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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Bacon of Hope
some really epic matches teknopathic. good shit. :D

Teknopathetic said:
GGs haunts! A touch of lag, but it didn't seem like it stopped you from owning me. :lol

A bit more than that.. lol.. thats why im always hesitant about playing on PSN, it seems laggier than xbl for some reason. :\

ps: i know u were hella happy when u hit me with those clutch ultras, dont lie. and c.viper vs bison is such a wack match up, i hate it.. X(
To be fair, I'm in Arkansas, so there was some distance.

"ps: i know u were hella happy when u hit me with those clutch ultras, dont lie. and c.viper vs bison is such a wack match up, i hate it.. X("

Oh you know it, haha.


I'll bring back my TE and my copy of SF4 from work. I gotta play some of you guys more, but I'm weary of doing online matches now since it completely screws up my offline timing when I'm playing in my weekly tourneys (and I suck already as it is)...

BTW, another plug for my channel


I'm posting our weekly tourneys on there, and I'm in some matches. :)


Kaako said:
That Rose is not human.

Thanks for the matches Saqs...you were beasting as expected. The best I could do was get a couple of rounds with dat ass but not even remotely close to what you were doing with your godlike rose.
GGs bro :). I got owned several times in a row by psychic dps. I was like he wont do it again and bam. lol
GGs abstract alien

Your Rufus is getting a lot better. Stop letting me rekka for free tho! if you see me commit to the second hit after you block the first that's free EX Messiah or Ultra. You should be able to grab me too. It's such a bad habit I have and I need to break it, hell or high water.

Guys, any one have any Dan tips?


he's Virgin Tight™
Wait, so who's Kiun? Why the hell was that so laggy :lol :lol . I made sure I wasn't downloading anything, but it was somewhat On and off. At the end of the second match it was quite smooth, something similar happened in the first one.
I haven't played SFIV on the PS3 for a long time ever since my friend fucked up my TE, just got my Hori-SA but I have yet to open it.

I started working on Fei and Cammy these past few days. I'm getting really comfortable with the execution wise, but I just need a lot match experience with them. Ugh, such a long road to go. I'm getting a bit bored of Chun and Ryu.
BotoxAgent said:
I haven't played SFIV on the PS3 for a long time ever since my friend fucked up my TE, just got my Hori-SA but I have yet to open it.

I started working on Fei and Cammy these past few days. I'm getting really comfortable with the execution wise, but I just need a lot match experience with them. Ugh, such a long road to go. I'm getting a bit bored of Chun and Ryu.
how did he do that :(
he's a douche, he won't really admit doing anything to it. I let him borrow it for a few weeks and when I took it back the med and fierce buttons feel weird and unresponsive, i'm like wtf. My friend acts like he didn't do anything to it. So I'm kinda pissed.

Looks like Daigo was invited to Taiwan to play top players and owned some fools...


Daigo is a dick...he snubbed the guy at the end and didn't shake his hand :lol

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtziglz8WHw

ok, he's really kind here :)
_dementia said:
GGs abstract alien

Your Rufus is getting a lot better. Stop letting me rekka for free tho! if you see me commit to the second hit after you block the first that's free EX Messiah or Ultra. You should be able to grab me too. It's such a bad habit I have and I need to break it, hell or high water.

Guys, any one have any Dan tips?
Thanks, Ive really been trying to up it to the next level. Your abel is still the technical monster, never missing a beat. Now it seems like every time you swing, you hit me. You dont really have any wasted movements, its nice to watch. I had no idea the second hit on rekka was an overhead lol, I kept getting murdered with it till like the last match. I was completely unaware you could punish it on block, ill have to try that.

Also, you Dan'ed me pretty good, and you are pretty damn aggressive with him too. You are going to make a killer out of that guy.

Edit: Oh Daigo :lol
At least you made up for it in the second vid.


Can anyone give me tips or at least some sort of explanation on how Bison can technially have an advantage over Cammy? Not to say I have been losing matches, but I have been playing against a Cannon Spike-happy player and it really stuffs everything Bison can do.

- It beats headstomp and ex headstomp clean.
- It beats scissors clean, (startup time) it trades with ex scissors
- It Beats Psycho Crusher and EX Psycho Crusher clean
- You cannot devil's reverse to bait it out, because of the angle that it goes at.
- It seemingly can't be stuffed, does it has invincibility frames or something?
- You cannot properly punish a CS baited on the ground (unless you risk damage by teleporting backwards) because she will fly over your head and cross you up, fucking up your charge. Either dash forward and throw (slacking off will result in you eating another cannon spike)
- The move is active until she literally starts falling, you can't as much as touch her before then (a property similar to EX shoryuken)
- You cannot properly punish a blocked CS without a charge (or even with a charge - most you can do is one hit from HK scissors, Psycho Crusher isn't quick enough) and trying to dash forward to do a bnb will result in another Cannon spike if you are off by a frame or something :lol

I am talking about HK cannon strike here, not the ex version. This is something i would expect from EX Cannon spike but for HK version its ludicrous.

This single move is the most baffling in the game for me, I have less of a problem with gief's lariat. Like I said i still consistently win against the cammy player in question, but the matches devolve into nothing more than throwing blocked spiral arrows because i know that anything that isn't perfectly linked will get me a cannon spike > fadc > cannon spike to the face.

There must be something im missing in this matchup so any help is appreciated.
GGs prototype. I got beasted on hard by Abel. Guess I have to learn the matchup. Honda was ridiculous, since I didn't have many options.

Gonna check out the Daigo vids then jump on GFW.


Relix said:
Wait, so who's Kiun? Why the hell was that so laggy :lol :lol . I made sure I wasn't downloading anything, but it was somewhat On and off. At the end of the second match it was quite smooth, something similar happened in the first one.

gg Relix. Yeah it was pretty laggy. Where are you located ? (I'm in north cal btw)
BotoxAgent said:
he's a douche, he won't really admit doing anything to it. I let him borrow it for a few weeks and when I took it back the med and fierce buttons feel weird and unresponsive, i'm like wtf. My friend acts like he didn't do anything to it. So I'm kinda pissed.
Try opening it up and checking if the quick disconnects are loose, that could be the problem. Or shuffle the two problem buttons with the black ones on the far right and check if just the buttons are bad.

Thanks for the kind words, abstract alien. I feel there's a lot I need to work on, like my defense and backdashing etc. I'd get pretty overwhelmed with your blockstrngs and panic, and also ate a lot of overheads.
Rice-Eater said:
So since Season's Beatings is coming up next week I was curious if any GAF'ers are attending? FMF, Haunts, Saqs, anybody else? I won't be but since there is a live stream(I think) I'd like to try and keep up with your matches and see how you guys do if you're going.

I really wanted to go but I can't :( Buktooth is going to be there though, so watch out for him, I think he's finally going to get his big break!

Also if you're into MvC2 watch out for Toan (aka TotalToanage) he placed 5th at last years evo and is the best player in the south (yes, he's from dallas lol.)


Neo Member
hey if anyone wants a few player matches to lay some waste to me i'm going to be on for another hour or two. i'm kind of curious how my blanka will hold up against some of you higher ups :lol and i really need some feedback/tips to improve my game a bit. all i know is i need to work on longer combo strings :lol

my xbl tag is ch3apchampagn3 :]


he's Virgin Tight™
kiun said:
gg Relix. Yeah it was pretty laggy. Where are you located ? (I'm in north cal btw)

Quite, quite far from there then :lol Puerto Rico, so it's on the East Coast, and a bit more =P. The first matches were laggy thanks to my sister, it was a slideshow. The other two were bearable, though I have to admit going on random characters made my day. I was already tired of having tough matches with some gaffers, some pals that participate in tourneys here, and quite a bunch of G1 fights =P. So, those were truly fun matches for me. Yes, I spent my day playing SF4. I needed it after the past few stressful weeks. I practiced my Akuma though, getting better with him, but just player match material for now :lol . Since I am bored I am gonna post my characters!

1. Chun Li (consider myself tournament level with her, though I have yet to attend a proper tournament. Should go one of these days).
2. Honda (missing lot of stuff, but he's reliable).
3. Vega (shit tier mofos!)
4. Rose (I like her :lol )
5. Akuma (I decided I needed a kick ass, cool character... a shoto, and something that was not Ryu or Ken.)

I avoid playing high tier characters in fighting games, it's a thing of mine. Oh well =P
Akuma is fucking awesome, bruddah. I fucking hate fighting good Akumas(I main Sagat), that fucking s.rh loop and those cross up tatsus and those demon flips OH GOD MASH REVERSAL UPPERCUTS AND HOPE FOR THE BEST!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
BotoxAgent said:
he's a douche, he won't really admit doing anything to it. I let him borrow it for a few weeks and when I took it back the med and fierce buttons feel weird and unresponsive, i'm like wtf. My friend acts like he didn't do anything to it. So I'm kinda pissed.

Looks like Daigo was invited to Taiwan to play top players and owned some fools...


Daigo is a dick...he snubbed the guy at the end and didn't shake his hand :lol

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtziglz8WHw

ok, he's really kind here :)

The Balrog match with crowd noise and annoying host girl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD-IT0D1rSo&fmt=35

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Relix said:
Mental block!??! Did you see how many times did you hit me with Viper's Burning Kick ?!? It was hilarious. I didn't know whether to dash, FA, block, was kinda stupid :lol

You mean on wakeup, right?

Don't dash when you think a burning kick is coming. That'll only work against lk burning kick, and even then, Viper recovers quickly enough to still have a slight frame advantage. I think. Either that or even. But yeah, don't dash.

FA is good, but you gotta be careful with it because Viper has like 80 different ways to break focus armor quickly if they don't use a burning kick. And if their reaction is quick enough, they can use ex thunder knuckle for a free ultra.

Mix up your tech wakeups and non-tech wakeups. That throws a lot of Vipers off, myself included.

Otherwise, you just gotta just guess which way to block and use FA. Still not in your favor though, Chun doesn't have any really good options on wakeup against Viper's mixups.


Felium Defensor
PhatSaqs said:
GGs bro :). I got owned several times in a row by psychic dps. I was like he wont do it again and bam. lol
Hahaha you have to forgive my noobish behavior. It's just that I've seen all your vids online and still couldn't believe I was playing your godlike rose lol. Got a bit nervous as well and the flowchart got the better of me. I love playing Cammy though. I play range mostly with her and use her dp as a way to feel my opponent out...in your case, get destroyed. :D

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan

Apparently, this was Abel before he got a penis.


Anyone on XBL want to play? I have a constant rotation of characters that I pick, but thinking about trying out some Ken. My GT is SoulFist7


Felium Defensor
Lost Fragment said:

Apparently, this was Abel before he got a penis.
The tornado throws would've been freaking hysterical.
Lost Fragment said:

Apparently, this was Abel before he got a penis.
:^/ That is so much better. Her and Makoto could have been close like ryu/ken. Im loving the geta(sp), does anyone know where I can get some on line. Ive looked but havent found anything.

Mr Jared

On one hand, super-cute white-girl Abel is adorable and way cooler than generic MMA dude.

On the other, we probably wouldn't have gotten -- "HOOOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"


Mr Jared said:
On one hand, super-cute white-girl Abel is adorable and way cooler than generic MMA dude.

On the other, we probably wouldn't have gotten -- "HOOOOOOWAAAAAAAAAAUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

We would have gotten it but it would be much more hilarious.
GGs to HK and FMF.

Find, I love and hate you at the same time. You're too good in this game. When you picked Fei, it was pringles for you. And Viper is ridiculous with the amount of pressure she has. I think you should go to SB4. Your knowledge in the game is pretty good.

Also, thanks for the Dan block string.

I need to get back to basics and hit practice mode, learn combos and read tricks/matchups.
GG's tonight Farms. I don't know what it is, sometimes our connection is golden, other times, not so much.

Still, it's always cool to play something other than Championship Mode :lol I need to do more player matches.

I also got an invite to the GameFAQs SF4 chat. Sometimes there's moron's in there that will just spam something they think is funny (text chat, not in gameplay), but there are a couple good players that I've seen in there, notably caitsithkhio (think he's known as Khio in the Street Fighta Scene, a pretty damn good Gief who was at Barfights I think, don't know if he was on the stream or not), and EmblemLord (has a mean Sagat, see him on SRK in the tier list thread a lot). Gonna try to split up my time between gafchat and gamefaqs a little more, Championship mode starts to drag after a certain point.

I am ashamed of my point total, I'm a grinder. I'm really happy I never picked up WoW, because I'd have no money for anything else.
Spiderjericho said:
GGs to HK and FMF.

Find, I love and hate you at the same time. You're too good in this game. When you picked Fei, it was pringles for you. And Viper is ridiculous with the amount of pressure she has. I think you should go to SB4. Your knowledge in the game is pretty good.

Also, thanks for the Dan block string.

I need to get back to basics and hit practice mode, learn combos and read tricks/matchups.

I only have love for you even though you did very dirty things to my Dan T_T And I only wish I was too good at this game >.<

I shall be at SB4 in spirit via Buktooth and TotalToanage.

Also gg's to every1 that played hawt lag city games wit me (esp. prototype)

Killa Sasa said:
GG's tonight Farms. I don't know what it is, sometimes our connection is golden, other times, not so much.

It's my roommates :( GG's!
MaybeAbel has a nice design, but I'm glad we got the Abel we got. I think he has the strongest design of all the new characters in IV.

Plus, I think if she was included, the character would have played much differently. And I think Abel's fighting style was something Street Fighter was sorely missing.
Caj814 said:
ggs abstract gotta get some sleep now.nice rufus.


Good games. You are damn good, pretty much wiped the floor with me the whole time. My execution is really sloppy when it comes down to the wire, I get freakin anxious and start doin crazy stuff. Awesome play, your balrog is nuts. Back to the training mode for me. Thanks for the compliment, Ive been working on him for a while now. Hes coming around, still a long way to go though. I need to be more precise like you are with your movements and attacks.


LakeEarth said:
I got ya. So it doesn't matter what button you press for super, all 6 work.

I know who you're talking about. Can't remember the tag off hand (EDIT - personaljudas) but he has high GP and wins off turtling and headbutting whenever you try anything. Run into him all the time, and I have to use Abel cause I suck at Honda vs Honda.
On honda mirror matches, if that guy spams headbutts, standing HK his arse. If he goes for the sumo splash, you can standing MP him out of the falling attack. Honda mirror matches are plain awful if anyone turtles.


Nice matches, abstract. Your rufus is coming along nicely. I think his matchup with blanka is a bit in blanka's favor, since electricity shuts down a lot of rufus's offense, and also it's tough to put on the offensive pressure without making yourself susceptible to blanka's ultra. Is he your main, or sim?

double edit: grammar stupidity... again


abstract alien said:
Great matches bacon...you handed out some hellish punishment there lol

Thanks again, man. Let me know anytime you want to play in the middle of the night :D

I'm surprised how playable the matches were, given the distance (based on time difference). It's weird how sometimes a three or four bar match is garbage, but other times a bar or two seems like it's all you need.
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