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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

PhatSaqs said:
Good stuff. Didnt know this was out there. Thanks.

Didn't know you lived in the VA area.

I see what you mean by his use of focus. I'd say his combo game is better than Yeb's (he knows more combos but Yeb's execution seems to be better).

Tier lists are so worthless. No one knows ish about Gen, so can you really accurately gauge his matchups. Same goes for the other console characters.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Threi said:
put her in the game and call her gouken's daughter then.

is this so freaking hard?
She could be Abel's mother from the future for all I care. The only thing I know about SF story is what I get out of taunts and intros. Ruy and Ken's story: Ken gave Ruy a headnoggin' in Alpha 3 and then in TS they made up with a fist bump. STORYARC


Whine Whine FADC Troll
PhatSaqs said:
Good stuff. Didnt know this was out there. Thanks.

DP is used to fighting Roses. One of the local regulars mains Rose, so he knew the matchup well.

It looks a bit early on there that you didn't know what Gen could do at some point.

I really wanted to see you two go at it, so happy I saw this vid.


arstal said:
DP is used to fighting Roses. One of the local regulars mains Rose, so he knew the matchup well.

It looks a bit early on there that you didn't know what Gen could do at some point.

I really wanted to see you two go at it, so happy I saw this vid.
Well we played a bunch online a week earlier in a FT10 that went 10-3 me. He obviously downloaded from that and knew some of my followups where I got caught with some well timed Ultras (empty jump Ultraing my attempted trip guard slide, Ultraed mid block string, off of an attempted jump in, etc.).

I actually had several of these matches had I not got caught by an unexpected Ultra (or just stopped pressing buttons for a bit) but I didnt play as bad as I thought lol.

The last round/match I got caught in Gens ambiguous crossup madness. He obviously saw that I blocked all the other attempts and pinged me hard there.
TimeKillr said:
BTW, I'm apparently a bit wrong, since there's a nice recent thread on SRK that explains juggle mechanics and I'm a little bit off on certain things.

But it's a short thread that not a lot of people have contributed to, so I'll still finish my research and post it.

Apparently, the juggle system also includes something called "juggle potential", which limits the amount of hits you can get in a juggle, but the guys disagree on it.

I always assumed it was a matter of you being able to hit a max of two launchers in one combo to prevent infinites. For example if you hit a jumping opponent with c.FP with Able in the corner then you can only land one more c.FP before you need to ExFS them. I could be wrong though as I'm solely basing this on that and your CoD combos.


Leunam said:
Cr.FP > FP.CoD > EX FS = Not worth it to me. I'd rather save the one bar and just dash in and do a fierce Falling Sky.

I haven't looked at the damage difference exactly, but to me Abel's EX bars are used for few things:

EX FS in that combo
EX CoD to go through pokers
EX TT on reversal on jump-ins
Super when I can waste it

EX rolls on wakeup is dangerous (when your opponent is expecting it, you WILL get thrown, and eventually they start expecting it)

For some godforsaken reason I rarely land the freaking FADC -> Ultra combo (and even then the damage scaling kills a LOT of the Ultra's damage), so I don't concentrate on keeping 2 bars for that.

So to me, it's worth it. It's still quite a bit of damage anyway, and if I was to do dash-in, I'd do a reset setup instead of standard FS.

If I do some quick calculations:

c.fp (2nd hit) is 40 damage
f.CoD (1st hit) is 40 damage
f.FS is 160 damage
EX FS is 160 damage

If you do c.fp -> f.FS, you get 200 damage (no mitigation on this combo)

If you do c.fp -> f.CoD -> EX FS, you get
40 + 40 + (160*0.8) = 208 damage.

Typically, the modifier there is 80% after a CoD in a juggle.

So, yeah, it might not be worth it at all. :) 8 damage?

It's like this combo

c.fp (2nd hit) -> CoD -> Ultra does 10 less damage (at full meter) than
c.fp (2nd hit) -> Ultra (and this is easier to land!)

It's ridiculous. :( Damage scaling hurts this game so much. :(


I can agree with your uses for meter, but I'd rather not waste it on EX FS since I can put it to use in other places, like canceling CoD to apply pressure or get out of a situation. Either way, building meter isn't particularly difficult for Abel.
GGs to Jooncho, you said you sucked but you had all of the combos down pat for Sagat, Chun, Boxer, Ryu, Ken, etc. You missed a couple of ultras but overall good. My Dan was stupiefied. And Honda seemed like an uphill battle against a few of the characters.

Unless you learn the ins and outs for one of the lower tier characters or no the matchups very well, it's so demoralizing. I'm okay with Honda but against a wild flow chart or whatever, it seems difficult.

I won't even get into Dan. I don't feel like I have any weapons except for back dash, short dankyo (or whatever) kick.

I was in training mode and he seems to have weird timing for when he does his standing jab or strong into his kick.
Lost Fragment said:

Apparently, this was Abel before he got a penis.

First thing I thought of:

Seth Killian is going to SB4 and is supposed to bring a surprise for the fans. Also, there will be a stream (except for the Wong v Daigo match. Have to buy the DVD or search the tube).

Should be a hype event. I hope West Coast goes to seek revenge for being FLITE (jk).
TimeKillr said:
Well, the thing is, whenever Rufus jumps, you can do a c.fp if he goes in range.

Worst thing that'll happen is a 1st hit trade.

Best thing that'll happen is 2nd hit clean.

c.fp AA is an AA that had to be done early anyway, so...

Err, you know Rufus' dive kicks work right? He can OTG them, meaning if you wanna hit him w/ a cr. fp while he's doing an otg dive kick you'd have to be psychic, and if your trying to be psychic you'll eventually get baited into a whiff with the amount of divekicks most rufus players do.

Anyways, if you watch most Abel v Rufus vids, they usually use either st. lp or st fp to shut down divekicks.


PhatSaqs said:
Well we played a bunch online a week earlier in a FT10 that went 10-3 me. He obviously downloaded from that and knew some of my followups where I got caught with some well timed Ultras (empty jump Ultraing my attempted trip guard slide, Ultraed mid block string, off of an attempted jump in, etc.).

I actually had several of these matches had I not got caught by an unexpected Ultra (or just stopped pressing buttons for a bit) but I didnt play as bad as I thought lol.

The last round/match I got caught in Gens ambiguous crossup madness. He obviously saw that I blocked all the other attempts and pinged me hard there.
You had like 10000 opportunities to punish him for jumping in on you when you had ultra, and a bunch of silly punishes where you had much much much better options available to you, retrospect but hey.

Also I remember playing you a bunch in ranked when the game first came out and I don't think you beat me once, and now you're in winners finals? What has the world come to :lol


..but cry so much I wish I had some
I think you have to buy the Arcadia Magazine if you wanna get the 09 SBO DVDs. I have mine coming in the mail ,the one with Street Fighter 4 and VF5. They release a new DVD every month with 2 games per month I think, 4 months in a row.

They are out of stock at play-asia, I'd suggest ordering early if you wanna get the following ones with the other games or get in on the subscription. Usually they have Arcadia magazine available only through subscription (you can cancel it at any time), but for the 4 SBO issues they are also available as a standard order.

If not you can always check amazon.jp, although shipping is like 2 or 3 times the price of the magazine itself, but I think they are also out of stock. If not I do not know where else you could get it.

As for the Bar Fights 2 videos I have talked about earlier, here's the link to the first one, just look in my videos for the following ones:
Seems like a bunch of people already went to watch it so I don't know if you guys had already searched for it. If not then there you have it. I'll have the other fights up tonight and also the Third Strike stuff from West Coast Warzone (with sound!!!!). I'll try encoding tthe Blazblue stuff too but that game goes so fast that in a stream it looks like crap (which is why I didn't record MvC 2). So if you wanna see all of that just subscribe to my channel!


kensk said:
You had like 10000 opportunities to punish him for jumping in on you when you had ultra, and a bunch of silly punishes where you had much much much better options available to you, retrospect but hey.

Also I remember playing you a bunch in ranked when the game first came out and I don't think you beat me once, and now you're in winners finals? What has the world come to :lol
Eh. Punishing a Gen jump in with Ultra on reaction isnt the easiest thing to do. Especially when your're up in age. My reaction time is surely not getting any better :lol

I was a good a whipping boy when the game first came out. I'd hope i've improved just a lil bit since then ;).


PhatSaqs said:
Eh. Punishing a Gen jump in with Ultra on reaction isnt the easiest thing to do. Especially when your're up in age. My reaction time is surely not getting any better :lol

I was a good a whipping boy when the game first came out. I'd hope i've improved just a lil bit since then ;).
I'm not doubting that, making it to winners finals in MD/VA ain't free. I'd like to take a few more shots at your Rose now haha.

Edit: My GT is KenEsque, not sure if that brings up any bad memories of Sagat, but if you ever wanna get a FT10 in I'm down.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
kensk said:
You had like 10000 opportunities to punish him for jumping in on you when you had ultra, and a bunch of silly punishes where you had much much much better options available to you, retrospect but hey.

Also I remember playing you a bunch in ranked when the game first came out and I don't think you beat me once, and now you're in winners finals? What has the world come to :lol

It's nowhere near as east if you're making it look, plus the pressure was on.

I think I'm like 1-100 vs Saqs myself.

That's my problem with SF, once I run into those people I just can't beat, I get mad discouraged. Add to that my use of chars that often end up with horrible matchups, and I turn emo.

Funny thing was Roski at last tourney trying to convince me that Honda wasn't bad.
I did run into a nice one there who did all sorts of crazy supercancels off the hands.


I'm a tournament player, I know what it's like to have 50 people behind you being animals, cheering at everything you do.

It's much much easier to anti-air when you have a setup (such as Jibbo jumping over fireballs where Rose recovered like 5 years ago). There's a very small amount of options Gen has in that situation, usually focus dash, jump, block, or wall dive (or Ultra/Super if he's close enough...). When you have such a limited amount of information to focus on, AA uppercuts/ultras become vastly easier.

Now, when you deal with up close jump ins without any obstacles, it's another story...

A good rule of thumb imo: the closer someone is, the harder it is to see a jump and deal with it, because the closer a character gets, the more viable options come into play that you also have to focus on.

Anyway, I'm not trying to be a youtube warrior or anything, good shit on making it that far with Rose.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
kensk said:
I'm a tournament player, I know what it's like to have 50 people behind you being animals, cheering at everything you do.

It's much much easier to anti-air when you have a setup (such as Jibbo jumping over fireballs where Rose recovered like 5 years ago). There's a very small amount of options Gen has in that situation, usually focus dash, jump, block, or wall dive (or Ultra/Super if he's close enough...). When you have such a limited amount of information to focus on, AA uppercuts/ultras become vastly easier.

Now, when you deal with up close jump ins without any obstacles, it's another story...

A good rule of thumb imo: the closer someone is, the harder it is to see a jump and deal with it, because the closer a character gets, the more viable options come into play that you also have to focus on.

Anyway, I'm not trying to be a youtube warrior or anything, good shit on making it that far with Rose.

I know the pressure too- it's a little easier when you're the heel though, at least for me.

Absolutely right about the distance, though that's char specific.
LakeEarth said:
See, that's why Poison works, because he's SUPPOSED to be a transvestite. This is supposed to be a boy with pigtails (which explains why he knows how to fight, cause he gets the shit kicked out of him every day because he's a boy with pigtails).
i always wondered why it wasn't alright to beat up women, but it's alright to beat up trannies. TRANNIES UNITE
Honestly, I'm not sure if anyone should tell him not to switch. I think he should soil his oaks or whatever. Just check out the other characters and see which one you're comfortable with and like.

I started using Honda and Dan as my mains (Ryu was my main but I've put him on the backburner). It's been pretty interesting. Honda has been okay. But it seems like an uphill battle against fireball characters. Jumping neutral fierce is tiresome. I wish they gave him the jab headbutt from HD Remix. Not so much to spam it but just to give him an out. Or at least make his EX go through it like Boxer, etc.

Dan has been absymal. I've probably lost 80 percent (except for a couple wins against Find and one vs. Wendelson). His options seem limited except for footsies, using a block string into his short kick hurricane, quick dash back. Sanford Kelly is truly a great player to have beasted on Yeb with Dan.

I have a tab open with Hibikisan videos.

I have another tab open for Honda matchups on SRK. Some of them are terrible. Abel???

But the thing I love is, it's like a new game. And playing these shitty characters may make me a better player.

Though I can't understand why Ross has switched.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
so what the fuck is up with Abel's c.fp AA. I'm plauing a friend of myne and I seriously gotta predict when he's gonna press f/u for it connect properly you guys got some psycic shit going on or am just a 70year old when it comes to reaction time? shit is fucken harrrrd. :( also, what is the deal with the c.fp - lp roll -fs combo? sometimes i can combo c.fo into fs without the roll, and sometimes it whiffs is it ramdom or is there something im' missing?
Well for some people, winning is having fun. But honestly, unless you're playing at a tournament with skilled players, any character is viable when it comes to online play. I remember in one stretch from a month ago I must have lost to Sakura like 10 times in 12 tries. I some how ran into all these good Sakura players online who all played exactly a like, but I just couldn't figure them out. Now when I see one I play LAME AS HELL. It's the only way since they will do the same to me if I try to play the aggressor.


Brobzoid said:
so what the fuck is up with Abel's c.fp AA. I'm plauing a friend of myne and I seriously gotta predict when he's gonna press f/u for it connect properly you guys got some psycic shit going on or am just a 70year old when it comes to reaction time? shit is fucken harrrrd. :( also, what is the deal with the c.fp - lp roll -fs combo? sometimes i can combo c.fo into fs without the roll, and sometimes it whiffs is it ramdom or is there something im' missing?
Timing to FS after launching some characters is tight, while others you have so much time that you can use the fierce version. If you cancel into FS directly after the second launcher hit, it'll always connect. As an anti-air, you might have to do some forward moving to get it to connect.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
LakeEarth said:
Timing to FS after launching some characters is tight, while others you have so much time that you can use the fierce version. If you cancel into FS directly after the second launcher hit, it'll always connect. As an anti-air, you might have to do some forward moving to get it to connect.
so there is a window that will allow me to connect c-fp into fs withoutht e roll on all characters ro ar ethere some characters that you have to roll against? it seems so random how the c.fp hits aswell that it's all kinds of hard tro predict where you should be going next
I agree with what everyone is saying, but with certain characters, depending on the skill level of the player, you have to work harder than others.

Like I mentioned in my example, I've been playing with Dan. And it's been tough. Now, I know if I work hard at it, learn the matchups, combos, pokes, etc that it will be a rewarding journey, especially if I think he's a fun character. On the other hand, when people are using Ryu, Sagat, Boxer, Chun-Li, Zangief and are working less to win, it's a bit disheartening.

That's why I respect Mike Ross, Arturo Sanchez, Iyo, Yeb, Saqs, Kai, etc because they use characters that are difficult to win with.

I also respect Micvlad. He's been using Dhalsim since day one. And I remember when we first played, I think I beat him cuz I was Ryu/Ken consistently. Now if we play, because I don't play very often and he's learned the ins and outs of the matchups, he'll probably squash me like a bug.

Also, shout to Find. He double perfected me with Fei Long. It was ridiculous. He was doing some crazy link. If you don't block every hit, you're eating damage.


Brobzoid said:
so there is a window that will allow me to connect c-fp into fs withoutht e roll on all characters ro ar ethere some characters that you have to roll against? it seems so random how the c.fp hits aswell that it's all kinds of hard tro predict where you should be going next
If you cancel the launch into fierce FS, it'll always work. If you miss the cancel then jab usually works, and if you're in the corner fierce should still work as they can't fly back too far.

Oh, and Fuerte almost never launches from the ground. It's annoying.
Question about Rufus.

Is it even worth it to score a super combo with rufus, or is it better to pass in favor of having more meter for Jesus. This is assuming the super wont kill the opponent.
EX Messiah FADC and j.rh xx EX snake strike (when you can get it) is wayyyyy too good to pass up in favor of his super. j.rh xx EX snake strike might actually result in more damage.
ntropy said:
rufus' super does garbage damage. it's worthless
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. Just wanted to make sure.

Teknopathetic said:
EX Messiah FADC and j.rh xx EX snake strike (when you can get it) is wayyyyy too good to pass up in favor of his super. j.rh xx EX snake strike might actually result in more damage.
You will have to excuse my scrubbiness, but what exactly is j.rh xx? I feel retarded for even having to ask that, as Im really familiar with fighting lingo and whatnot, but I must humble myself :^/


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
abstract alien said:
Yeah, thats what I was thinking. Just wanted to make sure.

You will have to excuse my scrubbiness, but what exactly is j.rh xx? I feel retarded for even having to ask that, as Im really familiar with fighting lingo and whatnot, but I must humble myself :^/

It means to cancel into something, although it doesn't really apply here, cuz the EX Snake Strike is really just a follow-up juggle, and you don't cancel it. :X
Someone face palm me. I deserve it. The j.rh = jumping round house :lol
Good to know what the xx refers to though, mucho appreciation.

I am not worthy...jesus abstract, get a hold of yourself lol
Oichi said:
It means to cancel into something, although it doesn't really apply here, cuz the EX Snake Strike is really just a follow-up juggle, and you don't cancel it. :X

I was like, you can FADC out of a jumping roundhouse? Man, that must be some high-level shit.
Does Dan have an overhead?

If an opponent is crouching, his dan kick (or whatever) goes over their head (unless a tall character).

BTW, his crouching fierce sucks.
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