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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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I wouldn't rush to call people terrorists but I feel like they're just making themselves targets and adding no value at all.

Wearing army gear and carrying assault weapons in plain sight looking for a fight, or why else would they be decked like that, is a terrorist in my view.


7pm or 7:30pm, there seems to be conflicting reports. Given it's Trump and his wife, allow a 45 minute delay no matter what.
Ok and it will be on CNN? CNNGo is the best of the Apple TV 3 built in apps so it's the most convenient for me

Now I just gotta stop watching Rome for this shit, not sure if it's even worth it


I don't think this is a good term to throw around. It's the same tactic some foolish people use to refer to BLM.

Blame whoever decided it was a good idea to make it legal to open carry.

It's an accurate term. Peaceful protesters are going to be discouraged from making themselves heard due to intimidation from these armed thugs.

the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.


Ok and it will be on CNN? CNNGo is the best of the Apple TV 3 built in apps so it's the most convenient for me

Now I just gotta stop watching Rome for this shit, not sure if it's even worth it

CNN will be covering it, but I don't know if they will show all of the speeches. They will definitely be showing Melania's speech, but the other speeches I'm not sure on. It's on Twitch under "gopconvention" if Apple TV has a Twitch app!

Is Trump not speaking tonight?

He'll be introducing his wife. Probably by talking about himself for 20 minutes.


It's an accurate term. Peaceful protesters are going to be discouraged from making themselves heard due to intimidation from these armed thugs.

the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

I think these guys are idiots for doing this but they haven't used violence. Would you call the other black guy from the Dallas protest that was carrying a gun a terrorist as well?


When the panel of people you're talking with all give you the side-eye, perhaps you should rethink what you're saying.

Unless King wants to take responsibility for the good and the bad...


So anybody that looks intimidating for supposed political reasons is a terrorist. Okay then.

Are we looking at the same anybodies? How often do you run into groups of heavily armed people patroling an area that that distinction is irrelevant?
King's district is so white that this soundbite might not hurt him during election season.

It won't hurt him one bit. In fact, any opponent that would attempt to use it against him would likely hurt themselves. The only political competition he'd potentially see in his district is from someone even further right and at least as equally racist.

It's pretty stunning that he just gets to say something racist, and the person on the board who it actively insults is not allowed to respond by the host.
As expected, context just made it worse. Grand Wizard motherfucker letting it slip, or feeling the pride of it since he's surrounded by so many friends and colleagues.

And I've lost some of the remaining tattered shreds of respect for MSNBC to treat those statements as a laughing take on history.


Who's Speaking At The RNC: Day 1

Marcus Luttrell (Retired U.S. Navy SEAL)
The first of 19 scheduled RNC speakers who have taken another human being’s life

Mark Geist (Retired U.S. Marine)
Managed to elude Hillary Clinton’s targeted missile attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi

Antonio Sabato Jr. (Actor, Model)
Will be speaking inaudibly in the background of many cable news networks’ analysis of the convention so far

Jeff Sessions (Senator, Alabama)
The longtime lawmaker is particularly terrifying, having supported Trump before he even had to

Rudy Giuliani (Former Mayor, New York City)
His experience presiding over chaotic disasters that had previously been unthinkable renders him uniquely qualified to appear at this year’s RNCs

Rebel Leader

Place your bets for how long trump will talk aboutb himself before he introduces wife

0-5 minutes
5-10 minutes
10-15 minutes
15-20 minutes
20-25 minutes
25-30 minutes
30-35 minutes
35+ minutes
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