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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

If you're not interested in a cinematic third-person shooter, then this game is probably not for you. With an average playing time of eight to ten hours, this is a game that only fans of the cinematic approach will appreciate. The story is a double edged sword. The way they tell it is impressive, but the story itself has a lot of inconsistencies and is only really good as a foundation for a potential sequel. The gameplay is standard third-person shooter stuff with a noticeable lack of challenge and a few minor faults like a disappointing melee system and a few animations (such as rolling) you can only use when the game wants you to. In terms of presentation, is is a clear winner. Far above all other games. It is an aspect that rightly deserves praise and hopefully it will encourage other developers to reach a similar level of detail. It makes the future of this generation look promising. As a whole, The Order 1886 is definitely worth playing and it turns out to be a nice introduction to a franchise we hope will have a bright future ahead of it. However, this game is not without its faults and we simple cannot deny the fact this game has less content than similar IPs in the genre. It is obvious this game has paid a heavy price to reach the immensely high production values. It is up to the player to decide whether it was worth it.

+ Graphics are CGI-quality
+ Strong design & presentation
+ Satisfying gunplay

- Inconsistent story
- Short, little replayability
- Lack of challenge
- Minor faults here and there

Final score: 75%

Review link (rough translation): https://translate.google.com/transl....be/reviews/43162/1/The-Order-1886&edit-text=

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.


Exactly, in the last of us you feel it, even though in the order limbs fly off if you use the more powerful version of the second it just doesn't feel as punchy, and the melee (if you can call it that) just isn't as good because they made a canned animation instead of a flying punch straight to the jaw.

Outside of a few weapons (pistols namely), I very much disagree with you on the weapons lacking punch. I actually feel they're really punchy, they just have a crap tonne of recoil and are not that stable or accurate (as would be expected of the time period).

However I completely agree with you on the melee part. The melee combat definitely lacks the impact of games like Last of Us. As you rightly said, because the camera changes perspective to a more cinematic angle that removes some of the input to visual messaging and feedback. Last of Us's implementation of contextual camera shake based on each punch or blow landing contact, is also slightly better implemented and more aggressive.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I personally don't think there's anything inherently inferior with canned animation vs a direct melee attack, but The Order doesn't sell the illusion of being 'as involved' with the melee sequences as well as TLoU, partially in due to how the camera cuts away, and how the button prompts make it feel like you're activating something instead of hitting someone.

If it were me, I would had removed the prompts and made the 'activation' of every melee start from gameplay camera, so that at least it felt like you were pressing a button to attack someone in-game.
A game that does canned animation really well is MGSV.

Outside of a few weapons (pistols namely), I very much disagree with you on the weapons lacking punch. I actually feel they're really punchy, they just have a crap tonne of recoil and are not that stable or accurate (as would be expected of the time period).
I had no issues with the accuracy particularly. In retrospect i'd just attribute the lack of punch to the way the enemies react instead of the way the actual weapons shoot.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I went to the store to try to buy it after work and unfortunately they were sold out :(


I just finished the game on the default difficulty and it took about 6.5 hours to complete. I enjoyed the game and agree its at least worth a rental. I wish stealth takedowns weren't so reliant on waiting for a button prompt to display on the screen. Sometimes depending on the angle, the prompt doesn't display. I'll be there for the sequel.


Game on a 21:9 monitor.


Drop dead gorgeous! is it more expensive compared to the regular 1080P monitor?
So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

Review link (rough translation): https://translate.google.com/transl....be/reviews/43162/1/The-Order-1886&edit-text=

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.

I can't comment on the story aspect (haven't beaten it) but I can agree with the other cons. Aside from challenge which I have no idea about. I just run around and gun so I die quite a bit, though I suspect I'm perhaps inflating my difficulty by doing that.


I'm on chapter 2. It's definitely a slow burn to start but I'm intrigued. I can see why ADD folks wouldn't like this but I'm hooked so far. The atmosphere is amazing.
Your opinions all make me interested at someday picking this game up but I feel like literally every single thread about a game that receives middling scores talks about how this game is actually great. The Knack thread for example. I would love to try this game and see for myself, but spending 65$ on a game that I may not like is a tall ask.
Just finished it. I believe it took me around 8 hours. But I lingered in places, read the papers, and listened to the audio files. I would give it an 8/10 and say that the gunplay was really satisfying. Gripes being
the stupid lycan fights with the 3 wolves all take place in the identical warehouse type setting, also those fucking shotgun knights...
I would also like the qtes pared back, they have their place but it was a little much. But i was left wanting more, so with the engine done, just start pumping out more content for me and work on the shortcomings. Its on the same level as uncharted 1 for me. And like uncharted, I feel the sequel will be much improved.

I felt like chapters 8 and 9 were the best in the game, but 8 to the end was really entertaining.


I'm up to Chapter V and I'm still enjoying the game a lot. My only gripe so far is
the fight with the Elder
. The QTE prompts there happen so much faster there than any other part of the game so far. It made it very intense but it also caused me to die like five times which was frustrating. That aside, I love just wandering around and taking in the world and examining things. People complain that it's boring but I dig it. It reminds me of Shenmue.

Nuke Soda

Your opinions all make me interested at someday picking this game up but I feel like literally every single thread about a game that receives middling scores talks about how this game is actually great. The Knack thread for example. I would love to try this game and see for myself, but spending 65$ on a game that I may not like is a tall ask.

If it is any help I went into the game thinking it would suck long before the reviews gave it middling reviews and I am having a blast.


So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

Review link (rough translation): https://translate.google.com/transl....be/reviews/43162/1/The-Order-1886&edit-text=

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.


Basically like mine but I have a few issues with the AI as well. Not completed it yet so i will see how it goes.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Also what year of CGI would you guys compare this game too? Because obviously it's comparable on some level to CG.


Your opinions all make me interested at someday picking this game up but I feel like literally every single thread about a game that receives middling scores talks about how this game is actually great. The Knack thread for example. I would love to try this game and see for myself, but spending 65$ on a game that I may not like is a tall ask.

The game isn't great, it just isn't bad. The setting, the graphics, the atmosphere are brilliant tho. The story is not as bad as people say, it is just the lack of gameplay make you get bored of the long and many cutscenes.
Finished and platinumned the game a few hours ago. By far the quickest platinum I have gotten, but I really don't care.

I was slightly let down by the story, the game has an intriguing lore which could have been explored further. There seemed to be a lot more background on the marketing sites which wasn't in the game, possibly contributing to a lack of fleshing out. Even something as simple as a museum-style room in The Order's headquarters which actually hinted at some of The Order's history would have been great.

While I have no problem with cinematics, even if there are hours of them, I would prefer not to have a chunk of cinematics, then a short period that requires interaction, then more cinematics. It is probably done that way to avoid complaints about a lack of interaction, but it came off as more annoying than anything to me. I felt that at times the game could have done with not taking away control from the character (you don't really need a cutscene for a door opening). At other times, the small bit of player interaction could just have been covered by a cutscene.

Despite those problems, I found the gunplay great. The weapons felt punchy, and the sound was great. In this area, the AI reactions could do with improvement. I didn't feel as if the rebels cared that their comrades had their heads blown off with an arc-gun. I didn't seem to get a sense of desperation or fear out of them. I feel if they reacted a bit more... human when getting shot with these weapons, it would have made the weapons feel a whole lot better.

Don't need to give my impressions on graphics/sound - the game hits both of those perfectly.

I'm someone who likes cinematic games. I don't care if I don't get to touch my controller for periods of time, so long as the story presented to me is good enough to keep my attention. The Order didn't quite reach that level for me, but I still had no problem playing through. It certainly wasn't "boring" in my eyes. I would much, much rather play through another The Order: 1886, and enjoy the vast majority of my time with it, than something open world, relying on filler to boost the play time (e.g. many Ubisoft games). It is obvious how much attention RaD put into making this game, and it seems to have paid off in the form of a seemingly brilliant engine, and a very serviceable game. I hope that the team is not taking the reviews too harshly, and that they will be able to improve upon The Order's faults in a sequel.


My quick impressions after 90 minutes.

Really liking the game. It is simply stunning to look at. A technical marvel imo. The shooting and cover in the game are so smooth and fluid. Great TPS mechanics. And so far the story has me drawn in. In other words, so far so good.

Astral Dog

Would you look at that. People actually judging the game for what it is and not for what it isn't. Good job.
If the review system wasn't fucked up, everybody would accept quickly that a 65 on Metacritic is slightly above average, a flawed game, but decent. People were expecting more because graphics and Sony exclusive, but in the end we are brainwashed that anything below 90 is questionable, when that includes some of the best games ever made.


So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

Review link (rough translation): https://translate.google.com/transl....be/reviews/43162/1/The-Order-1886&edit-text=

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.

Pretty much, yes. And if I've read most reviews and impressions here, that's the general consensus. Personally, I always give a 0.3 or 0.5 as encouragement to new IP, especially when they show great potential, so my score is 8 but it's not important.
As for reviews.. yeah.. I prefer not to think about it. I wish I could say I don't care but it's pretty irritating, actually, I'm honest here.

If the review system wasn't fucked up, everybody would accept quickly that a 65 on Metacritic is slightly above average, a flawed game, but decent. People were expecting more because graphics and Sony exclusive, but in the end we are brainwashed that anything below 90 is questionable, when that includes some of the best games ever made.

Let's say you're right, but.. did you read that Forbes articles, I suppose? About gaming journalism changing for the better etc. What the writer was missing is the key point of this situation: nothing is changing, it just happens that individuals titles get bashed while others can play safer. With these premises, I can't see a reason to be positive about game critics also because with today's costs for AAA, they're basically deciding what is going to survive and they just decided that this new IP, 5 years to make, high production value and a lot of efforts in every aspect.. does not deserve a chance because of its own nature. Damn, some gave less than 6/10! This is how I read it, honestly, not for nothing I'm hoping to see great sales because I want the press to be as less influential as possible until they get their shit together.
So far I'm loving it. It's an incredibly slow paced game, so I can see why that can immediately turn off more impatient run and gun people. A lot of my favorite movies are slow burns. For someone like me that cares about the experience a game can give and soaking up the atmosphere that RaD has built, everything about this is so good. I'm really enjoying taking my time and exploring every area and admiring the incredible detail they put into this game. Yes, there's tons of cutscenes pretty much all over the place. But the transition between cutscene and gameplay is so seamless it honestly feels like a movie. I like that. There's plenty of room for games that want to achieve the feeling of playing a movie (which this nails) as well as room for things like Mario. Not sure why the fuck some people on this site get so up in arms about it lately. Variety is what makes video games such a great medium. Just don't go into this expecting Gears of War. Others have mentioned it, but it's definitely reminiscent of Telltale games until you get into the action parts.

Anyway, back to the Order.
-The gunplay is really well done. Feels tight and the weapons have weight to them. Thermite gun in particular is awesome.
-Story is interesting and I'm enjoying the characters quite a bit. They could have done a better job of explaining things in the beginning, though. I want to know more about the Order itself and the lycans, but I'm sure that will come in later.
-I wish melee attacks were just tied to a button like with TLOU instead of being contextual. Way too easy to mess up when you're trying to melee someone and miss the prompt.
-AI could be better. Wish I started on hard instead of medium.
-Voice acting is top notch.
-Sound design is absolutely incredible. Playing with my headsets cranked and it's unbelievable.
-Don't even need to get started on graphics since I'm sure everyone knows by now. Just gotta say, holy shit. Best looking console game I've ever played.

It's a solid 8.5/10 so far. That could change depending on how the last half of the game is. Fuck out of here with the 4/10 and 2/5 nonsense. That should be reserved for broken games like the complete and utter mess that AC Unity was. I can understand 6-7/10 at least since there's no content besides the main story. That's a very valid point for someone who doesn't want to pay full price for this.


Wow. Just finished it on normal and that was an amazing ride. Very much an Uncharted/TLoU vibe mixed with a little Heavy Rain/God of War for the melee encounters. I would easily rate it an 8 or 9 out of 10 and like many have said before, a sequel is set up to be the Uncharted 2 of this gen if RaD tweak the formula just a tad more. Also,
that final shot before the credits. MAN. Powerful.
Just watching the credits roll now and the music strikes me as incredibly beautiful as well. All in all one of the most polished games I have ever played and it was fun to boot. I'll replay on hard for sure and inevitably more when I feel the need to sink into the rich atmosphere. It really nailed a Victorian Gothic mystery feel I think. Loved it.
Honestly, it's not really so much of the score. Jim Sterling gave it below 7, but I thought his review was fair. There's also some 6-es here and there that gave valid criticism as a whole, some parts more critical than others, but they weren't bad.

But it's hard to appreciate some reviews that gave it terrible scores like 1/5, 2/5 or have random quips like "branching narrative, upgradeable weapons" as factors against why this game is flawed, is just... smh.

But that's their opinion, even I highly disagree with some of them.
End game spoilers

Giving the main character the name of Galahad made the overarching story predictable, if you know anything about Arthurian legend. Before Galahad assaulted Idia company, Igraine demanded Lafayette meet her in the library. Why? It seemed like she was going to screw him or something.

Other than that. Loved the game, poor gameplay, amazing graphics and music, average story. I hope they make a sequel, I want to see where they go from here; the world is so interesting. Uncharted had sequels made despite a very average first game.

Edit: by the way, much of the portraits, letters, and other background items are real. They scanned them from the British museum archives.
So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.

I found that you put it perfectly.

I find it difficult to understand how some sites could justify scores for The Order below 50%. I feel as if the hostility surrounding the game since its initial gameplay prereview has really harmed it in terms of reviews.


5 hours in, feel like giving up. Looks stunning yes but the writing is just so bad and the gameplay is incredibly mundane.

The writing is bad by what standard? The dialogue is bad? The plot is bad? The collectable text is bad?

What about the writing is bad?


So I played up to Chapter 5,that part on the Zeppelin we all saw a few months back and I am liking it a lot so far...once you get use to the pacing,it's good...the first Lycan part took me like 10 tries lol,it was a little annoying, and even though I am not found of QTE,the second Lycan section was great...can't wait to jump back in tomorrow.

I think the story is fine so far,the voice acting is great.


So... am I wrong for saying some people ITT seem to have an opinion similar to my review, in the end? For reference, this was my score/consensus:

Review link (rough translation): https://translate.google.com/transl....be/reviews/43162/1/The-Order-1886&edit-text=

I was and am still shocked that we got scores as low as 4/10 and 2,5/10. Disregarding the gameplay and the filmic approach, the production values and presentation are just so good that I can't believe someone would give it a 4/10. Even if you don't like the story and think the gameplay is a tad too traditional. I've seen games get 4/10 which are literal shit. Compared to those games, The Order 1886 is a straight 10/10 classic.

All of this is just my opinion, of course.
Yeah, I think critics were uncharacteristicly harsh on this game, and I have no idea why. I just finished it and while it's a flawed game, I think it's a really good game despite those flaws. I really hope those exaggerated reviews don't prevent us from getting a sequel, because I really want to see where RAD will take it from here.
Also what year of CGI would you guys compare this game too? Because obviously it's comparable on some level to CG.

Are we talking film CG or game cinematics?

If we're talking film it certainly is more convincing that The Matrix/LOTR movies around 2000/2001.

I'd say it lands somewhere in the mid-2000s.


Got to play the game for two hours tonight.

It is an impressive technical demo.
I think it is very obvious this is the case that is exactly what it is meant to be.

Gameplay is super safe and very much by the numbers. A shooting gallery basically.
It implements very simplistic interactivity to highlight the visuals.
It solely exists to say "look at me."

And truth be told from that perspective it is astonishing.
It is one of the best looking video games in motion ever. As far as consoles this is pretty much undisputed. Like zero competition. It is the nicest looking console game ever.

And as someone who has been a dedicated PC gamer for the past 11 years now, this engine itself gives the better PC graphics that we have seen a run for their money. I could only imagine how great this engine would look with the power of a PC behind it. It really needs to happen.

With that said, the gameplay is so damn safe and simplistic that I have to wonder if the amazing visuals being achieved by this engine are in fact the very reason the gameplay is so simplistic. Is the engine only capable of amazing visuals and cannot handle more complex gameplay?
Or is it simply the end goal was always determined to be the game was that game that only exists to say "this is what the PS4 is capable of" and gameplay simply just did not matter.

With that said, I am having fun with it myself. I do not expect anything other than what I shared above.

To me it is actually most comparable to Heavy Rain. It is a very similar approach to it, just has much more shooting.


I really wonder how the game will do in the end. I feel like my entire PSN friendslist is playing the game and my twitter TL was and is being spammed by people who a) like it b) post screenshots all the time and c) are in the process of buying their copy.

There's not much else to play though. Game was released at the right time, if anything :p


Holy fucking shit the graphics. I have never seen a game that looks anywhere near as good and I have a beast of a gaming pc.

I am going to have to do a second playthrough just to take screenshots.


Granted I'm not that far in, but the atmosphere in this game is... just amazing. I think it might top the TLOU in that regard.

Also, this game shows that a solid 30 fps with good motion blur is perfectly acceptable.


i just beat the game. liked it a lot and thought it was pretty good. the ending had me wanting more and hope they get to make a sequel.
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