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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Nemesis121 said:
Arcade stick is for fighting games and so far KOF sucks, Tekken 6 was Crap IMO(when i played it at the arcades) only game i would need it for is SF4 ........no ty.

I wouldn't even bother with SFIV without a stick. If it was me I'd find a new game where the pad isn't going to cripple the experience and player progression. Either that or just buy a stick if you really enjoy the game. I know from SFIV alone my stick has got a ton of use and was definitely worth the price.
Nemesis121 said:
Arcade stick is for fighting games and so far KOF sucks, Tekken 6 was Crap IMO(when i played it at the arcades) only game i would need it for is SF4 ........no ty.

I hate Virtua Fighter but Virtua Fighter 5 was absolutely stunning.
What this game truly needs is a VISIBLE STUN BAR. I'm sick of wasting two bars with the middle of some phat combo when some crouching shorts and jabs would've done the trick.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
LakeEarth said:
Anyone with a fireball, worst being Sagat. Remember the ultra's startup can go through fireballs, so a good trick that can get you a non-deserved win is to do a fierce headbutt, and once they try to hit you with a fireball, activate ultra. Reversal ultra also works on Dhalsim if he makes the mistake of doing a Yoga Catastrophe right on top of you as you are waking up. Chun can reversal ultra EX headbutt, which really shuts Honda's "getting in" game against her.

Honda does great damage, but once you face someone who really knows how to shut you out, his options go down the toilet.

- EDIT - best piece of advice for facing Honda is to never jump in until you've seen him walk forward and break his charge. Honda's EX headbutt is his greatest weapon, so the second you see him break that charge, make your move. He can't deal with cross-ups unless you are facing a really good Honda that has that re-directed headbutt down.

Actually Chun can Ultra any blocked headbutt... doesn't matter what strength it is. :X

Personally, and this is coming from someone who complains about Honda all the time, he's not a bad character in this game, especially once you learn c.jab into HHS and can do it consistently. Even against Sagat, I don't think the match is unwinnable. You gotta be more careful yea but when I go into that match I believe I can win it, even when I was fighting RF (#3 Sagat in Japan) last week lol.
Oichi said:
Actually Chun can Ultra any blocked headbutt... doesn't matter what strength it is. :X

Personally, and this is coming from someone who complains about Honda all the time, he's not a bad character in this game, especially once you learn c.jab into HHS and can do it consistently. Even against Sagat, I don't think the match is unwinnable. You gotta be more careful yea but when I go into that match I believe I can win it, even when I was fighting RF (#3 Sagat in Japan) last week lol.

I think Honda is pretty good. His normals do insane damage and he has good pokes and throws. A decent mixup game with the buttslam. HHS is awesome. If you learn the timing his headbutts can be good anti-air. Even the ultra is a good anti-air if you have it down. I just think he needs a good way to combo into ultra in the update (everyone should be able to at least one practical way) and he is good to go.

Sagat is a bad matchup for him, but if you're patient and work your way in with focuses/neutral fierce(?) jumps you cans start using those damaging normals and pokes. HHS is crazy damage. It's doable though an uphill battle.

Is it standing fierce that will cancel into super against a jumping opponent? That does good damage too.


What's with all the people with "SRK" in their gamertags that are terrible? I keep seeing it now , I used to take it that I was going to get an ass whipping. Now, I'm not so sure.


K.Sabot said:
What's with all the people with "SRK" in their gamertags that are terrible? I keep seeing it now , I used to take it that I was going to get an ass whipping. Now, I'm not so sure.
LOL! it's so true!!

everytime u see anyone on an online fighting game with "SRK" in their username, that shyt is hella free! :lol :lol


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I wouldn't even bother with SFIV without a stick. If it was me I'd find a new game where the pad isn't going to cripple the experience and player progression. Either that or just buy a stick if you really enjoy the game. I know from SFIV alone my stick has got a ton of use and was definitely worth the price.

TE stick is the real deal. :D

It's useful for more than just SF IV.You will be able to use it for any upcoming fighting game or you can use it for a game which require precise dpad control(like pacman CE).

The best part is that it ease the transition from home to arcade(since this is where you will find the best competition).

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
The only person with SRK in their name that I've played recently that's been any good is Darkhokage SRK.

TimeKillr said:
360 or PS3?

I can record and post as much as you want. :)

Oops, guess I should've mentioned. 360.

My gt is papertiger80. Hit me up whenever you want some games :)


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I wouldn't even bother with SFIV without a stick. If it was me I'd find a new game where the pad isn't going to cripple the experience and player progression. Either that or just buy a stick if you really enjoy the game. I know from SFIV alone my stick has got a ton of use and was definitely worth the price.

You're so right. I only have a pad to play this on but I can almost guarantee that with a stick and some practice I could become much better. My main weakness is that I'm almost unable to use the left shoulder buttons while inputting commands. I've actually decided that I won't play SF that much until I'm able to get one.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I think Honda is pretty good. His normals do insane damage and he has good pokes and throws. A decent mixup game with the buttslam. HHS is awesome. If you learn the timing his headbutts can be good anti-air. Even the ultra is a good anti-air if you have it down. I just think he needs a good way to combo into ultra in the update (everyone should be able to at least one practical way) and he is good to go.

Sagat is a bad matchup for him, but if you're patient and work your way in with focuses/neutral fierce(?) jumps you cans start using those damaging normals and pokes. HHS is crazy damage. It's doable though an uphill battle.

Is it standing fierce that will cancel into super against a jumping opponent? That does good damage too.

Crouching fierce is what goes into super. His normals do insane damage- that's his best feature.

The problem with Honda is that his defense is really crappy. He takes damage well, but is easy to keep under control.


SuperMattyFighter2T said:
I think Honda is pretty good. His normals do insane damage and he has good pokes and throws. A decent mixup game with the buttslam. HHS is awesome. If you learn the timing his headbutts can be good anti-air. Even the ultra is a good anti-air if you have it down. I just think he needs a good way to combo into ultra in the update (everyone should be able to at least one practical way) and he is good to go.

Sagat is a bad matchup for him, but if you're patient and work your way in with focuses/neutral fierce(?) jumps you cans start using those damaging normals and pokes. HHS is crazy damage. It's doable though an uphill battle.

Is it standing fierce that will cancel into super against a jumping opponent? That does good damage too.

honda has the worst dash in the game (0.8) so focusing your way in against the tiger spam is pointless. you get pushed back further than you advance. nj.fierce is great until about 2/3 screen when sagat can punish it with a kara-tu into ultra. you just have to predict the tiger shots and guess right. a lot.

and never buttslam sagat. because of his tall hitbox, he recovers from blockstun fast enough to tu you in the ass.

honda is a really fun character with some great normals and hhs pressure is amazing. then you try out sagat in training mode and realize his normals do about the same amount of damage. :(

the very worst part about this fight is that the sagat player can be a complete retard and still go even with a good honda.


Nemesis121 said:
Not paying $150 for a arcade stick for ONE game FUCK that.
I mainly play on my laptop and I have two TE sticks. There's no other way to play Street Fighter.
One day I'll buy an Xbox 360 but I'd have to get a decent TV first.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
You can be a pad warrior and still be good at SF4. Just don't expect to be able to do some things with certain characters. Or be able to play Viper that well.
Lost Fragment said:
You can be a pad warrior and still be good at SF4. Just don't expect to be able to do some things with certain characters. Or be able to play Viper that well.

So true, as a Pad player myself I was interested in trying Viper. 5 minutes in the training room made me give up that idea. I've also spent a number of times trying to do Balrog's headbutt into Ultra, but I've never pulled it off. Only once did I manage to whiff the Ultra, every other time all I got was a jumping punch.

Not being able to play on a stick is probably one of the main reasons why I don't bother trying to learn anyone outside of Ryu. Ryu and other shoto's are pad friendly IMO, characters not so much.


Mrs. Harvey
All this talk about buffing, spanking, adding characters. Well, I could care less about all that if they don't fix the crappy online play.


Rice-Eater said:
So true, as a Pad player myself I was interested in trying Viper. 5 minutes in the training room made me give up that idea. I've also spent a number of times trying to do Balrog's headbutt into Ultra, but I've never pulled it off. Only once did I manage to whiff the Ultra, every other time all I got was a jumping punch.

Not being able to play on a stick is probably one of the main reasons why I don't bother trying to learn anyone outside of Ryu. Ryu and other shoto's are pad friendly IMO, characters not so much.

How are you able to hit links without plinking?


I doubt my execution and reflexes will ever become good enough that i MUST have a stick.

That being said i can pull off the combo into ultra for most chars (and Bison's bnb sometimes with FADC for spice), its just my timing that needs work, not the inputs.


i did all the hard trials on kb and pad. i enjoyed most when it is presented like a puzzle, like figuring out the method to elfs 5th trial.


Kadey said:
Who wants a beatdown?
I do! I haven't played in a few weeks, been on a soft "retirement" because the game isn't much fun.
Gt: pinbacker

Timekillr, tell Tony that I think his Gief sucks. :)

This SFIV updaterumor better be legit and better include Dudley; if not, I'm back to not playing until it does come out!


Threi said:
I doubt my execution and reflexes will ever become good enough that i MUST have a stick.

That being said i can pull off the combo into ultra for most chars (and Bison's bnb sometimes with FADC for spice), its just my timing that needs work, not the inputs.

If you're an intermediate player trying to do difficult things like tight links, there's no way you could do them without a stick... an insanely good player could perhaps do a hard link using only one button press on a pad, but if you don't have that kind of timing you really need a stick to be able to piano and plink. Not to mention basic combos like Chun's cl.hk, EX legs, impossible to do without piano input. Sticks give you big advantages no matter which level you're playing at, except when you're a total beginner, because they bring some of the harder stuff down t a level where you can execute it flawlessly with some practice.
Ledsen said:
How are you able to hit links without plinking?

I don't do anything difficult. I pretty much just do the easy stuff. If Sagat's Uppercut whiffs, I do F+HP into SRK. For a jump in I'll follow it with c. LK, c. LP, and end it with a SRK if my hits confirm. Anybody can do these combos despite the controller type. Unless you're some kind of pad prodigy, you should not be attempting 1 frame links, well unless you're using turbo.
Lost Fragment said:
You can be a pad warrior and still be good at SF4. Just don't expect to be able to do some things with certain characters. Or be able to play Viper that well.

Hey, not true! I"ll beast you with pad viper :p


WHOOOHOOOO!!! Just beat a Dictator(gt: bison cl) that was beating my honda REALLY bad... and in a championship final! Thanks for the tips!

Now, what can Honda do against Boxer? :'(


I take issue with people who claim SFIV isn't worth playing without a stick. All you're doing is doing the game a huge dis-service and scaring away new players.

The game is excellent and works just fine on a pad, even the 360 one. I've only played it with the 360 pad and SFIV is my GOTY. I've loved every minute of it.

Sure, you'll eventually hit a ceiling on what you can do on the pad. But that ceiling is damn high and the only time you NEED a stick is if you are going to take competitive play very very seriously. Otherwise, just enjoy a damn good game.


Setec Astronomer
Honestly, I like using a stick mostly because playing games on a pad has given me enough repetitive stress over the years. I'm not as keen on contorting my thumb as I used to be after sustaining an actual injury during a Megaman X stint a while back. ;)

As for whether you need one to play decently and have a good time, no, of course not.


arstal said:
I feel all the console chars except Dan are fairly solid and only need minor buffs.

Gen needs his kick-style rolling punch to work like it did in A2.

Rose needs overall damage upgrade, and maybe an overhead

Fei Long needs better ultra, and his HDR Chicken Wing motion.

Cammy needs HDR Hooligan and Spin Knuckle

Sakura just needs a little more damage, but that's it.

Dan - who cares, wasted character slot to me

As for online Sagats not knowing that kara, I remember getting nailed by it at least once before I stopped playing regularly online.

I'd love to see Capcom kill karas, but that won't happen.

redirected headbutt, what's that? My guess is you walk forward on a crossup, then use that as the charge?

Boo this man.gif

I'd say Dan is about even or better against the console characters.

Either way he's one of the most fun characters.
arstal said:
I feel all the console chars except Dan are fairly solid and only need minor buffs.

Gen needs his kick-style rolling punch to work like it did in A2.

Rose needs overall damage upgrade, and maybe an overhead

Fei Long needs better ultra, and his HDR Chicken Wing motion.

Cammy needs HDR Hooligan and Spin Knuckle

Sakura just needs a little more damage, but that's it.

Dan - who cares, wasted character slot to me

As for online Sagats not knowing that kara, I remember getting nailed by it at least once before I stopped playing regularly online.

I'd love to see Capcom kill karas, but that won't happen.

redirected headbutt, what's that? My guess is you walk forward on a crossup, then use that as the charge?


Wasted character slot my ass!


Oichi said:
Actually Chun can Ultra any blocked headbutt... doesn't matter what strength it is. :X
I realize that, but the fact that she can punish the EX version is huge. As far as I know, only Ken and Chun can punish a blocked EX headbutt.
Unless you're godly, you should play Arjan's Dan. I think he plays Dan just right, incredibly annoying and it works LOL. I don't mind turtling, but when Dan does it, it's 10x more irritating. I don't think he's that bad of a character. You should check out Sanford's Dan, he shows how scary Dan can be.


Rice-Eater said:
Unless you're godly, you should play Arjan's Dan. I think he plays Dan just right, incredibly annoying and it works LOL. I don't mind turtling, but when Dan does it, it's 10x more irritating. I don't think he's that bad of a character. You should check out Sanford's Dan, he shows how scary Dan can be.
I've played Arjan's Dan and he's pretty good, but... MicVlad's Dan is the stuff of nightmares.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
bdizzle said:

Yeah, I wouldn't mind it if they gave Dan some real, non-gimmick advantages compared to Ryu/Ken, but they don't. SvC Dan to me was the best Dan ever.

If I was redesigning Dan- I'd give him overpowered EXs as his gimmick, and his ultra would be a super taunt that drains the opponent super and utlra meter if he's hit out of it, and 0-meter cost for rest of round if he is, and his lifebar would start flashing.

Also, that matchup above was all player, not character.
Got some nice hate mail recently.

From a Honda player:

My reply: u mad? :D

Another Honda:

My reply: u mad? :D


My reply: u still mad? :D


My reply: Then why the hate mail?


My reply: Honda match-up is like that with Balrog.

Don't remember this one, probably Ryu:

Sorry, the images are a little bit too big.
are shotos becoming universally hated online?

When I beat people down with Ryu, they call me boring and shit. But when I stick with Chun, win or lose (and no matter how badly I do), i still get a lot of nice messages back from my opponents, like "good chun," etc.

I ran into Lost Fragment last night on championship, he gave me a total viper beatdown.
BotoxAgent said:
are shotos becoming universally hated online?

When I beat people down with Ryu, they call me boring and shit. But when I stick with Chun, win or lose (and no matter how badly I do), i still get a lot of nice messages back from my opponents, like "good chun," etc.

I ran into Lost Fragment last night on championship, he gave me a total viper beatdown.

ken/ryu - boring

akuma/gouken - punkass

dan - what the fuck


BotoxAgent said:
are shotos becoming universally hated online?

When I beat people down with Ryu, they call me boring and shit. But when I stick with Chun, win or lose (and no matter how badly I do), i still get a lot of nice messages back from my opponents, like "good chun," etc.

I ran into Lost Fragment last night on championship, he gave me a total viper beatdown.

Yeah it's weird, I never get hatemail for playing Chun, it's great :D


good credit (by proxy)
I beat some balrog and in both rounds I stopped his shitty full screen ultra attempts by standing my ground and doing a single perfectly timed st. jab. The second time I hear this little kid voice yell "ohhh my god!". He actually managed to beat me the next match since I suck against balrog + I got cocky and was using no wake up game mix ups. 3rd match I nearly perfect him 1st round and he dc.

Something really weird happened though. I srk'ed into fadc and somehow I hit traded with him AFTER the fadc. I saw my guy flash yellow and my 2bars were gone, so I instinctively went for the ultra and because of the hit trade my guy got pushed too far back for the ultra to hit. This would have won me the match against the 12 year old and also been the first time I have srk fadc ultraed in a match on arcade stick.

I hope it was just a bug cause losing 2bars on a hit trade is bullshit.

Edit: I just did my first srk fadc into ultra in a match!
on XBL I rarely got hatemail
on PSN I only get hatemail

perhaps it has to do with starting over and the opponent not expecting much from someone with low BP
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