If it sucks, it sucks, doesn't mean a damn thing.
Yea in that regard it's actually pretty clever casting. The Rock kind of represents the big american action hero right now, so assuming they stick with the themes of the original, having him be an incompetent jackass would be cool.
EDIT: The real question is who are they going to cast in Dennis Dun's role.
I still want a sequel to Escape from L.A.
Can;'t be any worse than the original. That shit isn't in the "So Bad it's Good" company - it's just bad. Sorry, cultists.
Usually they try to remake good movies so I don't understand their strategy on this one.
Please don't fuck it up Hollywood this movie is a classic!
Okay. sure.
One proviso though.
James Hong reprises his role as David Lo Pan. AND gets to make at least a throwaway joke referencing that this is a remake of the first movie.
This is probably the worst thing i have come across in life.
Jeez, how long is it going to be before the Goonies remake?
*Though I don't know why I never got the love some people have for that film.
I've never seen the original, but I'm always ready to smell what the Rock is cooking. Count me in.
And so The Rock will be reprising "stoic badass" Dwayne The Dwayne Dwayneson from the last 5 movies he starred in.It's like people forgot that Rock spent half his career putting other people over in wrestling, or did his best work as a heel. No doubt that he could play someone like Jack Burton like fans want. Don't fret over The Rock, fret over the writers.
Jack Burton - The Rock
Wang Chi - Jason Stratham
David Lopan - Samuel L Jackson
Egg Shen - Bill Murray
Gracie Law - Megan Fox
Miao Yin - Emma Stone
Chris Pratt should have starred.
Yknow Hollywood has been remaking movies from the beginning.
OMG, Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer in Big Trouble is like perfect, lol.
Hollywood will remake anything at all now huh. I'm waiting for my No Retreat No Surrender remake!
I actually watched "Big Trouble" for the first time a short while ago, I know it has a cult following, but I have no idea why.I have even less of an idea why something like that would be remade.
DerZuhälter;166175727 said:Right idea, wrong movie.
John Carpernter said:Im ambivalent about a remake, Carpenter told Speakeasy. On the other hand, it depends on how much they pay me.