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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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His support isn't hugely generated by racists though.

It's not even about racists, it's the fact that apparently no one at the RNC even believes there's a racial problem in America. Paul Ryan's speech tonight was all about that kind of denial.

Reminds me of that Dylan song You Been Hiding Too Long:
Get out in the open, stop standin' afar
Let the whole world see what a hypocrite you are
I ain't jokin' and it ain't no gag
You been hiding too long behind the American flag.


You must be mistaken. This is Hillary:

Wait but who's the lady holding the apple?


Haha, I asked it yesterday, what if people said no to the adjournment... and then a couple of dudes screamed NO just now. Incredible.
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