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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Holy shit, what an idiot of an astronaut to go make a speech at the RNC.

Thing is, some astronauts are insane, they're not all great people. Must be one of them.


NASA documents climate change and how humans cause it, why would the Republicans have any association with such a Chinese conspiracy?

The saddest thing I've ever seen is when the head of NASA had to explain why they funded climate research.

Holy shit, what an idiot of an astronaut to go make a speech at the RNC.

Thing is, some astronauts are insane, they're not all great people. Must be one of them.

Buzz Aldrin doesn't believe in climate change. But that's more ignorance than him being a bad person.
It depresses the hell out of me that we landed on the moon fifty years ago, and it's been almost 10 since we gave up on the space shuttle. My father assumed we'd be to mars by 1980 and have colonized the moon by the 90s. Space exploration is actually a good example of America shrugging its shoulders. Were it not for the rover projects things would be almost entirely miserable. Yesyes, money, whatever. NASA is the sort of agency that projects American badassery around the globe, though. American do love something to brag about!

If you told people that the biggest advances right now are by the weirdo hippy guy who owns the electric car company they'd largely cringe. That should be NASA territory, dammit!

Edit: Wait, WHAT? She's calling for an increase in government funding in a thing?!!@#(*!)# Holy crap! She knows this is entirely at odds with the rest of the convention, right?



She's attorney general?!

Is the equivalent of Tim Tebow at quarterback? Third string linebackers amped as shit before pregame hoping coach lets them get in for a play so that it can take their career to new heights.
Can an American please explain to me how these clowns control both of your houses of government?

Partially because in most states the ruling party gets to decide how voting district lines are drawn, so once a party gets a majority at the state level, it's easy to keep it.
IIRC, GOP generally is much better on space funding and exploration. Probably because of the weapon implications, but I remember them being much better. Launch, control, training, and production frequently are in TX and FL with some other southern states.

Vs. many cuts under Dem leadership.

I could be wrong, though.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Oh man, I'd forgotten all about that crazy link the Trump campaign tried to make to Cruz's dad and the JFK assassination.


Unconfirmed Member
You can't be #1 in space exploration if you refuse to fund it.

Prayers don't fuel rockets dumbasses
Seriously. Space exploration has been privatized at this point and I don't remember seeing a single emphasis on space exploration in the Republican party platform.

Bunch of nonsense...


Unconfirmed Member
She's complaining about the US not having our own means of putting people into space anymore when Republicans are the ones that fight tooth and nail to take away funding for NASA. These fucking people...


Ever heard of the Bell Curve?

We are a dumb nation

Midterm elections. Generally no one gives a shit about elections that aren't the presidential election, so they sneak into office.

you see those old, unhealthy looking white people in the crowd...theres a lot of those here.

Because dumb fucks didnt go out and vote in 2010

Democrats & liberals don't vote in midterms, then complain when the country is not progressive enough.

Dumbass old white straight people are the only ones that vote at midterms

Non-presidential elections have far less people voting in them, except for much older, much more conservative voters

Thank you for the explanations, I figured it was something along those lines.

The Dems know how to raise a shitload of money every 4 years, why can't they do that and get the vote out for midterms?
Alright rant engaged.
This party is a friken disgrace. They want tot make America a place "for all" but are a bunch of ignorant straight white rich assholes complaining about equality when they treat every minority and the lgbtq community like aliens. They dont want advamces in technology and are a bunch of nostalgic idiots(like genwunners for pokemon who hate new and change and more equality).
This party is a disgrace and doesnt truly represent American values.


She's complaining about the US not having our own means of putting people into space anymore when Republicans are the ones that fight tooth and nail to take away funding for NASA. These fucking people...

I was kind of thinking the same thing...


Does trump even have a stance on Space exploration?
Open all the mass relays? Have a human led council? Use the Reapers technology to make America great again?

But seriously tho, as cheesy as it is I'm happy space exploration is getting some coverage


nods at old men
That was refreshing.

Haha, her prepared remarks apparently had her saying "Amd that leader is Donald Trump."

She didn't do it.
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