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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


good credit (by proxy)
Relix said:
Dude that should definitely run it.

I am trying to get a cheap ass GPU that runs SF4 PC at 60FPS with most things high. Any leads? If I can get a cheap GPU that can run it I'll buy the PC game =P
I don't know what will run the game but how cheap are we talking?
Relix said:
Dude that should definitely run it.

I am trying to get a cheap ass GPU that runs SF4 PC at 60FPS with most things high. Any leads? If I can get a cheap GPU that can run it I'll buy the PC game =P

I have a friend that's been playing without complaints on a 9600


I actually agree. Those two do look pretty stupid. Well, I only really think Guile looks stupid. I prefer a comical look for blanka, as opposed to his previous, more ferocious look.
Gr1mLock said:
does anyone else hate mirror matches more then their respective characters' bad matchup?..i think im at the point where id rather scrape a cheese grater against my forehead then play a mirror match
BotoxAgent said:
yeah, I main Chun, and I just can't stand mirror matches. When it happens, I just really don't care if I win or not. It's probably as bad as other mirror matches like Dhalsim or that epic Honda turtle match I saw on youtube :lol The only mirror match I can stand is Ryu.
Just got done uploading a number of video's, so might as well shamelessly pimp my channel to show how fun (for me at least) Dhalsim mirror matches can be:



Everything is moe to me
Timedog said:
I'm getting my new comp on probably Monday. I'll get sf4 PC if this setup can run it at 60hz.

Intel i5
4gb ram
Hd 4870

I'm willing to try and overclock it but I don't really know how.
you wont have to, i have everything on high at 720p on a laptop w/ a 4650 and i get 60fps.


good credit (by proxy)
Huh, Most people in the new comp 2009 thread were Acting like it wouldn't be worth getting a card at all unless I got minimum the 4870. Everyone in there has 5xxx whatever or sli crap.


Setec Astronomer
Timedog said:
Huh, Most people in the new comp 2009 thread were Acting like it wouldn't be worth getting a card at all unless I got minimum the 4870. Everyone in there has 5xxx whatever or sli crap.

I run sf4 at 60fps with above-minimum settings on a 9400m!


Timedog said:
Huh, Most people in the new comp 2009 thread were Acting like it wouldn't be worth getting a card at all unless I got minimum the 4870. Everyone in there has 5xxx whatever or sli crap.

Well if you're gonna play lots of other games and newer games, you should get at least the 4870. If it's just for a couple games, get whatever works and is cheap :D


good credit (by proxy)
Sweet, whatevs I'll play fallout 3. How is steam? Do you have to be connected to the Internet to play games? Will I be able to endlessly install games to new computers as time goes by, assuming the games are still compatible with future operating systems? I like the idea of not having to use discs.


Junior Member
Timedog said:
Huh, Most people in the new comp 2009 thread were Acting like it wouldn't be worth getting a card at all unless I got minimum the 4870. Everyone in there has 5xxx whatever or sli crap.
My 4850 can run it with everything set to high @ 60fps 1920x1200 vysync on.

no aa though, aa makes it dip to 30 fps at this resolution. :(


Timedog said:
Sweet, whatevs I'll play fallout 3. How is steam? Do you have to be connected to the Internet to play games? Will I be able to endlessly install games to new computers as time goes by, assuming the games are still compatible with future operating systems? I like the idea of not having to use discs.

You have to be connected to the internet for most games. I believe you don't need to be online to launch SF4 (not 100% sure as I don't have the Steam version of SF4) and a few others. For those games you just go into the steam directory and find the exe of the game you want to play.

If you plan to play newer games that use DX11, I'd recommend a HD5850 or 57XX card instead of the 4870. Either option will run SF4 @ 60 FPS even at 1920x1200 resolution provided you have a decent dual core.


Timedog said:
Sweet, whatevs I'll play fallout 3. How is steam? Do you have to be connected to the Internet to play games? Will I be able to endlessly install games to new computers as time goes by, assuming the games are still compatible with future operating systems? I like the idea of not having to use discs.

No there is an offline mode for Steam, and no there are no install limits for games so install away.


Relix said:
Dude that should definitely run it.

I am trying to get a cheap ass GPU that runs SF4 PC at 60FPS with most things high. Any leads? If I can get a cheap GPU that can run it I'll buy the PC game =P
My 9600GSO can get 60fps with models and backgrounds on high

There's a million different models of it though so you have to shop carefully.


GODDAM I had a terrible night online. I'm so sick of fighting shoto characters who can try for a dragon punch fadc into ultra combo for free, completely safely, once for every bar of ex they have. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people either play on multiple platforms or have multiple accounts masking how much experience they have, because some barely-over-2000gp ryu punished my ex upball on HIT into some insane combo ending with my getting ultra'd and losing. Why can't blanka use his ultra meter for a good reversal or a special tea bag the shoto move or anything else that could possibly be useful (begins to sob)

Blanka is simply not one of those characters. I was looking at the recent tiers on SRK, and he's upper mid to upper. He's a character based on mixups and pokes.

Personally, I hate fighting him (when in good hands).

MicVlad is using Dhalsim, he's a lot worse. It's all about developing as a player, using the strengths of the character and knowing the matchups. Word to Justin Wong.


he's Virgin Tight™
Threi said:
My 9600GSO can get 60fps with models and backgrounds on high

There's a million different models of it though so you have to shop carefully.

Damn that's cheap... =O! =O!!!!! I hate this, I am tempted to pull the trigger now :lol


MicVlaD said:


question for you:

how do you buffer the cr.sh xx super?


Spiderjericho said:

Blanka is simply not one of those characters. I was looking at the recent tiers on SRK, and he's upper mid to upper. He's a character based on mixups and pokes.

Personally, I hate fighting him (when in good hands).

MicVlad is using Dhalsim, he's a lot worse. It's all about developing as a player, using the strengths of the character and knowing the matchups. Word to Justin Wong.

Sim is a low-mid tier character for sure, but at least somebody has gotten somewhere with him at tournaments (Arturo in the US and Iyo in Japan) as opposed to Blanka, where I can't really find an equivalent to that caliber of player anywhere (have Mizoteru, Chari, Moval, etc. ever won anything with the green guy?). If pros were using him to do well in tournaments or something, I'd at least know that it's me who sucks. If a Sagat/Ryu player loses, they know they were outplayed. Also, It really seems like so much of how the tiers shake out is based ultra landability. Blanka's ultra isn't only really difficult to land against anyone decent, it doesn't even really force opponents to limit the moves they can safely throw out, like Chun or Abel's. I don't know, maybe I need to take a break or something and reevaluate things fresh.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
ggs last night, bistromathics. Connection was a hair too laggy maybe, but it was nice to fight a good Sakura.

In case you didn't notice, my Akuma is horrible. I really need to practice with him :lol
Relix said:
I wish my connection with Mic was better =(. I remember I had a ton of fun the first time we fought =P

yeah ive played him a while back for a good hour or so straight and had a blast. he's one of the most fun people to play against thanks to all the dhalsim bullshit he does lol


he's Virgin Tight™
bdizzle said:
yeah ive played him a while back for a good hour or so straight and had a blast. he's one of the most fun people to play against thanks to all the dhalsim bullshit he does lol

That's what makes it awesome, much better than common shoto stuff, less predictable. Thanks to him I learned the match up much better, so now I fight Dhalsims without much trouble... Chun Li seems to be hard for Dhalsim players :D
Oh man, I just decided to screw around with my old Nubytech Street Fighter 15th Anniversary stick via Hais PS2 -> PS3 converter. The stick worked so well for this game. I was pretty shocked because I'm not used to American style parts AT ALL (and even then, the parts in the SFA stick are Chinese clones). I did Abel's first four hard trials without any difficulties.

Shit, why have I neglected this stick for so long?


Can you follow up with something after Viper's overhead? I've been trying low jab and low short but I'm not able to connect them. Don't know if it's possible.

_dementia said:
Oh man, I just decided to screw around with my old Nubytech Street Fighter 15th Anniversary stick via Hais PS2 -> PS3 converter. The stick worked so well for this game. I was pretty shocked because I'm not used to American style parts AT ALL (and even then, the parts in the SFA stick are Chinese clones). I did Abel's first four hard trials without any difficulties.

Shit, why have I neglected this stick for so long?
I fricking love that stick man. Mine has the cord broken right now so I was thinking in buying one of those Chlutlu boards and try to make it work for both consoles. It's also a good excuse for me to buy some new buttons since I find them pretty big. It will be my first mod, so wish me luck.


Dizzy-4U said:
Can you follow up with something after Viper's overhead? I've been trying low jab and low short but I'm not able to connect them. Don't know if it's possible.

AFAIK, you can, but the math is fuzzy. :)

If you hit on the very first frame, you are at +1. It has 5 active frames and her quickest attacks have a 4-frame startup (standing/crouching jab), which means you need to hit on at least the 3rd frame to be able to 1f link into a jab.

If you hit on the 4th frame, you can 2f link into a jab, or 1f link into a s.mp or c.mp. If you hit on the 5th frame, you can 3f link into a jab or 2f link into a s.mp or c.mp.

On counter, the window gets longer (although I don't have any frame data).

So unless you meaty it or are incredibly lucky and hit on the 4th or 5th frame, nothing good can come of it. I would highly recommend you start mixing up throws. If people start teching them, BK instead and you'll be golden! :)


Thanks for the tips, I've been trying for the past half hour and it was driving me insane =(

It's pretty good for mixups though and also for confusing the opponent (overhead as they are getting up and you land to the other side and stuff).

It's been a long time since I saw a Viper video so it's like starting all over again. I'll continue to experiment a little bit more.


he's Virgin Tight™
Hah, great games Az. There was definitely some lag so it took me time to get used, but nevertheless it was fun . Had to run though, gotta eat something. To the guys that invited me (I remember Papercuts!), maybe later in the night :D

Also Az, that was some great Vega learning for me. Learned a few things I didn't know about the a-hole, but the kick jump -grab got me constantly, oh and the fucking pokes. The pokes... THE POKES! AARGH

AZ Greg

Relix said:
Hah, great games Az. There was definitely some lag so it took me time to get used, but nevertheless it was fun . Had to run though, gotta eat something. To the guys that invited me (I remember Papercuts!), maybe later in the night :D

Also Az, that was some great Vega learning for me. Learned a few things I didn't know about the a-hole, but the kick jump -grab got me constantly, oh and the fucking pokes. The pokes... THE POKES! AARGH

Good games man. I was getting frustrated because you kept psychic stuffing my df.RH ("kick jump") with your cr.RH. :lol

It really threw me off since my Vega game revolves around that move to close distance, throw off opponent jumping attacks, tick throw, start a BnB, and sometimes AA. I was playing too aggressively and it kept biting me in the ass. I played it a little slower that last match and it paid off, but even still, it feels like I should be turtling with the life lead to play that matchup effectively, but that's too boring.

Anyway, those were fun and I rarely face a good Chun, it was good experience. Hit me up whenever you want some matches.
Dizzy-4U said:
Can you follow up with something after Viper's overhead? I've been trying low jab and low short but I'm not able to connect them. Don't know if it's possible.

I fricking love that stick man. Mine has the cord broken right now so I was thinking in buying one of those Chlutlu boards and try to make it work for both consoles. It's also a good excuse for me to buy some new buttons since I find them pretty big. It will be my first mod, so wish me luck.
Let me know hout the cthulu mod goes! You're able to mod it for HAPP parts pretty easily too, that tutorial is here:

As for Viper's overhead followup, I don't think so. I always see them backdash or throw attempt.
I wish someone would release a TE like stick with Happ parts. Growing up, from SF2 to Third Strike, I used the Happ stick/parts. Not to say Sanwa isn't good, but it takes a lot of acclimating (and I'm still getting used to it).

With the release of MVC2, you'd think someone would've dropped a stick like that.

Sucks for playing abroad. I remember years back when Valle and Choi travelled to Japan and "sort of" got wrecked, as they weren't used to using Japanese sticks.

Can't believe there's no stream this weekend (besides Bar Fights).


facing a bright new dawn
_dementia said:
Let me know hout the cthulu mod goes! You're able to mod it for HAPP parts pretty easily too, that tutorial is here:
Any guide for the TE? That bomberman thread on srk was a mess. I appreciate the effort, but its so long and filled with people saying 'no it doesnt work that way here's how i did it' and other people saying 'no it worked fine for me' and I was not at all confident that I was doing it right.

I managed to get the TE back together and still have the cthulu/imp board parts and another TE...and a copy of sf4 ps3 I cant play ;_;
Kadey said:

Eh.. for Sakuras combo into ultra all you gotta do is dash forward and then do the ultra after her EX Tatsu..

The way you did it in your video was off a corner which doesnt require that and is more of a visual thing of where they are in the air.. Doing the dash method though is simple. Its actaully one of the easiest combo into ultras in the game I think.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm going to my first ever tournament next week. I main Balrog and don't get much time to practice so my goal is to beat at least one person :lol Anyway, if anybody has general tips about what to expect at a tourney, things to watch out for, etc. fire away!


Mrs. Harvey
TurtleSnatcher said:
Eh.. for Sakuras combo into ultra all you gotta do is dash forward and then do the ultra after her EX Tatsu..

The way you did it in your video was off a corner which doesnt require that and is more of a visual thing of where they are in the air.. Doing the dash method though is simple. Its actaully one of the easiest combo into ultras in the game I think.

I'm aware of that. But that's not the point of my making these videos though. :D It's all about presentation and execution.
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