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The Pop Culture Art/Posters/Prints Thread (Mondo/ACME/Dark Hall Mansion/etc.)

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Whew, Pris and Rachel gone. I made it! Surprised how long these others are sticking around. Maybe an easy pick up down the line?


Available at Fantastic Fest starting Sept. 21.


Can anyone who has gone to Fantastic Fest before confirm if they sell posters in the general area like they normally do at the Drafthouse, or do you need to be an actual FF attendee to purchase? I imagine there wouldn't be many left but I'd love to get one of these and I didn't get Fest passes.
Up Later Today:

Rampage Triptych Set by Rhys Cooper


screenprints (3 prints in set)
12 x 24 inches (each print)
signed/numbered edition of 75

How to buy online: http://studioseppuku.bigcartel.com/ this evening @ a random time. Likely around 7 PM Pacific.

Double Dragon by Rhys Cooper


12” X 35” Screen print with glow in the dark inks. Signed/numbered edition of 125.

How to buy online: http://studioseppuku.bigcartel.com/ this evening @ a random time. Likely around 7 PM Pacific.

Cheshire Cat by Rhys Cooper


12” X 26” Screen print with glow in the dark inks. Signed/numbered edition of 250.

How to buy online: http://studioseppuku.bigcartel.com/ this evening @ a random time. Likely around 7 PM Pacific.


For those who are wondering, you do NOT need a Fantastic Fest badge to buy the Mondo merch/prints.

I emailed them earlier in the week while I was still considering the long drive down for Looper. Mo said so, ha.

Anyways, not really considering the drive anymore, I have a friend down there who is going to try to grab me both. She isn't into posters very much, so I'm a little worried, but I think it should be okay. *fingers crossed*


For those who are wondering, you do NOT need a Fantastic Fest badge to buy the Mondo merch/prints.

I emailed them earlier in the week while I was still considering the long drive down for Looper. Mo said so, ha.

Anyways, not really considering the drive anymore, I have a friend down there who is going to try to grab me both. She isn't into posters very much, so I'm a little worried, but I think it should be okay. *fingers crossed*

Cool, thanks for the heads up! I dunno if I'll have a shot to get over there in time but the South Lamar location is on my way home so I'll try and swing by the night Looper goes on sale (provided it happens during the evening).


If any of you wonderful GAF members are going to be in Austin on Friday and could get me a Looper print, I'd be your friend until the end of time. I'd also pay for it too, because that's the kind of guy I am :)
Yea so since I need some cash after big purchases and it's not moving and sitting in my closet, selling my Captain America AP by Phantom City Creative, I'll let you have it shipped for $125 within the cont US. That's the price with shipping it cost from PCC direct. I know some here wanted it when it was released and lucked out, so pm me if your interested.


Ugh oh man those Nagel-style O-ren & Ninas were sooo cooool augh why do they have to sell out so fast :(

If anyone ends up not wanting either the Oren or Nina PM me ! Won't hold my breath though.
Ruined by "3D"

Didn't really think 3D could extend beyond shitty movie prices and being able to enjoy a decent showing timeslot, but now it's fucking up posters too.
hello all!

i imagine you're wondering where your fancy Dark Knight tango screenprint has gotten to (because it has been ages since you ordered it).

my apologies for leaving it so long before contacting you, but i thought it better to wait until i had 100% good news. there were a few issues with the production of the prints, and this combined with the fact that i had a not very successful email and website migration, a wedding to plan and be at and then a honeymoon to be on, has meant that i got woefully behind on running my web shop (it did get left completely unattended for about a month and for that i am very sorry). FYI, don't try to move your website and maintain a web shop while getting married - it's too much to organise!

the good news is that the print are now ready to be sent out and should be on their way to you shortly. i realise that it has been a long wait, so if anyone would like a refund, please let me know, otherwise you should expect to see your print hitting your doorstep in the next 10-12 days (if you are in the UK) or a bit longer if you are overseas. i shall try to put something free and exciting in the tubes as an apology for their lateness. i hope you like them when they arrive - they turned out really nice.

thanks for your patience and my apologies again

matt x

Oh how I love artists.
wtf. they are still doing stuff with sideshow?

Also, I like that better than the original

Yeah, the DC license was announced to be a collaboration with them from the start. The Batcave variant by JC Richard will likely be through them as well; plus, they released the Whalen superpowers print last year.

I think The Dark Knight movie is not part of the DC series, however.
Up soon...source says around noon PAC.

Fortress of Solitude Sideshow Exclusive Variant by JC Richards



How to buy online: http://m.sideshowtoy.com/product.php?sku=9016671

If you're a new customer, pre-load your account with the coupon code WELCOME for $10 off (though you'll have to apply it when you check out).

Please try and keep the above url within Gaf and not spread to EB =)
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