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The Simpsons |OT2| It's a pornography thread- We were posting pornography


I'm catching up with some of the classic episodes I DVR'ed during the marathon, and god is Homer the Heretic good. I can't keep all of the 60-something episodes I recorded, but that one is staying.


Watching Twin Peaks.



"Hey Bart your epidermis is showing!"

"It is? Woah!"


"See, your epidermis means your hair. Pardon me a moment. HAHA!"

"Nelson, I think he's hurt bad."

"I said HAHA?"


Just kicked off the Season 26 thread in case any of you want to subscribe to it.

Also, a quick reminder that a special live performance featuring Hank Azaria, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Jon Lovitz, Conan O'Brien, Matt Groening, Weird Al Yankovic and more will take place this weekend at the Hollywood Bowl with numerous classic Simpsons scenes and musical numbers being showcased & recreated courtesy of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra.


Tickets can be purchased here.


Just kicked off the Season 26 thread in case any of you want to subscribe to it.

Also, a quick reminder that a special live performance featuring Hank Azaria, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Jon Lovitz, Conan O'Brien, Matt Groening, Weird Al Yankovic and more will take place this weekend at the Hollywood Bowl with numerous classic Simpsons scenes and musical numbers being showcased & recreated courtesy of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra.


Tickets can be purchased here.

I hear they're going to present the first annual award for outstanding achievement in the area of excellence
Just kicked off the Season 26 thread in case any of you want to subscribe to it.

Also, a quick reminder that a special live performance featuring Hank Azaria, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Jon Lovitz, Conan O'Brien, Matt Groening, Weird Al Yankovic and more will take place this weekend at the Hollywood Bowl with numerous classic Simpsons scenes and musical numbers being showcased & recreated courtesy of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra.


Tickets can be purchased here.

Will they be playing Insane in the Membrane?
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five

Pretty good selection of episodes playing on fxx now
I missed the b sharps episode though :(


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I was 5 when Who Shot Mr. Burns aired. How insane were the theories and guesses back then? And did people riot when it was revealed Maggie did it?
I was 5 when Who Shot Mr. Burns aired. How insane were the theories and guesses back then? And did people riot when it was revealed Maggie did it?

I was 9 at the time. I didn't make a guess, considering it could've been anyone, though the dug-up gun box gave a hint that it was a Simpson. My dad guessed it was Santa's Little Helper.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius
Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius
Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius
Oooh Dr. Zaius (Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius)

I was 9 at the time. I didn't make a guess, considering it could've been anyone, though the dug-up gun box gave a hint that it was a Simpson. My dad guessed it was Santa's Little Helper.

Heh, he was close (same car).


I may have mentioned this in this thread before but I was in my first year of university when Who Shot Mr. Burns aired and ran a betting pool the night of the Season 7 premiere at my dorm.

Needless to say nobody else on my campus knew there was such a thing as alt.tv.simpsons back in 1995 and that some industrious fans had cracked the clues from Part 1 to figure out that Maggie was the killer before the show aired. I felt a little guilty about taking everyone's money but it wasn't like the killer was leaked ahead of time - simply solved via deduction.


I may have mentioned this in this thread before but I was in my first year of university when Who Shot Mr. Burns aired and ran a betting pool the night of the Season 7 premiere at my dorm.

Needless to say nobody else on my campus knew there was such a thing as alt.tv.simpsons back in 1995 and that some industrious fans had cracked the clues from Part 1 to figure out that Maggie was the killer before the show aired. I felt a little guilty about taking everyone's money but it wasn't like the killer was leaked ahead of time - simply solved via deduction.

Like, you knoooooow , whatever


I may have mentioned this in this thread before but I was in my first year of university when Who Shot Mr. Burns aired and ran a betting pool the night of the Season 7 premiere at my dorm.

Needless to say nobody else on my campus knew there was such a thing as alt.tv.simpsons back in 1995 and that some industrious fans had cracked the clues from Part 1 to figure out that Maggie was the killer before the show aired. I felt a little guilty about taking everyone's money but it wasn't like the killer was leaked ahead of time - simply solved via deduction.

Was it that known among uber fans at the time that it was Maggie? My impression at the time was that people that got it right simply were guessing every character in the series.


Was it that known among uber fans at the time that it was Maggie? My impression at the time was that people that got it right simply were guessing every character in the series.
It was "known" in terms of it being logically deduced thanks to all of the clues left within Who Shot Mr. Burns, Part 1 - some of which were denoted by Sideshow Mel in the premiere and some that weren't.

The sundial...


Referenced in both the premiere and the alternate ending that was recorded and included in The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular clip show was the immediate clue. MS or WS could only pinpoint a handful of suspects - Waylon Smithers, Marge Simpson, Moe Szyslak, Groundskeeper Willie, Sideshow Mel and Maggie Simpson. Mona would have also satisfied the initials but she wasn't introduced until after this two-parter.

Marge was innocent due to being the one character on-screen when the shot was fired.

An awful lot of time was used to set up Smithers with an alibi... his Pardon My Zinger line was backed up with this animated ad on Moe's TV (which is seldom animated except for an obvious gag) which included a time that would have contrasted with the time of death.


Moe's last name wasn't known until this episode but the fact that it was called out on his bartender's license in this shot simply reinforced the importance of the sundial clue.


THIS shot from the finale...


Which clearly showed that Burns had been killed by his own gun thanks to his visibly empty holster. Hence making all other guns shown being stroked at the meeting or missing (such as the missing gun that was buried in the Simpsons backyard) blatant red herrings.

The audible sounds of a lengthy struggle before the shot. Burns can't struggle with anyone at length (except with a baby) due to his feeble strength. Maggie became a possible suspect due to having been separated from Marge immediately prior to Marge's defined alibi due to being on-screen when the shot was fired. And there was that "stealing candy from a baby" line earlier in the episode. Maggie was shown holding a sucker in this scene.


The clue that sealed it for me when this episode was combed through with a fine-toothed comb on alt.tv.simpsons PRIOR to the premiere was this revelation.

In the scene when Mr. Burns uttered, "You all talk big, but which of you has the guts to stop me?" everyone's eyes were animated to waver and glance away... except for Maggie. She never does.


And lastly... just to reinforce that Usenet deduced the outcome a full three months prior to the actual reveal, scope out this link.

When alt.tv.simpsons predicted Maggie shot Mr. Burns (June 2, 1995).

In 1995, for the season finale, Mr. Burns was shot, and we were supposed to spend all Summer wondering who shot him. The newsgroup posters immediately went to work, and on June 2, 1995 a Harvard student (or the very least, someone with a Harvard email), Gary Chase posted his theory on how Maggie shot Mr. Burns:

From: nh…@gauss.med.harvard.edu(Gary Chase 732-5133)
Newsgroups: alt.tv.simpsons
Subject: The Maggie Theory: A summary
Date: 2 Jun 1995 18:51:13 GMT
Message-ID: <3qnmj1$k&#8230;@netope.harvard.edu>

While nothing is certain, it seems that Maggie has become the
&#8220;prime suspect&#8221; of many of the posters to ATS. The following
is a summary of clues/evidence/stuff&#8230;.

- Burns speaks to the &#8220;attacker&#8221; as if he is talking to a
child or animal.
- Maggie was left alone in the car with the door open and
not buckled into her car seat.
- She was last seen in the car holding a large sucker. Burns
had earlier discussed wanting to steal candy from a baby.
- All of Burns comments to his &#8220;attacker&#8221; are consistant with the
Maggie theory. Specifically: He struggles with that person over
some object, most likely the sucker. Only a baby (or a dog) would
allow a &#8220;struggle&#8221; since any other person would quickly over-power
the notoriously weak Burns. The attacker is someone Burns knows; he
knows Maggie. The attacker doesn&#8217;t speak; Maggie never speaks.
Burns says, &#8220;Get your HANDS off me&#8221; thus eliminating the Santas
Little Helper theory.
- Burns wound only went through his shirt not his jacket, suggesting
he was leaning forward, with his Jacket open, when shot.
- Only Maggie (and an unidentified black male in the back:Carl maybe?)
doesn&#8217;t avert her eyes when Burns says &#8220;Who will stand up to me?&#8221;
- Maggie fits the MS or WS sundial &#8220;clue&#8221;.

Thats about it. Please add other clues that I have missed.
To be fair - because I was there - Gary was merely summarizing everything. We had people deduce Maggie as the killer within a week.

Entertainment Weekly was keeping tabs on the newsgroup discussion and hashed out all of the clues prior to the season premiere in this article.

The Real Abed

"Unidentified black male"? Really? I just watched that scene and there are two brown-skinned characters in that camera pan. The first one is Apu. The second is Carl. There's no "unidentified" about it. Were those people stupid? The one they're talking about is Apu. It's so obviously Apu. The green shirt. The haircut. The mustache you can clearly see. It's Apu. Silly early internet dwellers with VCRs. It's Apu.

Also, Apu does avert his eyes. As does Carl. So Maggie is still the only one who keeps her gaze focused.

That was a great post. I never would have caught all those hints.


The only thing that bugs me about the Maggie Shooting Burns thing is how the shot is actually fired. The gun falls on Maggie's hands and fires itself. No trigger is pulled or anything. I'm asking this as someone who has never fired a real gun in his life, but can something like that happen with the type of gun shown in that scene? Like, a gun can fire itself by shaking it without pulling the trigger?

It seems to me the writers had all the clues neatly set up when they made these episodes but they ran into this roadblock very later on, yet went ahead with it anyway.


"Unidentified black male"? Really? I just watched that scene and there are two brown-skinned characters in that camera pan. The first one is Apu. The second is Carl. There's no "unidentified" about it. Were those people stupid? The one they're talking about is Apu. It's so obviously Apu. The green shirt. The haircut. The mustache you can clearly see. It's Apu. Silly early internet dwellers with VCRs. It's Apu.

Also, Apu does avert his eyes. As does Carl. So Maggie is still the only one who keeps her gaze focused.

That was a great post. I never would have caught all those hints.

Actually, it is Tito Puente.


The only thing that bugs me about the Maggie Shooting Burns thing is how the shot is actually fired. The gun falls on Maggie's hands and fires itself. No trigger is pulled or anything. I'm asking this as someone who has never fired a real gun in his life, but can something like that happen with the type of gun shown in that scene? Like, a gun can fire itself by shaking it without pulling the trigger?
Looks to me that Maggie was pulling the trigger just fine. Granted, keep in mind this was a gun designed for weak old Burns so it's not like much force would be needed to fire the thing.

Compare these shots and look at Maggie's finger...


Ignore the fact that the image was touched up slightly when it was repackaged to sell as a limited edition cel. The intent is to show that the trigger was pulled.

We know from Bart's Friend Falls in Love that this is a baby who clearly knows how to pull a trigger...


Clearly she was still upset about giving up Bobo.

Of course in later years they would constantly poke fun at Maggie being the culprit by putting her in wackier situations involving firearms and Burns. Like this one...



The only thing that bugs me about the Maggie Shooting Burns thing is how the shot is actually fired. The gun falls on Maggie's hands and fires itself. No trigger is pulled or anything. I'm asking this as someone who has never fired a real gun in his life, but can something like that happen with the type of gun shown in that scene? Like, a gun can fire itself by shaking it without pulling the trigger?

It seems to me the writers had all the clues neatly set up when they made these episodes but they ran into this roadblock very later on, yet went ahead with it anyway.

I really hope someone got fired for that blunder

The Real Abed

Actually, it is Tito Puente.
No, Tito is the lighter tanned one in that image. Carl is in that same cut except to the right more. I'm not talking about the still screenshot. I'm talking about the entire pan over the crowd that the reviewers on that site would have based it on too.

Unless they really were dumb and were referring to Tito. But how could they not identify him? He's the only one with that skin color in the show.


To be fair - because I was there - Gary was merely summarizing everything. We had people deduce Maggie as the killer within a week.

Entertainment Weekly was keeping tabs on the newsgroup discussion and hashed out all of the clues prior to the season premiere in this article.

Wasn't there a contest where viewers had to call in and say who the shooter was? Did anyone win that contest? Then there was that America's Most Wanted Special that opened before part 2 where John Walsh investigates who shot Mr. Burns.


Wasn't there a contest where viewers had to call in and say who the shooter was? Did anyone win that contest? Then there was that America's Most Wanted Special that opened before part 2 where John Walsh investigates who shot Mr. Burns.

It was run by 1-800-COLLECT, which certainly dates it. No one won the contest:

"In the months following the broadcast of Part One, there was widespread debate among fans of the series as to who shot Mr. Burns. Fox offered a contest to tie in with the mystery where callers who dialed 1-800-COLLECT were eligible and they then guessed who the culprit was.[16] It ran from August 13 to September 10 and was one of the first contests to tie together elements of television and the Internet.[17] Fox launched a new website, www.Springfield.com, devoted to the mystery which got over 500,000 hits during the summer of 1995.[16] The winner would be animated on an episode of the show. No one, however, was ever animated on the show. This was because no one officially guessed the right answer. Due to contest regulations, a winner had to be selected out of a random sample of entries. The sample did not contain any correct answers, so the winner who was chosen did not have the right answer and was paid a cash prize in lieu of being animated"

I remember watching that America's Most Wanted tie in episode too.
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