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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread

Pureauthor said:
I found case 3 annoying because of all the running around the circus. Same problem as with case 3 of PW1, actually.

And the rest of you guys: Wait till case 4.

I agree with you that the investigation was pretty annoying for Case 3 and could see why Case 3 isn't as well liked but overall it was a great case. The setting and characters are a bit kooky and a little annoying for that case, but in the end likable. As previously said it was very convoluted towards the end but I thought the actual murderer and motive were really well done.

Otherwise this game seems right on par with the first. As a plus there seems to be a lot more humor in this one, particularly from the judge and more sexual innuendo. As a minus I will admit that FvK is not as good a rival which may be due to the worse translation (her foolish fool rants are never funny) and she seems to rely too much on a "neener neener neener" defense where she just insults Phoenix Wright over and over again.

What's up with the Butz being nowhere to be found though?

I just started Case 4 which apparently is spectacular. And once that's done, I know for sure I'll again be anticipating the next (hopefully) entry in this series.


I was hoping FvK would be a better rival too. I just keep hoping for
Edgey to miraculously come back and join the dark side.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I kinda like the fact that the villains in Case 2 and 3 weren't just evil and one dimensional. You could almost see why they did what they did.

I won't say anymore about Case 4. :D

Article on the localization effort:

Some quotes:

As far as text alone, Phoenix Wright is one of our largest games to localize.

For my part, I try to make names that lean on popular culture so they have a tinge of familiarity. For instance, the logic behind the name of Lawrence “Moe” Curls should be instantly indefinable by older players, but should still give younger players that instant identification that he is a slapstick-loving clown. This popular-culture identification is something that Shu Takumi [the game’s director and creator] does very well with the Japanese naming and I try to follow that spirit when it comes to naming.

Plot-wise, we didn’t have to change anything, but character-wise, we had a few things we had to change. For example, there is one character who is a bit on the perverse side of things, and while it’s alright to make jokes about being perverse in Japanese culture, that sort of thing is not so welcomed in our own, so he had to be toned down.

Nope. I don’t recommend playing Phoenix Wright to study for the bar examination.

All I can say is wow. I think Phoenix’s success has surprised everyone here, but thank you, everyone, for your support. I hope Justice for All lives up to its predecessor, and please look forward to more of the Ace Attorney series in the future!


I ended up liking Case 3, though it dragged out too long. I figured out the motive and the way the murder was carried out faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar in advance.

Case 4 should be good... especially with 3's OH SNAP ending.
SPOILERS...some minor...the major ones are marked of course.

Spent a handful of sleepless nights on this one but at least I'm finished.

Great stuff...not quite as good as PW1 though. There were way too many pop-culture references and internet-related jokes IMO however. I have a feeling that it's going to date the game badly, sort of like a Working Designs release.

Off the top of my head I found:
Believe. You're the man now, doll. You will say wow. A-Team. Fresh Prince. Excuuuse me Princess. And a bunch of similar ones which have probably already been mentioned earlier in this thread.

Also yeah FvK kind of sucks.
Thankfully Edgeworth comes back.
I didn't really appreciate the foolishly foolish ways of foolish speaking and she resorts to insults 90% of the time(And she doesn't get any penalties for using a whip in court? I don't get it)

And to be honest Episode 5 of PW1 really spoiled me and I'm hating the fact that I have to play through the eventual PW3 and still not have any cool stylus-based gameplay.


I liked Case 3. I figured out who was the murderer before the last day of the trial, but it still made me sad. :(


I'm about 1/2 way through case #2 and something struck me as odd..
They keep mentioning how during channeling the person takes the shape of the spirit. WTH didn't anyone notice that the kid next to Phoenix turned into Mia during the trial?!


Javaman said:
I'm about 1/2 way through case #2 and something struck me as odd..
They keep mentioning how during channeling the person takes the shape of the spirit. WTH didn't anyone notice that the kid next to Phoenix turned into Mia during the trial?!

Eh. Keep playing.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
There were way too many pop-culture references and internet-related jokes IMO however. I have a feeling that it's going to date the game badly, sort of like a Working Designs release.

I was wondering about that myself, in regards to how the game would age. At least 30% of the jokes seem to be pop-culture/time sensitive material. I would still say that the overall experience is still enjoyable even if one doesn't get all the references.

In that interview that BorkBork posted, it made me think about what the game would be like if it stuck much closer to the Japanese style of humor. I was taken aback when they said that the Japanese don't have much appreciation for sarcasm and much of the humor in their script is based on wordplay. In general I'm happy that the American script tried to be very culture specific, as they probably made the characters more relatable in the process rather than if they had stuck to the Japanese characterizations.

Why didn't they just make Regina 18 though? Were they trying to have a lot of awkward dialogue?
I didn't like how case 3 ended.
When you see the cape fly and magicly get hooked on the bust? I just looked at the screen, and rolled my eyes.

Case 4 is a crap load of fun.


EphemeralDream said:
I was wondering about that myself, in regards to how the game would age. At least 30% of the jokes seem to be pop-culture/time sensitive material. I would still say that the overall experience is still enjoyable even if one doesn't get all the references.

That is the key to references. They have to be ancillary to the actual narrative.

BTW: What if the references aren't to internet memes, but to the things that inspired internet memes? It is then dating things to pop culture events anywhere between 5-25 years old. In which case if it doesn't feel dated now, it won't in a few years.


I have no idea how far I am into case 4, but wow this is way better than the previous cases by far.

I have to say, overall I'm liking this a bit better than the original. The only thing that drags it down for me are the various typos and grammatical errors.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I don't really think the pop culture stuff will make the game dated. I mean the Zelda line is like 15 years old, the Fresh Prince one is 10 years old, and they're still hilarious.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Um... anyone else order direct from Capcom? Should I be concerned that mine hasn't arrived yet?


Mejilan said:
Um... anyone else order direct from Capcom? Should I be concerned that mine hasn't arrived yet?
I ordered from Capcom as well and have yet to receive the game or the bonus stylus. I'll wait a few more days before I call. Still, it's been week already!


I just finished it, and case 4 is awesome.

Seriously, this is just as good as the first game. I think it's a little tougher overall, and there's no deus ex machina with the second case, but damn... Quality-wise, these 4 cases are really good. It's kind of weird how it felt like case 4 got easier as it went along, though. Still, this has me hoping that with GS4 going out in Japan soon, Capcom can do a quick turnaround and get GS3 ported to DS and translated in time for it to be out this year.


seriously, is it wrong that a GBA port riddled with typos and other grammatical errors is the best game of this year so far?

I'm sure something better will come along, but I'm just floored at how hooked I was on this game, and how awesome it is. I mean, I'd go to bed and take my DS with me, and I'd stay up for hours just because I couldn't or didn't want to stop playing.


Running off of Custom Firmware
crashen said:
I ordered from Capcom as well and have yet to receive the game or the bonus stylus. I'll wait a few more days before I call. Still, it's been week already!

Good to know. Thanks.
firex said:
seriously, is it wrong that a GBA port riddled with typos and other grammatical errors is the best game of this year so far?

I'm sure something better will come along, but I'm just floored at how hooked I was on this game, and how awesome it is. I mean, I'd go to bed and take my DS with me, and I'd stay up for hours just because I couldn't or didn't want to stop playing.

Good writing ABSOLUTELY pays off with video games. It makes the experience much more engaging and immersive plus it creates a heck of a memorable experience. I played Phoenix Wright 1 for the first time last year and I really only have fond memories of it even though I know I got frustrated at times investigating.

EDIT: Many of the reviews complain about more of the same but in PW's case, it really makes no difference. I'm paying for the stories not for added features. It would be interesting to see the series adapted to a digital distribution model but then I worry that it would become too much about individual cases and the series would lose its overall story arc which always has some presence in each case.


Pureauthor said:
Case 4 spoiler:

You're lying, dammit! And I can prove it!

Yes. I just got there about two hours ago. ****ing awesome case.

Funny, too, because last night I was thinking about the series and that it was too bad that line wasn't anywhere in the first game.


I just finished Case 3. Blasted through it today so I could get to Case 4. Did anyone else find Case 3 really hard? Most of what Phoenix was doing just didn't seem logical. If I didn't save so frequently I'd have been so screwed =/ Meh. Didn't enjoy #3 that much. I'm going to get into Case 4 tomorrow. Can't wait :D

Case 3:
Yes, the Fresh Prince thing made me lol hard. Missed the YTMND though... >_<
Firestorm said:
I just finished Case 3. Blasted through it today so I could get to Case 4. Did anyone else find Case 3 really hard? Most of what Phoenix was doing just didn't seem logical. If I didn't save so frequently I'd have been so screwed =/ Meh. Didn't enjoy #3 that much. I'm going to get into Case 4 tomorrow. Can't wait :D

Case 3:
Yes, the Fresh Prince thing made me lol hard. Missed the YTMND though... >_<

I had trouble with some parts in the last trial section, particularly:
if there was an accomplice, who was the person at the scene of the crime wearing Max Galactica's outfit, along with some others
. Case 4 is giving me more trouble though. I did a near-perfect trial run for Case 2 and I love the feeling that comes along with those occasions.

Can anyone inform me as to the relationship between Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth after Case 4 of the first game? I don't recall
Phoenix having so much antagonism towards him and feeling glad that he was gone. I also thought he realized Edgeworth's reasons and beliefs as a prosecutor in that trial but in the beginning of Case 4 in JfA he seems clueless
although I know their relationship saw a lot of changes in Case 5.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
EphemeralDream said:
I had trouble with some parts in the last trial section, particularly:
if there was an accomplice, who was the person at the scene of the crime wearing Max Galactica's outfit, along with some others
. Case 4 is giving me more trouble though. I did a near-perfect trial run for Case 2 and I love the feeling that comes along with those occasions.

For that part,
you're supposed to say that there is no accomplice. The person at the scene wearing Max's outfit is Russell Berry, the victim.

Can anyone inform me as to the relationship between Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth after Case 4 of the first game? I don't recall
Phoenix having so much antagonism towards him and feeling glad that he was gone. I also thought he realized Edgeworth's reasons and beliefs as a prosecutor in that trial but in the beginning of Case 4 in JfA he seems clueless
although I know their relationship saw a lot of changes in Case 5.

The end of case 4 in PW1
had Edgeworth questioning himself as a prosecutor. (I believe he said something about his career as a prosecutor being over). The new Case 5 actually had him writing a resignation note and he was missing from his office at the end. Phoenix is supposed to hate him for running away after that, hence the whole emo-bit throughout most of Justice for All.


So I finally beat it.

Case 4 is the best case of the 9 I've played in this series:

Maya kidnapped
"You're lying dammit, and I can prove it!"
The return of Miles Edgeworth
von Karma shot
Engarde is guilty/manipulative/evil
The music that plays during the revelation of the above awesomeness
Working to prove Engarde not guilty when you know he isn't
Working to prove Andrews guilty when you know she wasn't
Teamwork in the final case to run out the clock
Engarde is actually Tomonobu Itagaki

That last court room battle was just so awesome because it made you feel like a bastard. There was a different type of urgency... I know when I was trying to prolong the case, I was wondering just how much longer I could hold out finding stuff... though I knew what I had to do in the end was prove to de Killer that Engarde planned to blackmail him.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Having just completed the first Phoenix Wright on DS, I am fully anticipating the day when I have the time to buy and play PW2: Justice for All.

Speaking of which, I have a quick question regarding case 5 of the original Phoenix Wright on DS...

So, what motivated the Chief of Police to murder that cowboy guy's cowboy brother ? I never quite understood why >_< Also, did the Chief of Police basically hang-stabbed the cowboy brother with the statue while the serial murder guy was, somehow, unconscious ?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
NetMapel said:
Having just completed the first Phoenix Wright on DS, I am fully anticipating the day when I have the time to buy and play PW2: Justice for All.

Speaking of which, I have a quick question regarding case 5 of the original Phoenix Wright on DS...

So, what motivated the Chief of Police to murder that cowboy guy's cowboy brother ? I never quite understood why >_< Also, did the Chief of Police basically hang-stabbed the cowboy brother with the statue while the serial murder guy was, somehow, unconscious ?
His motive was his
promotion, and pinning it on Emma's sister was to gain control of the prosecutor's office. I don't remember if the serial killer was dead though.


Case 5 of PW1:
The chief wanted to get total control of the city's law enforcement. So when he saw an opportunity to manipulate Lana for as long as he wanted, he took it by setting it up to make it look like Ema did it. And yes, while Ema, Joe Darke and Neil Marshall were all unconcious, chief Gant killed Marshall and made it look like Ema did it on accident. That was basically his goal when he saw them all there: if he made it look like Ema killed Marshall, then he could help Lana manipulate the evidence so Ema would be safe, and then he'd be able to blackmail her about this.
Finished it today also. At the end it just felt like there were more questions. I can't really think of them, but it felt like there was more to ask. Any one feel the same?
so, i'm holding off on this game in favour of finishing Hotel Dusk first (to mix upthe order of things, going PW HD PW rather than PW PW HD). am i making a mistake?
VultureDude said:
so, i'm holding off on this game in favour of finishing Hotel Dusk first (to mix upthe order of things, going PW HD PW rather than PW PW HD). am i making a mistake?
You should do that. It will make the 2nd one more meaningful.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
firex said:
Case 5 of PW1:
The chief wanted to get total control of the city's law enforcement. So when he saw an opportunity to manipulate Lana for as long as he wanted, he took it by setting it up to make it look like Ema did it. And yes, while Ema, Joe Darke and Neil Marshall were all unconcious, chief Gant killed Marshall and made it look like Ema did it on accident. That was basically his goal when he saw them all there: if he made it look like Ema killed Marshall, then he could help Lana manipulate the evidence so Ema would be safe, and then he'd be able to blackmail her about this.
I see now. Thank you both for your answer :) Such an awesome game !!! OBJECTION FOREVER !


yeah, no problem. I'm really hoping now that GS4 is close to finished, Capcom can work fast on a GS3 port to DS and get it out here by the end of the year.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
firex said:
yeah, no problem. I'm really hoping now that GS4 is close to finished, Capcom can work fast on a GS3 port to DS and get it out here by the end of the year.

Agreed. That's the reason why I'm not too concerned about missing a new case in this game and hopefully PW3.


End of Chapter 2 spoilers:

It sounded like we hadn't seen the last of Morgan. I don't suppose she returns in a future game?

Joe Molotov

The end of Chapter 3 was crazy. :lol

I know it's Phoenix Wright, but in Chapter 3 you have to prove that despite the fact that your client was apparently seen at the scene of the crime committing the murder, that the real killer is a cripple man who had no motive and wasn't even there.


Joe Molotov said:
The end of Chapter 3 was crazy. :lol

I know it's Phoenix Wright, but in Chapter 3 you have to prove that despite the fact that your client was apparently seen at the scene of the crime committing the murder, that the real killer is a cripple man who had no motive and wasn't even there.

If the end of Chapter 3 is crazy, then Chapter 4 is ****ing batshit insane.
Finally finished Case 4. :) That was one hell of a case.
The ending was especially epic with convincing De Killer to break his contract. By that time I had completely forgotten about the video tape.
I wish more games were as charming as this series has been. Hopefully Capcom won't take too long to put out GS3 & 4.
The whole game was worth it to see Von Karma cry. So was that implying that there was a bit of a relationship between Edgeworth and her? Then again it's probably more of a brother and sister type relationship. Best line in the whole game was "You're lying dammit, and I can prove it!" The character development for Edgeworth was very well done.

AniHawk said:
If the end of Chapter 3 is crazy, then Chapter 4 is ****ing batshit insane.
Case 4 in a nut shell.


Running off of Custom Firmware
One day after my game arrived from Capcom, so too did the stylus preorder bonus. Almost identical to the PWAA1 stylus. :/
Finished it 2 days ago. Case 4 is awesome and I love Franziska von Karma. One of my new favorite characters in video games.

Overall, though, I thought I had a more enjoyable time with PW 1, proably becasue it was longer and because Case 5 introduced some new DS exclusive elements.

How does PW 3 compare to PW 1 and 2? I know that it contains 5 cases, but is it necessarily longer and more enjoyable?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Mockingbird said:
Finished it 2 days ago. Case 4 is awesome and I love Franziska von Karma. One of my new favorite characters in video games.

Overall, though, I thought I had a more enjoyable time with PW 1, proably becasue it was longer and because Case 5 introduced some new DS exclusive elements.

How does PW 3 compare to PW 1 and 2? I know that it contains 5 cases, but is it necessarily longer and more enjoyable?

PW3 is considered the best in the series. Of course, it most likely won't have a DS case at the end if they port it over.
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