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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Spiderjericho said:
You're right. It would be retarded to FADC super. Super cancel is pretty difficult with her unless you hit the spiral arrow then cancel immediately. Sanford has sick combos with her (well with anyone).

The connection wasn't too bad. I saw the one bar and was like oh no.

And I didn't get the sand bagging comment. If anything, I was doing the opposite with Dan. My problem with the Ken matchup is his forward kick and be able to punish a SRK from medium range with a combo. Fireballs are a bi too.

Man, FMF disappeared last night. He must have been tired from working 12-hour shift and 8 hours of school yesterday.

Find, you should do a pair match. Like Haunts/FMF vs. Saqs/???. It could be like a GAF championship. West vs. East (yes, Find is in the south westish).

Sorry, I was just frustrated by the delay causing me to mess up my inputs.
But what I really meant was, your Dan is good, however I'm pretty sure if you had been someone else you would've won easily.
Unless you wanted the handicap to improve your game with him which is probably the case.
In any case I look forward to our next match.

And FMF did come back, decided to kick my ass. Good times.
Solune said:
Sorry, I was just frustrated by the delay causing me to mess up my inputs.
But what I really meant was, your Dan is good, however I'm pretty sure if you had been someone else you would've won easily.
Unless you wanted the handicap to improve your game with him which is probably the case.
In any case I look forward to our next match.

And FMF did come back, decided to kick my ass. Good times.

Dan is like a transcendental (sp) experience. And yeah, I like the handicap. It can be frustrating sometimes, but it forces you to be creative and work with what you have.

And AdnaBananaFMF will do that. I don't know why he doesn't go to tournaments. I think he could get the notoriety of a Pad Viper, etc.

I was watching the Sanford/Wong fight from Battlefield Arcadia 3, and his Fei Long is night and Day. His footsies and link game was definitely better.

V Arnold. Woah!! You probably have spent double the hours I have playing this game. You're definitely a fan and got your $60 (or whatever you paid back).


Spiderjericho said:
V Arnold. Woah!! You probably have spent double the hours I have playing this game. You're definitely a fan and got your $60 (or whatever you paid back).

Yeah.... too bad it is not materialized in raw skill on my part. :D
But, as I am seeing the limits of Viper in pad (basically, while I can pull of the tk/seismo cancel as many times I want, but I have problems with touching the lb/lt after the qcf motions, causing my ultra to whiff sometimes, in crucial moments), I'll be buying the Tekken 6 Arcade Stick bundle next week.

Hopefully that is good hardware, and Ill start to train hard with it :D
BotoxAgent said:

All sorts of sickness. Really annoying though how ryu's cr. mk drops his hit box and dodges almost all of viper's bk mixups.

Spiderjericho said:
And AdnaBananaFMF will do that. I don't know why he doesn't go to tournaments. I think he could get the notoriety of a Pad Viper, etc.

I actually go to a lot of tourneys, one every 3 weeks or so. For the most part, everyone in the tx tourney scene knows me. Going to a 2v2 tourney this weekend, I'll try to record my matches. Traveling out of state for tourneys is just really hard, since I'd have to give up a whole weekend :/


You can't handle the truth!
_dementia said:

apparently these are great and much cheaper than the max shooters.

If this shit works, we are gonna be friends forever.

I'm talking like, friendship invite on youtube, friendship request on xbox live, invites to play burnout paradise once a year when i remember i still have that game, the whole nine yards!


Majestros said:

If this shit works, we are gonna be friends forever.

I'm talking like, friendship invite on youtube, friendship request on xbox live, invites to play burnout paradise once a year when i remember i still have that game, the whole nine yards!

Again - lol - a guy who was at our weekly tourney thing here in MTL had it with his MAS, and it worked flawlessly.

He just didn't know how to plug it in properly (he didn't know you had to plug in a genuine x360 controller on the USB port on the side) but once I figured it out it was perfect. He didn't complain about dropped inputs, and the other guys who played with it (some of the OG SF players in the city who are known to be some of the best players in the city, period) all loved it.


I thought i was getting better with the stick, and then I tried it in an XBL match.


Its been a real bitch to transition so far. For the hell of it I went into training room with both the pad and the stick, and see how much of bison's bnbs/ryu's fadc into ultra I could do out of around 30 attempts each. Bison's bnbs were about even, and ryu's fadc into ultra went about 10-15 out of 30 attempts with the pad, and 1 out of 30 attempts with the stick.



good credit (by proxy)
Threi said:
I thought i was getting better with the stick, and then I tried it in an XBL match.


Its been a real bitch to transition so far. For the hell of it I went into training room with both the pad and the stick, and see how much of bison's bnbs/ryu's fadc into ultra I could do out of around 30 attempts each. Bison's bnbs were about even, and ryu's fadc into ultra went about 10-15 out of 30 attempts with the pad, and 1 out of 30 attempts with the stick.


How long have you had stick?

Ryu's ultra after the srk > fadc is easier if you use the shortcut: d, df, d, df, f + PPP


BitchTits said:
[stupid question] What does reset mean in this context? [/stupid question]
In the first vid, second match, Dhalsim does his super in the corner, and before Sagat hits the ground he medium punches to add 1 more hit to the combo, but more importantly, reset him to a standing position instead of letting him fall to the ground. It's a mix-up, I'm guessing character specific.


LakeEarth said:
In the first vid, second match, Dhalsim does his super in the corner, and before Sagat hits the ground he medium punches to add 1 more hit to the combo, but more importantly, reset him to a standing position instead of letting him fall to the ground. It's a mix-up, I'm guessing character specific.
Ahhh, I see it thanks.
Threi said:
I thought i was getting better with the stick, and then I tried it in an XBL match.


Its been a real bitch to transition so far. For the hell of it I went into training room with both the pad and the stick, and see how much of bison's bnbs/ryu's fadc into ultra I could do out of around 30 attempts each. Bison's bnbs were about even, and ryu's fadc into ultra went about 10-15 out of 30 attempts with the pad, and 1 out of 30 attempts with the stick.


Persistence. (sp)

I'm in the same boat. Just keep playing, you'll become more comfortable. Maybe you can try redoing the trials to reacclimate to all the motions.

To be honest, even though my execution is still a little off, I feel weird playing SF with a controller like the DS3, Saturn or Fight Pad. You get used to having the button layout.

AZ Greg

kiun said:
ill be on in 20 minutes, whats your gamertag ?

AZ Greg

Just send me a game invite. Even if it says I'm away or something, I'll see it.

BTW, for anyone who still plays regularly on XBL and isn't on my list, add me!
AZ Greg said:
AZ Greg

Just send me a game invite. Even if it says I'm away or something, I'll see it.

BTW, for anyone who still plays regularly on XBL and isn't on my list, add me!

I'll add you man, thanks! But I can't play tonight.


AZ Greg said:
AZ Greg

Just send me a game invite. Even if it says I'm away or something, I'll see it.

BTW, for anyone who still plays regularly on XBL and isn't on my list, add me!

Good game man. My Boxer has no answer against your Claw.


black_vegeta said:
Big homie Threi, don't be so hard on yourself. It takes months (in my opinion) too get the execution down with a stick.
CPU Seth on hardest is speeding that up fortunately :)

Its not really execution thats the problem, its more just that movement with the stick still feels so unnatural.

AZ Greg

bistromathics said:
I play regularly on XBL, but I think we had a bad connection :\

We'll have to give a shot again sometime. There have been some times in the past where I was playing and my brother was streaming on justin.tv or downloading a torrent. :\

kiun said:
Good game man. My Boxer has no answer against your Claw.

GGs. My Claw has no answer for you Rufus. :(

I really need to learn that match up, though I don't think there's anything Claw can really do. I really hope they buff scarlet terror in SSF4.
Threi said:
CPU Seth on hardest is speeding that up fortunately :)

Its not really execution thats the problem, its more just that movement with the stick still feels so unnatural.

I'm still trying to figure out my stick grip and I've had my TE stick since launch.

Damn shame. :|


Threi said:
CPU Seth on hardest is speeding that up fortunately :)

Its not really execution thats the problem, its more just that movement with the stick still feels so unnatural.
It takes a month before you're at the same level on the pad, but really complex combos are still harder on stick for me. The only thing that's easier is pressing the buttons (FADC-ing). If I could get some crazy pad / stick hybrid that would be perfect for me.
LakeEarth said:
It takes a month before you're at the same level on the pad, but really complex combos are still harder on stick for me. The only thing that's easier is pressing the buttons (FADC-ing). If I could get some crazy pad / stick hybrid that would be perfect for me.

I would agree. I decided to try HDR after a few months, and I couldn't SRKs. I was like wtf? I, originally, played the game with a Saturn pad, so I never had any execution problems.

It's too bad there isn't a U.S. company that would have the courage to release a Happ joystick (I don't really care about the buttons). Or maybe a do it yourself kit.


I was just doing some hard trials before bed, and wow, Rose has the easiest trials ever. I didn't have to try any of them more than 5 times. I spend longer trying to do Ken's Hard 4 trial than all 10 Rose challenges.
LakeEarth said:
I was just doing some hard trials before bed, and wow, Rose has the easiest trials ever. I didn't have to try any of them more than 5 times. I spend longer trying to do Ken's Hard 4 trial than all 10 Rose challenges.
Dan has easy ones too

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sorry bout last night rokitty, jumped on to watch a tv show with the missus, don't think she would have been too happy if I ditched for SFIV :lol will be keen sometime soon though, just got a fibre 60Mb/6Mb connection and it's GLORIOUS for SFIV. Never seen so many green bars.

Hadn't played in about 3 weeks and went on a 7 win streak in championship last night, felt good, combos were working, was escaping instead of getting crossed up to shit with bison (still pissed he has no good antiair)

until I got stopped dead by what I think was a good vega. Hell knows though, everytime I fight that guy on championship (which is about 1 time every 3 months) he owns me, it's like he has new moves everytime. no idea of what to do against that jumpy bitch.
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