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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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No I'm 100% French but I live in Canada (moved here a few years ago)

And what about you ? Aren't you German ?

Hehe admit it. As Europeans, American politics are our favorite reality TV show. it's just too good of a shitshow :D

Yep I am. And yes you are totally right, this is better than any of German reality tv has produced since its invention.
God I hope the prediction that Texas will ultimately end up blue in some years due to their increasing Hispanic population comes true. This year should help a bit.


Watching this has made me imagine what Germany went through in the thirties. Rough economy, rise of a charismatic fascist leader, seizure of a political party, the rallies, etc.
Obviously it's not a direct parallel, but I still feel the same energies are present. (And I know I'm not the first to make this comparison.) It's eerie.


Love or hate her its time to rally around Hillary. We can't allow this clown to run America.

I would not go so far as to refer to the Republican nominee as a clown but I detect no lies in your statement. I don't want to vote for Hilary and Trump refuses to buy my vote. Hilary gets my vote due to the absent legit candidate on the Republican side.

How far will this set back the Republican party?

It won't set them back at all. They target the majority not the other sides. All they need to do is alter their message by saying one thing and doing the other. If Trump loses then use the same tactics they used with Obama: obstruct by saying no to everything then blame the lack of action on the Democrats. <--- Do this until the next election cycle and everything will work out.

IF Trump loses, because he can still win the Presidency as of today of course, the adults are going to reign in the conservatives. A deep cleansing needs to happen. I'm talking about one of those deep cleanings that happens when people don't clean their house for two weeks. Everything gets scrubbed. By everything I mean all the alt right fuckery, tea party supporters, racists, and agenda driven religious people. No more war on women. No more attacking gay people with BS policies. Legislate with the same fervor that they defend "traditional marriage". Moving forward the American people need specifics. This assumes Trump is all talk and no policy with legit details.
lol the funny thing about that is when was the last respectable Republican president before Eisenhower? you'll be thinking about this for a while :p

Roosevelt, of course. Not that hard to think about. Harding and Coolidge were scum, and Hoover had a naive adherence to bootstraps that doomed him to hated for decades to come thanks to the Depression.

Also, love the silence at releasing slaves.


So how does this shit work, Utah says fuck Trump, but he gets the delegates anyway?

edit - Happened with DC as well right?
South Carolina has removed the Confederate flag from the grounds. They do not care about that any more. Don't stereotype the South please.


You are absolutely kidding yourself if you think that SC suddenly just stopped caring about their state's role in the Civil War just because they realized that flying a Confederate flag in Columbia was politically incorrect about 75 years too late.
Eisenhower is a fucking hero, why would they even try to compare him to a failed businessman?

Trump failed businessman? Come on, I know he's not popular around here, but if anything his success as a businessman propelled him into becoming the nominee for the GOP, and perhaps 45th POTUS.
I'm not upset about that. I'm upset that you seem to think Rebel-flag waving rednecks are what most Southerners are like.

Weird because I'm pretty sure I said South Carolina and not the south, and pretty sure they were factually the first to secede, and were pretty proud of that fact, you know..."heritage".

I mean I used to live in Columbia not like I'm not speaking from experience. Hell I went/participated in the protesting to take that wack ass flag down lol.
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