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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Fox News is airing a pro-transgender commercial right after the speech...I'm impressed.

Was half expecting it to end up being an NRA commercial.

Kid Heart

I don't know what part I find more unbelievable. The fact he wont smack talk Hillary, or that he has amazing things to say about Trump.


You guys see how they applauded when he said he was proud to be gay?

Obviously we can put to bed this ridiculous notion that Republicans have any ill-will towards the LGBT community.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
But Trump stands for peace and social unity! MAKE MURICA ONE AGAIN.

These people are insane. And the speakers clearly have no self-respect.

I wonder if we're seeing the deaths of several political careers. I sure hope we are.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Clapping now. Progress? Naw, they're still gonna pass bullshit laws.
They know how it'd look to not clap. They'll forgive him for talking about this stuff because he's "one of the good ones" they can claim for their propaganda purposes.


As a gay man, i must say: what a fucking piece of shit. Who cares? WHO CARES?

Clearly not you with your half a billion. Fuck off.

I think what he meant was he felt the Republicans are too obsessed with constantly trying to pick fights on issues of LGBT equality in Congress, the Courts, etc when they should (he feels) be focusing on other issues like states rights.

Rebel Leader

Cohen and Silver on Thiel:

Micah Cohen said:
A couple of minutes ago, Peter Thiel basically called for an end to the culture wars, describing them as a “distraction.” He got a decent-size ovation here, but don’t large blocs of the GOP feel strongly about many issues — abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. — traditionally part of the culture wars?

Nate Silver said:
It’s basically bullshit, Micah, given the candidate that Thiel is endorsing. Republicans (and Trump) have stood down to some degree on LGBT issues (but not always — see North Carolina, for instance). But “all lives matter,” anti-immigration rhetoric, critiques of political correctness, Trump’s periodic forays into misogynist and racially charged rhetoric — all of that is “culture war” stuff. To a large extent, the left has also leaned into the culture wars also, which is different from the 1980s and 1990s. This whole election is one giant culture war, basically.
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