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The Official Welcoming of the Visitors Thread - V on ABC, every Tuesday

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If the Vs have access to the same list of people that the main characters now have, why haven't they already all been killed ?


Javaman said:
If the Vs have access to the same list of people that the main characters now have, why haven't they already all been killed ?

The same reason why Gilligan never got off his island.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
digital said:
If that is how the Visitors' sight works they should've depicted it as such when they showed the POV of the black guy when he was being drugged.
Unless the human eye prosthetics also provide human-like vision. *shrugs* just speculating, it could of course just be stupid oversight/inconsistency too.

Javaman said:
If the Vs have access to the same list of people that the main characters now have, why haven't they already all been killed ?
That's a list of basically anyone who has reported UFO sightings/encounters to the FBI over the years. It's probably populated with its fair share of kooks who haven't actually seen anything V related. The only reason why it's useful to the main characters is because they're desperate. For the Vs, I doubt it's worth their consideration...yet. Obviously they're being attentive to organized resistance though.


Javaman said:
If the Vs have access to the same list of people that the main characters now have, why haven't they already all been killed ?

Who says they won't eventually? Right now, the only ones they are concerned with are the ones who are flat out aware they are the enemy.

They are in fake diplomacy mode. They can't go around killing a bunch of civilians (who may be thought of as crazy anyway) while in peoplewear.



After last week's record-setting premiere, ABC's "V" was destined to drop in the ratings for episode two.

Tuesday's drop was steeper than one would want ... though about what one would expect given the high amount of curiosity-driven tune-in. Still, this is the largest drop we've seen for a scripted series debut this season.

The second episode was seen by 10.6 million viewers and drew a 3.7 preliminary rating among adults 18-49, down 29% from last week.

This is still a hit rating for a freshman drama. If "V" can remain anywhere near this neighborhood, the show will be fine.

The drop put "V" into second place at 8 p.m., with CBS' "NCIS" (20.2 million, 4.2) resuming control of the time period. The swing is similar to when ABC debuted "FlashForward" against CBS' time-period champion "Survivor" at 8 p.m. on Thursdays, momentarily upsetting the balance, before "Survivor" popped up again ("NCIS" and "Survivor" -- they weeble and they wobble but they don't fall down).


Javaman said:
If the Vs have access to the same list of people that the main characters now have, why haven't they already all been killed ?

The list is huge, and the vast majority of the people on it are probably just run-of-the-mill crazy that know nothing at all about the V's. Killing everybody on the list would be noticed.


kaching said:
Unless the human eye prosthetics also provide human-like vision. *shrugs* just speculating, it could of course just be stupid oversight/inconsistency too.

These aliens also can't seem to outfit their slow probes with cameras that can see visible light. Also, isn't it a bad move to send out their cleanup crew in a large and loud ship over the neighborhood. This show just isn't written very well.
digital said:
These aliens also can't seem to outfit their slow probes with cameras that can see visible light. Also, isn't it a bad move to send out their cleanup crew in a large and loud ship over the neighborhood. This show just isn't written very well.

If they have shuttles coming and going all the time over the period of three weeks to a mopnth, I bet people stop really paying attention. Not to mention look how often people in real life just look the other way to something out of the ordinary to just not get involved. It's not completely unreasonable. Always amazes me that people accuse of a show of being poorly written when there are ways to explain things.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Marty Chinn said:
If they have shuttles coming and going all the time over the period of three weeks to a mopnth, I bet people stop really paying attention. Not to mention look how often people in real life just look the other way to something out of the ordinary to just not get involved. It's not completely unreasonable. Always amazes me that people accuse of a show of being poorly written when there are ways to explain things.
Until the end of the episode the Visitors weren't allowed to go wherever they wanted and even then it's supposed to be limited. Their shuttles are only going to the designated Visitor areas. Having one of their ships fly out to a mystery warehouse in the middle of the night should be throwing up major red flags. But again, in this universe New York City didn't bat an eye about letting aliens step off their ships within an hour of arrival and talk to reporters, so expecting anything resembling realism here is a fool's errand.


Keyser Soze said:
Liked the Pilot, loved this episode. However, I can't get too excited due to the silly way ABC is handling the airing of the show :(

Noticed that the warehouse address was 4400, which is a nice nod to the lead writers old show, The 4000 :D

Watching this now and I came in here to post this. I love The 4400 and immediately thought of it when I saw the warehouse address.
Just watched the first two episodes back to back. Very enjoyable so far. They are balancing the different plot points better than I had imagined...not really annoyed by any of them yet, even the sons story seems kind of cool if only because he is an outlet into the V's world.

Surprised some of you don't like Elizabeth Mitchells character. I'm very pleased, she's an even better lead than I thought. Very warm, attractive, and likable. I dunno, maybe she just "does it" for me...:D

I've never seen the original so I'm not entering with any real baggage or expectations, I just hope they can keep the plot moving.

Hope I don't invest time into this only to end up being disappointed with a cancellation. That's my big concern now. Looks like an expensive show so I hope ABC is prepared to ride it out.
Just watched the pilot.

Im impressed, I had no hype about watching this.

I do think it was a bit rushed though, should have been a 2 hour thing.

Sad part is, I was spoiled by a late night show, when an actor was on and they talked about the whole lizard thing. Id never even heard of the original show, so it would have been a really nice surprise for me.


tirminyl said:
Watching this now and I came in here to post this. I love The 4400 and immediately thought of it when I saw the warehouse address.

i was watching the first episode with a friend, and when the Vs attacked the 4400 warehouse i said "TOM BALDWIN IS GOING TO KICK SOME ASS" and she said "but he's a priest, remember? he can't do that." seeing Father Baldwin kick V ass made me smile.

okay it wasn't really an ass kicking, but he's just getting warmed up. then he's going to tap Juliet's ass. *thumbs up*

damn I miss The 4400.
Maybe I missed something. How do we know that the FBI chief, or anyone that the Priest talked to in the office, is a V? I didn't get that impression at all.


ThLunarian said:
Maybe I missed something. How do we know that the FBI chief, or anyone that the Priest talked to in the office, is a V? I didn't get that impression at all.

We don't know.

Something about them it off


not characteristic of ants at all
Just watched pilot and second episode back to back. I really enjoyed the show.. I hope it continues.


In some ways this show is moving too fast, but in others it's too slow. Pretty dull episode this week and there are only two left :/.

Lizard man coming back to life is no surprise. I expected this episode to have the blonde chick hiding underground or some shit because of this, while the kid rebelled and went to the ship. Even if the dude didn't revive, they intercepted the call and have her voice on file

ah whatever. I'll keep watching, but I hate it when shows ignore the conclusions that the audience has to be thinking and pretend the characters are idiots to serve plot points


There's so much potential with this. They can have someone be revealed as a human, but have them a V-sympathiser (like they get 'let-off' in exchange for their devotion).
At this stage, we don't even know if they have the technology to create replicas of their human disguises. We could see FBI agents partner back - as another V, or even as himself in human form. So many directions this show could go.

edit: I spoke too soon regarding FBI agent's partner. Still open for possibilities, however.

big ander

My friend convinced me to watch the first two episodes tonight. After how disappointed I was with the first two episodes of FFwd, I didn't have high expectations for this. I was pleasantly surprised. I'd say every character beside Tyler is interesting, and I like where the story is going (haven't seen the original series). Think I'll save catching up on FFwd and replace any time I was going to allot to that to V. Much better as a "Lost replacement."

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Only 1 more episode after tonight before they go on hiatus, right? :(

I liked the first 2 episodes so far. Let's see how this one is.

Edit: The priest's name is Jack? A little off-topic but why do so many shows have characters with that name? I'm 30 years old and I have never met anyone named Jack. If you watch these shows you'd think it was common as hell.
Forgot about this until half an hour ago, so managed only to catch up halfway through ep 2 (good stuff) on Hulu before this started. Paused 2 and watching ep 3 right now...

back to 2 during commercials...heh.


go eat paint
Baron Aloha said:
I'm 30 years old and I have never met anyone named Jack.
Actually, Jack is also a common nickname for John or Jonathan... so, after a fashion, you've probably met a zillion "Jacks" in your lifetime.


Umm, was it just me or did the audio cut out halfway through this episode? Not all the audio, just the vocal track...I could hear the music perfectly. But the characters were moving their mouths and all I could hear was a weird, tinny, muffled sound. I thought it was for dramatic effect, but I could hear some muffled bits of dialogue and there appeared to be nothing dramatic happening on screen. Maybe it was the broadcast or something (all my other channels seemed fine).

Anyway, the sound was back to normal when it came back after the commercial.
Things seem to be moving along at a good clip with this series, will be sticking with it. Now ABC is more than just Lost for me, though OTOH I couldn't grab the remote fast enough when seeing what apparently follows V in the schedule.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Marty Chinn said:
Hope everyone who was crying about the lack of public reaction is satisifed now.
Nope, because the public reaction was based on irrational hate, not rational concerns about so quickly embracing an alien civilization into everyday life. The protest movement certainly had nothing to do with security, health concerns, trust, etc.

There's absolutely nothing engaging about a group that's led by a widow who hates the Visitors because her husband died in an accident upon their arrival. This show continues to prove it will go to great lengths to avoid anything and everything remotely political, so they boiled down the protesters to people in the 2nd stage of grief. It'd be like reducing the entire opposition to the war on terror, Iraq war and/or Afghanistan to the voices of the 9/11 families.

I loved the throwaway line from Erica about how quickly the V were getting visas, as if 9/11 never happened :lol It's totally true, but hilarious because there isn't a single voice on the show for that kind of real world relevance, and Erica didn't even bat an eye about the V until her partner turned out to be one. I'm rooting for the V, because this version of humanity is so dumb it deserves whatever the aliens have in store for them.

My morbid curiosity has just about run dry.


Marty Chinn said:
If they have shuttles coming and going all the time over the period of three weeks to a mopnth, I bet people stop really paying attention. Not to mention look how often people in real life just look the other way to something out of the ordinary to just not get involved. It's not completely unreasonable. Always amazes me that people accuse of a show of being poorly written when there are ways to explain things.

We had concorde fly past our house twice a day for 5 years. It never got old. You think people would get bored of seeing spaceships flying down the street within a few months? Fast cars still turn heads FFS.

I didn't feel the first episode much, so I'm going to let this back up for a bit, then see what GAFs consensus is and do a batch at once. helps that Stargate Universe is picking up a bit to satisfy my scifi appetite for now.
mrklaw said:
We had concorde fly past our house twice a day for 5 years. It never got old. You think people would get bored of seeing spaceships flying down the street within a few months? Fast cars still turn heads FFS.

I didn't feel the first episode much, so I'm going to let this back up for a bit, then see what GAFs consensus is and do a batch at once. helps that Stargate Universe is picking up a bit to satisfy my scifi appetite for now.

Well my point is they stop caring where they are going. They may look and watch but did you really think twice about where that concorde was going or people who see a fast car think twice where he was coming from or going to? Nah. You saw it, admired it and moved on. That's the point I was trying to make about the shuttle.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
digital said:
These aliens also can't seem to outfit their slow probes with cameras that can see visible light. Also, isn't it a bad move to send out their cleanup crew in a large and loud ship over the neighborhood. This show just isn't written very well.
There's a difference between "bad writing" and covering each and every piece of extremely minor, irrelevant fridge logic that only the most anal-retentive viewers would even notice.


Oh my god that girl is so blazingly hot.

Solid episode.

Edit: You know, I hope she gets partnered with a V full time. That little bit gave me huge Elijah/Daneel vibes (for the cool people in the room). That would be awesome.


I think this show gets one more episode from me before I turn it off for good. It's not awful, but I don't think it's particularly interesting yet (and yeah, kinda silly in places as others have said... but not in a good way). Kind of sad, but I'm almost hoping it will take a campy turn towards the 80s version at this stage :)

With next week being the "fall finale" I presume it'll pack some punch, though... so I'm willing to give it a shot.

big ander

Loved this episode. Father Jack is an awesome character, IMO. Almost like a Locke who actually does stuff.
And Lisa...damn.

I like this Fifth Column stuff. The guy holding Dale captive: what's the actors name? I recognize him...


SickBoy said:
With next week being the "fall finale" I presume it'll pack some punch, though... so I'm willing to give it a shot.

I doubt it. From what I understand, all 13 episodes were supposed to air next spring as a replacement show, but the first four episodes got pushed up. The episode wasn't planned as any kind of finale, it's just another episode.

big ander

B.K. said:
I doubt it. From what I understand, all 13 episodes were supposed to air next spring as a replacement show, but the first four episodes got pushed up. The episode wasn't planned as any kind of finale, it's just another episode.
Bu-bu-but in the preview:


Just saw the first 3 episodes pretty much in the same day. I'm digging the show, in fact I'm pretty much hooked.


big ander said:
I like this Fifth Column stuff. The guy holding Dale captive: what's the actors name? I recognize him...

Mark Hildreth

Who voiced Heero in Gundam Wing back in the day :lol

I agree that it was a cool twist. I've been lukewarm on the show so far, but that was a nice "oh shit!" moment.
I really liked most of the 3rd episode. I do hate the lengthy hulu delay however.

The one moment I did hate was the kid and the V making out. Seriously? That shit is weird.

Also, its now extra obvious that mr fbi is a V.
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