"Proud of you honey for shedding the baby weight off so fast"
Daily Show will have some new material at least.
lucky guy :/
Cause she's a Dem.
Oh you mean it isn't literally 39 people oh my gosh i can't even believe it
naturally, it's not 39 - it's just a comically small and irrelevant band of nutjobs who will have zero impact on the election except to be counted as traitors.
Ivanka had a good speech but the issue is that a lot of her rhetoric is democraticDon't worry, it's not convincing.
It's the least convincing speech by a nominee in a generation. Ivanka's speech was seriously excellent from a political perspective, but his speech is pretty weak.
this comparison is a huge insult to hitler
Those terrible, terrible crimes are............?
Yep, spot on.
What's staggering is that after 2012, a group of GOP strategist sought how to make themselves politically viable at a national level, and the main point was that the GOP had to appeal to hispanic voters in particular. There are tremendous opportunities for Republicans with the hispanic vote, who tend to be more socially conservative at home, and yet, the nominee is a bigot racist who promotes policy that actively disenfranchises Latino Americans.
Yep. People are reaching for, I mean shooting from the hips at this pointyou guys are reaching hardcore now.
Omg the way she pulls away at the moment.
Hah.this comparison is a huge insult to hitler
Grabbing some of dat booty that he negotiated for. He's a good deal maker I tell ya