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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

SuperMattyFighter2T said:
No, I'm pretty sure you combo into the super, and then from the super you can combo into the ultra. It uses a shit ton of meter (all of it) and is crippled by scaling.

Besides that... I think you can combo the ultra from a flash kick in the corner and that is it.
don't forget focus crumple!



good credit (by proxy)
If guile gets combo into ultra he becomes a viable character IMO. They should focus on simple stuff like that to bring the lower tiers up.
Timedog said:
If guile gets combo into ultra he becomes a viable character IMO. They should focus on simple stuff like that to bring the lower tiers up.

Same with Vega imo. The motions to do their ultras should really be changed I think. I don't play Fei, but if you could combo into his ultra and have more than the first few hits connect he would be a lot more viable I think. Maybe make his srk not trade so much. Make Ken's fadc into ultra do the full thing instead of just on a counter... I dunno, lots of characters don't seem overly hard to correct to an acceptable level.

Leunam said:
His Ultra does shit damage, though.

At least he would have a way to land it and not have to rely on normals and specials to make up for that lost damage consistently.


I wouldn't mind Bison's cr. fierce coming out a bit quicker (& maybe a bit 'taller') & perhaps, as already mentioned, a bit of love for Guile & Vega (& all of Sagat's limbs broken, natch). I hope there aren't too many drastic changes though - the auto-correct annoys me more than character balance anyway.


Ok, I made it to G3-B with Honda. What are his worst matchups? I had some issues with a cammy, a Zangief(once he got close, later I learned that jumping neutral HP beats lariat and combos into HHS) and a Dictator. What can I do against Dictator's head stomp?(EXed or not) Sagat looked like an uphill battle, and ryu was an uphill battle too.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Fuerte needs a health boost to 1000 - Then I'd be completely satisfied with him.

I dunno man. I spend an entire match trying to catch up with that little prick, I better do some damn decent damage when I finally do!
arstal said:
The GOOD Sagats know how to force you to jump in.

That said, I think Guile is also a 3-7 for Honda, Chun's 4-6.

Honda really is terrible in SF4, he has all of his ST problems, without the braindead wins he could get in ST. If I was Capcom- here's how I would fix him

Fierce headbutt and EX headbutt hit crossup attempts, so no more free jump-ins for Ryu. Fierce Headbutt gets more recovery.

Jumping short is unairthrowable

EX Oichio 2f, more damage

Headbutt ducks under high tigers.

Strong/Fierce Hands move forward like they do in ST, but the hands/RH link is removed. EX hands automove forward and allow for followup like they do now.

Ultra gets same invincibility after startup as the super, and is faster.
You see...this is why I think Im scrubby. Honda completely mutilates me every time I face him(with rufus). Literally, every time I fight him, its always another assumingly scrubby player(similar to a casual shoto player) and its always the same story. What the hell do I do to honda with rufus?


gutabo said:
Ok, I made it to G3-B with Honda. What are his worst matchups? I had some issues with a cammy, a Zangief(once he got close, later I learned that jumping neutral HP beats lariat and combos into HHS) and a Dictator. What can I do against Dictator's head stomp?(EXed or not) Sagat looked like an uphill battle, and ryu was an uphill battle too.
Anyone with a fireball, worst being Sagat. Remember the ultra's startup can go through fireballs, so a good trick that can get you a non-deserved win is to do a fierce headbutt, and once they try to hit you with a fireball, activate ultra. Reversal ultra also works on Dhalsim if he makes the mistake of doing a Yoga Catastrophe right on top of you as you are waking up. Chun can reversal ultra EX headbutt, which really shuts Honda's "getting in" game against her.

Honda does great damage, but once you face someone who really knows how to shut you out, his options go down the toilet.

- EDIT - best piece of advice for facing Honda is to never jump in until you've seen him walk forward and break his charge. Honda's EX headbutt is his greatest weapon, so the second you see him break that charge, make your move. He can't deal with cross-ups unless you are facing a really good Honda that has that re-directed headbutt down.


abstract alien said:
You see...this is why I think Im scrubby. Honda completely mutilates me every time I face him(with rufus). Literally, every time I fight him, its always another assumingly scrubby player(similar to a casual shoto player) and its always the same story. What the hell do I do to honda with rufus?
What rocK said. I run into some rufus players, and they only beat me doing that(BTW what can I do against that?). I beat the others with Honda just by keeping them away with well placed neutral j.HPs. They were so worried about trying to get the crossups going that forgot about everything else.


LakeEarth said:
Anyone with a fireball, worst being Sagat. Remember the ultra's startup can go through fireballs, so a good trick that can get you a non-deserved win is to do a fierce headbutt, and once they try to hit you with a fireball, activate ultra. Reversal ultra also works on Dhalsim if he makes the mistake of doing a Yoga Catastrophe right on top of you as you are waking up. Chun can reversal ultra EX headbutt, which really shuts Honda's "getting in" game against her.

Honda does great damage, but once you face someone who really knows how to shut you out, his options go down the toilet.

- EDIT - best piece of advice for facing Honda is to never jump in until you've seen him walk forward and break his charge. Honda's EX headbutt is his greatest weapon, so the second you see him break that charge, make your move. He can't deal with cross-ups unless you are facing a really good Honda that has that re-directed headbutt down.
Yeah, I saw a Mike Ross vid where he baited the fireball. It works wonders. I prefer Honda's super tho, seems to be better overall, his ultra takes forever to come out, I tried to anti air some peeps with it and they had time to land AND block it...

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
TurtleSnatcher said:
Fuerte needs a health boost to 1000 - Then I'd be completely satisfied with him.

im not sure about that. Part of the thing that makes him fun for me is the being in danger from the very start of a match:D

Any buff to Fuerte i'd say give Fajita Buster more damage, its probably his most risky move; not as safe vs projectiles, loses to crouching n various AAs and easily punished on a miss...

or that make his Slide. both cr HK and run-Slide go under projectiles(except Sagat's low shot).
abstract alien said:
You see...this is why I think Im scrubby. Honda completely mutilates me every time I face him(with rufus). Literally, every time I fight him, its always another assumingly scrubby player(similar to a casual shoto player) and its always the same story. What the hell do I do to honda with rufus?

I had the same problems at a recent tournament. I then watched my buddy dismantle Honda.

Against really good Hondas, you need to slowly close the distance. This guy at our tournament had perfect spacing, and any time I tried to jump in he would nail me with a perfect EX headbutt. You can beat this by delaying the divekick (do it high and early), and when he does his J.HP (puts his hands out, can move slightly forward), you can EX Snake it on reaction, or you can do standing HK and juggle his ass. I think this match is a 6-4 in Rufus favor.

Against shitty ones, once you are in just cross up dive kick all day (lol) as was said before, because they will just constantly try to mash butt stomps (which it stuffs). You can beat the random butt stomps with c.MP (although timing is a bit strict online), EX Jesus through the obvious orochi setups.
gutabo said:
Thanks! That works for the EX version too? and what about the punch move he does after a stomp?

Never focus a EX Headstomp. Dash backwards or just jump away. I would jump away.

Regular headstomp you can just jump straight back with fierce punch (or whatever Hondas best jumping attack is) and it will punish him if he gets too close. Or you can try dashing backwards and punishing, but there is more risk there.

gutabo said:
Yeah, I saw a Mike Ross vid where he baited the fireball. It works wonders. I prefer Honda's super tho, seems to be better overall, his ultra takes forever to come out, I tried to anti air some peeps with it and they had time to land AND block it...

You have to time the ultra right. Think you want to do it at the peak of their jump... Not sure as I don't play Honda. But a guy we play with hits it a lot.


Aljosa said:
Viper needs to be buffed a little. Give her TKs some extra damage and make her hp.TK slightly invulnerable. Maybe even increase the speed of her Seismos.

The point of TKs isn't damage, it's stun. Viper is a high-execution, stun-based character (each TK does 200 points of stun damage). She's easily the character you stun the most with.
K.Sabot said:
Auuugh, It sucks how linear Balrog is. These days, I only have a small handful of tricks that sometimes work. Makes me want Makoto even more for Dash.
New (?) trick for you.
1. FAttack opponent into a crumble
2. Wait until his knees hit the ground
3. c.lk/c.mp and the opponent flies into the air
4. cancel to low upper rush and cross under him for a mix-up


LakeEarth said:
Anyone with a fireball, worst being Sagat. Remember the ultra's startup can go through fireballs, so a good trick that can get you a non-deserved win is to do a fierce headbutt, and once they try to hit you with a fireball, activate ultra. Reversal ultra also works on Dhalsim if he makes the mistake of doing a Yoga Catastrophe right on top of you as you are waking up. Chun can reversal ultra EX headbutt, which really shuts Honda's "getting in" game against her.

Honda does great damage, but once you face someone who really knows how to shut you out, his options go down the toilet.

- EDIT - best piece of advice for facing Honda is to never jump in until you've seen him walk forward and break his charge. Honda's EX headbutt is his greatest weapon, so the second you see him break that charge, make your move. He can't deal with cross-ups unless you are facing a really good Honda that has that re-directed headbutt down.

if sagat blocks a fierce headbutt, prepare to eat kara-tu into f.rh into ultra.

honda has one of the three worst ultras in the game for sure. for aa you have to activate as they reach the peak of their jump, way before you think you should. and it trades with all sorts of dumb shit like seth's headstomp.


blackadde said:
if sagat blocks a fierce headbutt, prepare to eat kara-tu into f.rh into ultra.
Yeah but nobody knows to do that online.... yet :(

gutabo said:
Yeah, I saw a Mike Ross vid where he baited the fireball. It works wonders. I prefer Honda's super tho, seems to be better overall, his ultra takes forever to come out, I tried to anti air some peeps with it and they had time to land AND block it...
Correct on both accounts. I have completely stopped using his ultra as an anti-air, as it is so easy to block. I just use it to punish, and when I'm in deep trouble, try to land it through trickery. His super is way better (easiest combo is air fierce hand into hands cancelled into super), but his EX headbutt is so good I rarely build up enough meter for it.

If someone jumps in on you with super, do a jab headbutt cancelled into super. 90% of the time it will juggle perfectly, but it does bounce wrong once and a while.


LakeEarth said:
Yeah but nobody knows to do that online.... yet :(
Don't worry, that shit is impossible with any reasonable amount of delay anyway, the window is pretty small to begin with, and you can't rely on the games enormous reversal window to hold your hand for you.
Cowie said:
I dunno man. I spend an entire match trying to catch up with that little prick, I better do some damn decent damage when I finally do!
Thats the point of him.. but all his moves pretty much rely on the wake up game - Soon as you figure out the counters then he becomes so vulnerable. He def needs a life boost because 1 screw up on wake up can be 1/4th of your life..
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Nah, Rufus needs to be left alone. Even his EX Snake Strike mini ultra lol. Capcom did a really good job on the new characters. Hopefully there are some more with the update.

The console only character needs some tweaking.......and Sagat.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Nemesis121 said:
The console only character needs some tweaking.......and Sagat.

I feel all the console chars except Dan are fairly solid and only need minor buffs.

Gen needs his kick-style rolling punch to work like it did in A2.

Rose needs overall damage upgrade, and maybe an overhead

Fei Long needs better ultra, and his HDR Chicken Wing motion.

Cammy needs HDR Hooligan and Spin Knuckle

Sakura just needs a little more damage, but that's it.

Dan - who cares, wasted character slot to me

As for online Sagats not knowing that kara, I remember getting nailed by it at least once before I stopped playing regularly online.

I'd love to see Capcom kill karas, but that won't happen.

redirected headbutt, what's that? My guess is you walk forward on a crossup, then use that as the charge?
Great tips for honda, Im going to put that to work immediately! Thanks for the help, you guys are awesome!

*punches fist*
Tonight, Honda is toast...


arstal said:
redirected headbutt, what's that? My guess is you walk forward on a crossup, then use that as the charge?

no. you charge regularly, they go for the crossup, and you end up headbutting in the direction of your charge (your new forward). primarily useful for punishing poorly timed wakeup crossups.
I need a Custom button layout for characters that load up when switch characters...........my Main is Gief been practicing with El Fuerte lately but my controls are completely different for Gief, i wish the game supported that feature.


LakeEarth said:
Correct on both accounts. I have completely stopped using his ultra as an anti-air, as it is so easy to block. I just use it to punish, and when I'm in deep trouble, try to land it through trickery. His super is way better (easiest combo is air fierce hand into hands cancelled into super), but his EX headbutt is so good I rarely build up enough meter for it.

If someone jumps in on you with super, do a jab headbutt cancelled into super. 90% of the time it will juggle perfectly, but it does bounce wrong once and a while.
So his LP headbutt can be used as anti air? I was trying to do so but had more success with buttsplash... was I wrong on the timing? Do I have to make it earlier?


Setec Astronomer
Nemesis121 said:
I need a Custom button layout for characters that load up when switch characters...........my Main is Gief been practicing with El Fuerte lately but my controls are completely different for Gief, i wish the game supported that feature.
Capcom would say you need to buy an arcade stick. Personally, when I'm on a pad I have HP/HK on the right shoulder buttons and just make do with that.


gutabo said:
So his LP headbutt can be used as anti air? I was trying to do so but had more success with buttsplash... was I wrong on the timing? Do I have to make it earlier?
Have to do it earlier than EX headbutt, works better on empty jumps. I wouldn't do it against Ryu or Sagat because they have some high priority air attacks.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Nemesis121 said:
I need a Custom button layout for characters that load up when switch characters...........my Main is Gief been practicing with El Fuerte lately but my controls are completely different for Gief, i wish the game supported that feature.

good idea

as a pad player i like my 3Punches or 3Kicks on the right side, tired of going into Button config. switching from Abel to Fuerte


LakeEarth said:
Have to do it earlier than EX headbutt, works better on empty jumps. I wouldn't do it against Ryu or Sagat because they have some high priority air attacks.
Oh, ok. I thought there was some secret anti air stuff I didn't know :( Yes, I hardly use LP headbutt because it trades or is beaten by lotsa jumps in.


Just picked up Rufus, won a few matches with him, he's pretty fun to play with.
Having a hard time against turtles though... is anyone else playing him; or does anyone have some good pointers?


Setec Astronomer
Nemesis121 said:
Arcade stick is for fighting games and so far KOF sucks, Tekken 6 was Crap IMO(when i played it at the arcades) only game i would need it for is SF4 ........no ty.
Arcade sticks are for any game that would otherwise use just a dpad. Tetris, Metal Slug, Shmups, you name it!


gutabo said:
Oh, ok. I thought there was some secret anti air stuff I didn't know :( Yes, I hardly use LP headbutt because it trades or is beaten by lotsa jumps in.
LP headbutt works really well for jump ins, you just got to get the timing right, and it shouldn't trade. It's not effective against cross ups though.
EX headbutt is more useful as a get-the-fuck-off-me move. Personally, I try to conserve EX bar because once you have super meter, use that to go through fireballs or... wait for jump in > LP headbutt into Super. Puts a smile to my face every time.


It is without a doubt one of the best supers in the game. Damaging, through fireballs, good antiair, very comboable. But EX headbutt is so good...


Nemesis121 said:
I need a Custom button layout for characters that load up when switch characters...........my Main is Gief been practicing with El Fuerte lately but my controls are completely different for Gief, i wish the game supported that feature.
Would've liked this too when I used a pad.

One tweak I would like is to see the game save your favorite color/costume/taunt for each character. :lol
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