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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Rice-Eater said:
Unless you're godly, you should play Arjan's Dan. I think he plays Dan just right, incredibly annoying and it works LOL. I don't mind turtling, but when Dan does it, it's 10x more irritating. I don't think he's that bad of a character. You should check out Sanford's Dan, he shows how scary Dan can be.

Haha, I'll take that as a compliment. :p

I tend to turtle a lot because I don't have the confidence to go on the offensive against you, I need to work on that. Dan can apply pressure pretty well, even if his normals aren't all that great.

I still have a lot of room for improvement though.

Also, you owned my Seth pretty hard, because with Seth if I get pressured too much I have a tendency to panic and just do random SRKs.
BotoxAgent said:
are shotos becoming universally hated online?

When I beat people down with Ryu, they call me boring and shit. But when I stick with Chun, win or lose (and no matter how badly I do), i still get a lot of nice messages back from my opponents, like "good chun," etc.

I ran into Lost Fragment last night on championship, he gave me a total viper beatdown.

Yes and why? There are soooooo many online. Out of 10 matches, I'll face around 6 - 8 shoto's.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I played a seth (a good seth) on Live the other day and I didn't know how to deal with him as bison (curse the no antiair limitations of the purple fella) and then he began to taunt me where he shakes his head and says 'useless'

I felt sad.
catfish said:
I played a seth (a good seth) on Live the other day and I didn't know how to deal with him as bison (curse the no antiair limitations of the purple fella) and then he began to taunt me where he shakes his head and says 'useless'

I felt sad.
taunt him back


black_vegeta said:
Yes and why? There are soooooo many online. Out of 10 matches, I'll face around 6 - 8 shoto's.
That figure seems a little low to me! ;)

What the hell is up with these people who do nothing the first round? I get they're trying to "suss you out", but why not just play, it's moronic. Much like the 1 round, 30 second crew (they're all Akumas, Zangiefs etc).
BitchTits said:
Much like the 1 round, 30 second crew (they're all Akumas, Zangiefs etc).
oh man I hate that

I only stick to CP mode outside of playing forumers and friends because the host can't fiddle with the round and time settings


BoboBrazil said:
Is it just me or is El Fuerte the worst character ever? Can anyone win with this guy? I think Dan is much much better than him.

El Fuerte is a scrub killing machine. :lol
_dementia said:
taunt him back

Seriously, use the taunt where he crosses his arms and laughs. One time I was facing a Ryu (go figure) and teleported all over the damn screen, while breaking for his laughing taunt. :lol
Anyone have some good advice/tricks for fighting ranked matches, etc... I seem to psyche myself out whenever I play a ranked match and end up really losing focus.

If any veteran players on the PC version ( I also have PS3) want to get some matches in and give me some pointers, that would be greatly appreciated. I love to play the game and am right now playing with a local crew; trying to get up to a decent tournament-level ability. Maybe I'm just not cut out for tournament play!

steam id: donatelli
GFW: two time grime


gutabo said:
Any tips please?
Inch up, smack him with standing roundhouse to knock him back, always be ready to block. Never fierce headbutt. If he's a complete turtle, inch up to jab command throw range. It isn't the easiest match although all tier lists say it's 5/5.


LakeEarth said:
Inch up, smack him with standing roundhouse to knock him back, always be ready to block. Never fierce headbutt. If he's a complete turtle, inch up to jab command throw range. It isn't the easiest match although all tier lists say it's 5/5.
5/5??? Are you kidding? It feels like a 2/8 to me! Well, thanks for the tips, I will try them, thing is, the few Boxer players I've met online have been really good, so I had 0 experience on that matchup and the shock was big when they out turtled me and had an answer for everything I tried...


black_vegeta said:
Yes and why? There are soooooo many online. Out of 10 matches, I'll face around 6 - 8 shoto's.
I'll face 5 ryus, 5 kens, and every once in a while a Sagat, a Blanka or some random character.


BoboBrazil said:
Is it just me or is El Fuerte the worst character ever? Can anyone win with this guy? I think Dan is much much better than him.
I can :)

He is my starter, or when i feel like pissing people off :lol

catfish said:
I played a seth (a good seth) on Live the other day and I didn't know how to deal with him as bison (curse the no antiair limitations of the purple fella) and then he began to taunt me where he shakes his head and says 'useless'

I felt sad.
In my experience as bison you should beat seth by not using too many specials, relying on pokes instead, and dont rush in blindly. Also focus dash in to get a better position from the get-go. Most seth players ive faced play him exactly like sim (jump back with stretchy arms, crouching stretchy arms, sonic boom when out of stretchy arm range)


Setec Astronomer
El Fuerte has an overhead/standing grab mixup that starts from a knockdown and leads to a knockdown. If you don't know how to handle this then you're going to get smacked around.




Hitokage said:
El Fuerte has an overhead/standing grab mixup that starts from a knockdown and leads to a knockdown. If you don't know how to handle this then you're going to get smacked around.


not to mention the overhead can cross up.

and also a sweep.

and its so easy to bait reversals.


Setec Astronomer
Although to be fair, I like dishing out a ton of damage mixing up overhead/sweep with Ryu against people who don't realize his f MP is slow as shit.
BoboBrazil said:
Is it just me or is El Fuerte the worst character ever? Can anyone win with this guy? I think Dan is much much better than him.
Which platform do you play on? PC, XB360, PS3?

I will play you with El Fuerte.. (Dont be alarmed if I go on a 20 game win streak) Never under estimate the fuerte cheese. :D
Gonna be hopping online for a bit if anyone wants to play

PSN - FindMyFarms

I have yet to play any of the 360 crowd that picked up the ps3 version

@TurtleSnatcher - Go easy on the kid!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Which platform do you play on? PC, XB360, PS3?

I will play you with El Fuerte.. (Dont be alarmed if I go on a 20 game win streak) Never under estimate the fuerte cheese. :D
Get on GWFL and teach me, oh great mentor.
Dascu said:
Get on GWFL and teach me, oh great mentor.
Im still at work :X

WTF people that don't have jobs! :p

I can play tonight though. Games for Windows Live ID: MINI Pez

Not sure if you are on my friends list or not.

Won use to main Fuerte not sure if he still does - I think he still does.


Rocky_Balboa said:
Does Won play with Fuerte now? I remember playing a long time ago, but he wasn't Fuerte back then.

Hey Won, let's play sometime? I play the most loveliest Boxer. ;)

I'm pretty sure I was Fuerte back then and no I have to agree with the hate mails you got, you play like a bitch! (whatever that means)

I hate Boxer :(


the big purple man returns!

XBL: threi

hopefully someone with a camera because i need to study the mistakes i will make.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Im still at work :X

WTF people that don't have jobs! :p

I can play tonight though. Games for Windows Live ID: MINI Pez

Not sure if you are on my friends list or not.

Won use to main Fuerte not sure if he still does - I think he still does.
GMT+1 timezone here. I've added you on my friends list a few days ago. I main Akuma but I've been trying to get better with Fuerte and I could use some training and teaching.


facing a bright new dawn
toneroni said:
:( how about PMing akuma001 and see what he can do.

I might get mine dual modded one day too (if i can force myself to use it more! :p)
i just need to try it again. I thought i was badass when i modded my original xbox, but this has a LOT more wires and potential places to fuck up. Not to mention the guides are pretty iffy.

Threi said:
the big purple man returns!

XBL: threi

hopefully someone with a camera because i need to study the mistakes i will make.

I'll throw down...no camera, tho
toneroni said:
:( how about PMing akuma001 and see what he can do.

I might get mine dual modded one day too (if i can force myself to use it more! :p)

Quoted for the truth. He recently modded my 360 TE. It works great. I plan on buying one of the Round 2 TEs and MVC SE and sending them his way.

He that good....so good that Kanye would biggup him during the stick modding ceremony.


Threi said:
the big purple man returns!

XBL: threi

hopefully someone with a camera because i need to study the mistakes i will make.
think we played a few times back then but you always got on so late..when i should be asleep already.

I'll add you though.
Won said:
I'm pretty sure I was Fuerte back then and no I have to agree with the hate mails you got, you play like a bitch! (whatever that means)

I hate Boxer :(
Well, practice against Fuerte would be good for me, so if you're up to it someday, let's play. Lately I haven't seen any Fuertes around.


Rocky_Balboa said:
Well, practice against Fuerte would be good for me, so if you're up to it someday, let's play. Lately I haven't seen any Fuertes around.

Of course you haven't seen any Fuertes. The cool people are all on the PC now! Join us, if you haven't already!

Also not sure if my Fuerte is any use at the moment. I'm more casually screwing around with the rest of the cast, so I have more stuff to complain about.
Rocky_Balboa said:
Well, practice against Fuerte would be good for me, so if you're up to it someday, let's play. Lately I haven't seen any Fuertes around.

You have to constantly pressure Fuerte. He has the best offense in the game, but some of the worst defense as well. Don't let him attack you or get into his mixups or it's going to be a quick match.


FindMyFarms is terrible

el fuerte does not have the best offense in the game, you are weird.

you just salty cuz you lose all the time


input lag is very, VERY annoying.

complete whiffs of moves because my regular input is a half second behind what gets shown on screen.

ggs to Semitry, i was still trying to adjust to the lag, as you could see from the whiffed demon off a focus crumple i wasn't getting it down.
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