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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Apparently Ben Carson got his idea from this.



Welp, that's it folks. What a mess. I'm not sure if tonight was better than last. I think so, just because there was no plagiarism this night (so far). They needed to go big to make up for last night, and they did not do that. We'll see if Wednesday is any better.

The highlight of tonight was probably Paul Ryan, which says a LOT. The low light was Christie's lynch mob against Clinton. I don't know how anyone thought that was a good idea., and it made the GOP look ridiculous to anyone who was not in their base.

Also, tonight had nothing to do with economics or job creation. Maybe one, two speeches talked about it, tops. Apparently, trashing Clinton is more important.


And thus, day two draws to a close.

I'm glad Republicans decided to spend their convention's economy themed day holding a re-enactment of The Crucible, complete with screams in fear of Lucifer.
I can't imagine a reason to put a Muslim on stage. That is a demographic that he could not win in a million years. Even the audience were surprised by the overt over-the-top tokenism.


For the "Make America Work Again" night, there sure weren't a lot of ideas on how to improve the economy or increase the number of jobs.


Meh, that was in 2012, they are just normal people and aren't politicians. Would be cool if you stopped digging into their past like that.

You realize you're talking about the family who hounded Obama for his birth certificate, right?

Anything they ever did is on the table now that they are acting as surrogates for Trump, and they just have to hope the really bad stuff stays hidden. A Mark Fuhrman style tape turning up would not be at all surprising.
You realize you're talking about the family who hounded Obama for his birth certificate, right?

Anything they ever did is on the table now that they are acting as surrogates for Trump, and they just have to hope the really bad stuff stays hidden.
It was sarcasm. I missed it to, but it's kinda obvious in hindsight, lol.


For the "Make America Work Again" night, there sure weren't a lot of ideas on how to improve the economy or increase the number of jobs.

All this crazy shit plays to the base no doubt, but any moderate republican or anyone on the fence I hope saw this and was mortified.

After this and the DNC is done I'm interested in seeing all the polling.

Also does anyone give a damn about Pence? Like people stopped caring about him the minute after he was announced for VP.
All this crazy shit plays to the base no doubt, but any moderate republican or anyone on the fence I hope saw this and was mortified.

After this and the DNC is done I'm interested in seeing all the polling.

Also does anyone give a damn about Pence? Like people stopped caring about him the minute after he was announced for VP.
Yes, people feel strongly about him.
There are 'Pence Must Go' signs all over here.


I hope so, I'm going to remain uber skeptical until I read more. Two in two nights would be ridiculous considering yesterdays events.

Jim Fallows is retweeting it. Maybe a few too many local craft beers, but if he's saying it's legit...
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