pc has a hard enough time running windows, so I cant even look at a pc game at the moment. Haven't built a new one in years.


black_vegeta said:

Gustavo has some made skill. I envy his Abel.

After getting close with f+mk, why does he keep using close mk rather than pressing with a blockstring? Wonder if he was doing it purposely or just screwing up f+mk input which happens to me sometimes. Funny thing is that it worked as that Sim was trying to jump away and would get nailed but I can't think that Abel would want to settle for just that.


The Everyman
how long does it take to get the gamer thumb? 8 months now or however long and the shit wont just go hard. learning the guitar is going to be a bitch.
Constant nerfs are kind of the wrong way to go about making a game more balanced IMO. If you keep nerfing shit all that is going to do is redefine the top tier. If you use your development time to make weak characters closer to the top tier the game is going to be much more balanced in the long run. Top tier will always exist no matter how hard you try. Some obvious things should be looked at, but the game is pretty damn balanced and should mostly be left alone. Obviously characters like Fei Long, Claw, and Guile need some love. I hope Capcom doesn't listen to the internet. People's need to constantly complain will ruin everything eventually.

Btw, Rufus' ultra is fine. I'm surprised more people don't complain about the EX Snake Strike. It's like a 1 bar ultra almost!

black_vegeta said:

Gustavo has some made skill. I envy his Abel.

Gustavo is hella good. He is way better now than when this video was recorded. Sim guy hadn't played Sim in months and months. Looked scrubby and got rolled lol

Leunam said:
Resets aren't hard to get out of.

Nah, but when you block the reset he will rush you down with blockstrings. Dude is good.
kensk said:
Eh, I play Guile a lot now, he's pretty playable, it's just really hard to stay consistent against Zangief and Sagat, but I can usually beat a lot of Gief/Sag players (mostly because those are the two characters I know the most about). I'm going to switch to Guile or
in the next game, assuming neither of them are below mid-tier.

Guile is a really good character to learn if you need to understand fundamentals too, because that's all he has, and their really good. If you can't maintain a solid ground game for 2/3 matches with him, you still got some learning to do.

Agreed, Guile has to be played a certain way to be effective. As a Ryu player, I'll sometimes forget that I have a fireball and just attack with his other moves and normals. Guile on the other hand requires his sonic boom to set up his offense and defense. There is no such thing as a good Guile who doesn't throw a lot sonic booms.

With that said, Guile is one of my least favorite match ups. It's frustrating as hell trying to get in on a good Guile. And it seems like 80% of the people who do play Guile all know what the hell there doing. So I dread it every time I see that guy.


good credit (by proxy)
If ryus ultra setups get nerfed then he it better hit for more damage. Right now it's damage is horrible in exchange for more setups. Sagat and rufus are worse cause they can ultra super easily and they have massive damage ultras.
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Constant nerfs are kind of the wrong way to go about making a game more balanced IMO. If you keep nerfing shit all that is going to do is redefine the top tier. If you use your development time to make weak characters closer to the top tier the game is going to be much more balanced in the long run. Top tier will always exist no matter how hard you try. Some obvious things should be looked at, but the game is pretty damn balanced and should mostly be left alone. Obviously characters like Fei Long, Claw, and Guile need some love. I hope Capcom doesn't listen to the internet. People's need to constantly complain will ruin everything eventually.

Btw, Rufus' ultra is fine. I'm surprised more people don't complain about the EX Snake Strike. It's like a 1 bar ultra almost!

Agreed and agreed. Sooo much damage on that EX SS.


Rice-Eater said:
Anybody want some player matches on the PC version? Let me know if you're interested, name is RiceEater483

In about 10 minutes when House is over i'll be up for some games if you're still interested, CowieX on live.

edit: ack I didn't mean to double post ;\


people who don't believe tiers exist should try to play honda v. sagat or geif v. a competent seth. you have to think three steps ahead just to get an opening, much less any damage.
Cowie said:
leave my snake strike alone =(

it teaches a valuable lesson about not jumping in predictably! The game needs it!

Keep the snake strike, but man tone the EX snake strike the fuck down. 28% for one move? That's almost as much as Ryu's Super.
Cowie said:
In about 10 minutes when House is over i'll be up for some games if you're still interested, CowieX on live.

edit: ack I didn't mean to double post ;\

Not a fan of House, but I'll still play you :p . I'll add you on about 5 after.
Timedog said:
Do you guys use more than one finger to press the buttons on stick? I use 3. One finger for each column.

I use everything except my pinky. I always rest my thumb on short since my thumb is naturally the perfect speed to hit Sagat's short short link without me having to think about it or piano any other buttons. I rest my index/middle/ring fingers over jab/strong/fierce. I also use my thumb and index to focus... any other way sounds like it would be awkward. If I need to double tap a button I'll drag my middle finger and then my index finger over it very fast in succession.


I'd rather they buff every character to a little better than Sagat is right now, than nerf characters. This game lacks character defining bullshit that makes matchups really interesting and intense like a lot of fighting games (including SF2). Sagat, Akuma, Gief and Ryu and Viper and a few other characters are pretty interesting in their own right, but beyond that, what does Guile have? Nothing beyond strong fundamental game, he has no OOMPH. And I'm not asking for amazing combos into ultra either, I mean like, Guile will control the pace of the match until you get past his sonic boom wall, then he loses, but getting beyond the sonic boom wall requires a lot more risks than it does now.


Timedog said:
If ryus ultra setups get nerfed then he it better hit for more damage. Right now it's damage is horrible in exchange for more setups. Sagat and rufus are worse cause they can ultra super easily and they have massive damage ultras.
Yeah Ryu players have it real hard without combo into ultra. Having all the right tools for every character doesnt mean a thing if you cant pull off last-second wins against an opponent which may be more skilled than you are.


LakeEarth said:
I wouldn't say Akuma can get away for free. This is true for slower characters, but if your opponent teleports away every time on wakeup, prepare for that and punish, just like you would a constantly backflipping Vega. I have saved a replay where I activate Abel's ultra and catch Bison teleporting backwards on wakeup. Risky because its easy to do it too early/late, but he teleported EVERY time so I was pretty confident of landing it.

Did you just compare Akuma's teleport to some shitty back flip? Akuma can avoid all cross ups on wake up, get himself out of any corner and run away all day.


abstract alien said:
What system do you play on kensk? Id really like to play a tourny level player, just to see where I stand(rather, how far down the ladder I am).

I main Rufus, and Im fairly terrible btw as far as competition goes.
Quit down playing your Rufus. He rocked me half the times we played. Can you messiah kick -> fadc -> ultra? You never did it on me but it's super easy with Rufus. If you can't I'd suggest messing with it in training and you'll get it down really fast.

I'm 'DespiZe' by the way. We had some good games.

I just remembered a super epic moment the night we played. Your Sim vs my Ryu. You did your ultra and tried to teleport behind me and I predicted it and caught you with an srk->fadc->ultra with your yoga catastrophe pixels behind me. I was hyped.


Threi said:
Yeah Ryu players have it real hard without combo into ultra. Having all the right tools for every character doesnt mean a thing if you cant pull off last-second wins against an opponent which may be more skilled than you are.
Ryu would be pretty bad without his ultra setups, probably worse than Guile. Sure he might not need Uppercut trade into Ultra, or maybe even Uppercut -> FADC -> Ultra, but it's dishonest to say Ryu would even come close to being good without an ultra combo. At least Guile can control space better than him.
lol I never should have brought up Ryu's setups or EX Snake Strike... Stop it people. Nerfing is bad 99% of the time, mmmmkay? Capcom needs to decide on their top tier and then work on bringing the rest of the cast up near them. Not try to bring the top tier down to the rest of the cast that is all over the place in terms of their effectiveness and matchups etc. Only absolutely broken shit needs to be nerfed and nothing else.
I'd like to see Rufus get a mild visual redesign to make him more interesting as a character. His moves are awesome but he isn't much fun too look at from a gaming perspective.


blackadde said:
people who don't believe tiers exist should try to play honda v. sagat or geif v. a competent seth. you have to think three steps ahead just to get an opening, much less any damage.
Personally, I have much bigger problems with Guile (keep away turtle) and Chun (damn normals) than I do with Sagat. For him, you need to resist jumping in too often, especially when he has Ultra. But once you put him in the corner, advantage Honda, IMO.


Stantron said:
Personally, I have much bigger problems with Guile (keep away turtle) and Chun (damn normals) than I do with Sagat. For him, you need to resist jumping in too often, especially when he has Ultra. But once you put him in the corner, advantage Honda, IMO.
yeah, chun vs honda is a bitch. I feel your pain vs Guile also, but once you get in on him he is completely screwed. Once hes on his back you can just buttslam crossup and ochio throw the shit out of him and he can pretty much do nothing.
Stantron said:
Personally, I have much bigger problems with Guile (keep away turtle) and Chun (damn normals) than I do with Sagat. For him, you need to resist jumping in too often, especially when he has Ultra. But once you put him in the corner, advantage Honda, IMO.

Agreed, I'm having a easier time with Sagat now then I have with lower tier characters like Chun and Guile. Like you say, back him into a corner without jumping and he has no escape tools and did very little damage to you. Plus he's so slow I can react to his jump ins much easier then just about any other characters.

Guile and Chun scare me though. Chun with her overhead special move, sweep with long range, and EX bird to counter jump ins makes her very hard for me to keep the fight close. And Guile seems like he has a force field around him. Very hard to close the distance with such great recovery time.

Cowie, GG. I noticed you spammed EX messiah on me quite a bit during my block strings. To answer this, I started mashing SRK during your block strings, which is why I blew my super a lot for nothing LOL....oh wait :(

Anyways we had a lot of good matches. You have a solid Rufus, one thing I found odd is that I don't think I was hit by a single EX Snake Strike. That thing does massive damage, I'm surprised you didn't try to utilize it more. And geez, I couldn't hit you at all with my BnB combos because you kept blocking everything. When I did fool you into thinking I was going to cross up, I messed up my combos because I haven't had the chance at all to try and execute them on you since you blocked my hit confirm like 99% of the time. GG again, we'll do it again another day.


Setec Astronomer
Rice-Eater said:
Agreed, I'm having a easier time with Sagat now then I have with lower tier characters like Chun and Guile. Like you say, back him into a corner without jumping and he has no escape tools and did very little damage to you. Plus he's so slow I can react to his jump ins much easier then just about any other characters.

Guile and Chun scare me though. Chun with her overhead special move, sweep with long range, and EX bird to counter jump ins makes her very hard for me to keep the fight close. And Guile seems like he has a force field around him. Very hard to close the distance with such great recovery time.
Not safe, at all.

Speaking of which, anyone up for a game before I either turn on my ps3 or boot up windows?
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