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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

black_vegeta said:
I'm trying to figure that out myself.

Edit: Starting to think it's Dudley judging by the stance of the legs...oh boy can't wait!!!!
I was thinking it was a female...it seems like she is wearing some white, wide legged chaps...chaps because it looks like the upper/inner thigh part is open. I do hope its dudley though, just so he know he is surely in :lol (even if he is wearing crotchless chaps)

DR2K said:
Looks like it could be the new chick's legs.

Wow they almost look like sprites.
Hawk does appear to be almost completely "flat" in that pic, even for a terrible offscreen shot. Maybe the graphics have been slightly modified.
Holy shit. Hawt. I can't wait !

Btw.. My MadCatz Fightpad finally went out on me.. This is the 2nd one to go out on me.. The D-pad got mushy and then I couldn't stop crouching in games..

I have spent 800 hours and gone through 2 fightpads.. not bad.

I actually opened this one up though. I found out why these things go out.. Madcatz uses this 4 way silicone thing for the d-pad and little black nubs in each dpad direction.. The nubs break off from the silicon and then they become misaligned. I'm attempting a fix right now.. gonna see if I can do this!! It would be awesome if I could.. I'd totally undercut madcatz in warranty repairs ;p Jk


Just learned how to FADC haha. Don't know if I'll be able to ever pull this off during a match.

I'm excited for SSFIV. I really hope Dudley is in it :D
DR2K said:
Is it really going to be awesome, or just more alternate costumes?
He keeps mentioning tekken 6 in these sf threads, so Im thinking crossover.

Wait...the crotchless chaps in the pic with hawk...they belong to Lili!?


abstract alien said:
He keeps mentioning tekken 6 in these sf threads, so Im thinking crossover.

Wait...the crotchless chaps in the pic with hawk...they belong to Lili!?

He's a big Tekken fan.:lol

It's more than likely the new girl mentioned in the rumors.


Relieved that SSF IV is 100% legit,even if it wasn't Capcom that got the job done. :lol

All that teasing and hype was enough to drive plenty of people crazy.

They can announce it whenever they want,I know that it's coming sooner than later and it should rock. :D Not a T.Hawk fan,but I like rooting for the underdog and is there any bigger than him? He's a trash tier character for life and I would be shocked to even see him as a middle tier in SSF IV.

Also it seem the pant belong to a female.It's obviously not Ibuki or Makoto,so it's probably the new girl working for Seth.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Linkhero1 said:
Just learned how to FADC haha. Don't know if I'll be able to ever pull this off during a match.

I'm excited for SSFIV. I really hope Dudley is in it :D

Tried playing Rufus a bit today, I messed up the three FADC chances I got.

I do so much better with Honda despite his massive flaws I find it hard to switch, even though it would be good for me in the long run.


err were are you seeing Ibuki's arm guards? I've been staring for 10 mins and I can't see anything other than some blurry shapes.
Arde5643 said:
Looks like the stores are starting to prepare taking shipments of the new release then.

Or perhaps a Platinum / Greatest Hits release. I think it's sold enough to spite me and earn the moron seal of approval. :p

No doubt they're gonna give this new shit some time in the arcades before crapping it out onto your game consoles.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Or perhaps a Platinum / Greatest Hits release. I think it's sold enough to spite me and earn the moron seal of approval. :p

No doubt they're gonna give this new shit some time in the arcades before crapping it out onto your game consoles.

As long as it comes out next week I'm fine with that.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Or perhaps a Platinum / Greatest Hits release. I think it's sold enough to spite me and earn the moron seal of approval. :p

No doubt they're gonna give this new shit some time in the arcades before crapping it out onto your game consoles.

I dunno; they are showing it on a TV and Capcom might be aware we live in the present.
Xux said:
I dunno; they are showing it on a TV and Capcom might be aware we live in the present.

Yeah, because the original didn't enjoy a brief period of exclusivity in arcades. Even in the US. :lol

Capcom has to keep up the pretense of being "relevant in arcades" even in markets where it doesn't matter except to a handful of players with access to actual arcades these days.


The Take Out Bandit said:
No doubt they're gonna give this new shit some time in the arcades before crapping it out onto your game consoles.

Nah the TV says imminent console release.


I don't think the limited exclusivity would really matter much; people are still going to arcades even with the superior console versions out.

Unless all the Asian arcades and SBO boycotted Capcom or whatever for it, I'm sure those couple thousand people could put up with having the extra options.


As in "Heathcliff"
Shadow780 said:
This is gonna be a DLC update or a retail re-release?

Did you read few posts above your post? They said that they are getting ready to sell SF4 on sale, so they can clearing up the space for SF4-2?
Lyonaz said:
So are they planning any new characters besides the Gouken daughter rumor and the SF3, SFA ones?
Two new characters, according to rumors.

- Arabic wrestler obsessed with oil
- Evil asian female working for Seth

Edit: fixed
"All I know is that if Cody can throw rocks and/or knives I'm going to main him no matter what."

Truth. I could pass if Dudley keeps his rose taunt gimmicks, though.
Lets all make up taunts for everyone!

Rufus should rub sweat off of his brow and knock it in the face of a standing opponent. Def up 5% for the next attack against him following the taunt.

Im excited and bored, was this a wasted post?


God's Beard said:
As long as the initial trailer opens or closes with Dudley saying "Let's fight like gentlemen", then everything will be fine.

Hopefully they can get the same VA for him.
God's Beard said:
As long as the initial trailer opens or closes with Dudley saying "Let's fight like gentlemen", then everything will be fine.
Or Alex saying "At ease, loser!"


Hey I hope Q makes a background cameo in one of the stages in the arcade version
and is playable in the eventual console release


TurtleSnatcher said:
I actually opened this one up though. I found out why these things go out.. Madcatz uses this 4 way silicone thing for the d-pad and little black nubs in each dpad direction.. The nubs break off from the silicon and then they become misaligned. I'm attempting a fix right now.. gonna see if I can do this!! It would be awesome if I could.. I'd totally undercut madcatz in warranty repairs ;p Jk

Yup, that is what happened to mine.

My solution was to find a pad that has decent contacts that are roughly the same size, superglue 4 pieces of plastic onto the underside of the DPAD, put in the contact, and voila. I originally tried an old snes pad, but that didn't work too well.

threi via SRK said:
gunna pitch in here:

my first fightpad (360) broke in 20 minutes. (played a couple matches, x button stopped working)

Got a replacement after that, and it was working fine until recently when i noticed inputs were getting wonky. The warranty was expired so i just took the chance and opened it up. It seems the rubber contact for down was completely ripped off, while back and forward were worn and hanging on by just a sliver of rubber (obviously from holding so many df/db charges)


I have noticed that the good feel of the pad (and not being overly clicky) is due to this contact not having too much plastic between the button part and the holder (kind of hard to explain), but because of that its very thin and can break easily. So in desperation i start ripping apart all of my old controllers looking for rubber contacts that are the same size, fortunately the SNES pad is, but the contact is far too short and thus makes the dpad too loose and unresponsive (i fixed this a bit by gluing some plastic onto the top of the contacts).


So now I am without any properly working fightpad, out $50 CAD, with no money to buy a stick and no real alternative since im on 360. Great job madcatz, great fucking job.

Gluing the plastic onto the contact doesnt work for long, you get better results gluing the contacts to the underside of the dpad.

also: THawk is fighting Ibuki.


Not sure if anyone has posted this; friend just sent me this picture.


As you can see, T-Hawk portrait/model in SF4. It's a little tough to figure out the proportions of the model, at first, but give it a minute and it should become clear. Pretty good evidence I'd say.

Original link:

Not sure what else is mentioned in the article because it is in German. Anyone care to translate?
Last page, brospeh.
Threi said:
Yup, that is what happened to mine.

My solution was to find a pad that has decent contacts that are roughly the same size, superglue 4 pieces of plastic onto the underside of the DPAD, put in the contact, and voila. I originally tried an old snes pad, but that didn't work too well.

Gluing the plastic onto the contact doesnt work for long, you get better results gluing the contacts to the underside of the dpad.

also: THawk is fighting Ibuki.

Interesting.. so you are saying maybe clue plastic onto the actual underside of the black dpad plastic?

Black Cross but the reverse side inside the controler?


TurtleSnatcher said:
Interesting.. so you are saying maybe clue plastic onto the actual underside of the black dpad plastic?

Black Cross but the reverse side inside the controler?

That is because the fightpad has unusually high rubber contacts, everything else is too low and it will be FAR too loose.

It honestly took me about 7 tries to get right, mixing the right contact with the right amount of plastic to put on. It is VERY annoying.
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