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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


TimeKillr said:

I have a very good feeling *all* of those rumors are true.

I have sources! :)

This is the first time the names of the 2 new characters are out, that people have 2 ultras, etc.

What's with so many people having sources all of a sudden? :p

Did Seth Killian start to leak stuff to his friends or something? :lol

I do not care all that much standard standard focus attacks,but FADC need to be changed.It's totally skewed in favor of qcf characters(Boxer is the only charge character with an easy ultra setup...).
God's Beard said:
In other news, Super Street Fighter IV Turbo will have 45 characters with 3 ultras each.

i aint mad at that. the more the better! lol sadly it'll still be a ryu fest online. im maining the new guys tho, just to piss off the flow charters and get more hate mail.


Really minor hope here...If the update is real i just want random to work better...when I pick random I want not only a random character, but a random outfit and color as well. Is that too much to ask?
bdizzle said:
i aint mad at that. the more the better! lol sadly it'll still be a ryu fest online. im maining the new guys tho, just to piss off the flow charters and get more hate mail.

Hell yeah, more chances for them to put Q in.


kitzkozan said:
What's with so many people having sources all of a sudden? :p

Did Seth Killian start to leak stuff to his friends or something? :lol

I do not care all that much standard standard focus attacks,but FADC need to be changed.It's totally skewed in favor of qcf characters(Boxer is the only charge character with an easy ultra setup...).

Well the game is being worked on, so this means there's bound to be plenty of leaks.

And it's not Seth Killian (I don't know him!)

There's a lot more stuff than what's been told so far, but the rest is pretty uninteresting compared to what's been leaked already.


ShinAmano said:
Really minor hope here...If the update is real i just want random to work better...when I pick random I want not only a random character, but a random outfit and color as well. Is that too much to ask?
My random option is so fucked up. One out of three fights I get Fei Long. I ended up learning a lot with him because of the damn random.


hopefully the gameplay differences work for the better and arent a retread of 3rd Strike, which IMO has an inferior gameplay system.


Hope they don't fuck with anything with Rufus. I'd be curious what they'd give him for an ultra, though. I know, give Rufus a Genei-Jin!


So it's a Turkish grappler?

MoxManiac said:
Hope they don't fuck with anything with Rufus. I'd be curious what they'd give him for an ultra, though. I know, give Rufus a Genei-Jin!

Ugh, that would be horrible, you want Rufus to stick to people even more? :(


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Threi said:
hopefully the gameplay differences work for the better and arent a retread of 3rd Strike, which IMO has an inferior gameplay system.


Dizzy-4U said:
My random option is so fucked up. One out of three fights I get Fei Long. I ended up learning a lot with him because of the damn random.
Lol...Yeah I choose random 99% of the time and it was just frustrating no being able to use the costumes I purchased or colors i unlocked.


Dizzy-4U said:
My random option is so fucked up. One out of three fights I get Fei Long. I ended up learning a lot with him because of the damn random.
Or some sort of check to make sure that if you pick random 10 times, you don't get the same character 4 times.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yeah, I think something's fucked up with the game's RNG. Not only is it more common for random to pick the same character than it is to pick a different one for me, I always get the same song in lobbies like 5 times in a row.

Anyway, game sounds sweet. Can't wait for screens and stuff.
Ill believe the hype when something official comes out.. Not someone who says

"imma out" and posts giving the bird smileys..

And for the people who are posting they prefer 3S and then laughing at others who don't... get off your high horse.. Some people like SF4.. some like 3S.. no idea why you suddenly think your opinions are greater then anyone elses.

I personally prefer 4 over 3S because I wasn't a fan of the parry system or the back and forth poking and kara mix ups.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Ill believe the hype when something official comes out.. Not someone who says

"imma out" and posts giving the bird smileys..

And for the people who are posting they prefer 3S and then laughing at others who don't... get off your high horse.. Some people like SF4.. some like 3S.. no idea why you suddenly think your opinions are greater then anyone elses.

I personally prefer 4 over 3S because I wasn't a fan of the parry system or the back and forth poking and kara mix ups.

You can believe the hype now man.
Forgot about that.. another thing I wasn't a fan of. Its a good game but at the same time those things really got to me.

Wasn't really popular either to a mass audience like SF4 was and I couldn't be more happy that SF4 created this humongus buzz on fighting games again.

TimeKillr said:
You can believe the hype now man.

You aren't official.. Ill just wait until something comes out that is official.. :p

Im sure its real but I must not set myself up for disappointment!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't wait when they nerf ryu,ken,gouken, akuma and sagat. I fucking hate those pieces of shit and despise anybody who uses them. On the other hand they really need to balance some characters for examply feis ultra whiffs and doesn't connect on first hit for some reason...

Abel has crappy AA

Cammy has bad Overhead??

I hope they show some gameplay vids of these characters.. i'll def use one of them as my second.

One more q though.. is the te stick ever going down? I don't want to pay 190 for some high quality plastic. Does the Tekken 6 stick just as good as the TE sfiv stick? Will Any of those two ever go down in price? It would make sense for the TE stick to go down when Tekken 6 released. I hope black friday will cut down the price, def want to take my game to the next level.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
_dementia said:
whiffed normals building meter is fail

I don't think 3S is inherently inferior though
Agreed, I hope that never returns. Dont think it will either.


I'm scared for my Street Fighter 4.:( If they do add parry, it might be interesting if they made each parry cost a bit of meter or something. Why Alex, Yun, and Urien won't be in is beyond me. Despite all the rumors it'll be a beautiful day to finally play some Balrog vs Dudley matches(Assuming the rumors are true.)

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
The real question is:

Will makoto finally learn to do the Fukiage on the opponent side:lol



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Dizzy-4U is freakin' out :/

If capcom buffed El Fuerte : DAY ONE


Stolen from Capcom-Unity Forum

Another rumors and info from other SFIV forums according to Ultima:

- Guile has Sonic Hurricane

- Everyone has two Ultras at once. No selection. Commands don't overlap.

- One super, two ultras. Except Sakura, who has Shinkuu Hadoken back for 2 and 2. All 3S characters have all three of their supers, except one is super and two are ultra.

- Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.

- Guy has his chains

- Dudley now has ten target combos, up from nine in 3S.

- Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter. Yes, he has the knife.

- Makoto has her super as Tanden Renki. May be possible to activate with an Ultra charged to commence the rape time.

- Gen gets a new air Ultra. He still doesn't hagve his chains back at this point.

- Juri's top may bear a vague resemblance to Shiki, with a bit of Hinata hair.

- Expect the return of the many familiar supers, and a few new ones like Metsu
Shoryuken. Return of Kikosho, Sonic Hurricane, Denjin(Gouken), Tiger Cannon.

- Expect sick names like Breathless, Yoga Shangri-La, Psycho Punisher and Demon Armageddon.

- Expect a lot of air activated ultras, i.e; Siberian Blizzard, Gief's ****ing air 720. Yes, you read that correctly.

- Return of the bonus stage."


Dascu said:
Air Ultras basically mean that Akuma's 2nd Ultra will be his Fireball super, right? I really, really miss that move.

I think the "air ultras" thing only refers to CERTAIN Ultras that are now done in mid-air. I doubt that all the ultras are now capable of being performed in mid-air.

Jokes N Riddles

Neo Member
I would be in on this in a minute if SSF4 holds water. I think it would also merit the fact that the game saw a healthy price drop so soon into its life span. This game is a gold standard.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
g35twinturbo said:
if SSF4 is true why the hell didn't they put Elena in it! We don't need Dudley! :/

soulfist said:
I'm scared for my Street Fighter 4.:( If they do add parry, it might be interesting if they made each parry cost a bit of meter or something. Why Alex, Yun, and Urien won't be in is beyond me. Despite all the rumors it'll be a beautiful day to finally play some Balrog vs Dudley matches(Assuming the rumors are true.)
The funny thing is, is Yun and Yang are in that shitty SF4 anime that came with the collecters edition. I was sure theyd be in the followup.


Everything is moe to me
Rice-Eater said:
Geesh, I just faced a guy named Chris Lai or something like that on the PC version. Total beatdowns, the guy can play like every character and own me with each one. Well I wasn't totally free, I put up a couple of good fights, but he still won every match. It brought back terrible memory of playing FMF :(

On a side note, does anybody notice that every Sakura(at least on the PC version) plays exactly the same? It's the same lame shit, sit there doing nothing. You go near her she starts throwing normals, you jump, she does crouching fierce. I got beat by a few Sakura's using this strategy. I said "fuck it, I'm going to do it too then". So the last two I faced played just like the others. Fortunately for me, Ryu has a better fireball game so I out turtled them and crouching fierced them to death, TAKE THAT YOU SLIMY HO.
sakura... throwing fireballs...


- One super, two ultras. Except Sakura, who has Shinkuu Hadoken back for 2 and 2.
does sakura have an EXless juggle i dont know about?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
wait, why the hell would capcom mess with the basic mechanics of sf4? saying that ssf4 isnt going to be playing anything like sf4 makes me sad :(

hell add to the character roster and tweak them all you want by why change it so much?



Dizzy-4U said:
Stolen from Capcom-Unity Forum

- Guile has Sonic Hurricane

- Everyone has two Ultras at once. No selection. COmmands don't overlap.

- One super, two ultras. Except Sakura, who has Shinkuu Hadoken back for 2 and 2. All 3S characters have all three of their supers, except one is super and two are ultra.

- Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.

- Guy has his chains

- Dudley now has ten target combos, up from nine in 3S.

- Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter. Yes, he has the knife.

- Makoto has her super as Tanden Renki. May be possible to activate with an Ultra charged to commence the rape time.

- Gen gets a new air Ultra. He still doesn't hagve his chains back at this point.

- Juri's top may bear a vague resemblance to Shiki, with a bit of Hinata hair.

- Expect the return of the many familiar supers, and a few new ones like Metsu
Shoryuken. Return of Kikosho, Sonic Hurricane, Denjin(Gouken), Tiger Cannon.

- Expect sick names like Breathless, Yoga Shangri-La, Psycho Punisher and Demon Armageddon.

- Expect a lot of air activated ultras, i.e; Siberian Blizzard, Gief's ****ing air 720. Yes, you read that correctly.

- Return of the bonus stage."

Heh. I didn't want to go into too much detail, but if even ultra names have started to leak out... Funny thing is I'm pretty sure where most of these leaks are coming from (not a specific person but a specific place!)

Makoto's scheme is pretty much the scheme for all 3s characters - they have all 3 SAs, one is super, the other 2 are ultra.

Cody's Alpha Counter should also be big news to everyone.

The one thing you won't get from all these leaks are actual properties of moves and such since the people who are leaking do not have that specific information :)


Man, why would they add more ultras and keep supers pretty much the same. But anyway, more details woo!

Breathless? BREATHLESS?

Denjin! That's an awesome super I wouldn't mind seeing more.


Totakeke said:
Breathless? BREATHLESS?

Denjin! That's an awesome super I wouldn't mind seeing more.

You know who's ultra is named Breathless. :)

I love how Dhalsim's new one is called Yoga Shangri'la. No clue what it does!


- Dudley now has ten target combos, up from nine in 3S.

- Expect sick names like Breathless, Yoga Shangri-La, Psycho Punisher and Demon Armageddon.

- Return of the bonus stage."
Somebody hold me.


BTW, the source posted (not the capcom-unity one, but the other) is basically copy/pasting from another forum. :)

It's VERY, VERY reliable. :)
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