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The Simpsons |OT2| It's a pornography thread- We were posting pornography


He seriously brought up Annie and WGA awards? Those award shows are kinda' gimmies. Everything gets nominated at least.

Even reading that list was painful. I recognized only a handful of episodes since I stopped watching around season 13 or 14.

I really hope the show is cancelled next year. It needs to be put to sleep.

I decided to watch a few of these episodes out of morbid curiosity and the The Boys of Bummer episode is just so needlessly cruel to Bart. The writing is bad and the B plot is worthless but the scene where Bart tries to commit suicide reminded me of how Meg is treated in Family Guy.

way more

From May through July this year, the diehard fans over at the NoHomers.net forums (including yours truly) shared their picks on what they felt were the absolute worst Simpsons episodes from Season 13 onwards - the current run of Al Jean as showrunner.

Those lists were consolidated into the following ranked list of the worst episodes of the series in the post-9/11 era...

That list seems all over the place but this explains it

The amount of votes were a bit lower then the previous poll which is one of the main-reasons we waited so long too post the results as we had too get more votes but overall we got 24 votes which are only 3 shorth compared to last time,

Kind of hard to put much faith in a list complied by 24 internet randos. Speaking of, lets see how they were rated 20 years ago.


“Itchy and Scratchy Land”

Bailey Irwin: This makes my Top 5 worst list of all time, easily. The
racing form in the 1st 60 seconds of the show was the only thing
that made me laugh out loud. After that, it was nothing but about
10 jillion stupid “Jurassic Park” jokes. Killer robots? Puh-LEEZE.

“Treehouse of Horror V”

Carl Mueller It didn’t disturb me, at least not in the way that it
perhaps disturbed you. What disturbed me is how the Simpson’s
writers can keep putting out crap like this. When a show makes last
year’s Hallowe’en episode look GOOD, you’ve got something truly
awful on your hands.

Matthew Kurth: “The Shinning” did not stand up on its own; “Time and
Punishment” was mediocre; “Nightmare Cafeteria” was an undeveloped
fit of pure tastelessness. More sick than scary. Easily the worst
of the five. 6/10

“Lisa on Ice”

Charles D. Hall: Grrrr! Who was responsible for last night’s
monstrosity? He should be forced to apologize on the air, and then
be fired from the show, sterilized, and sent to live like an animal
in the sewers below Los Angeles for the rest of his life.

“Bart’s Comet”

Martin Crim: Tonight’s episode was an embarrassment and a
disappointment. If I were trying to get a friend hooked on The
Simpsons, I would never show them that episode. The plot was
extremely lame and contrived. There were a couple funny moments,
but that was all.

Joe Manfre: what the hell? I seem to remember when Simpsons episodes
had plots which related to rather than hopelessly contorting real
life. This continued in the recent trend of episodes being little
more than jokes barely strung together by a thin, unbelievable plot.



Kind of hard to put much faith in a list complied by 24 internet randos.
Well, they're not completely randos because they're motivated enough to post on a dedicated Simpsons enthusiast forum.

The big roadblock for me is that a number of these "worst ever" lists were compiled by people who haven't seen a significant number of the episodes from Season 13-25 that they're decrying. There are some half-decent eps that made that worst ever list simply due to lack of exposure. I've at least made a point of suffering through all of them once.

This one didn't make the cut for the site you linked to but it's always been my favorite because it shows I'm just as guilty as all of the examples you cited.

"Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily"

Edward Isabella: Does anyone else agree that there is something missing
this season? It seems like the voices are a bit different and that
the plot lines have a horrible "Critic"-esque quality. They just
aren't as good as the weekday reruns.

Dennis Miller: This evening's episode had its moments, but I found it
hard to laugh about child abuse and neglect. There are parents like
Marge's classmates. There are examples of case workers run amok.
The writers attempted to comment on how misplaced our enforcement of
child welfare laws are. I just had trouble finding it funny.

Ben Parrish: This was the first episode of The Simpsons where I didn't
even laugh once. Pretty sad.

Brad Lascelle: Grade: B. A strong effort by Jon Vitti that provides some
warmth, depth, and much-needed character development to a show which
has run short of story ideas. A little too sharp to the bone for
its own good on issues of religion and child neglect.
That last comment is one I wrote. And yet this ep would come close to ranking in my Top 50 of all-time now for both writing and animation direction. And was immediately followed by Bart Sells His Soul which is Top 10-worthy. There was a bit of group-think going on in alt.tv.simpsons in those days to decry the quality of the show during its peak that found a way to impact the way people were perceiving the show. Clearly time and perspective has changed that and Season 7 is now revered but back in 1995 you certainly wouldn't know it.


"Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily"

That last comment is one I wrote. And yet this ep would come close to ranking in my Top 50 of all-time now for both writing and animation direction. And was immediately followed by Bart Sells His Soul which is Top 10-worthy. There was a bit of group-think going on in alt.tv.simpsons in those days to decry the quality of the show during its peak that found a way to impact the way people were perceiving the show. Clearly time and perspective has changed that and Season 7 is now revered but back in 1995 you certainly wouldn't know it.

I actually agree. That episode has a lot of great moments but as someone who went through something similar to what was depicted, I didn't laugh that much. Hard to make that kind of subject matter funny I think.


That last comment is one I wrote. And yet this ep would come close to ranking in my Top 50 of all-time now for both writing and animation direction. And was immediately followed by Bart Sells His Soul which is Top 10-worthy. There was a bit of group-think going on in alt.tv.simpsons in those days to decry the quality of the show during its peak that found a way to impact the way people were perceiving the show. Clearly time and perspective has changed that and Season 7 is now revered but back in 1995 you certainly wouldn't know it.
Any other reviews of yours that you could dig up for us?


Any other reviews of yours that you could dig up for us?
'Fraid not. I was contributing to episode capsules back then but wasn't contributing much in the way of reviews.
Shame too as it's often fun to revisit stuff like that. Some of my Usenet posts in rec.games.video.misc back in 1993-94 are downright frightful.



"Bed goes up, bed goes down. Bed goes up, bed goes down."


"Cloud goes up, cloud goes down. Cloud goes up, cloud goes down."

'Fraid not. I was contributing to episode capsules back then but wasn't contributing much in the way of reviews.
Shame too as it's often fun to revisit stuff like that. Some of my Usenet posts in rec.games.video.misc back in 1993-94 are downright frightful.
Ahhh. Well then, can we see some of those Simpsons related posts of yours instead?

And I can only assume EmCeeGramr managed to find said game posts for his Usenet posts thread.


get some go again
The following schools are closed today; Shelbyville, Ogdenville, Ogdenville Tech, and Springfield Elementary... [Bart and Lisa gasp in surprise]...My Dear Watson Detective School. [Bart groans] And lastly, Springfield Elementary School...[Bart and Lisa cheer] …is open! [Bart and Lisa groan] And it's open season on savings at Springfield Menswear... which is closed.


There was a bit of group-think going on in alt.tv.simpsons in those days to decry the quality of the show during its peak that found a way to impact the way people were perceiving the show. Clearly time and perspective has changed that and Season 7 is now revered but back in 1995 you certainly wouldn't know it.
They wanted a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots.

And to win things by watching!

Chris R

So with the FXX stuff coming up anyone have a good list of things to DVR? I went through the first 6 or 7 seasons and grabbed a bunch but I know I'm probably missing some gems.


So with the FXX stuff coming up anyone have a good list of things to DVR? I went through the first 6 or 7 seasons and grabbed a bunch but I know I'm probably missing some gems.
Well, I'm not sure I would recommend that any of them get DVRed seeing how you'll have to deal with commercials and a zoomed-in screen that cuts out part of the original show footage (it's been confirmed by Al Jean that only the episodes on FXX will be cropped to 16:9 and that the Simpsons World app streams will be at the original 4:3 aspect ratio) but there are countless great episodes in those early seasons that will always be rewatch-worthy. I've watched a number of them easily several dozen times.

On the bright side, you'll be getting all of these episodes in their original aired format so if you haven't watched any of them on DVD and only via syndication reruns you'll probably see jokes and scenes you haven't seen in a long while.

The festivities kick off this Thursday at 10am so we're less than 72 hours away.


Well, I'm not sure I would recommend that any of them get DVRed seeing how you'll have to deal with commercials and a zoomed-in screen that cuts out part of the original show footage (it's been confirmed by Al Jean that only the episodes on FXX will be cropped to 16:9 and that the Simpsons World app streams will be at the original 4:3 aspect ratio) but there are countless great episodes in those early seasons that will always be rewatch-worthy. I've watched a number of them easily several dozen times.
I can only hope that he's true to his word once the classic episodes get the inevitable BD release. Why bother with Simpsons in HD when you won't be able to see about a quarter of the image?

I wonder how they're gonna deal with the later episodes when they started using digital colouring. Would they have to rescan the shows original drawings or use some supersampling technique? Or was the initial scan done at a higher resolution, as seen with Batman Beyond's BD release?

On the bright side, you'll be getting all of these episodes in their original aired format so if you haven't watched any of them on DVD and only via syndication reruns you'll probably see jokes and scenes you haven't seen in a long while.
Whenever I watch Simpsons with a friend of mine (who loves the show and grew up watching reruns of it), it's the DVD version and in almost every episode he's able to pick out jokes he didn't remember. It adds to the fun a little.

Chris R

That's a bummer about the cropping.

I'll just have to sit down with wikipedia open and go season by season recording the ones I remember from when I watched the show, along with a top 20 list or something from the seasons since I've stopped watching.


That's a bummer about the cropping.

I'll just have to sit down with wikipedia open and go season by season recording the ones I remember from when I watched the show, along with a top 20 list or something from the seasons since I've stopped watching.

Honestly it might be worth it to consider buying the DVDs for the good seasons. They're fairly inexpensive now and also come with commentary for every episode. The commentary alone made the purchase more than worth it for me.


Tweets pertaining to the FXX series marathon kicking off tomorrow morning will fall under the hashtag @EverySimpsons. You'll be able to track the folks pretending to kill themselves watching for 12 consecutive days who will actually be trading off with someone else.

Additionally, a Treehouse Of Horror marathon that will include ALL 24 of the annual THOH episodes will run on October 26th in advance of this year's newest incarnation that will air on FOX. So if you want to overdose on 12+ hours of Simpsons Halloween specials you'll have the chance. (Be advised that THOH XXII is an abomination.)


Tweets pertaining to the FXX series marathon kicking off tomorrow morning will fall under the hashtag @EverySimpsons. You'll be able to track the folks pretending to kill themselves watching for 12 consecutive days who will actually be trading off with someone else.

Additionally, a Treehouse Of Horror marathon that will include ALL 24 of the annual THOH episodes will run on October 26th in advance of this year's newest incarnation that will air on FOX. So if you want to overdose on 12+ hours of Simpsons Halloween specials you'll have the chance. (Be advised that THOH XXII is an abomination.)

I remember being stunned to see a Treehouse of Horror so high on that "most hated list". I figured the general absurdity of them would cause them to be held to lower standards. I couldn't figure out why it would be on the list and then..."Homer gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a paraplegic superhero that communicates via farts".


"After Bart started at school Marge asked if he wanted to read Curious George and the Ebola Virus, but he did not."


From May through July this year, the diehard fans over at the NoHomers.net forums (including yours truly) shared their picks on what they felt were the absolute worst Simpsons episodes from Season 13 onwards - the current run of Al Jean as showrunner.

Those lists were consolidated into the following ranked list of the worst episodes of the series in the post-9/11 era...

Al Jean responded to this list by tweeting the following relating to the awards/nominations these 50 episodes have racked up...

Goes to show that even the worst of modern era Simpsons gets recognized for awards.

Al Jean literally has no shame in him left.


Treehouse of Horror really went downhill when they started doing stories that were not horror in any way shape or form. I think the one with Lucy Lawless was the beginning of that trend.


From May through July this year, the diehard fans over at the NoHomers.net forums (including yours truly) shared their picks on what they felt were the absolute worst Simpsons episodes from Season 13 onwards - the current run of Al Jean as showrunner.

Those lists were consolidated into the following ranked list of the worst episodes of the series in the post-9/11 era...

How on Earth did they come up with a top 50 worst list that doesn't have this on it?

Marathon doesn't start for another hour here. I don't get it either. I live in Phoenix, so we switch time zones on Daylight Savings Time, so we're Mountain Time now, but we still seem to be operating on the ET/PT principle.


Marathon doesn't start for another hour here. I don't get it either. I live in Phoenix, so we switch time zones on Daylight Savings Time, so we're Mountain Time now, but we still seem to be operating on the ET/PT principle.
Okay, to anyone watching the marathon right now...what do the episodes look like in HD?


How on Earth did they come up with a top 50 worst list that doesn't have this on it?

Tim Long was still well-represented in the Worst Ever list covering Seasons 13-25 with 9 episodes to his name. Saddlesore Galactica would have easily made the cut as well had Season 11 been included.

It's a shame this man now has more episodes to his name aside from anyone not named John Swartzwelder. Saddlesore Galactica should have gotten him banned from the writing room.
Incidentally, there is ONE Tim Long-penned episode I would actually qualify as semi-decent... that being Skinner's Sense of Snow from Season 12.
Tim Long was still well-represented in the Worst Ever list covering Seasons 13-25 with 9 episodes to his name. Saddlesore Galactica would have easily made the cut as well had Season 11 been included.

It's a shame this man now has more episodes to his name aside from anyone not named John Swartzwelder. Saddlesore Galactica should have gotten him banned from the writing room.
Incidentally, there is ONE Tim Long-penned episode I would actually qualify as semi-decent... that being Skinner's Sense of Snow from Season 12.
Is that the one where the school is buried in snow? Fantastic episode.


Tim Long was still well-represented in the Worst Ever list covering Seasons 13-25 with 9 episodes to his name. Saddlesore Galactica would have easily made the cut as well had Season 11 been included.

It's a shame this man now has more episodes to his name aside from anyone not named John Swartzwelder. Saddlesore Galactica should have gotten him banned from the writing room.
Incidentally, there is ONE Tim Long-penned episode I would actually qualify as semi-decent... that being Skinner's Sense of Snow from Season 12.

Is that the one where the school is buried in snow? Fantastic episode.
"Underachiever and proud of it. How old is this thing?"

I love that line.
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