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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


bobbyflay said:
It sounds scary as shit haha...even more so then demon armageddon.


Blanka's new ultra is weird - I don't know what it does, but it has 2 different properties: anti-air and anti-ground.

Maybe it's a new version of the fruits in SFA3? (I really don't know!)

~Devil Trigger~ said:
Abel's new Ultra, where he kicks you in the balls

I'm seriously hoping it's an ultra command grab... It would make sense, with him being a bit of a grappler, but I'm not holding my breath(less). :lol


Alright, I don't want to get excited, but at this point, it's very difficult not to.

I figured if they were adding supers or Ultras, Guile would get Sonic Hurricane. The only reason I doubted it, is because nearly all Ultras are a beefed up or extended version of a Super.


Thinking about it, it's pretty lame Dudley will stuck with three super/ultras with similar uses. Probably corkscrew blow as the super and rolling thunder/rocket upper as the ultras. I don't see why you would choose like rolling thunder over rocket upper except for damage purposes but as we all know ultras do plenty of damage as it is already.

Of course.. rolling thunder could pass over fireballs..

Damn, Dudley isn't as awesome without his constant corkscrew blows, it should only take 2 bars to use it. ;(
What the hell is a cancel break?

What could Rufus possibly do after the kick launcher of Space Opera Symphony if you could cancel it... I'm intrigued.


_dementia said:
whiffed normals building meter is fail

I don't think 3S is inherently inferior though

It really is fail. I don't want to see two pros spending the first 10 seconds of a match wiffing fierces at opposite ends of the screen. That, and parrying, are what I disliked the most about 3s.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Akuma needs this



It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
We need moar El Fuerte buffs!
SHIN El Fuerte !!
Dizzy-4U said:
Stolen from Capcom-Unity Forum

- Expect a lot of air activated ultras, i.e; Siberian Blizzard, Gief's fucking air 720. Yes, you read that correctly.

:lol :lol :lol :lol day fucking 1 if true. i can already see the hate mail piling in.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
TimeKillr said:
I'm seriously hoping it's an ultra command grab... It would make sense, with him being a bit of a grappler, but I'm not holding my breath(less). :lol
A mounting grab with anti-air properties! oh the glory if it were to be true....


If these rumours are true its everything I wanted. 2 Ultras, 10 Characters. The only thing they would need is more stages.

Capcom is killing me, when will they confirm or deny this, when is Capcom announcing shit in TGS
TimeKillr said:
It's true (at least for Gief).

The others I don't know - I would assume that Ibuki has one as well.

what's the animation like? does he jump in the air, pause, then grabs? or is it a diving leap kinda thing?

Totakeke said:
Damn, Dudley isn't as awesome without his constant corkscrew blows, it should only take 2 bars to use it. ;(
Maybe they'll make a neutered version of CB and turn it into an EX attack
Kinda like Ryu's Shinku Tatsumaki was a super in Alpha and became an EX move in SFIII and IV.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
black_vegeta said:
Any of these "sources" know if this a full retail game or a DLC???
Nothing confirmed but with all the info thats been leaked, Id say this HAS to be a full retail game. No way its DLC.


bdizzle said:
what's the animation like? does he jump in the air, pause, then grabs? or is it a diving leap kinda thing?


No clue. The leak sources cannot know this (animation, I mean).
- Everyone has two Ultras at once. No selection. Commands don't overlap.

- One super, two ultras. Except Sakura, who has Shinkuu Hadoken back for 2 and 2. All 3S characters have all three of their supers, except one is super and two are ultra.

- Guy has his chains

- Dudley now has ten target combos, up from nine in 3S.

- Return of the bonus stage."

Holy fuck.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
Akuma needs this


No air blocking = ???


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
My bet is there will either be air blocking or some kind of air focus attack.


OK didnt Capcom already announce all their stuff at TGS

TvC new character trailer
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes
Ghost Trick
Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition

Or are they announcing more stuff, do they have their own conference


I hope they don't go overboard with the update. There's a lot of stuff I want to see just like everybody else, but playing IV is already pretty dependent on knowing each specific match-up, so I'm not looking forward to having to double my knowledge of the other characters in order to hold my own
I bet online will still be nothing be shotos anyway

Here's hoping they don't mess it up.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zissou said:
I hope they don't go overboard with the update. There's a lot of stuff I want to see just like everybody else, but playing IV is already pretty dependent on knowing each specific match-up, so I'm not looking forward to having to double my knowledge of the other characters in order to hold my own
I bet online will still be nothing be shotos anyway

Here's hoping they don't mess it up.

If online is nothing but shotos, I should be able to do well as Adon.

Jaguar kick fools all day.


KAL2006 said:
OK didnt Capcom already announce all their stuff at TGS

TvC new character trailer
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes
Ghost Trick
Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition

Or are they announcing more stuff, do they have their own conference
TGS' press days are today and tomorrow: seems from the rather slow day everybody saved their new stuffs' announcements for tomorrow.


RS4- said:

Focus can be used offensively and defensively, with a risk of doing both. Parries (and Air parries, ugh) have little risk when you learn to use them.

The super system is also better, considering many EX moves of chars are used to escape. You once again have the choice to use your bars offensively or defensively, unlike 3s where your choice is hit-confirm or combo.

SFIV has a better sense of risk/reward than 3S. If you choose to throw out focus out you risk getting beat into a pulp, but gain the reward of building ultra meter/getting a focus crumple. You can risk limiting your escape options to get meter for a combo into ultra/use a super. 3S is old in its approach to gameplay, where meters are just glorified super bars from SSF2. Only used to get more damage in and impress people.

Also: do you want chun to sit around building meters off her normals to get off SAII again?

This is just my opinion, but i much prefer the system in IV to 3s. That (and bison) are the only things that IV has over 3s though.

God's Beard said:
Necro? Fuck necro.

fuck you Necro is awesome.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
God's Beard said:
I hope Akuma's super stays the shun goku satsu and he gets his fireball ultra and the kongou kokuretsu zan.
I dunno, its hard to guess what the hell theyre gonna do when deciding whats super and whats ultra. I wish they had just made it two supers and one ultra instead of the other way around. :(
tapedeck said:
I dunno, its hard to guess what the hell theyre gonna do when deciding whats super and whats ultra. I wish they had just made it two supers and one ultra instead of the other way around. :(

Well ultras are going to get spammed all the time anyway, might as well look different.
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