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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FindMyFarms said:
I mean are you planning on winning evo? Probably not. Just play who you enjoy.

Lol not exactly, but I do play pretty competitively. It just sucks to have matchups where you have pretty much no outs and you need to get lucky on some mixup working out.


good credit (by proxy)
Got Steam. My new comp is sweet. Do you guys think SFIV will ever go on sale on steam or drop in price? I don't really want to pay 40 bucks for a game I already own.


Setec Astronomer
Timedog said:
Got Steam. My new comp is sweet. Do you guys think SFIV will ever go on sale on steam or drop in price? I don't really want to pay 40 bucks for a game I already own.
You missed the half-off sale.
Spiderjericho said:
Also, shout to Find. He double perfected me with Fei Long. It was ridiculous. He was doing some crazy link. If you don't block every hit, you're eating damage.

I think that was actually w/ Viper due to BK shenanigans. I just guessed right a few times, plus it's online so you know how that goes. BTW the Fei link is c. lk, c. lp, s. lp, c. lp xx rekkas. For some characters you take out the first c. lp due to weird hit boxes.

Spiderjericho said:
Does Dan have an overhead?

He doesn't have an overhead, but here's some Dan gimmicks. If your near, do st. mp xx lk tatsu. If they're crouching, you get mad frame advantage(due to tatsu hitting late) and can repeat, they'd have to reversal to get out of it as teh st. mp would be meaty. You can keep this going for some pretty good chip damage.

Two things can happen after this, either you bait a reversal, or train them to stand after the close st. mp. If they stand, then you can link into a cr. short xx ex tatsu for some good damage.


Spiderjericho said:
Does Dan have an overhead?

If an opponent is crouching, his dan kick (or whatever) goes over their head (unless a tall character).

BTW, his crouching fierce sucks.

No overhead, his jumping MK is a good cross-up though.

If the LK Dan kick will go over their head just take a small step back before you do it. Or you can do that on purpose to confuse people and then throw them from the other side. You can also use that to make some characters miss their wake-up specials / ultras, like Guile.

Dan's crouching fierce sucks, but his crouching medium kick is good.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
lolz I started messing with akuma.

I can't work fireballs. It's one big 'please jump this and kick me in the face' fest.

I think I'll persist with it cause I LOVE getting owned online.

Also you guys that know a lot of characters, how much do you play?! I got pretty good with blanka then switched to bison, now blanka SUCKS. I think once my akuma sucks less then he does now, bison will probably go down the shitter as well.

Feels so wrong going into championship mode with 12k GP to get bitchslapped by a 2998GP ken. Watching the dude level up because of ME is worse than getting fucking fired at work.


catfish said:
Feels so wrong going into championship mode with 12k GP to get bitchslapped by a 2998GP ken. Watching the dude level up because of ME is worse than getting fucking fired at work.

...or maybe he was simply better at that particular fight, haha :)

Poor Kens, and now that their Glory has fade (the time when everyone was sick of Kens - now Ryus dominate like them), I only meet a few kens, maybe the same one you just mentioned, and when he wipes the floor with my Viper, I realize that I really got out of practice :D


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Spiderjericho said:
Honestly, I'm not sure if anyone should tell him not to switch. I think he should soil his oaks or whatever. Just check out the other characters and see which one you're comfortable with and like.

I started using Honda and Dan as my mains (Ryu was my main but I've put him on the backburner). It's been pretty interesting. Honda has been okay. But it seems like an uphill battle against fireball characters. Jumping neutral fierce is tiresome. I wish they gave him the jab headbutt from HD Remix. Not so much to spam it but just to give him an out. Or at least make his EX go through it like Boxer, etc.

Dan has been absymal. I've probably lost 80 percent (except for a couple wins against Find and one vs. Wendelson). His options seem limited except for footsies, using a block string into his short kick hurricane, quick dash back. Sanford Kelly is truly a great player to have beasted on Yeb with Dan.

I have a tab open with Hibikisan videos.

I have another tab open for Honda matchups on SRK. Some of them are terrible. Abel???

But the thing I love is, it's like a new game. And playing these shitty characters may make me a better player.

Though I can't understand why Ross has switched.

Hey, another one has joined the Honda main group - nice!

Yeah, I dunno why Ross switched from Honda either, but he really was doing solid with his Gief before losing the final when he went back to Honda - it probably just got to him with losing when so close with Honda...

And I've been saying the same about his jab Headbutt and EX Headbutt since day one because it's perfect in HDRemix, and he really, really needs something like that against fireball spammers because it really is tiresome to be jumping all the time and getting zoned out with a sumo grappler, he needs something to get in, and giving either of those two Headbutts that property will work wonders for him...

Only other thig I'd want to change with Honda is speeding up his Ultra start-up, as I'd love to be able to use it properly as anti-air or more often as a reversal attack on fireball spammers...

Can't wait to see what will happen to him in Super IV - on top of all the other things I mentioned, I'd love for him to get a grab Ultra...


NeoGAF: my new HOME
V_Arnold said:
...or maybe he was simply better at that particular fight, haha :)

Poor Kens, and now that their Glory has fade (the time when everyone was sick of Kens - now Ryus dominate like them), I only meet a few kens, maybe the same one you just mentioned, and when he wipes the floor with my Viper, I realize that I really got out of practice :D

I think Ken is a little better (in the right hands) than a lot of people give him credit for. He's pretty solid with the right player at the controls.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So... im playing Balrog... what do i do against a Honda if he is spamming Headbutts like crazy?
Do i have to time it well with a cr LP to stop it? The headbutt is safe on block? WELP!


I got called a Scrub in caps, by a gouken I beat twice out of three times in championship mode. He was trying to do that annoying reset combo while cornering me.

I feel honored.

Also Gouken's Parry attack or what ever you call it move, counters Sagat's Ultra amazingly....
arstal said:
That's my problem with SF, once I run into those people I just can't beat, I get mad discouraged. Add to that my use of chars that often end up with horrible matchups, and I turn emo.
I know what it feels like, albeit for different reasons and in a different play environment. If I face someone really good I feel compelled to at least try and improve my game mid-match (which in turn keeps my spirit and concentration up), but it's incredibly demoralizing when you lose a round to some lousy tactics mostly due to bad luck against the majority of the online community shortly afterwards. Eating a FADC Ultra combo against a mediocre Ryu 'cause he jumped in for a fifth time after cleanly anti-airing his jump-ins four times in a row, encountering a turbo / button mashing fiend and having a hard time 'cause of Dhalsim's slower recovery, falling for blatant walk-up and throw 'tactics' more than I should 'cause I keep thinking no one can be that dense to insist on doing it even after it's been teched, ...

Most of the time I know I can beat guys like that because usually they show very little to no actual knowledge of the match-up nor have a firm grasp of their own character, but even losing a round feels like a grave insult and on a bad day that bothers me a lot. Moreso if they don't feel like accepting my game invite for a few players matches which I only sent so I could attempt to redeem myself... And then there are the typical hit detection issues with Dhalsim; messing up an IAT + fierce + Super combo solely because the limbs went right through your opponent and NOT because the execution of it was sloppy, can absolutely break your momentum in the blink of an eye. It's especially annoying when that coincidentally happened to be one of your last chances to 'clutch' a win out, whether or not that was against a skilled player.

This all occured on the same day and I came this close to 'quitting' again if only for a little while, partially due to other games coming out soon.

But then I beat this arrogant and average Zangief who thought he'd already won when he had 70% health whilst I had 25% with no Ultra (but still had a Super). I played it real patient at that point, succesfully landed a Super combo when he suddenly started backdashing and taunting, chipped away at his health with fireballs at long range afterwards and then he lost his cool once he realised he no longer had a health advantage with approximately 15 - 20 seconds to spare on the timer.

Made all the previous 'anguish' worth while and I had this big shit-eating grin on my face for hours. Guy even went straight to the dashboard immediatedly after his loss, so that win was all the more satisfying even though he wasn't actually any good. :D

Oh, and I also discovered Dhalsim's anti-air knee beats Bison's EX headstomp clean. No trades unless you mistime it. Bonus happiness points.

Long story short: I worry too much and need to loosen up.


MicVlaD said:
Oh, and I also discovered Dhalsim's anti-air knee beats Bison's EX headstomp clean. No trades unless you mistime it. Bonus happiness points.
many, many things can beat ex headstomp clean. The days of getting free damage with him are long gone. Most characters have tools to stuff every single one of his attacks. :/


Skilotonn said:
Hey, another one has joined the Honda main group - nice!

Yeah, I dunno why Ross switched from Honda either, but he really was doing solid with his Gief before losing the final when he went back to Honda - it probably just got to him with losing when so close with Honda...

And I've been saying the same about his jab Headbutt and EX Headbutt since day one because it's perfect in HDRemix, and he really, really needs something like that against fireball spammers because it really is tiresome to be jumping all the time and getting zoned out with a sumo grappler, he needs something to get in, and giving either of those two Headbutts that property will work wonders for him...

Only other thig I'd want to change with Honda is speeding up his Ultra start-up, as I'd love to be able to use it properly as anti-air or more often as a reversal attack on fireball spammers...

Can't wait to see what will happen to him in Super IV - on top of all the other things I mentioned, I'd love for him to get a grab Ultra...
I don't think a fireball proof jab headbutt would help too much unless they speed up the recovery on it. It was a nice gimmick in HD Remix but after a week most players had it scouted out. It would be even worse in SFIV because some characters have insane fireball recovery time compared to Honda's jump/movement speed. And oh God...DeeJay is going to be a nightmare.

I agree about EX headbutt and the Ultra though. I'd also toss in throw invulnerability on the EX Oicho (because it's useless), extending the hitbox on s.rh and j.mk to the end of his feet (because fuck Sagat), and extending the active hit frames on j.mk (belly flop) from 8 to the original ~30 from SF2 (needs a better cross up). Maybe speed up his overhead a touch as well, and remove the controllable movement on the EX HHS.

A big change that would help with fireballs would be a faster, lower arcing jump. Not as low as Gen's, but he just hangs in the air so damn long now. A longer dash would help too. And a higher stance on the focus attack to better catch jump-ins.

They have to be careful of course. Like a lot of characters in SFIV, just a couple small changes could turn a good character into a crazy powerful character. As much as I'd love any kind of priority on the hundred hands, or extending the active hit frames on the jump up fierce, that could wreck some matchups against him.


FindMyFarms said:
Err, you know Rufus' dive kicks work right? He can OTG them, meaning if you wanna hit him w/ a cr. fp while he's doing an otg dive kick you'd have to be psychic, and if your trying to be psychic you'll eventually get baited into a whiff with the amount of divekicks most rufus players do.

Anyways, if you watch most Abel v Rufus vids, they usually use either st. lp or st fp to shut down divekicks.

Well yeah, of course, if they're OTG it's a different story and I wouldn't rely on c.fp to hit OTG dive kicks. :)
catfish said:
Also you guys that know a lot of characters, how much do you play?! I got pretty good with blanka then switched to bison, now blanka SUCKS. I think once my akuma sucks less then he does now, bison will probably go down the shitter as well.

Probably a few hundred hours for most people with 3/4 really good characters. Just be glad this isn't virtua fighter, even if not many people counter pick. A couple hundred hours is barely enough to remember all the moves with one character, let alone be really competitive. I've put like 300 hours into Akira as my backup, but i still can't do shit with him so I always use my main man Jacky. At least with Jacky the basics of his playstyle become more apparent in a reasonable amount of time.

It doesn't matter anymore though, because I never get any matches online :-(
I sat there for half an hour once and finally got this match against some insane Akira player that absolutely destroyed my Jacky(although I did get one perfect :-D), so I've still got a long way to go and nobody to play.


Brobzoid said:
so what the fuck is up with Abel's c.fp AA. I'm plauing a friend of myne and I seriously gotta predict when he's gonna press f/u for it connect properly you guys got some psycic shit going on or am just a 70year old when it comes to reaction time? shit is fucken harrrrd. :( also, what is the deal with the c.fp - lp roll -fs combo? sometimes i can combo c.fo into fs without the roll, and sometimes it whiffs is it ramdom or is there something im' missing?

LOL, c.fp AA with Abel is a skill you must practice.

And as I said, I don't try it online anymore since it completely screws up my timing offline.

I usually land it a few times in matches - I'll look for some of mine on youtube to give you a good idea.

I land one there at around 1:10 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptB-eYRWdhQ (That match isn't that good, heh. I got outread by the 2nd round).

This one also, 1:30 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvz5nyqnEEw (I play a good friend of mine in that match.. I know his Ryu inside out. :) )

There are a few more, but hey, you get the drill.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
TimeKillr said:
LOL, c.fp AA with Abel is a skill you must practice.

And as I said, I don't try it online anymore since it completely screws up my timing offline.

I usually land it a few times in matches - I'll look for some of mine on youtube to give you a good idea.

I land one there at around 1:10 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptB-eYRWdhQ (That match isn't that good, heh. I got outread by the 2nd round).

This one also, 1:30 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvz5nyqnEEw (I play a good friend of mine in that match.. I know his Ryu inside out. :) )

There are a few more, but hey, you get the drill.
aiit, c.fp will be at the front of my mind at all times.

PS: I was way too drunk when I posted last night... still feeling it -_-


Goddam; I did the math, and have determined that more than half of my total matches played consist of fighting against Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Sagat, and even without Sagat, the three shotos probably (I'm too lazy to add them up again) make up more than half of my opponents on their own. I hope every character with a dragon punch gets nerfed to claw-tier just too see where those players migrate
i kid... sort of


Timedog said:
Got Steam. My new comp is sweet. Do you guys think SFIV will ever go on sale on steam or drop in price? I don't really want to pay 40 bucks for a game I already own.

If you've got a Best Buy nearby, and aren't adverse to getting a reward zone membership (it's free), there's a $20 off coupon you can print out for SF4 in the next.. three or so days.


(from http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239204)

Arpharmd B said:
Spectacle Romance is useless for practical application. You're losing 4 bars of EX Jesus Kick or FADC power in exchange for a super that is significantly shittier than Space Opera Symphony.

However, if I'm dominating and I got full meter, I use it to be flashy. Like, I love doing Divekick lk hp xx hp Galactic xx lp galactic xx super in the corner. It's juicy.

You can land it off most of the usual Space Opera Symphony setups, and the damage scaling isn't as bad as the above combo. Only do it if you are beasting and it's round two and it's enough to put them away.

Haha, that's the exact usage I was going to give. I've started using it recently, but pretty much only when it's round two, it might just kill you, and I need you to know this would've been an ultra setup if you had damaged me at all, dammit.
abstract alien said:
Question about Rufus.

Is it even worth it to score a super combo with rufus, or is it better to pass in favor of having more meter for Jesus. This is assuming the super wont kill the opponent.

Spectacle Romance is impractical in most circumstances. You're losing 4 bars of EX Jesus Kick or FADC power in exchange for a super that is significantly shittier than Space Opera Symphony.

However, if I'm dominating and I got full meter, I use it to be flashy. Like, I love doing Divekick lk hp xx hp Galactic xx lp galactic xx super in the corner. It's juicy.

You can land it off most of the usual Space Opera Symphony setups, and the damage scaling isn't as bad as the above combo. Only do it if you are beasting and it's round two and it's enough to put them away.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Zabka said:
I don't think a fireball proof jab headbutt would help too much unless they speed up the recovery on it. It was a nice gimmick in HD Remix but after a week most players had it scouted out. It would be even worse in SFIV because some characters have insane fireball recovery time compared to Honda's jump/movement speed. And oh God...DeeJay is going to be a nightmare.

I agree about EX headbutt and the Ultra though. I'd also toss in throw invulnerability on the EX Oicho (because it's useless), extending the hitbox on s.rh and j.mk to the end of his feet (because fuck Sagat), and extending the active hit frames on j.mk (belly flop) from 8 to the original ~30 from SF2 (needs a better cross up). Maybe speed up his overhead a touch as well, and remove the controllable movement on the EX HHS.

A big change that would help with fireballs would be a faster, lower arcing jump. Not as low as Gen's, but he just hangs in the air so damn long now. A longer dash would help too. And a higher stance on the focus attack to better catch jump-ins.

They have to be careful of course. Like a lot of characters in SFIV, just a couple small changes could turn a good character into a crazy powerful character. As much as I'd love any kind of priority on the hundred hands, or extending the active hit frames on the jump up fierce, that could wreck some matchups against him.

I only mentioned LP Headbutt for him to handle fireballs without meter but still not too easy to do - just a way for him to move forward aside from neutral J.HP or unsafely focus absorbing them all...

Luckily whenever I pull off EX Ochios it's when I do it on a punish, or someone trying to cross me up whether standing or on wake so I haven't got any personal complaints about it, but I know lots have mentioned it though...

Now that I think about it, Honda really does have some serious hang time and clearance, which I do use to my advantage especially with jumping MP and HP, especially jumping MP since some people still get caught off-guard with Honda's jump plus MP's reach...

I like the rest of the changes you mentioned too, anything to buff him is okay in my book...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Timedog said:
Got Steam. My new comp is sweet. Do you guys think SFIV will ever go on sale on steam or drop in price? I don't really want to pay 40 bucks for a game I already own.

Impulse you can get it for 20% off with survey-2009 code.

$32 beats $40 at least.

Oh, also Impulse SFIV uses GOO not Securom. Why it's the best version.

Fersis said:
So... im playing Balrog... what do i do against a Honda if he is spamming Headbutts like crazy?
Do i have to time it well with a cr LP to stop it? The headbutt is safe on block? WELP![/QUOTE

Dash punch after block beats all headbutts. (jab requires reversal timing I think though)
Fersis said:
So... im playing Balrog... what do i do against a Honda if he is spamming Headbutts like crazy?
Do i have to time it well with a cr LP to stop it? The headbutt is safe on block? WELP!
You can lp dash punch RIGHT AFTER blocking a headbutt. Should work every time. I know because I play Honda sometimes and this is annoying as fuck. Can't headbutt Balrog at all.


Actually, I just met a nice Zangief. Perfected him, he had 3900 gp. All I did was seismo, seismo on his wakeup, seismo, seismo, seismo.

at the 2nd round, I mixed it up with seismo->bk->tk. He hit me once though.

Are there people actually getting this far with only spamming lariat as it is used in the Survival/Time Trials? Awesome!
V_Arnold said:
Actually, I just met a nice Zangief. Perfected him, he had 3900 gp. All I did was seismo, seismo on his wakeup, seismo, seismo, seismo.

at the 2nd round, I mixed it up with seismo->bk->tk. He hit me once though.

Are there people actually getting this far with only spamming lariat as it is used in the Survival/Time Trials? Awesome!
There are some flowchart Kens with 50,000+ GP
Some people grind this game like it's WoW or something


LakeEarth said:
Also reversal Super using kicks to activate (for some reason doing that -1 frame startup). This one can even hit EX (I don't think reversal jab rush can hit EX headbutt)

I did not know there's a 1 frame link from standing jab into ultra for Balrog. No crazy Japanese players consistently doing that one out yet?

Wow,I didn't know the Kick Super starts faster.As for the 1 frame link,it doesn't look too practical especially if you miss it in the heat of the match.


MicVlaD said:
I know what it feels like, albeit for different reasons and in a different play environment. If I face someone really good I feel compelled to at least try and improve my game mid-match (which in turn keeps my spirit and concentration up), but it's incredibly demoralizing when you lose a round to some lousy tactics mostly due to bad luck against the majority of the online community shortly afterwards. Eating a FADC Ultra combo against a mediocre Ryu 'cause he jumped in for a fifth time after cleanly anti-airing his jump-ins four times in a row, encountering a turbo / button mashing fiend and having a hard time 'cause of Dhalsim's slower recovery, falling for blatant walk-up and throw 'tactics' more than I should 'cause I keep thinking no one can be that dense to insist on doing it even after it's been teched, ...

This post makes me incredibly sad because it sounds like its describing how shitty i am haha.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
What's the deal with motherfuckers who create lobbies only to go afk? It's so frustrating to run into someone who creates a lobby then decides to go baste a turkey after 5 minutes of trying to get the game to let me connect with someone. I hope in super, if someone joins a lobby then leaves, it disconnects the person and makes them create anohter lobby.

Also, how does SF4's online system compare to other online fighters? I'm sick of getting "game is already full" and "unable to play" errors 75% of the time.


Felium Defensor
Tiger uppercut said:
ggs Kaako, the Viper mirror matches were funny as hell & I can't wait 'til I can beat you more consistently.
Haha yup yup. Those were fun. Gotta run that back again sometimes.
GGs. :)


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Lost Fragment said:
What's the deal with motherfuckers who create lobbies only to go afk? It's so frustrating to run into someone who creates a lobby then decides to go baste a turkey after 5 minutes of trying to get the game to let me connect with someone. I hope in super, if someone joins a lobby then leaves, it disconnects the person and makes them create anohter lobby.

Yeah, I hated that also back before I decided to do friends-only matches - real annoying.

Just as bad as people joining a ranked team game, and standing still the ENTIRE match.
Fersis said:
So... im playing Balrog... what do i do against a Honda if he is spamming Headbutts like crazy?
Do i have to time it well with a cr LP to stop it? The headbutt is safe on block? WELP!
LP and EX-headbutts are safe, unless you have your SUPER ready. If you have your super, just execute it with K and it will hit.

MP and HP-headbutts aren't safe so you can punish them with LP Dash Punch maybe even MP although I'm not sure about that). Also you can spam c.lp to stop the headbutts. The EX_headbutt seems to trade with c.lp sometimes so block those.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Rocky_Balboa said:
LP and EX-headbutts are safe, unless you have your SUPER ready. If you have your super, just execute it with K and it will hit.

MP and HP-headbutts aren't safe so you can punish them with LP Dash Punch maybe even MP although I'm not sure about that). Also you can spam c.lp to stop the headbutts. The EX_headbutt seems to trade with c.lp sometimes so block those.

The Rog/Honda matchup is real stupid, whoever gets the first hit in should just turtle away rest of match. Rog has it easier breaking Honda's defense then vice versa- why it's 6-4 Rog, but it's as unfun as the Blanka matchup- almost.

Blanka- so many of his matches just aren't fun.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
If anyone wants to play me on PSN- my id is Frogpunch on there.

I'm not that good- I'm about as average as you can get these days, especially if I try to be goofy.
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