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The Phantom Dust Thread


I'm trying to finish off God of War before diving into this one. But, all your good impressions are slowly but surely making me want to start this now!! Argh!!!


Play God of War first, Phantom Dust is really slow and you'll probably lose interest over the course of a half hour.


demi said:
Play God of War first, Phantom Dust is really slow and you'll probably lose interest over the course of a half hour.

I really disagree. I own both, and have played about 4 hours of GoW and more than 21 hours of PD.

PD is just addictive.


I can't play this game for long periods thanks to the boring ass way missions are done.

Oh yeah, PD has online, that must be why it's addictive. I'm talking about the single player? I haven't played God of War but I would guess it's more enjoyable through single player (and easily finished) than Phantom Dust.
PD isn't an SP game. You suffer through PD SP just for rare cards.

PD is a purely online experience, and it RULES ALL. Yes, it is a better game than Nintendogs.


Oh, I definitely agree that GoW's single player is superior to PD. No doubt about it.

But it doesn't take away from the addictiveness and brilliance strategy action of PD. :D

Right now, I'm about to game for a bit, and while I could go play GoW, all I'm going to do is prepare a new arsenal for PD.


Drinky Crow said:
Yes, it is a better game than Nintendogs.

Now Crow, it's not nice to beat a dead horse. It's alright for grown men to cry, you know. :(

Don't worry, I'll take care of Drinky Puppy with the utmost priority.

But yeah, PD is good for the $20 price tag even, so no harm done.
I'm apparently half way through Chapter 2 and this game is BORING BORING BORING

floating eyeballs fucking galore

I haven't tried online yet because everyone's telling me I should get up to (or beat?) Chapter 3, so I'm doing that.

Online better be good fuckos!

Musashi Wins!

Mike Works said:
I'm apparently half way through Chapter 2 and this game is BORING BORING BORING

floating eyeballs fucking galore

I haven't tried online yet because everyone's telling me I should get up to (or beat?) Chapter 3, so I'm doing that.

Online better be good fuckos!

Jeebus, just hop online. Play with a premade deck. Once you get the feel for the strategy/skill usage, it makes playing the single player more bearable (as it has a better end in sight...more cards!) Plust you'll be far better at it. Just play a few games with people you know.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
My gamertag is 'cheXBN' -- yeah i know, i know. How shortsighted of me.

Look for me later tonight!


So, I think I'm at the end, here.

The final boss is Demented Friea, right? I'm having a hell of a time with this, and I don't want to exit and alter my arsenal because I don't feel like fighting Alpha-Edgar-Friea again. My arsenal is mostly short range, so this is a pain in the ass.

Dave Long

Single player isn't THAT bad. You guys really go over the top sometimes with the hyperbole. It's certainly a much more relaxed place to figure out what all the skills do and how to use them effectively.

Sure, the life of the game will be in Xbox Live, but single player definitely isn't worthless.


Yeah, the singleplayer has gotten much better, later on in the game.

Speaking of which.

This is the worst fucking final boss ever. I'm having a hell of a time with it.

I barely kill the thing, and then BAYUM. Second form. It's impossible for me to not run out of skills by the time I take down the first form, with my current arsenal, at least. I really, really, really don't want to make a whole new arsenal for this, blech.


Steroid Distributor
Wow the boss at the end of chapter three took me quite a while. I couldn't figure out how to take care of those
flying bomb things it releases
. I finally beat it though. Whew. Now I'm into chapter 4. Single player can get a little slow, but there are still times when I'm cheering because of some skill I pulled off.
I wish someone would have been online this afternoon. :( I really wanted to get some online time in.

Dave Long

Truelize said:
Wow the boss at the end of chapter three took me quite a while. I couldn't figure out how to take care of those
flying bomb things it releases
. I finally beat it though. Whew. Now I'm into chapter 4. Single player can get a little slow, but there are still times when I'm cheering because of some skill I pulled off.
I wish someone would have been online this afternoon. :( I really wanted to get some online time in.

Depends when afternoon was for you. I played from about 1-3PM EST. However I only have a couple people from here that have sent me friend requests and vice versa. "Dave Long" is my Gamertag.



Drinky Crow said:
Wait, you actually own a Nintendo DS? Jesus Christ, man, I thought it was all a joke. :(



Anyone wanna be my new temporary tag team partner? Novery is out for a bit, and I don't like being teamed up with random idiots. :(


Looks like you've got a new partner. Sumidor! But be careful MAF -- Sumidor no likey the defensive skills. He's 100% attack. (Which actually works pretty good for him.)

Hopefully I'll be back on Live in the next few days. (Moving apartments right now.)
oh I was just saying im up to play haha, not join. Just played lots of matches with Drinky, Ijoel, and Mike Works. My secondar Ki/Psych Arsenal seems pretty interesting. Keeps fighting far more intense. Delay bomb is bleh rare to get which has only followed throttle fireball which was bleh. THANKS PD!

Dash + Knife, sword costs too much. And Dash + Knife is only effective at 6 AP, anything lower and I cant dash enough to evade/catch up and if I do I dont have AP for a knife.
I ditched worthless Optical for Nature, and my performance improved a fair bit. Ki/Nature seems to work for me. OH DASH HOW I LOVE YOU.
I cant use telekenesis type attacks nearly as much on you guys now. Ijoel likes to stick to the upper tiers of the palace to avoid the hits, and most of ou expect it now. Im hoping I scared ijoel off the higher ground in palace today, he hugs em so well, I can rarely get a hit in :(


I just hope by the time I buy this next week not everyone will be done with it. :mad:

Edit: Shit, Mike is playing? He's not leveling the forum like with MM3 is he?
Good games tonight everyone. With the exception of that idiot that I had to boot out of course. Looks like people are adapting to my new arsenal already :*(


Sumidor said:
If anyone is on, send me an invite. Gamertag: TangoTango

Ah, so you are TangoTango. You were on a roll tonight! That poison skill is just awesome. I don't think i have it. My stock is sitting now at 208.

I wish arsenal cases weren't that expensive. I want to get 2 more to create different types of arsenals and have them readily available.

Great games MAF, Dave Long and Tango Tango. I'll be up for more punishment tomorrow.

Dave Long

Yessir, great fun. You wiped the floor with us in those last two matches Sumidor! I felt like the mop that cleans up the level after each match.

I need to do a little tweaking and I bought some skills after we were done so I want to throw those into the rotation too. I'll definitely be on again tomorrow night.

Thanks for the invite MAF!

Dave Long

Now that I'm not hitting the square button all night every ni... I mean, now that I'm done with Dynasty Warriors 5, I'll probably be playing PD like, forever. This game just plain rox.


Anyone going to be playing in about an hour?

Just started single player last night and ran through ch.1-3beginning. So my arsenal sucks and I only have about 25 skills total at this point. But I'm itching to get a feel for how the game is online.

I think my tag is Bebpo2 but it's been like 3 months since I used it so I'm not 100%.


well not really...yet
I dont mind playing in a bit, as I havent touched the game since friday heh.

tag = DeadCo


Yeah, those were fun games. Especially, when you guys kept referring to Excaliber as, "The Feather Sword." Good times.


In this match against Meister on Chapter 4, do I have to survive for 3 minutes? Do I have to let him attack me? Can we just run around the tree? Can I just beat him myself?

edit: Nevermind, I just sorta beat his ass...then the match ended. I learned something about Piercing and such now!
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