Destrution Allstars is a gaas too.
Is not that i have something against gaas games, i have been playing Genshin Impact every day since it launched and still love it. But when i hear about a new game being a gaas multiplayer game i just imagine something trying to copy Fortnite in one way or the other, and i bet my left nut there will be a character with pink and blue hair. I just cant get excited about that.
Will pass more judgment about the game when i actually see what it is about. But for now, zero interest in it with this news/rumor.
Maybe, maybe not.
The issue with the gaming community is they love throwing around those terms, GAAS literally can describe any online title that receives content, with such logic GT Sport fits that entire thing. I've seen gamers literally just trying to force the term on games they don't like, as if GAAS now means good or bad.
So how I see it, any online title by default is a Games As A Service because of the updates needed to keep it alive. Calling it a new name, doesn't change that this concept has existed in gaming for generations. Its why I thought it was strange that gamers kept arguing about Destiny being some new "trend" as if they NEVER heard of a MMO before.
Its a thing that lives on a server.
Updates come out for it paid and free over time.
.....thats pretty much most online games over the past several decades folks, I see no reason to try to add this twist as if what we are talking about is some radically different concept or something lol