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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match
Bison mirrors are annoying for me, but that is because its a game of footsies and "who can charge better"

Always starts the same too:


1. Both bisons start by DR or dash back
2. Bison A slides in/jumps in
3. Bison B goes for a blockstring ending in lk scissors
4. Bison A tries to catch Bison B at the end of lk scissors with lk xx lk scissors
5. Bison B tries to catch Bison A at the end of lk scissors with lk xx lk scissors
6. Bison A tries to mix it up with ex scissors
7. Bison A or B fucks up a charge and gets hit with a scissors
8. Bison that got the knockdown either tries a) Safe jump with HP or b) Crossup with mk
9. Bison that got knockdown EX PSYCHOS OUT OF THAT MUDDAFUKKA
10. Go to step 2, repeat until one Bison is dead.

Mix in some st.mk and st.hk in as well for spice.
Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match

yeah, I main Chun, and I just can't stand mirror matches. When it happens, I just really don't care if I win or not. It's probably as bad as other mirror matches like Dhalsim or that epic Honda turtle match I saw on youtube :lol The only mirror match I can stand is Ryu.

anyway, it's getting harder finding random player matches these days. Hardly anyone on. So I stopped being picky with the connection speed for one night and fought someone with a red bar connection. Holy shit! The lag was so bad. He was absolutely terrible....just doing jumping roundhouse to sweep all day long and I couldn't block it. Lag really sucks.

and GGs to MyDingling last night! at least our orange connection didn't seem too bad


_dementia said:
yeah man I hate when the more skilled player wins
well...yeah. Its hard when you face someone who is better with your character :lol
It could be just that the other guy is better at mirrors than you are but dammit its a pride issue :p

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Abel mirror matches are my favorite matchup in the entire game.
Fuerte/Ken mirrors would like to have a word with you.


Abel mirror matches are actually not that bad. Abel has a lot of different play styles so it's usually not that annoying. Honda mirror matches are retarded, but that has been discussed many times already.


LakeEarth said:
Certain characters did tend to get better grades. Q also get higher ranks for some odd reason.

Choosing Q is ballsy, he should get something. Other low tiers deserve something too. Hell, if Sean is EVER in that situation, he should win the judgement outright- it's only fair.


Judgment is 100% reliable. Whoever gets the higher grade wins. Grade is easily determined by doing lots of super arts, never doing the same combo, blocking properly, and scoring parries. It's STUPID, but it's scientific in its method.
Zissou said:
Choosing Q is ballsy, he should get something. Other low tiers deserve something too. Hell, if Sean is EVER in that situation, he should win the judgement outright- it's only fair.

Q is actually the least ballsy character. He's in no rush to get where he's going.


Leunam said:
I fucking hate Abel mirror matches. Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate.

I hate it even more when some guy who was beating you quite well then chooses Abel just to show how well he can kick your ass, and he does because he can execute combos better than you and not because he understand the property of Abel's moves.



is gafchat still active? I need some good practice against rog and bison players, worst matchups for my gouken a long with blanka.

AZ Greg

Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match

Hell yes. Claw mirrors are ridiculous.
Imm0rt4l said:
is gafchat still active? I need some good practice against rog and bison players, worst matchups for my gouken a long with blanka.

yep for sure, I'll throw you an invite next time i'm on, just check ur messages.


Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match
Depends on the character. If I ever see another Rose or Gen, I will usually pick mirror match just to say "Hey, another Rose/Gen!"

I often think, for the great masses of Ken/Ryu players out there, it must be nice respite to face someone who ISN'T a mirror (or shoto) match. :)


Rodent Whores
Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match
I haven't had a Dhalsim mirror match in months. Hardly anyone plays him.

Oichi said:
New loop combo out... Chun-li on Dhalsim only.

Well, shit. :lol

At least it looks hard to do.


Rodent Whores
Hitokage said:
Combing into an SBK isn't really hard, although linking back to c.LP might be.
Hm, at any rate I doubt it'll be much of an issue since no one will want to practice it since it only works on Dhalsim.

I'd be worried more, but I can't play on XBL anymore because the 360 died. Perhaps I'll look into the PC version, but it'll be a bitch working my joystiq at my desk :lol


Setec Astronomer
Rentahamster said:
Hm, at any rate I doubt it'll be much of an issue since no one will want to practice it since it only works on Dhalsim.

I'd be worried more, but I can't play on XBL anymore because the 360 died. Perhaps I'll look into the PC version, but it'll be a bitch working my joystiq at my desk :lol
Use your lap.
Speaking of mirror matches, I hate Ryu mirror matches when the other guy actually knows what he's doing. Basically you can't jump at all, it's all footsies and zoning. And chances are the guy I'm facing is much more patient then me and will NEVER feel like moving forward. Thus I'm the one putting myself at risk by trying to advance on them.
Hitokage said:
Combing into an SBK isn't really hard, although linking back to c.LP might be.

Yeah I just tried it out in training mode, the sbk has to be short and at the distance where it hits twice.

The c. jab link is kinda hard, feels like a one framer. I could get about 3 repetitions, but nothing consistent.


Rentahamster said:
While sitting on my office chair? That feels a little funky too. I guess I'll just have to mess around with various configurations.

I've been using my TE stick in my lap on an office/desk chair since febuary. Works perfectly and is comfortable.


Threi said:
well technically it makes sense (psycho crusher has projectile properties) but lol nontheless :lol

It's actually because bison is considered airborne during the crusher, and raging demon can only grab standing opponents.


MoxManiac said:
It's actually because bison is considered airborne during the crusher, and raging demon can only grab standing opponents.
I am pretty sure PC has projectile properties though, I believe an example of that is that PC goes through gief's lariat and then hit's Bison's feet as he flies by.

I will test using abel's supers to confirm.


MoxManiac said:
I've been using my TE stick in my lap on an office/desk chair since febuary. Works perfectly and is comfortable.

The best thing to use a stick on is a Tablemate II


You can use in sitting on just about anything. I love mine.
Dear GAF,

I own this game, but am not very good at fighting games. How can I get better?

Will I get better?

Is practicing with a normal controller even worth it?
Well instead of just taking repeated beatings, maybe you should do some research on your main character(if you haven't) and try making some friends online to practice with. Maybe someone on GAF with the same version of SF4 can mentor you a bit. They could show you what you could do in certain situations and what to avoid to better your game. That's all I got, good luck.


LegendOfGood said:
Dear GAF,

I own this game, but am not very good at fighting games. How can I get better?

Will I get better?

Is practicing with a normal controller even worth it?

1.Follow your heart on which character you want to learn the most.

2.Spend some time at the Street Fighter IV section at forums.shoryuken.com to get a grasp on the games basics and for the character you decide to go with.

3.Search out some youtube videos for your character to see different levels of play so you have a better understanding of the game and the characters combos,pokes,movement etc in a real match.

4.Practice execution on the controller you are using or invest in a joystick if you know you are gonna get the most out of it.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
LegendOfGood said:
Dear GAF,

I own this game, but am not very good at fighting games. How can I get better?

Will I get better?

Is practicing with a normal controller even worth it?
Practicing on a controller will definitely help you even if you eventually move to a stick. You'll need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the stick, but all of the links and combo executions you've learned flow pretty smoothly over any input device (in my experience...).
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