A Hunger Games pinball? How... would that even remotely work?
A Fast and the Furious pinball would have been interesting, but the death of Paul Walker may put the kibosh on such a project.
Pretty sure the F&F machine is a lock. As in, designed and at least whitewooded. I'm not sure how it would've worked as a machine (because almost all modes would involve you "competing" against someone, I'd imagine = not enough variety) but I'm sure it at least would've been fast.
Not sure on how Hunger Games would work, I've never seen the movie nor read the books. But it just doesn't make sense to me, even Gary Stern has said how much of a percentage their home market is (it's stupidly massive... was it around 70% or something?) and I can't see anyone who could afford (both monetarily and space-wise) a pinball machine would want one. Teenage girls just aren't into pinball.v
There are multiple ways I think they could approach it. The first thing I suppose is whether it is specifically based on Katniss's story or just a general hunger games. If it was just the general one, the main task would be to kill the other 23 combatants. If they do Katniss's story, they'd probably include various imagery and references to specific challenges that Katniss had to overcome.
So basically, (almost) everything Stern has done movie license-wise up to this. No imagination, just shoehorn various story elements into game modes and call it a day. Fuck. Bet it's true, though.
The Mustang license... that has me intrigued. I see it being about as popular as Harley-Davidson was... as Nate on C2C said, "A bunch of executives thinking 'Man, this is a GREAT idea. Pubs and roadhouses everywhere will have them, we'll make a mint!" without thinking that majority of pinball players really don't go for the bogan motor-racing/petrol head themes.
But again, if Steve Ritchie is on it, so will I be (and since Star Trek, nothing's been announced about what he's working on, compared to all the other big designers at Stern who are all pretty much locked into things like FF and HG).
Does anyone have a cap of the tweet?
Edit: Never mind, found it. No actual game footage :/
Edit #2:
Holy shit, someone on Pinside called it 8 months ago! If it's been designed since then... maybe not Ritchie?