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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I'm about to give up on MvC2 online(nobody plays it and I have issues finding matches online), anyone up for some SF4? GT: Gutabo2, just add me!


I'm listening to the OST and uh...why aren't all these balls awesome themes played instead of those shitty stage music? Jesus what a waste.
comrade said:
Quit down playing your Rufus. He rocked me half the times we played. Can you messiah kick -> fadc -> ultra? You never did it on me but it's super easy with Rufus. If you can't I'd suggest messing with it in training and you'll get it down really fast.

I'm 'DespiZe' by the way. We had some good games.

I just remembered a super epic moment the night we played. Your Sim vs my Ryu. You did your ultra and tried to teleport behind me and I predicted it and caught you with an srk->fadc->ultra with your yoga catastrophe pixels behind me. I was hyped.
To be honest, Ive never played that good in my life. A lot of the stuff I did, I could never do in an actual match(I tried the messiah-fadc-ultra a few times, but couldnt get it on you). Your ryu has some serious technique, and every mistake I made, you handed me the pain. Id never played someone who could really move like you did, nor someone who could really pull the stunts you did on command like your FADC combos. You taught me TONS to be honest, I felt enlightened after playing you. You made me break my attack patterns and be more organic with combat. Cant wait to play you again, shit was intense.

Yeah, you completely destroyed my Dhali with that one. It was like the second I teleported, I had a feeling of dread...then bam :lol You made it look too easy. It was such a beautiful shot...I wish this game had a screen cap option. That one was down right gorgeous, even from my viewpoint of destruction.

Lethal ryu man, great games.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Had an entertaining match tonight against a random Gief.

I was down a round in the 2nd and was about to die. He had about 25% left, and I was low enough that ex greenhand chip would've killed me. Dude all of a sudden starts taunting over and over. Until then, I was sorta resigned to losing the match, but that sorta made me go "nah, fuck this guy. I'm gonna bait a greenhand and ultra." He did greenhand, I ultraed, end of round.

Round 3, more or less the same situation. He starts taunting, but this time, he starts jumping forward + mp or something then backward, and forwrad, and backward again and again. So when I caught onto this, I just dashed forward during one of his forward jumps and hit him with an aa ultra for the win.

Of course, he sent me a rage message afterward. Victory is sweeet :lol


Setec Astronomer
Going from bent over to pushing your sweaty body away at times is rather nice. GGs Rice Eater

Seriously though, that sort of extended playtime with one person/character is something I've been lacking, so thanks for that.
By the video game Gods, I finally beat El Fuerte RSF loop challenge. That shit is all about rhythm.

Now, onto Abel 5 hard trial and Viper 3, 4, 5 hard ass trials. :|
DR2K said:
Did you just compare Akuma's teleport to some shitty back flip? Akuma can avoid all cross ups on wake up, get himself out of any corner and run away all day.

You make it sound a lot easier than it actually is. It only takes one time for your enemy to predict your teleport for you to eat a massive combo and potentially end the round or game for Akuma.

Also, more Sagat whining ploz.
Hitokage said:
Going from bent over to pushing your sweaty body away at times is rather nice. GGs Rice Eater

Seriously though, that sort of extended playtime with one person/character is something I've been lacking, so thanks for that.

Oh, that was you? I had no idea, I was like "who is this, who cares, lets play anyway". And yeah, that was the most player matches I've ever had with anyone online. You started adapting to my style and really made things difficult in the last half of our matches. It made me start playing more wary because I couldn't just blitz you so easily anymore.

We'll do it again some other time. Like I said, I already saw great improvement during our series of matches, keep it up. And thanks for letting me pad my record against Chun :p

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Anybody who's willing and able to upload our matches to YouTube or something want a go at my Viper sometime? I feel like I've hit a ceiling as of late and would like some more videos of me online for people to dissect.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Stantron said:
Personally, I have much bigger problems with Guile (keep away turtle) and Chun (damn normals) than I do with Sagat. For him, you need to resist jumping in too often, especially when he has Ultra. But once you put him in the corner, advantage Honda, IMO.

The GOOD Sagats know how to force you to jump in.

That said, I think Guile is also a 3-7 for Honda, Chun's 4-6.

Honda really is terrible in SF4, he has all of his ST problems, without the braindead wins he could get in ST. If I was Capcom- here's how I would fix him

Fierce headbutt and EX headbutt hit crossup attempts, so no more free jump-ins for Ryu. Fierce Headbutt gets more recovery.

Jumping short is unairthrowable

EX Oichio 2f, more damage

Headbutt ducks under high tigers.

Strong/Fierce Hands move forward like they do in ST, but the hands/RH link is removed. EX hands automove forward and allow for followup like they do now.

Ultra gets same invincibility after startup as the super, and is faster.


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Constant nerfs are kind of the wrong way to go about making a game more balanced IMO. If you keep nerfing shit all that is going to do is redefine the top tier. If you use your development time to make weak characters closer to the top tier the game is going to be much more balanced in the long run. Top tier will always exist no matter how hard you try. Some obvious things should be looked at, but the game is pretty damn balanced and should mostly be left alone. Obviously characters like Fei Long, Claw, and Guile need some love. I hope Capcom doesn't listen to the internet. People's need to constantly complain will ruin everything eventually.

There are two ways to approach balancing in this case.

1- Lower the top to reach the middle
2- Raise everything's that under the top to the level of the top

When you have a clearly defined top tier with large potential power, it's MUCH more difficult to raise what's under them to their level than lowering the top. It's tons more work, work that can be focused elsewhere.


Lost Fragment said:
Anybody who's willing and able to upload our matches to YouTube or something want a go at my Viper sometime? I feel like I've hit a ceiling as of late and would like some more videos of me online for people to dissect.

360 or PS3?

I can record and post as much as you want. :)


Pop On Arrival said:
You make it sound a lot easier than it actually is. It only takes one time for your enemy to predict your teleport for you to eat a massive combo and potentially end the round or game for Akuma.

It's not that easy to predict or punish teleports thanks to the full body invulnerability. Most Akuma's use it to whiff whatever move you throw at them. By the time you recover they'll be on the other side of the screen.


I'm just saying you CAN punish his teleport as long as you guess which direction he's going and have a character that has the mobility to get there when he does. I headbutt Akuma's teleporting away all the time with Honda (I don't know if it's an option select, but on their wakeup I d.mk into fierce headbutt... if they're just standing there it'll combo, if he teleports away the headbutt will get him).

And at least on 360, G1 is getting easier. A wave of G2ers just came in, while the hardcore grinders are finally hitting SG. Last night I faced someone in round 2 that had <15k GP, and was only in round 2 because he beat someone with even less GP.
TimeKillr said:
There are two ways to approach balancing in this case.

1- Lower the top to reach the middle
2- Raise everything's that under the top to the level of the top

When you have a clearly defined top tier with large potential power, it's MUCH more difficult to raise what's under them to their level than lowering the top. It's tons more work, work that can be focused elsewhere.

I don't get why you want to lower the top to meet the middle? Is it a character grudge thing? It makes no sense lowering the top tier to middle, and then buffing everyone below them to the new top tier. That just keeps the middle tier average like they always were, and now the characters once at the top of the food chain get to join them. This all takes the same amount of work as if you take the characters most in need and try to buff them up into the ballpark of S and A rank characters. Fix anything you feel is broken with the S rank characters that isn't going to cause them to plummet below A in tier. Lots of the A and maybe even some upper B rank characters will be fine as they always were. I would think you would want to give characters currently suffering the same options as the higher tier characters to make the game enjoyable for those players. Trying to balance shit off an average base of characters is going to leave you with a bunch of average characters with little options. Might be balanced, but it is going to lack some fun factor also. And it is the same amount of work no matter how you look at it. One way just makes more sense and gives you a really good base to work off of.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Nerfing isn't going to do anyone any good. I probably wouldn't cry if the lariat got slapped around a little, but when you nerf someone you take away tools and potentially break the character for many people who use him/her. It's more work to bring the weak characters up, but it's not a fucking mountain of work. Vega doesn't need new moves - he just needs some added properties to them so he isn't as big of a bitch any more. And in doing so you'd bring the stronger characters down a bit, if for instance Vega's j.fp could stuff Sagat's rh that would be a balancing act between both characters.


I'll be hiiting SG probably today on ye ol 360 so i'll be on PS3 more often than not.
Anyone on 360 (PS3 too) wanna play against Rose let me know or send a FR.

edit: Champ mode will be a wrap on 360 for a while :lol
Brobzoid said:
Nerfing isn't going to do anyone any good. I probably wouldn't cry if the lariat got slapped around a little, but when you nerf someone you take away tools and potentially break the character for many people who use him/her. It's more work to bring the weak characters up, but it's not a fucking mountain of work. Vega doesn't need new moves - he just needs some added properties to them so he isn't as big of a bitch any more. And in doing so you'd bring the stronger characters down a bit, if for instance Vega's j.fp could stuff Sagat's rh that would be a balancing act between both characters.

Yeah, but if you just buff the characters that need it Sagat is still good... and we can't have that!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I don't get why you want to lower the top to meet the middle? Is it a character grudge thing? It makes no sense lowering the top tier to middle, and then buffing everyone below them to the new top tier. That just keeps the middle tier average like they always were, and now the characters once at the top of the food chain get to join them. This all takes the same amount of work as if you take the characters most in need and try to buff them up into the ballpark of S and A rank characters. Fix anything you feel is broken with the S rank characters that isn't going to cause them to plummet below A in tier. Lots of the A and maybe even some upper B rank characters will be fine as they always were. I would think you would want to give characters currently suffering the same options as the higher tier characters to make the game enjoyable for those players. Trying to balance shit off an average base of characters is going to leave you with a bunch of average characters with little options. Might be balanced, but it is going to lack some fun factor also. And it is the same amount of work no matter how you look at it. One way just makes more sense and gives you a really good base to work off of.

I think the best idea is to lower the top to just below the top (Rufus in the case of SF4) and buff the lows and mids up some.

Sagat- all you'd really need to do to him is

-lower priority on jumping strong
-increase recovery on EX Tiger Knee slightly
-get rid of RH into ultra.

The rest of his game is solid but not overpowering. You do all that, you could give him a gimmicky buff- like his scar taunt from the Alphas back.

BTW Saqs I saw your BP yesterday- you have a LONG way to go before SG, unless you spent all night pwning, and then you'll probably still need another 50,000 I think, so no worries there.
arstal said:
I think the best idea is to lower the top to just below the top (Rufus in the case of SF4) and buff the lows and mids up some.

Sagat- all you'd really need to do to him is

-lower priority on jumping strong
-increase recovery on EX Tiger Knee slightly
-get rid of RH into ultra.

The rest of his game is solid but not overpowering. You do all that, you could give him a gimmicky buff- like his scar taunt from the Alphas back.

BTW Saqs I saw your BP yesterday- you have a LONG way to go before SG, unless you spent all night pwning, and then you'll probably still need another 50,000 I think, so no worries there.

j.strong - Sure, priority could be tweaked on j.strong.

Tiger Knee - TK recovery is fine IMO. I don't think a lot of people know this... But if you block the TK high you aren't at a frame disadvantage. same with EX TK.

f.rh - I wouldn't completely axe f.rh into ultra. I wouldn't allow f.rh x2 into ultra though. When you have two fierce/roundhouse actions combo they do insane damage... Not to mention you have insane damage off two hits so there isn't as much scaling on the ultra.

I would make that change to the juggle properties of f.rh and maybe look into the amount that SRKs trade.

Btw, Saqs has almost 70,000 GP. He is really close to SG.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Are people seriously asking for Rufus nerfs??

Rufus is a huge target, its tough for him to get in vs alot a characters, All of his specials can be beaten and punish, even Jesus kick. To nerf any of their effectiveness would make him useless.

None of the new characters need nerfing, for the most part they're very well designed IMO, in fact, all 4 need slight buffs.


Rufus doesn't really need a buff (he's pretty damn good and just has a little iffiness with fireballs). Viper... needs a way to deal with defensive powerhouses and that's really it (she has 2 godawful matches: Honda and Gief, and they both same pretty much the same characteristic) . Abel and Fuerte need em though.
For SFIV Dash Abel should realize his existence as a Seth clone and use Dhalsim arms for his skygrab to make it an effective AA rather than being relegated to cr.FP combos. :lol

But seriously, speed up his fucking five frame jab.


Auuugh, It sucks how linear Balrog is. These days, I only have a small handful of tricks that sometimes work. Makes me want Makoto even more for Dash.


K.Sabot said:
But where would all the fight money go?!
Last night a Balrog and I collided into each other for a KO, both of us with no visible health left, but the game didn't say double KO. I had no clue for about 2 seconds who won until "MY FIGHT MONEEEYYYY" came out of my speakers. Good laugh had by all.


good credit (by proxy)
Threi said:
Yeah Ryu players have it real hard without combo into ultra. Having all the right tools for every character doesnt mean a thing if you cant pull off last-second wins against an opponent which may be more skilled than you are.
I remember you complaining once online about his lp dp into ultra, but it does shit damage compared to almost any ultra in the game. Why were jumping in on my ryu with ulta anyway?

On the topic of tools, if you know and can execute all of those tools then you're a tourney level player. At tourney level play this isn't really an issue cause if you know his setups don't fall for them, and even if you do the damage is awful so you're probably not out of the game.

That said, I'll trade no lp dp jump ins and no dp trade for regular ultra damage.


I really hope they don't mess with much (and I'm a Guile player!) The game is so well balanced, I never get into a matchup where I think it isn't possible for me to win.

Being able to do any kind of combo into Guile's ultra would be nice though, I barely use the thing.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
jmro said:
I really hope they don't mess with much (and I'm a Guile player!) The game is so well balanced, I never get into a matchup where I think it isn't possible for me to win.

Being able to do any kind of combo into Guile's ultra would be nice though, I barely use the thing.

cant Guile cr lk, cr. mp > Ultra?, i smear i remember someone doing this to me


~Devil Trigger~ said:
cant Guile cr lk, cr. mp > Ultra?, i smear i remember someone doing this to me

No, you can combo into Super for sure, but I'm not sure what kind of Guile player uses his super much considering how essential ex booms and fks are
Viper needs to be buffed a little. Give her TKs some extra damage and make her hp.TK slightly invulnerable. Maybe even increase the speed of her Seismos.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
cant Guile cr lk, cr. mp > Ultra?, i smear i remember someone doing this to me

No, I'm pretty sure you combo into the super, and then from the super you can combo into the ultra. It uses a shit ton of meter (all of it) and is crippled by scaling.

Besides that... I think you can combo the ultra from a flash kick in the corner and that is it.
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