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The Shadowrun Thread: Let's Kill Us Some Elves, Brethren


ToyMachine228 said:
Can we get some PC players on sometime soon and get a GAF game going? I need my "Mine is the Superior Platform" achievement still.
Forgot how quickly Public games can devolve to TK'ing lag fests. Enjoyed playing with you guys regardless, but Private matches with cool players can't be beaten. I think Charsace is still banned, but thanks for playing in a few of those games. Sorry about you getting kicked, two of the guys on your team were being bitches and sent my teammate (the Party Leader) a message to kick you.

Also, before you got kicked, did my nade blow up your nade and cause it to ricochet back at you and kill you with a suicide? If so, that is hilariously awesome. Wait, your banned, dammit, send me a message on XBL lol
Yeah Booshka it was definitely good to play with you. Feel free to join us anytime. ILOVEASIANS and I are used to sitting in a party talking about random BS so it sort of catches us off guard when someone joins. It was definitely good to play with another serious and skilled player though.


Booshka said:
Forgot how quickly Public games can devolve to TK'ing lag fests. Enjoyed playing with you guys regardless, but Private matches with cool players can't be beaten. I think Charsace is still banned, but thanks for playing in a few of those games. Sorry about you getting kicked, two of the guys on your team were being bitches and sent my teammate (the Party Leader) a message to kick you.

Also, before you got kicked, did my nade blow up your nade and cause it to ricochet back at you and kill you with a suicide? If so, that is hilariously awesome. Wait, your banned, dammit, send me a message on XBL lol
Yes, it did. lol. Don't know why they are so quick to kick. I don't play with you guys so how am I supposed to know how certain people play? At least give me some time to understand how you go about things lol.


Some of the SR Private Players have quick tempers, or they just don't care and will kick someone if they are frustrated. They had a Captains system and picked you, then end up kicking you a game later, it was pretty shitty. Guess they were just pissed off they were losing and wanted to blame you.

Not a big deal though, thanks for playing and I'll try to get you in more Private games if you want so you can get a better feel for the pace and style of the game.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Wow... I lost almost ALL the skill I used to have in this game... But I want to play it again!
I've been playing MNC a lot recently and its hurt my aiming, but my rifle most of all.


ToyMachine228 said:
Is the achievement for killing 5 people with Strangle bugged? Or something specific or odd about it?
I don't think there is anything out of the ordinary for it, just as long as you see "Gamertag" was killed by Strangle you should get the recorded kill toward the achievement. As with all Shadowrun achievements, you need to have at least two teams of 4 live players in a Public or Private Match for it to count.

As for losing skill, or coming back rusty, it usually takes me a game or two to warm up to my usual skill level, but sometimes it can take more games. I haven't ever taken really long breaks from the game for the entire 4 years I have been playing it. There have, however, been peaks and valleys in my skill level throughout that period, where I was either exceeding my usual skill level or slumping. Right now, I would say I am at a bit of a plateau in skill level.

I could imagine that playing other shooters, especially ones that have very different aiming mechanics, like MNC, could throw off a precision weapon like the Rifle. I usually don't ever get rusty with my Rifle, it is usually things like quick casting/mapping and teleporting that could take a little to warm up.


Anyone here play this still on PC? I picked it up awhile back when it was $1 and due to the monstrosity that is GFWL I'm only recently making the switch from xbox.

Also how in the world do you set up a mic for the computer version? Maybe I'm missing something obvious but there doesn't seem to be a toggle button, or any options whatsoever for that matter.

Edit: Scratch the microphone question, options are availabe via the gfwl overlay.
I have been playing this pretty exclusively for the last month and telling my friends to pick it up since it is only $5 at gamestop (used).

I do have one beef. I understand that there is some unwritten rule about not clearing bodies and so I generaly do not but I find it humorous thast as soon as one guy gets cleared that he gets angry and starts clearing...and it breaks down and everyone does it.

I also do not understandwhy people purposely stop you from scoring with the artifact. Is it considered beneath them to win that way?

It is kind of neat to see the same people playing but I can also see how boring it can be when I know that one player on the other team will basically be using the troll and sitting with a minigun by a tree.


TheOrangeKid007 said:
I have been playing this pretty exclusively for the last month and telling my friends to pick it up since it is only $5 at gamestop (used).

I do have one beef. I understand that there is some unwritten rule about not clearing bodies and so I generaly do not but I find it humorous thast as soon as one guy gets cleared that he gets angry and starts clearing...and it breaks down and everyone does it.

I also do not understandwhy people purposely stop you from scoring with the artifact. Is it considered beneath them to win that way?

It is kind of neat to see the same people playing but I can also see how boring it can be when I know that one player on the other team will basically be using the troll and sitting with a minigun by a tree.
There are some unwritten rules to shadowrun.

Make sure that you have rez. This can get you kicked. I have kicked or team killed a lot of people that don't buy rez and instead do something like by sword every round. If you are the last person alive in a game that has already had 4 rounds played and you don't have rez your team will be fucking pissed. And someone will tk you or call a vote. SR is a team game where you are given powers that can help your team. To everyone reading this. BUY SOME REZ. IF YOU DON'T AND I'M ON THE SERVER I WILL TK OR VOTEKICK YOU CUNT.

You don't clear bodies.

You don't score to get a 6th win to win the match. Especially if your team is up by a lot. Its just the lame thing to do.
I picked this up recently too. Are there any good resources for learning skills, strategies and other unwritten rules like charsace just listed (I had no idea clearing bodies was frowned upon)?
I definitely buy Rez first...but that was because I always found it an easy way to get money and because I think it is one of the best aspects of this game. Yeah I don't really see people score with the artifact after round 3 or so.

One thing that also frustrates me is when someone clearly has Rez and it might be 1 on 1 and they elect to keep teleporting rather than use their essence spots up to revive someone...especially if they are an elf.


Body Clearing and Artifact Scoring are strangely more frowned upon than TK'ing in Public Matches. People hate getting cleared, and they hate when the round ends early because their team forgot the gametype is CTF essentially. I don't agree with these rules but I abide by them for the most part because I don't want to get kicked or TK'ed.

There are certain times when I will clear a body or score the artifact to try to teach a lesson to the other team or an individual on the other team. If you are playing like a selfish asshole and run cross map to my team's side playing lone wolf, when you die you should get cleared. Stay close to your team, or pay the consequences of flanking and trying to be sneaky, it seems fair to me. Also, if the other team is rushing to my team's side of the map almost every round and fighting it out near our spawn. I like to just casually score the artifact, to illustrate map control and punish them for playing so aggressive. Both of these things are my little rules I try to do, but usually people don't learn the lesson, they just get salty and call a vote to kick me.

EDIT: For an extremely detailed and stupendously thorough Shadowrun tricks and tips guide, Focian's Compendium of Knowledgehttp://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/act...s.php?topic_id=m-1-48416323&pid=929196&page=0 , has an insane amount of info on the game, geared toward Public Matches.

For a extensive guide to the Competitive MLG side of Shadowrun, Ryanator's Guide to Competitive Shadowrun http://www.gamefaktions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=18 is still the best source for starters. A fair amount of it is outdated, but the general knowledge, concepts and theory behind it are still solid and a required read for any new player to the MLG Shadowrun Private Match style of play.

Please excuse the links to other forums, but they are the best way to link to these guides.


CaptainStrong said:
for the love of god everyone please go sell your reach and black ops copies and go buy this game RIGHT NOW
Game is only $5, dont think they need to sell either to buy this game :D


my reputation is Shadowruined
A few fast tips...

Some people will complain (whine) about everything. In general if none have been scoring the artifact and the game is tied 5-5, you don't really want to score the artifact on the final round.

If people are body clearing my advice is to stick together in large groups.

Don't forget to crouch if possible when firing certain weapons like the Rifle. Your shots will be much more accurate. Also crouching reduces the effectiveness of Gust.

Get into the habit of quick casting grenades instead of having them assigned a slot. You want to Quick Cast certain things like Tree of Life.

Of course tell all your friends to buy a copy...it's only 5 bucks used.


TheOrangeKid007 said:
Great links Booshka...thanks.

I had no idea there were so many strategies or that a lot of people played private matches.
You're welcome. I am one of those long-time Private Match players, it stemmed from when Shadowrun was on the MLG Circuit in 2007 for 3 events. MLG dropped support, but a lot of players were introduced to the game through that coverage, and some of them stuck around to keep playing. There are always some new people that get drawn into that style of play, and some stay to become regulars.

There is some hate for Private Match players among people that play Public Matches, but that is mostly because of some of the attitudes of these "MLG Pro's" calling Public players bad when they are the ones getting beat in Public games. A few bad apples have given the community a bad name, but we are always welcoming to new players that want to put in the time an effort to learn this style of play.

As I am sure you have seen, a lot of Public players like to play lone wolf and selfish, running around with Wired+Katana, etc, so when they join a Private Match and get scolded for not being a team player, they resent that community.


Such a shame this game bombed, it's a blast to play and for the most part really well balanced when you work as a team. Not to mention I would love to see more games set in the Shadowrun universe.
Bullet spread is truly awful though. Maybe I'm just not used to playing it with a mouse yet, but it seems like only half my shots hit their target despite being at a fairly close range (burst firing + crouch).


Wren said:
Such a shame this game bombed, it's a blast to play and for the most part really well balanced when you work as a team. Not to mention I would love to see more games set in the Shadowrun universe.
Bullet spread is truly awful though. Maybe I'm just not used to playing it with a mouse yet, but it seems like only half my shots hit their target despite being at a fairly close range (burst firing + crouch).
If you're a PC FPS Gamer, I can understand the frustration with Shadowrun's gunplay. The weapons are far more inaccurate than any PC FPS I can think of, and more than most on consoles as well. It is something you get used to, but it is really just a design decision to allow players to escape and live longer in gunfights. It leads to more dynamic gameplay with the powers, teamwork and player movement. As well as being a balance decision for cross-platform play.

For precision use the Pistol, Rifle and Sniper Rifle especially, crouch and let the bloom settle while firing for added accuracy. If that is still not enough, you can use SmartLink, which adds another level of zoom and will lower the spread for automatic weapons. You will get used to the gunplay, and it will become more natural the longer you play.


Wow, didn't realize this thread still lived. Haven't played Shadowrun in like a year now, I really should get back to it again. Alas, so many other games to play. :(
I really want to play this game. How's the GAF community on noobs? All my friends play COD, BC2, and NCAA right now, sigh.....

Might pick this up if you guys are willing to give me a match or 20 to get my feet wet.


I'm willing to help just about anyone learn the game. It looks like we have a decent amount of GAF players interested or already playing Shadowrun, so we may be able to set up Private Matches. Try to set them up to be fair, fun and teach newer players at the same time. Anyone who wants to play and learn the game send me a message on XBL.

My GT is Booshka, my friends list is full, but I will remove someone if I can get a dedicated Shadowrun GAF player.
I'll message you when I pick this up. I normally am on a few days a week. Usually 6-10ish est on weekdays and 11-? On weekends if kids are cooperating.

Thank you.


If I get a wired controller + Mic for PC play will I be able to communicate with 360 players? I would be interested in playing some private matches (time permitting) but I don't want to buy a live subscription to do it.


Wren said:
If I get a wired controller + Mic for PC play will I be able to communicate with 360 players? I would be interested in playing some private matches (time permitting) but I don't want to buy a live subscription to do it.
No, sadly, when MS updated the Voice Codec for 360 it completely broke the cross-platform chat on Shadowrun, one of the biggest issues in Shadowrun. Voice chat was fine in the game until that update, and no word on whether MS will remedy the situation.

What I know is that PC players can hear other PC players, and 360 players can hear other 360 players, but no cross-platform chat. :(
there is about 8 of us who went out and picked it up for the 360 and have been playing most nights eastern time. we'll see you out there or can do a PM sometime


Played like 4 hours of Private Matches today, some of the games were frustrating because we had some inexperienced players in the games, but it was a blast overall. I love that you can Gust-Glide with a Quickcast of Gust, the fact that you can pull off a cool move like that without having to have Gust mapped is awesome. I was playing Human and running Tele, Wired and Glider, quickcasting Gust and flying all over the map, so fun.

Also got a Three for the Price of one in a match, too bad SR doesn't display all the kills, just the first one, but I saw the three dead bodies all right next to each other.


TheOrangeKid007 said:
Can someone explain what quickcasting actually means? I see the phrase used but I am not sure how to do it
It's when you use the Radial menu to cast a spell, instead of having it mapped to one of the three assigned slots. To do this, you go into the radial menu, select the spell or Grenades/AMG's and press the Right Trigger. I suggest quickcasting spells like Resurrect, Tree of Life and Summon. I have gotten very comfortable with quickcasting grenades and AMG's, so I do that frequently. The more you do it, the better and quicker you will get at it. To the point of being able to quickast pretty much any spell beside Teleport.


I'v arrived at the conclusion that most of the Shadowrun privates guys are dickheads. Doesn't matter if I'm doing good or bad or if my team is winning or losing, I've been kicked every time I've played a private match.

Tonight's kick went like this:
get a game invite.
Sits for 10 minutes.
Keep in mind I am the first guy in the room.
Sits for 10 more minutes.
One of the dickheads: Who the hell is charsace? Kick him.
Keep in mind that I was invited to the game, but the guy that invited me says nothing. Even though I've played with him before he doesn't vouch for me.
Sits 10 more minutes while dudes talk shit about me.
People start joining.
Shadowrun message pop up: You have been kicked from the party.

The dickheads that kicked me are most likely the same guys on shadowrun forums that complain about shadowrun not having a big community. Its going to hard to grow the private match community when most of the guys that play privates are elitist cunts that revel in being elitists. They invite me and have me sit for a half hour, crack jokes about me, and in the end I don't even get to play one match because they kick me.

If anyone here is going to play SR just stick to the public matches because 90% of the guys that currently play privates are cocksuckers.

I would be down for gaf privates as long as the guys that are mlg private match players are excluded.


charsace said:
I'v arrived at the conclusion that most of the Shadowrun privates guys are dickheads. Doesn't matter if I'm doing good or bad or if my team is winning or losing, I've been kicked every time I've played a private match.

Tonight's kick went like this:
get a game invite.
Sits for 10 minutes.
Keep in mind I am the first guy in the room.
Sits for 10 more minutes.
One of the dickheads: Who the hell is charsace? Kick him.
Keep in mind that I was invited to the game, but the guy that invited me says nothing. Even though I've played with him before he doesn't vouch for me.
Sits 10 more minutes while dudes talk shit about me.
People start joining.
Shadowrun message pop up: You have been kicked from the party.

The dickheads that kicked me are most likely the same guys on shadowrun forums that complain about shadowrun not having a big community. Its going to hard to grow the private match community when most of the guys that play privates are elitist cunts that revel in being elitists. They invite me and have me sit for a half hour, crack jokes about me, and in the end I don't even get to play one match because they kick me.

If anyone here is going to play SR just stick to the public matches because 90% of the guys that currently play privates are cocksuckers.

I would be down for gaf privates as long as the guys that are mlg private match players are excluded.
Fuck.....I'm sorry you had to go through that shit. They most likely kicked you because they were just salty and wanted someone to blame and punish for losing or doing badly, or they just outright were clearing a space for a friend or more "known" player. This has been the biggest problem with the Private community for all the years Shadowrun has been out. Elitist assholes kicking newer players with no regard for courtesy or fairness. A lot of the times it comes down to using new people as a stopgap until more experienced, and more "known" players get on. I don't agree with this position, and I had to deal with it myself a few years ago, when I would get invited, then kicked when their teammate or friend got on. It is really frustrating, and it is even worse now that the community is a speck of what it used to be.

I try to get more players into Private games, because I feel it is a better experience than most pubs, where teamkillers, griefers and general selfish assholes run rampant, but I understand that playing something is better than sitting in a Lobby and playing nothing. I'll invite you to Private games if you want, I will vouch for you, and I will leave to play Pubs with you if you get kicked, because it is bullshit to get invited then kicked.


Booshka said:
Fuck.....I'm sorry you had to go through that shit. They most likely kicked you because they were just salty and wanted someone to blame and punish for losing or doing badly, or they just outright were clearing a space for a friend or more "known" player. This has been the biggest problem with the Private community for all the years Shadowrun has been out. Elitist assholes kicking newer players with no regard for courtesy or fairness. A lot of the times it comes down to using new people as a stopgap until more experienced, and more "known" players get on. I don't agree with this position, and I had to deal with it myself a few years ago, when I would get invited, then kicked when their teammate or friend got on. It is really frustrating, and it is even worse now that the community is a speck of what it used to be.

I try to get more players into Private games, because I feel it is a better experience than most pubs, where teamkillers, griefers and general selfish assholes run rampant, but I understand that playing something is better than sitting in a Lobby and playing nothing. I'll invite you to Private games if you want, I will vouch for you, and I will leave to play Pubs with you if you get kicked, because it is bullshit to get invited then kicked.
I didn't even get to play in a match. Dudes were just going to start playing privates so they couldn't have been upset about losing because there wasn't any previous match. I will play privates, just not with the mlg crowd. I'm going to assume that players like Caem are regular mlg players since acting like a dickhead seems to be the mlg way in multiplayer games.


charsace said:
I didn't even get to play in a match. Dudes were just going to start playing privates so they couldn't have been upset about losing because there wasn't any previous match. I will play privates, just not with the mlg crowd. I'm going to assume that players like Caem are regular mlg players since acting like a dickhead seems to be the mlg way in multiplayer games.
Actually Caem is more of a pub player, I hardly ever see him in Privates. Also, don't lump every asshole you meet into this "mlg crowd." This is a common mistake, yes the Private Match community stemmed from a MLG style of play, but assholes are individuals, not a collective based on a playstyle. There are dirtbags in Public and Private Matches in Shadowrun, they are just easier to ignore in Publics because it is a less team-oriented and less competitive environment. It's the same all over Xbox Live, assholes are obnoxious and arrogant, usually being loud and confrontational, while the cool people are either quiet or talking in Party chat or something. It's easier to be bothered by the asshole then enjoy the company of a nice player.

If you play in Private matches more regularly, you will get a better hang of that style of game, and more importantly, the personalities who play in them. There is a good percentage of players that want to help and get more players into them, but you will have to deal with the "new guy" syndrome, as well as the assholes that also play in those games. I suggest only playing with people that will vouch for you, or being upfront and tell them, "don't invite me if I am just going to get kicked for someone else."

Bullshit politics I know, but I don't know of any niche gaming communities that aren't like this. It's up to you if you want to keep trying to play in these matches, I'll do my best to help you get more into the community if you want. If not, we can just game in Pubs.
Should be back on Shadowrun relatively soon. I've been on vacation and have a lot going on. Not to mention I've been playing other stuff. But anyway, should be back Shadowrunning soon. Still trying to get my Minion achievement...Still hoping to somehow get Mine is the Superior Platform.


ToyMachine228 said:
Should be back on Shadowrun relatively soon. I've been on vacation and have a lot going on. Not to mention I've been playing other stuff. But anyway, should be back Shadowrunning soon. Still trying to get my Minion achievement...Still hoping to somehow get Mine is the Superior Platform.
play on pc and you will get it.


I wish I had a capture card, I just had a huge game in a Public Match, went like 28 and 1. My team was up 5-1 on Lobby Extraction when my whole team dies, I'm last one alive and have to deal with 4 enemy players on my own in a Karma round. I narrowly escape getting killed by a Troll camping the Artifact, teleport down to the basement and heal up. With 30 seconds left in the round, I teleport back up under low side and get a nice 3 shot on an Elf running up Globe stairs that happened to be the top rezzer for their team.

Now, the Troll that nearly killed me earlier and another Elf are bleeding out, with a Human full health trying to re-rez the Elf near Globe side. I teleport up to Low side and go toward Lobby Entrance, get a 4-shot on the Human before he can rez the bleeding Elf. The Elf sees me and runs straight toward me with a katana, I do a little dance around him, quickcast Gust him back and finish him off with my Rifle. 5 seconds left in the round now, so I look toward the Artifact and see the Troll bleeding out near it. Put a few Rifle shots into and kill him, winning the round and the game 6-1. The host was on their team and he rage quit before the scoreboard showed up, so I am not entirely sure of my stats, but it was definitely a huge score.

The guy who quit was an avid Halo: Reach player, I recognized his GT. He was a pretty decent player, but he focused too much on shooting instead of all the awesome ability combo's that separate the good players from the mediocre ones.
Ctrl Alt Killa is the most annoying guy out there in the public matches. He is always an elf and team kills and most people are usually too lazy to boot someone. I will never understand that.


TheOrangeKid007 said:
Ctrl Alt Killa is the most annoying guy out there in the public matches. He is always an elf and team kills and most people are usually too lazy to boot someone. I will never understand that.
There are two of them.

I used to have a guy named Chicken on my fl who was worse. He was good at the game though.


my reputation is Shadowruined
Yes, it is annoying when people don't bother to vote someone off.

For fun, I'm curious what ideas other Shadowrun players have for an additinal race like Orks, as well as new magic and new tech? From what I read a while back FASA considered a Grappling Hook as a new Tech item and a Walk-On-Walls (Gekko Spell).

For an Ork race:

Death Grip: When you die your body has a magical "rigor mortis effect" where the weapon you had in hand is clenched by your corpse.

Nerves of Steel: When bleeding out you can zoom with a weapon like a Sniper Rifle.

Any ideas?
Brimstone said:
Any ideas?

Not in particular but you know what makes me mad? FASA had like a handful of Shadowrun maps close to finished when they were closed that were going to be DLC.

Smith & Tinker now has the Shadowrun license so it's possible we could see more Shadowrun games in the future but...I'm not holding my breath.
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